Sarah Palin Says White House Located At 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue


really, she was elected Govoner of a STATE with an 80% approval rating so many people evidently figured she did understand and she did more for Alaska than Obama and Biden tied together has done in their pathetic lives. Now look where your Dear Harvard edumacted Leader is sitting with the people almost a 70% DISAPPROVAL.
you're just a snob like a lot of the left/liberals

Uh, Palin resigned halfway through her first term becuase she was plagued by so many scandals.

Also, I think you really don't understand math if you think that 53% is almost 70%.

Until Palin the presidential election was never about the VP. But she scared the crap out of the left, smart, articulate and good looking. So they must do their best to destroy her.

No, making a bad VP pick is often the sign of a badly run campaign.

For instance, McGovern imploded after he picked Eagleton, who it turns out went in for Electric Shock Therapy at a time when that wasn't tell understood.

Now, I'm actually going to be fair to McCain. Palin isn't what did him in. Bush's failures on the war and the economy did.

But it was still an awful choice. This woman clearly had no idea how to play politics at the national level or knew much about national issues.

I'm going to go one further on Palin- When she was governor, she was actually a moderate to conservative, good government type. Her office took common sense positions on issues like Global Warming and Health Care reform.

But since she's thrown in with the teabaggers, that's when she's gone off the deep end. Give her credit for being able to monetize herself, but it's not adding to the national conversation.

really, she was elected Govoner of a STATE with an 80% approval rating so many people evidently figured she did understand and she did more for Alaska than Obama and Biden tied together has done in their pathetic lives. Now look where your Dear Harvard edumacted Leader is sitting with the people almost a 70% DISAPPROVAL.
you're just a snob like a lot of the left/liberals

Uh, Palin resigned halfway through her first term becuase she was plagued by so many scandals.

Also, I think you really don't understand math if you think that 53% is almost 70%.
Wrong. Palin spent 965 days in office. That would be 35 days shy of President Kennedy's 1000 days in office. As for Obama, he only served 147 days as a default jr senator before running for president with absolutely zero executive experience compared to Palin who was more qualified than both Obama and McCain.

really, she was elected Govoner of a STATE with an 80% approval rating so many people evidently figured she did understand and she did more for Alaska than Obama and Biden tied together has done in their pathetic lives. Now look where your Dear Harvard edumacted Leader is sitting with the people almost a 70% DISAPPROVAL.
you're just a snob like a lot of the left/liberals

Uh, Palin resigned halfway through her first term becuase she was plagued by so many scandals.

Also, I think you really don't understand math if you think that 53% is almost 70%.
Wrong. Palin spent 965 days in office. That would be 35 days shy of President Kennedy's 1000 days in office. As for Obama, he only served 147 days as a default jr senator before running for president with absolutely zero executive experience compared to Palin who was more qualified than both Obama and McCain.

I think your math is a little off buddy.

Palin resigned in July 2009. 2 1/2 years into a four year term. Or about halfway.

President Obama served four years as a Senator before winning higher office.

but, but, but... Obama!
I want to say one more thing about Palin.

Palin resigned her job to take money from Fox News and speaking fees.

That's a slap in the face to everyone who voted for her, campaigned for her, donated time and money to get her elected.

For that reason and that reason alone, she should be disregarded.
I want to say one more thing about Palin.

Palin resigned her job to take money from Fox News and speaking fees.

That's a slap in the face to everyone who voted for her, campaigned for her, donated time and money to get her elected.

For that reason and that reason alone, she should be disregarded.

really, she was elected Govoner of a STATE with an 80% approval rating so many people evidently figured she did understand and she did more for Alaska than Obama and Biden tied together has done in their pathetic lives. Now look where your Dear Harvard edumacted Leader is sitting with the people almost a 70% DISAPPROVAL.
you're just a snob like a lot of the left/liberals

Uh, Palin resigned halfway through her first term becuase she was plagued by so many scandals.

Also, I think you really don't understand math if you think that 53% is almost 70%.

yeah whatever you lived in Alaska so know it all
well at least CNN and ABC got it out there about Palin getting an address wrong, thank GAWD for us all

Still No Statement from White House on First Islamic Terrorist Beheading in U.S.

Rick Moran
September 27, 2014 - 4:14

It’s been 48 hours since Jah’Keem Yisrael — AKA Alton Noel — perpetrated a horrific terrorist attack on 54 year old co-worker Colleen Hufford, stabbing her repeatedly and then sawing her head off with a knife, and we have yet to hear any acknowledgment from President Obama of this worrisome incident.

Why not? All the elements of an Islamic act of terror are present: the savagery, the shouting of Islamic verses during the act, the stated determination to carry out jihad, and a fanatical belief in Islam that, in his mind, justified everything.
From a political standpoint, it’s a bad idea to bring attention to the attack. But we don’t pay presidents to do what is politically expedient. We pay them to lead. And leadership — so sorely lacking in this and many other incidences — is what President Obama is unable to give.
Instead, our president could be found, for the 198th time, playing golf today.

ALL of it here:
The PJ Tatler Still No Statement from White House on First Islamic Terrorist Beheading in U.S.

Until Palin the presidential election was never about the VP. But she scared the crap out of the left, smart, articulate and good looking. So they must do their best to destroy her.

No, making a bad VP pick is often the sign of a badly run campaign.

For instance, McGovern imploded after he picked Eagleton, who it turns out went in for Electric Shock Therapy at a time when that wasn't tell understood.

Now, I'm actually going to be fair to McCain. Palin isn't what did him in. Bush's failures on the war and the economy did.

But it was still an awful choice. This woman clearly had no idea how to play politics at the national level or knew much about national issues.

I'm going to go one further on Palin- When she was governor, she was actually a moderate to conservative, good government type. Her office took common sense positions on issues like Global Warming and Health Care reform.

But since she's thrown in with the teabaggers, that's when she's gone off the deep end. Give her credit for being able to monetize herself, but it's not adding to the national conversation.
well at least CNN and ABC got it out there about Palin getting an address wrong, thank GAWD for us all

Still No Statement from White House on First Islamic Terrorist Beheading in U.S.

Rick Moran
September 27, 2014 - 4:14

It’s been 48 hours since Jah’Keem Yisrael — AKA Alton Noel — perpetrated a horrific terrorist attack on 54 year old co-worker Colleen Hufford, stabbing her repeatedly and then sawing her head off with a knife, and we have yet to hear any acknowledgment from President Obama of this worrisome incident.

Why not? All the elements of an Islamic act of terror are present: the savagery, the shouting of Islamic verses during the act, the stated determination to carry out jihad, and a fanatical belief in Islam that, in his mind, justified everything.
From a political standpoint, it’s a bad idea to bring attention to the attack. But we don’t pay presidents to do what is politically expedient. We pay them to lead. And leadership — so sorely lacking in this and many other incidences — is what President Obama is unable to give.
Instead, our president could be found, for the 198th time, playing golf today.

ALL of it here:
The PJ Tatler Still No Statement from White House on First Islamic Terrorist Beheading in U.S.

What is easier to talk about? The very real threat of radical Islam? or Sarah palin's latest haridoo and/or gaffe?

Obama and his media collaborators love distractions.....
7 pages of comments on a misstatement by Plain, WOW is she powerful.

Palin is the gift that keeps on giving.

All because McCain's people didn't do a very good job at vetting a running mate.
I think that they thought that red state men would vote for her based in large part on :boobies: and they were correct to an extent. I remember when Righties were saying they'd vote for her based on how hawt she was :eusa_doh:

Coming from a subversive bitch that looks like something the cat threw up, that's historic!
7 pages of comments on a misstatement by Plain, WOW is she powerful.

Palin is the gift that keeps on giving.

All because McCain's people didn't do a very good job at vetting a running mate.
obama learned to be a pol in Chicago, so he wasn't vetted
obama was open about his racist, so not vetted
obamas resume, pfft, not vetted
his votting record
his pals

on and on
well at least CNN and ABC got it out there about Palin getting an address wrong, thank GAWD for us all

It’s been 48 hours since Jah’Keem Yisrael — AKA Alton Noel — perpetrated a horrific terrorist attack on 54 year old co-worker Colleen Hufford, stabbing her repeatedly and then sawing her head off with a knife, and we have yet to hear any acknowledgment from President Obama of this worrisome incident.

What is easier to talk about? The very real threat of radical Islam? or Sarah palin's latest haridoo and/or gaffe?

Obama and his media collaborators love distractions.....

again, why is this particular act of Workplace Violence any worse than the other 700 workplace homicides and 15,000 workplace assaults that happen every year in the US.

Oh. This guy was a MUSLIM!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
7 pages of comments on a misstatement by Plain, WOW is she powerful.

Palin is the gift that keeps on giving.

All because McCain's people didn't do a very good job at vetting a running mate.
obama learned to be a pol in Chicago, so he wasn't vetted
obama was open about his racist, so not vetted
obamas resume, pfft, not vetted
his votting record
his pals

on and on

Obama vetted?


The only time he attended Harvard Law was to show up for the class picture
obama learned to be a pol in Chicago, so he wasn't vetted
obama was open about his racist, so not vetted
obamas resume, pfft, not vetted
his votting record
his pals

on and on

Actually, Obama was vetted. He stood for election, and 69 million of his fellow Americans voted for him.

Even McCain's own people admitted Palin was a huge mistake.

So did Dick Cheney. Now if the guy who can't see what a fuckup the Iraq War was can still see what a big mistake Palin was, that's one huge ass mistake.

Dick Cheney picking Sarah Palin as running mate was mistake - Telegraph

Mr Cheney, who remains an influential figure in Republican circles, said he personally likes Mrs Palin, who was a first-term governor of Alaska when Arizona Senator McCain picked her as his running mate four years ago.

"I like Governor Palin. I've met her. I know her. She was an attractive candidate," he said.

"But based on her background – she had only been governor for what, two years? I don't think she passed that test ... of being ready to take over. And I think that was a – a mistake."
obama learned to be a pol in Chicago, so he wasn't vetted
obama was open about his racist, so not vetted
obamas resume, pfft, not vetted
his votting record
his pals

on and on

Actually, Obama was vetted. He stood for election, and 69 million of his fellow Americans voted for him.

Even McCain's own people admitted Palin was a huge mistake.

So did Dick Cheney. Now if the guy who can't see what a fuckup the Iraq War was can still see what a big mistake Palin was, that's one huge ass mistake.

Dick Cheney picking Sarah Palin as running mate was mistake - Telegraph

Mr Cheney, who remains an influential figure in Republican circles, said he personally likes Mrs Palin, who was a first-term governor of Alaska when Arizona Senator McCain picked her as his running mate four years ago.

"I like Governor Palin. I've met her. I know her. She was an attractive candidate," he said.

"But based on her background – she had only been governor for what, two years? I don't think she passed that test ... of being ready to take over. And I think that was a – a mistake."

Elected is not synonym for vetted
A lot of words to admit you liberals are wetting yourselves in fear of the possibility of a Palin presidency and a house-cleaning like she drove in Alaska where so many corrupt bastards woke up in prison!
well at least CNN and ABC got it out there about Palin getting an address wrong, thank GAWD for us all

Still No Statement from White House on First Islamic Terrorist Beheading in U.S.

Rick Moran
September 27, 2014 - 4:14

It’s been 48 hours since Jah’Keem Yisrael — AKA Alton Noel — perpetrated a horrific terrorist attack on 54 year old co-worker Colleen Hufford, stabbing her repeatedly and then sawing her head off with a knife, and we have yet to hear any acknowledgment from President Obama of this worrisome incident.

Why not? All the elements of an Islamic act of terror are present: the savagery, the shouting of Islamic verses during the act, the stated determination to carry out jihad, and a fanatical belief in Islam that, in his mind, justified everything.
From a political standpoint, it’s a bad idea to bring attention to the attack. But we don’t pay presidents to do what is politically expedient. We pay them to lead. And leadership — so sorely lacking in this and many other incidences — is what President Obama is unable to give.
Instead, our president could be found, for the 198th time, playing golf today.

ALL of it here:
The PJ Tatler Still No Statement from White House on First Islamic Terrorist Beheading in U.S.

What is easier to talk about? The very real threat of radical Islam? or Sarah palin's latest haridoo and/or gaffe?

Obama and his media collaborators love distractions.....

Hey! George Clooney got married, Chelsea had a baby, and Kimye pissed off all the fashionistas in Paris.

These are Important NEWS!
A lot of words to admit you liberals are wetting yourselves in fear of the possibility of a Palin presidency and a house-cleaning like she drove in Alaska where so many corrupt bastards woke up in prison!

Holder would look good in an orange jumpsuit

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