Sarah Palin Says White House Located At 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue


libtards act like children because they think like children

Paaaaa Paaaaaaaaa PALIN

Buuuuu Buuuuuuuuu BUUUUSH

Koooooooooo koooooo kooooo KOCH
To get to the White House, just take Obama's intercontinental railroad. You can even get there from the country of Europe. There is a special discount for Navy Corpsemen.

Palin has never made the amount of gaffes that Obama has made. By attempting to make Palin appear stupid, her critics are proving she is vastly intellectually superior to Obama.

The truth is that everyone makes mistakes. Getting an address wrong is a simple mistake compared to most of Obama's blunders.
57 STATES!!!!



They spew the same shit over and over and over and over and over about Palin and don't get tired of looking like fools...what can ya say

they needed someone to hate on the week hasn't been a good one for Democrats. I hope it continues to slide into the GUTTER
Tempest, meet teapot.

My god, how petty. She got the address wrong, big fucking deal. I've looked around the internet, and the left is going crazy with this story.
A Muslim has beheaded a woman in America's heartland and this is what the fruitcakes want to talk about.
Fucking unbelievable.

damned dirty Muslims...

Who this company hired knowing his criminal record and then fired without taking proper precautions.

libtards act like children because they think like children

Paaaaa Paaaaaaaaa PALIN

Buuuuu Buuuuuuuuu BUUUUSH

Koooooooooo koooooo kooooo KOCH
Can't link to it but she took a pic in front of 1400...hilarious! Our thin skinned gay President would have ordered the press to bury the faux pax along with liking your plan

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Obama told us about 57 states and about a navy corpseman Biden informed us that FDR went on tv to talk to the nation after the 1929 stock market crash and asked a man in a wheelchair to stand up so the people could see him. So the point of this thread would be what exactly? Surly it would not be to try and imply that only Republicans misspeak and say dumb things right?
Those aren't "woodies". They're just lumpy absorbative undergarments which help so much with their pissing themselves in fear over the growing chances of a Palin Presidency!

View attachment 32370

This post confirms two things. You aren't very bright, and you're also delusional.

Why yes, dearie!

They DO come in your size. XXL might be a bit snug so you might want to try the Moochelle size. But only six in a box, sweetie, as there are limits on the size package USPS will accept.


She is SOOOO GOOD at fucking with the POND SCUM!!!!

Before I start let me just say that I vote Republican and that I am a political conservative. Some of you pricks are going to assume otherwise, as you sometimes do when I say something. While it is true that I am not uptight about gays being allowed to legally insert their penises into other men's anal cavities, that I am not uptight about a woman being able to undo a mistake and thereby save a child from poverty and an unloving home, that I do not get on my knees to suck christ cock, and so on, I am a Republican. Also, despite my avatar I am not a homo. It is a humorous picture. I have children and have been married.

It is quite absurd that I must make such disclaimers and disclosures prior to publishing my thoughts. However, I have come to expect, in the very short time I have been here, a lot of knee-reaction where you dimwits jerk to your default positions upon encountering one or more buzz words, thereby saving yourselves the chore of having to engage in painful, time consuming critical analysis. In fact, I have already said more than I am intending to say in the substantive part of my comment. This comment is supposed to be about Sarah Palin. However, here I am at the end of my second paragraph and I have not even got to the topic of my post because I am still trying to avert attempts to blow past anything I say in your feeble attempts to discredit what I decide to say simply because you idiots think you detect a particular slant to what I am saying and, thereby, jump to the conclusion that I am of a particular political leaning and, thus, my thoughts are not valid, or that they are of dubious legitimacy. So, before you fuckers knee-jerk-off, think about how it makes you look: like ignorant shit heads who lack the substance to thoughtfully consider and contemplate a particular matter.

Now, to the subject of Sarah Palin. I did not like this woman from the time I first learned who she is, which admittedly was when McCain picked her as his running mate in 2007. She is just not that smart. She cannot think on her feet. She cannot keep a running stream of bullshit going like a good politician can. Her family is white trash. I hate her whole affect when she talks. The only redeemable thing about her is that she is fuckworthy. I am not going to go into specific examples to support my assertion that she is an idiot. We all know these examples. As a republican, I tire of the damage being done by constantly having this moron associated with our party.

Now to the main point of my post. If you are like me and you hate the idiot Sarah Palin but you like the woman Sarah Palin, check out the films "Who's Nailin' Palin" and "Who's Nailin' Palin 2". In the first scene of the first movie you see Gov. Palin having an international summit with 2 officers of the Russian Army. In less than a couple minutes she is on her knees in front of them, servicing them both. What follows is an arousing act of detente that finally erupts in a dual gushing of perestroika all over Sarah's face. But that is not all. Sarah spreads her particular brand of politic to others. Then, in Part 2, Sarah conquers the race issue by engaging with a black man, one in one. He puts her through the ringer, unleashing generations of pent up racial anguish, and Sarah gladly takes it in...every inch of it, until there is finally a massive emancipation of sperm all over Sarah's face.

I definitely give both of these 2 films 2 erect thumbs up! I first viewed Part 1 in a hotel. I liked it so much that I bought a copy. Of course I bought Part 2 when it came out.

If you want to enjoy Sarah Palin, then check out these films. Even if you do not like her politics you are going to like this. Check it out.

It's a shame they took away our NEGS when a post as stupid as this is posted, and this new guy is usually on the ball, which he dropped here, and it burst all over himself! What the fuck does a PORN MOVIE with a Palin lookalike have to do with anything? If this was SARCASM, you should, at least, use a sarcasm smilie!

Hey, man, I am just trying to bring everyone together with a way that everyone can enjoy Sarah Palin. When I hear her talking I just imagine her on her knees in front of those Russian soldiers and all of my negative feelings toward her evaporate.

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