Sarah Palin Says White House Located At 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue

A lot of words to admit you liberals are wetting yourselves in fear of the possibility of a Palin presidency and a house-cleaning like she drove in Alaska where so many corrupt bastards woke up in prison!

Holder would look good in an orange jumpsuit

I prefer the classic black and white striped look for him.
A lot of words to admit you liberals are wetting yourselves in fear of the possibility of a Palin presidency and a house-cleaning like she drove in Alaska where so many corrupt bastards woke up in prison!

Holder would look good in an orange jumpsuit

I prefer the classic black and white striped look for him.

Now don't ya just know they're gonna spin that as racist?

Isn't everything?
obama learned to be a pol in Chicago, so he wasn't vetted
obama was open about his racist, so not vetted
obamas resume, pfft, not vetted
his votting record
his pals

on and on

Actually, Obama was vetted. He stood for election, and 69 million of his fellow Americans voted for him.

Even McCain's own people admitted Palin was a huge mistake.

So did Dick Cheney. Now if the guy who can't see what a fuckup the Iraq War was can still see what a big mistake Palin was, that's one huge ass mistake.

Dick Cheney picking Sarah Palin as running mate was mistake - Telegraph

Mr Cheney, who remains an influential figure in Republican circles, said he personally likes Mrs Palin, who was a first-term governor of Alaska when Arizona Senator McCain picked her as his running mate four years ago.

"I like Governor Palin. I've met her. I know her. She was an attractive candidate," he said.

"But based on her background – she had only been governor for what, two years? I don't think she passed that test ... of being ready to take over. And I think that was a – a mistake."
I'm embarrassed for @CrusaderFrank :redface:
A lot of words to admit you liberals are wetting yourselves in fear of the possibility of a Palin presidency and a house-cleaning like she drove in Alaska where so many corrupt bastards woke up in prison!

Really? Name all the people Palin personally put in prison.

List of names, please.

what the hell are you babbling about? dear gawd you do go on and on and on

Elected is not synonym for vetted

Actually, it kind of is. You guys have years to ask all these questions about Birth Certificates and Bill Ayers and all the other stuff you get upset about but most normal people don't.
yep ;)

Really? Name all the people Palin personally put in prison.

List of names, please.

There you go again demanding others do your work for you!

Shall I send you my rate card by PM? Remember, I don't accept checks, credit cards or Obamabucks - only Euros of Swiss Francs.

So you don't actually have anything, then?

OK, I like to send the right version of my rate card so I'll be happy to PM you one as soon as you tell me what your first language is. No point in your having to work harder than necessary. But until I get payment you get nothing but a grin from me.

OK, I like to send the right version of my rate card so I'll be happy to PM you one as soon as you tell me what your first language is. No point in your having to work harder than necessary. But until I get payment you get nothing but a grin from me.

Guy, you made a claim that Palin sent a bunch of people to prison in the less than three years she was governor.

Name them.

Simple enough.

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