Sarah Palin Tops Poll Of Women Americans Want To Run For President

The Democrats were keeping the Governor of Alaska in Court on frivolous Lawsuits and was costing the State of Alaska a fortune while keeping the Governor from the job the Alaskan People elected her to do. She did the right thing for the people of Alaska. If the lawsuits were not totally political and based on false charges, why did they stop as soon as she resigned?

You Democrats are truely the lowest examples of the human race, totally scum!
He quit eh? That's interesting since he didn't, until he resigned to become President since you can't hold two government positions at one time and another person needed to take over. As for the rest of your nonsense, I'll ignore it.

yeah, you on the left don't mind paying someone's salary while they campaign for another job on your dime..
Palin didn't do that so she must be hated for it I guess
you are as small as the rest...go bow to the Democrats
Who do you think was paying her while she ran with McCain? The state of Alaska, that's who. Mushing on...

Ass, you mean Biden wasn't getting paid by Del.?....Damn, you are one idiot that just leaves huge openings to slap you around!
Palin beat out a good ole boy entrenched Republican with an 80% approval rating

something none of your Democrats and even your dear leader will ever dream of seeing

but you go vote them anyway...they are brilliant in your taxpayer sucking politicians making a living off YOU sheep

I LMAO at you all
The Democrats were keeping the Governor of Alaska in Court on frivolous Lawsuits and was costing the State of Alaska a fortune while keeping the Governor from the job the Alaskan People elected her to do. She did the right thing for the people of Alaska. If the lawsuits were not totally political and based on false charges, why did they stop as soon as she resigned?

You Democrats are truely the lowest examples of the human race, totally scum!
She did the right thing for Sarah and her bank account. Sarah always does because Sarah is her only real concern.
That would be entertaining, but if she wins I'd be ashamed of the US.

This is a serious question.

You said "if she wins" as though it were a possibility.

Was that simply a casual manner of speech that you chose as thoughtless filler to get to the point that you wanted to make? You know....that a Palin presidency would be humiliating?

Or....are you a person who, after observing the woman for the past 6 years, honestly believes that she has any chance.....any at all....of becoming the CIC?
There's always a chance that she might win. She's an idiot, but so are enough Americans, considering that fact that she was elected governor.

Idiots? Like the idiots who keep voting for Democrats? You make me want to puke!
There's always a chance that she might win. She's an idiot, but so are enough Americans, considering that fact that she was elected governor.

You're right, look at the piece of human debris that America voted in twice, a doper, socialist/communist, DOG EATER, raised as such, by other socialist/communists!
Besides that how do you like him?

Probably at about 250 degrees and medium rare!
yeah, you on the left don't mind paying someone's salary while they campaign for another job on your dime..
Palin didn't do that so she must be hated for it I guess
you are as small as the rest...go bow to the Democrats
Who do you think was paying her while she ran with McCain? The state of Alaska, that's who. Mushing on...

Ass, you mean Biden wasn't getting paid by Del.?....Damn, you are one idiot that just leaves huge openings to slap you around!
I'm not the one who thought Palin wasn't being paid by US citizens when she ran for VP.

You sure like to pat yourself on the back a lot...
Something to say? I ad-block images.

Did you know Obama is just a man? Did you know water is wet? Did you know man walked on the moon? Shall I continue?

Liberals are such cowards, They can't stand when they get someone to throw the shit back in their face. Thank whoever that a huge majority of them, aren't patriots, and protecting this country in our military!....If they were, Putin would say "BOO" and they'd B. Insane has!
I thought you wanted to present "truths"? Those don't make the cut.

To little cowards, they hit home, that's why they complain.
At least Palin can pronounce CORPSMAN...She had a son serving in Iraq while she was governor and running for Vice President

you all put in this disgrace in as President and think yourselves more intelligent and Palin is stupid...

[ame=]Obama can't pronounce "corpsman" - YouTube[/ame]
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Liberals are such cowards, They can't stand when they get someone to throw the shit back in their face. Thank whoever that a huge majority of them, aren't patriots, and protecting this country in our military!....If they were, Putin would say "BOO" and they'd B. Insane has!
I thought you wanted to present "truths"? Those don't make the cut.

To little cowards, they hit home, that's why they complain.
That's a statement, not a complaint. What an ego you have, and so undeserved.
The Democrats were keeping the Governor of Alaska in Court on frivolous Lawsuits and was costing the State of Alaska a fortune while keeping the Governor from the job the Alaskan People elected her to do. She did the right thing for the people of Alaska. If the lawsuits were not totally political and based on false charges, why did they stop as soon as she resigned?

You Democrats are truely the lowest examples of the human race, totally scum!
She did the right thing for Sarah and her bank account. Sarah always does because Sarah is her only real concern.

Who do you think was paying her while she ran with McCain? The state of Alaska, that's who. Mushing on...

Ass, you mean Biden wasn't getting paid by Del.?....Damn, you are one idiot that just leaves huge openings to slap you around!
I'm not the one who thought Palin wasn't being paid by US citizens when she ran for VP.

You sure like to pat yourself on the back a lot...

I deserve it as do the other good folk in here throwing your shit back at you!
Ass, you mean Biden wasn't getting paid by Del.?....Damn, you are one idiot that just leaves huge openings to slap you around!
I'm not the one who thought Palin wasn't being paid by US citizens when she ran for VP.

You sure like to pat yourself on the back a lot...

I deserve it as do the other good folk in here throwing your shit back at you!
You and your little buddies do throw your poop around a lot, but that's to be expected of lower humanoids.
Besides that how do you like him?

Probably at about 250 degrees and medium rare!
Your cannibalism is noted.

Two cannibals are eating a circus clown when one of them turns to the other and says, "This tastes funny"...

You asked how I'd like him, not if I ate him, you ALWAYS fuck up...YOU are my entertainment! Keep shooting from the hip, PMH....Hmmm, you must be related to PMS, same shitty attitude!
This is a serious question.

You said "if she wins" as though it were a possibility.

Was that simply a casual manner of speech that you chose as thoughtless filler to get to the point that you wanted to make? You know....that a Palin presidency would be humiliating?

Or....are you a person who, after observing the woman for the past 6 years, honestly believes that she has any chance.....any at all....of becoming the CIC?
There's always a chance that she might win. She's an idiot, but so are enough Americans, considering that fact that she was elected governor.

Let me guess you voted for Obama?

I did not vote, because I live in Europe. Romney and Obama were both good candidates. If I were American I would probably have voted Romney . But the thing is that I will never vote for some idiot like Palin or Cruz.
Probably at about 250 degrees and medium rare!
Your cannibalism is noted.

Two cannibals are eating a circus clown when one of them turns to the other and says, "This tastes funny"...

You asked how I'd like him, not if I ate him, you ALWAYS fuck up...YOU are my entertainment! Keep shooting from the hip, PMH....Hmmm, you must be related to PMS, same shitty attitude!
Boy, you are young. Okay, moving on...
I'm not the one who thought Palin wasn't being paid by US citizens when she ran for VP.

You sure like to pat yourself on the back a lot...

I deserve it as do the other good folk in here throwing your shit back at you!
You and your little buddies do throw your poop around a lot, but that's to be expected of lower humanoids.

Yes, we are humanoids, too bad, you and your little subversives never made that stage!

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