Sarah Palin Tops Poll Of Women Americans Want To Run For President

Palin is perhaps the most unfairly maligned politician ever. What exact do they keep hitting her over the head with? That she didn't name a newspaper she reads? So what? How many on this board read a newspaper everyday? That she quit as a very successful governor? Only those who voted for her should be upset. As Obama, Hillary and Kerry has shown people quit jobs everyday. That she has been very successful in a post governor career? That her on daughter got pregnant? That she had a downs syndrome child instead of an abortion? That she said the truth about seeing Russia from Alaska?

The democrats certainly tried to get something on her but failed in anything important so they are stuck trying to make what they say is important, important. It is almost pathetic to watch them demonize another person. when all they have is BS. Really what I think it is, is that she is or was a middle class woman that did well for herself and family. McCain and his handlers made a good choice they just screwed it up by not preparing Palin very well. I seriously doubt any middle class woman could be thrust into the lime light as she was and do a whole lot better. Besides, unlike most liberals women, she is easy on the eyes.
Oh please McCain picked her simply because she was female. He had to compete with a popular black candidate. Little did he know she would end up being a train wreck. Hillary is the woman that will shake up this election. She has a solid chance of being president.

You must have ate paint chips as a child....Not only is she intelligent she was far better suited then McCain and most definitely more then Biden. Don't let those truths stop you from being so ignorant you cant tell the difference form reality and a Saturday Night Live sketch.

You people kill me. :lol:

There's no wonder the Republican Party is falling apart. When was the last time republican approval ratings were above 25%?

lol, sit, lay down, bark for the Democrat party
fetch a bone, become their clown jester
child you should talk...speaking of dumb and not being taken serious..Look how you post about a woman who was a candidate for Vice President of this country

you left have the war on women...unless it's for abortion and they have a D next to their are a trained sheep vomiting all over us

Oh please McCain picked her simply because she was female. He had to compete with a popular black candidate. Little did he know she would end up being a train wreck. Hillary is the woman that will shake up this election. She has a solid chance of being president.

Oh please look a big enough fool as it is.
come back when you become a Governor of a state

So you think this women isn't mentally ill and she deserves to be President?
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You must have ate paint chips as a child....Not only is she intelligent she was far better suited then McCain and most definitely more then Biden. Don't let those truths stop you from being so ignorant you cant tell the difference form reality and a Saturday Night Live sketch.

You people kill me. :lol:

There's no wonder the Republican Party is falling apart. When was the last time republican approval ratings were above 25%?

lol, sit, lay down, bark for the Democrat party
fetch a bone, become their clown jester

Well anything is better than being affiliated with republicans.
You people kill me. :lol:

There's no wonder the Republican Party is falling apart. When was the last time republican approval ratings were above 25%?

lol, sit, lay down, bark for the Democrat party
fetch a bone, become their clown jester

Well anything is better than being affiliated with republicans.

You really think we care here don't you who you are affiliated with
democrats only care for you as a useful subject, tool..and you live up to it
Oh please McCain picked her simply because she was female. He had to compete with a popular black candidate. Little did he know she would end up being a train wreck. Hillary is the woman that will shake up this election. She has a solid chance of being president.

Oh please look a big enough fool as it is.
come back when you become a Governor of a state

So you think this women isn't mentally ill and she deserves to be President?

Religious bigotry on your part does not mean SHE is mentally ill. I know you folks like your religious people to be like Obama a pretender, hypocrites.
lol, sit, lay down, bark for the Democrat party
fetch a bone, become their clown jester

Well anything is better than being affiliated with republicans.

You really think we care here don't you who you are affiliated with
democrats only care for you as a useful subject, tool..and you live up to it

No matter how bad the Republicans become or have become it is much better to be affiliated with the party that freed the slaves then the one that kept them all in chains.
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Well anything is better than being affiliated with republicans.

You really think we care here don't you who you are affiliated with
democrats only care for you as a useful subject, tool..and you live up to it

No matter how badly the Republicans become or have become it is much better to be affiliated with the party that freed the slaves then the one that kept them all in chains.

what's sad is they didn't even need to use a whip...they flash money in front of them and they have gone willingly into slavery for them...
Well anything is better than being affiliated with republicans.

You really think we care here don't you who you are affiliated with
democrats only care for you as a useful subject, tool..and you live up to it

No matter how badly the Republicans become or have become it is much better to be affiliated with the party that freed the slaves then the one that kept them all in chains.

Outstanding post!
Neither. She served out a term, and resigned. They do that sometimes, unlike Palin who quit in the middle of her term after she lost.

Palin served 965 days as governor....some 35 days shy of the 1000 days President Kennedy served. Obama with no executive experience served just 147 days in the Senate before he quit to run for president. America made a serious mistake twice electing him with the help of massive voter fraud and the media's refusal to vet him. We are now paying the price for it. Palin will be a blessing as president.
He quit eh? That's interesting since he didn't, until he resigned to become President since you can't hold two government positions at one time and another person needed to take over. As for the rest of your nonsense, I'll ignore it.

yeah, you on the left don't mind paying someone's salary while they campaign for another job on your dime..
Palin didn't do that so she must be hated for it I guess
you are as small as the rest...go bow to the Democrats
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Palin served 965 days as governor....some 35 days shy of the 1000 days President Kennedy served. Obama with no executive experience served just 147 days in the Senate before he quit to run for president. America made a serious mistake twice electing him with the help of massive voter fraud and the media's refusal to vet him. We are now paying the price for it. Palin will be a blessing as president.
He quit eh? That's interesting since he didn't, until he resigned to become President since you can't hold two government positions at one time and another person needed to take over. As for the rest of your nonsense, I'll ignore it.

yeah, you on the left don't mind paying someone's salary while they campaign for another job on your dime..
Palin didn't do that so she must be hated for it I guess
you are as small as the rest...go bow to the Democrats
Who do you think was paying her while she ran with McCain? The state of Alaska, that's who. Mushing on...
Yo, Vigilante.....

I would like you to know that, in spite of your best effort, you just aren't expressing yourself in a witty nanner here. There are some funny nutters posting here. You are not one of them. You'd be better off just posting straight. You don't have "it".

You are welcome.

I don't post to be a funny nutter, I'm here to entertain myself.... The bad part for most liberals is that I succeed!

Must suck for you liberals to even try!
That would be entertaining, but if she wins I'd be ashamed of the US.

This is a serious question.

You said "if she wins" as though it were a possibility.

Was that simply a casual manner of speech that you chose as thoughtless filler to get to the point that you wanted to make? You know....that a Palin presidency would be humiliating?

Or....are you a person who, after observing the woman for the past 6 years, honestly believes that she has any chance.....any at all....of becoming the CIC?
There's always a chance that she might win. She's an idiot, but so are enough Americans, considering that fact that she was elected governor.
Funny, that's what I think about you, only I'm correct.

Something to say? I ad-block images.

Did you know Obama is just a man? Did you know water is wet? Did you know man walked on the moon? Shall I continue?

Liberals are such cowards, They can't stand when they get someone to throw the shit back in their face. Thank whoever that a huge majority of them, aren't patriots, and protecting this country in our military!....If they were, Putin would say "BOO" and they'd B. Insane has!
That would be entertaining, but if she wins I'd be ashamed of the US.

This is a serious question.

You said "if she wins" as though it were a possibility.

Was that simply a casual manner of speech that you chose as thoughtless filler to get to the point that you wanted to make? You know....that a Palin presidency would be humiliating?

Or....are you a person who, after observing the woman for the past 6 years, honestly believes that she has any chance.....any at all....of becoming the CIC?
There's always a chance that she might win. She's an idiot, but so are enough Americans, considering that fact that she was elected governor.
Very, very doubtful. Based on the polling she couldn't get elected in Alaska let alone in the rest of the nation.
That would be entertaining, but if she wins I'd be ashamed of the US.

This is a serious question.

You said "if she wins" as though it were a possibility.

Was that simply a casual manner of speech that you chose as thoughtless filler to get to the point that you wanted to make? You know....that a Palin presidency would be humiliating?

Or....are you a person who, after observing the woman for the past 6 years, honestly believes that she has any chance.....any at all....of becoming the CIC?
There's always a chance that she might win. She's an idiot, but so are enough Americans, considering that fact that she was elected governor.

Let me guess you voted for Obama?
That would be entertaining, but if she wins I'd be ashamed of the US.

This is a serious question.

You said "if she wins" as though it were a possibility.

Was that simply a casual manner of speech that you chose as thoughtless filler to get to the point that you wanted to make? You know....that a Palin presidency would be humiliating?

Or....are you a person who, after observing the woman for the past 6 years, honestly believes that she has any chance.....any at all....of becoming the CIC?
There's always a chance that she might win. She's an idiot, but so are enough Americans, considering that fact that she was elected governor.

You're right, look at the piece of human debris that America voted in twice, a doper, socialist/communist, DOG EATER, raised as such, by other socialist/communists!
This is a serious question.

You said "if she wins" as though it were a possibility.

Was that simply a casual manner of speech that you chose as thoughtless filler to get to the point that you wanted to make? You know....that a Palin presidency would be humiliating?

Or....are you a person who, after observing the woman for the past 6 years, honestly believes that she has any chance.....any at all....of becoming the CIC?
There's always a chance that she might win. She's an idiot, but so are enough Americans, considering that fact that she was elected governor.

You're right, look at the piece of human debris that America voted in twice, a doper, socialist/communist, DOG EATER, raised as such, by other socialist/communists!
Besides that how do you like him?
Something to say? I ad-block images.

Did you know Obama is just a man? Did you know water is wet? Did you know man walked on the moon? Shall I continue?

Liberals are such cowards, They can't stand when they get someone to throw the shit back in their face. Thank whoever that a huge majority of them, aren't patriots, and protecting this country in our military!....If they were, Putin would say "BOO" and they'd B. Insane has!
I thought you wanted to present "truths"? Those don't make the cut.

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