Sarah Palin with an S instead of $

Wow I would hate to see what a bashing thread would be like as for people in public office who aren't very
intelligent and knowledgeable maybe we should focus our attention on those like that who are already there.
The post is an example of the radical left's war on successful women. Why bring up the losing vice president candidate four years after the election? The only logical reason is that the sissie left supports and defends freakazoid fake cross gender "women" but they hate and fear real females.

Okay, so you disagree with the GObP/CPAC who tapped her for a speaker. Are you saying the GObP/CPAC are "sissies" and that Palin is a "freakazoid"?

In point of fact, it is the GObP/Republicans who are bringing up the losers and performing an autopsy. Are you saying we should all turn our heads so we don't see the ugly parts?

Whether you like it or not, she has been a serious player since she and the Old Fart lost the election. Instead of just putting her down as a failure, I would think that you, as a deaf and dumb rw'er would be singing her praises. Very telling that you have chosen instead, to denigrate her. And, very telling that you apparently don't see how ill served she was by YOUR heroes.

Whatever, thanks for your opinion that proves what they say about assholes.

Does this mean you don't want to weigh in on the question of what would be an appropriate job for her?
NOT a bashing thread ...

We all watched the show she put on at CPAC and the expected and ineffectual attack on the president as well as her attack on Karl Rove.

I was just watching Chris Mathews who always speaks well of her showmanship, of her ability to own the stage and the crowd. He said he believes that's why she failed at Fox - that genre does not allow her to be the personality that she is and that is part and parcel of her charm and attraction to the right.

My own opinion is that she was screwed over by the McCain campaign. They threw her to the wolves without ever vetting her. She was already on the stage and in front of the people by the time they learned she really doesn't know much.


[ame=]Sarah Palin: Portent Of Doom (funny scene from Game Change) - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]It`s Game Over For Sarah Palin - YouTube[/ame]​
She's just an opportunist that will do anything for a pay check. Even fox knows she's an idiot that says something stupid every time she opens her mouth.

Maybe so should go back to Alaska and finish her term that she walked away from.

If liberals hadn't filed so many frivolous lawsuits against her she would have been happy to finish her term
[ame=]Newt Gingrich Defends Palin Over Obama - YouTube[/ame]
NOT a bashing thread ...

We all watched the show she put on at CPAC and the expected and ineffectual attack on the president as well as her attack on Karl Rove.

I was just watching Chris Mathews who always speaks well of her showmanship, of her ability to own the stage and the crowd. He said he believes that's why she failed at Fox - that genre does not allow her to be the personality that she is and that is part and parcel of her charm and attraction to the right.

My own opinion is that she was screwed over by the McCain campaign. They threw her to the wolves without ever vetting her. She was already on the stage and in front of the people by the time they learned she really doesn't know much.


[ame=]Sarah Palin: Portent Of Doom (funny scene from Game Change) - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]It`s Game Over For Sarah Palin - YouTube[/ame]​

What is even more frightening is those who still support her
BTW, how is Bristol paying for her young, boy bastard?

I'm 99.9% sure it's not with taxpayer money so why the fuck do you care?

Why the fuck do I care?

Because a daughter of a major figure in the Party of Family Values spewed out a boy bastard from her vagina that she allowed Levi Johnston to penetrate despite a lifetime of growing up in a conservative Christian household, and the hypocrisy disgusts me, that's why.

Bristol would clearly have been better off raised by the Clintons, whose daughter Chelsea is a fantastic, well-educated and erudite, young woman. Meanwhile, Bristol is already waddling around in her fat mom stage of life, coddling her young boy bastard in her forearm fat.

The Palins are a white trash joke.
BTW, how is Bristol paying for her young, boy bastard?

I'm 99.9% sure it's not with taxpayer money so why the fuck do you care?

Why the fuck do I care?

Because a daughter of a major figure in the Party of Family Values spewed out a boy bastard from her vagina that she allowed Levi Johnston to penetrate despite a lifetime of growing up in a conservative Christian household, and the hypocrisy disgusts me, that's why.

Bristol would clearly have been better off raised by the Clintons, whose daughter Chelsea is a fantastic, well-educated and erudite, young woman. Meanwhile, Bristol is already waddling around in her fat mom stage of life, coddling her young boy bastard in her forearm fat.

The Palins are a white trash joke.

^ Liberal Intellectual Elite
Is there a place in public life for Sarah?

Of course there is. She has found her place, drinking Big Gulps and entertaining the far Right wackos! Her mere existance on the national stage defines her audiance, and marginalizes their dignity and relavence! Every time she makes an appearance, we are reminded of who were are, and who were are not, just like George Wallace did, when he ran for president.
LOLobotomyliberals are so fucking funny!!!

Tina Fey =/= Sarah Palin

Julianne Moore =/= Sarah Palin
Palin can work a crowd and she is not as godawful boring as most conservative speakers

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