Sarah Palins Policy Record As Governor Is Proof She Would Make A Fine President

Sarah Palin is the idiot failed governor who took a welfare state supported by the rest of us that produced OIL and ran a deficient that is now over 2 billion.

Alaska state budget (2008-2009) - Ballotpedia

Your post is a fucking lie.

Here are some true facts that you liberals do not know or refuse to learn.

Governor Murkowski’s last budget FY2007: $11,697,400,000

Governor Palin’s latest budget FY2010: $10,570,000,000

Total reduction in spending between 2007 and 2010: a whopping 9.5% or $1,127,400,000

A general rule of thumb for both liberal and conservative administrations is to claim that they may reasonably increase spending every year at a rate of 2% to 3% because of inflation and that should not count against them as increased spending. Even if we use the low end of inflation at 2%, Governor Palin’s budget could have been (without calling it a spending increase): $12,413,374,459.20

Of course, the budget is not $12.4 billion; it is actually $10.57 billion. In other words, she cut spending.

When Governor Palin set out to cut Alaska’s dependence on government funds, she was serious!

Check out these numbers:

FFY07- Murkowski’s federal requests total: 63 projects @ $349,497,000

In 2008, Governor Palin vetoed more than a quarter billion in superfluous spending:

FFY10- Governor Palin’s federal requests total: 8 projects @ $69,100,000

That was a gigantic 80% drop in federal requests by the Alaska governor’s office.

Not only did Governor Palin drop the federal requests for money by 80%, she was also slowly chipping away at these numbers since the beginning of her administration.

FFY2007- Gov. Murkowski 63 projects at $349,497,000

FFY08- Gov. Palin 52 projects at $256,037,000

FFY09- Gov. Palin 31 projects at $195,094,900

FFY10- Gov. Palin: 8 projects @ $69,100,000

Palin left Alaska with an improved credit rating during and following her tenure as governor. Standard & Poor’s raised Alaska’s credit rating from AA to AA+ in April 2008.

Then in 2010, both Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s upgraded Alaska to AAA for the first time in the state’s history due to policies enacted by Palin that made the state’s finances more than solvent.

During Sarah Palin’s tenure as governor,
• Alaska ranked 4th in the nation in GDP growth.
• Alaska ranked 4th in the nation in per capita GDP growth.
• Per capita GDP grew $5,251 ($2,100 per year) more in Alaska than in the nation.
• Alaska’s economy grew 2.79% faster per year than the U.S. economy.

Here is what she did with the oil business. In 2006, then Gov. Frank Murkowski, a Republican, proposed changing the state's tax on oil from a gross-revenue to a net-revenue basis. Instead of creaming 10% off the top -- which was how the mature oil fields were taxed -- Mr. Murkowski pushed to tax oil companies on their profits only, at a rate of 22.5%. The change in tax regime was meant to encourage investment in and development of new fields.

In effect, the state would become the oil companies' development partner. It would participate in the upside of oil and gas exploration, but only after the companies had recovered the enormous upfront costs of drilling new wells. Mr. Murkowski's plan turned into a disaster. It depended much on trust, but it lacked the transparency and predictability needed to win public confidence. One year after it went into effect, the Petroleum Profits Tax brought in far less revenue than expected and the state suffered a revenue crunch. As a new governor in 2007, Mrs. Palin stepped in to address the fiscal crisis and restore accountability. Working with Democrats and Republicans alike, she chose a 25% profits tax. But in lean years the state reverts to a 10% gross revenue tax on legacy fields that do not require massive continuing inputs of new capital.

Governor Palin's plan was called "Alaska's Clear and Equitable Share" (ACES) which improves incentives for developing new resources. It ensures the state does well in boom times. Palin got Alaskans a extra $1,200 check as a share of the oil bonanza that ensued. It came in addition to the approximately $2,000 every Alaskan received as a dividend from the Permanent Fund, which was established by state constitutional amendment in 1976 as a way of sharing the state's mineral wealth with the people. To this day, a direct share in oil profits for every citizen is the ultimate incentive for more drilling. That's why in Alaska drilling for oil seems almost universally popular, while other states are drill-phobic. Under Palin, The number of oil companies filling taxes with the state of Alaska doubled between 2006 and 2009. This includes a number of independent and foreign oil companies and in addition, natural resources and logging jobs increased 13.7% during Governor Palin’s tenure according to Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development data. In closing, you are a liar.
Then please, nominate her!
Sarah Palin is the idiot failed governor who took a welfare state supported by the rest of us that produced OIL and ran a deficient that is now over 2 billion.

Alaska state budget (2008-2009) - Ballotpedia

Your post is a fucking lie.

Here are some true facts that you liberals do not know or refuse to learn.

Governor Murkowski’s last budget FY2007: $11,697,400,000

Governor Palin’s latest budget FY2010: $10,570,000,000

Total reduction in spending between 2007 and 2010: a whopping 9.5% or $1,127,400,000

A general rule of thumb for both liberal and conservative administrations is to claim that they may reasonably increase spending every year at a rate of 2% to 3% because of inflation and that should not count against them as increased spending. Even if we use the low end of inflation at 2%, Governor Palin’s budget could have been (without calling it a spending increase): $12,413,374,459.20

Of course, the budget is not $12.4 billion; it is actually $10.57 billion. In other words, she cut spending.

When Governor Palin set out to cut Alaska’s dependence on government funds, she was serious!

Check out these numbers:

FFY07- Murkowski’s federal requests total: 63 projects @ $349,497,000

In 2008, Governor Palin vetoed more than a quarter billion in superfluous spending:

FFY10- Governor Palin’s federal requests total: 8 projects @ $69,100,000

That was a gigantic 80% drop in federal requests by the Alaska governor’s office.

Not only did Governor Palin drop the federal requests for money by 80%, she was also slowly chipping away at these numbers since the beginning of her administration.

FFY2007- Gov. Murkowski 63 projects at $349,497,000

FFY08- Gov. Palin 52 projects at $256,037,000

FFY09- Gov. Palin 31 projects at $195,094,900

FFY10- Gov. Palin: 8 projects @ $69,100,000

Palin left Alaska with an improved credit rating during and following her tenure as governor. Standard & Poor’s raised Alaska’s credit rating from AA to AA+ in April 2008.

Then in 2010, both Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s upgraded Alaska to AAA for the first time in the state’s history due to policies enacted by Palin that made the state’s finances more than solvent.

During Sarah Palin’s tenure as governor,
• Alaska ranked 4th in the nation in GDP growth.
• Alaska ranked 4th in the nation in per capita GDP growth.
• Per capita GDP grew $5,251 ($2,100 per year) more in Alaska than in the nation.
• Alaska’s economy grew 2.79% faster per year than the U.S. economy.

Here is what she did with the oil business. In 2006, then Gov. Frank Murkowski, a Republican, proposed changing the state's tax on oil from a gross-revenue to a net-revenue basis. Instead of creaming 10% off the top -- which was how the mature oil fields were taxed -- Mr. Murkowski pushed to tax oil companies on their profits only, at a rate of 22.5%. The change in tax regime was meant to encourage investment in and development of new fields.

In effect, the state would become the oil companies' development partner. It would participate in the upside of oil and gas exploration, but only after the companies had recovered the enormous upfront costs of drilling new wells. Mr. Murkowski's plan turned into a disaster. It depended much on trust, but it lacked the transparency and predictability needed to win public confidence. One year after it went into effect, the Petroleum Profits Tax brought in far less revenue than expected and the state suffered a revenue crunch. As a new governor in 2007, Mrs. Palin stepped in to address the fiscal crisis and restore accountability. Working with Democrats and Republicans alike, she chose a 25% profits tax. But in lean years the state reverts to a 10% gross revenue tax on legacy fields that do not require massive continuing inputs of new capital.

Governor Palin's plan was called "Alaska's Clear and Equitable Share" (ACES) which improves incentives for developing new resources. It ensures the state does well in boom times. Palin got Alaskans a extra $1,200 check as a share of the oil bonanza that ensued. It came in addition to the approximately $2,000 every Alaskan received as a dividend from the Permanent Fund, which was established by state constitutional amendment in 1976 as a way of sharing the state's mineral wealth with the people. To this day, a direct share in oil profits for every citizen is the ultimate incentive for more drilling. That's why in Alaska drilling for oil seems almost universally popular, while other states are drill-phobic. Under Palin, The number of oil companies filling taxes with the state of Alaska doubled between 2006 and 2009. This includes a number of independent and foreign oil companies and in addition, natural resources and logging jobs increased 13.7% during Governor Palin’s tenure according to Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development data. In closing, you are a liar.
Then please, nominate her!

I'll vote for her if she runs. Poster Hazlnut called her a idiot. Look at the size of those budgets she balanced in the 10 to 12 billion dollar range. No idiot works and balances budgets like that as well as dealing with big oil companies. She is no idiot by any means.
I envy Sarah. . . front row to the Olympics and all. . . .

Your post is a fucking lie.

Here are some true facts that you liberals do not know or refuse to learn.

Governor Murkowski’s last budget FY2007: $11,697,400,000

Governor Palin’s latest budget FY2010: $10,570,000,000

Total reduction in spending between 2007 and 2010: a whopping 9.5% or $1,127,400,000

A general rule of thumb for both liberal and conservative administrations is to claim that they may reasonably increase spending every year at a rate of 2% to 3% because of inflation and that should not count against them as increased spending. Even if we use the low end of inflation at 2%, Governor Palin’s budget could have been (without calling it a spending increase): $12,413,374,459.20

Of course, the budget is not $12.4 billion; it is actually $10.57 billion. In other words, she cut spending.

When Governor Palin set out to cut Alaska’s dependence on government funds, she was serious!

Check out these numbers:

FFY07- Murkowski’s federal requests total: 63 projects @ $349,497,000

In 2008, Governor Palin vetoed more than a quarter billion in superfluous spending:

FFY10- Governor Palin’s federal requests total: 8 projects @ $69,100,000

That was a gigantic 80% drop in federal requests by the Alaska governor’s office.

Not only did Governor Palin drop the federal requests for money by 80%, she was also slowly chipping away at these numbers since the beginning of her administration.

FFY2007- Gov. Murkowski 63 projects at $349,497,000

FFY08- Gov. Palin 52 projects at $256,037,000

FFY09- Gov. Palin 31 projects at $195,094,900

FFY10- Gov. Palin: 8 projects @ $69,100,000

Palin left Alaska with an improved credit rating during and following her tenure as governor. Standard & Poor’s raised Alaska’s credit rating from AA to AA+ in April 2008.

Then in 2010, both Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s upgraded Alaska to AAA for the first time in the state’s history due to policies enacted by Palin that made the state’s finances more than solvent.

During Sarah Palin’s tenure as governor,
• Alaska ranked 4th in the nation in GDP growth.
• Alaska ranked 4th in the nation in per capita GDP growth.
• Per capita GDP grew $5,251 ($2,100 per year) more in Alaska than in the nation.
• Alaska’s economy grew 2.79% faster per year than the U.S. economy.

Here is what she did with the oil business. In 2006, then Gov. Frank Murkowski, a Republican, proposed changing the state's tax on oil from a gross-revenue to a net-revenue basis. Instead of creaming 10% off the top -- which was how the mature oil fields were taxed -- Mr. Murkowski pushed to tax oil companies on their profits only, at a rate of 22.5%. The change in tax regime was meant to encourage investment in and development of new fields.

In effect, the state would become the oil companies' development partner. It would participate in the upside of oil and gas exploration, but only after the companies had recovered the enormous upfront costs of drilling new wells. Mr. Murkowski's plan turned into a disaster. It depended much on trust, but it lacked the transparency and predictability needed to win public confidence. One year after it went into effect, the Petroleum Profits Tax brought in far less revenue than expected and the state suffered a revenue crunch. As a new governor in 2007, Mrs. Palin stepped in to address the fiscal crisis and restore accountability. Working with Democrats and Republicans alike, she chose a 25% profits tax. But in lean years the state reverts to a 10% gross revenue tax on legacy fields that do not require massive continuing inputs of new capital.

Governor Palin's plan was called "Alaska's Clear and Equitable Share" (ACES) which improves incentives for developing new resources. It ensures the state does well in boom times. Palin got Alaskans a extra $1,200 check as a share of the oil bonanza that ensued. It came in addition to the approximately $2,000 every Alaskan received as a dividend from the Permanent Fund, which was established by state constitutional amendment in 1976 as a way of sharing the state's mineral wealth with the people. To this day, a direct share in oil profits for every citizen is the ultimate incentive for more drilling. That's why in Alaska drilling for oil seems almost universally popular, while other states are drill-phobic. Under Palin, The number of oil companies filling taxes with the state of Alaska doubled between 2006 and 2009. This includes a number of independent and foreign oil companies and in addition, natural resources and logging jobs increased 13.7% during Governor Palin’s tenure according to Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development data. In closing, you are a liar.
Then please, nominate her!

I'll vote for her if she runs. Poster Hazlnut called her a idiot. Look at the size of those budgets she balanced in the 10 to 12 billion dollar range. No idiot works and balances budgets like that as well as dealing with big oil companies. She is no idiot by any means.

It's reasonable to assume a person who thinks Paul Revere rode to warn the British, is an idiot. :cuckoo:

Also, you didn't post spending or revenue figures, you posted how much Palin budgeted. That offers no clue as to whether there was a deficit or a surplus -- meaning you didn't actually refute the post you were responding to which claimed Palin's budget produced a deficit.

And while I have no doubt that you and millions of others would vote for her, she would still lose in a landslide.
Stevie seems to have forgotten that Alaska is the largest recipient of federal welfare. Ouch.
Stevie seems to have forgotten that Alaska is the largest recipient of federal welfare. Ouch.
Alaska also contains the highest percentage of Native Americans of all 50 States...

Stereotypically speaking, Native American Indians are perceived as having an extremely high percentage of their members living in poverty.

In a cursory online search I am experiencing difficulty in finding Federal stats on the subject but I did manage to find some child-focused stats, pertaining to ethnicity and poverty in Alaska, in support of the stereotypical perception, at...

NCCP | Alaska: Demographics of Poor Children

...including the following simple but telling graph...


...the National Center for Children in Poverty, with decent-looking academic credentials.

If the perception holds up under a closer objective scrutiny, that Alaska's high consumption of Federal welfare benefits is tied to its No. 1 ranking of Native Americans as a percentage of total population, then, I'm not so sure that it's ol' Sarah's fault, or those of her party, or any politician or political party, for that matter.

As unpleasant as such things may be to contemplate or concede...
All this stuff is BS.
She quit her job as Governor and if you mental midgets do not understand the damage that would do to any campaign for President then you are amateurs.
Good God folks, haven't you had enough of them?
Then please, nominate her!

I'll vote for her if she runs. Poster Hazlnut called her a idiot. Look at the size of those budgets she balanced in the 10 to 12 billion dollar range. No idiot works and balances budgets like that as well as dealing with big oil companies. She is no idiot by any means.

It's reasonable to assume a person who thinks Paul Revere rode to warn the British, is an idiot.

Hey moron. Here's something for ya. Historians agree that Palin was right about Revere.

Sarah Palin Was Right About Paul Revere - US News

Historians Say Palin Was Right About Paul Revere - But they admit it begrudgingly, notes the 'Boston Herald'
Stevie seems to have forgotten that Alaska is the largest recipient of federal welfare. Ouch.
Alaska also contains the highest percentage of Native Americans of all 50 States...

Stereotypically speaking, Native American Indians are perceived as having an extremely high percentage of their members living in poverty.

In a cursory online search I am experiencing difficulty in finding Federal stats on the subject but I did manage to find some child-focused stats, pertaining to ethnicity and poverty in Alaska, in support of the stereotypical perception, at...

NCCP | Alaska: Demographics of Poor Children

...including the following simple but telling graph...


...the National Center for Children in Poverty, with decent-looking academic credentials.

If the perception holds up under a closer objective scrutiny, that Alaska's high consumption of Federal welfare benefits is tied to its No. 1 ranking of Native Americans as a percentage of total population, then, I'm not so sure that it's ol' Sarah's fault, or those of her party, or any politician or political party, for that matter.

As unpleasant as such things may be to contemplate or concede...
You have to understand the type people we are talking about here, American Injuns. They are notoriously known for being lazy alcoholics who refuse to work, just like the negro. It's not just a epidemic there with them, it's all over the U.S. in states where Injuns are located. I've driven in Oklahoma through Injun reservations and the poverty is rampant.
Only a dumb ass would support Palin.

ok, you already said that
got it
No, I don't think you do, and never will. But if you had two brain cells, you could rub them together and start a fire.

oh boy, how many brain cells did it take to come up that lame ass post?
Sarah Palin was my governor in Alaska and was elected with an 80% approval rating...something none of your pathetic idea of Presidents, Obama, Hillary or Biden will ever dream of seeing... so yeah I got it
Last edited:
and there ya go.

Attack the intelligence of those that disagree with you.

You are getting good at that.

Military intelligence is an oxymoron.


My buddies and I ALWAYS laughed at that joke.

But leaches like you have no idea what military intelligence is and how it is by no means a reflection on the military itself.

Nope. Leaches like you simply want to know what your country SHOULD be doing for you.

Hey moron, I was in the communications depot in Tehran Iran in 72-73. It's a pretty good bet that I know more about it than you. So take your holier than thou bullshit and peddle it to one of your chicken hawk con friends.
I encourage ALL conservatives to rally around Sarah Palin and make her the 2016 GOP standard bearer.
Military intelligence is an oxymoron.


My buddies and I ALWAYS laughed at that joke.

But leaches like you have no idea what military intelligence is and how it is by no means a reflection on the military itself.

Nope. Leaches like you simply want to know what your country SHOULD be doing for you.

Hey moron, I was in the communications depot in Tehran Iran in 72-73. It's a pretty good bet that I know more about it than you. So take your holier than thou bullshit and peddle it to one of your chicken hawk con friends.
hey Sparky.,..

You are the one who has been criticizing me......sorry...didn't realize you didn't have the balls to get it in return.

I have an idea...

Grow some.....

Cya Leach.
I encourage ALL conservatives to rally around Sarah Palin and make her the 2016 GOP standard bearer.

we'll rally around who we want...You sheep can rally around the loser you in hand in making with Hillary
I encourage ALL conservatives to rally around Sarah Palin and make her the 2016 GOP standard bearer.

we'll rally around who we want...You sheep can rally around the loser you in hand in making with Hillary

Considering the right's flirtation with Sarah Palin, Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann, and Rick Santorum, I have little doubt that the right will spare no effort to look for the looniest nominee they can find. Hell, even the sane ones seem to feel compelled to say crazy and nonsensical shit just to get a second look. Meanwhile, the cameras will roll, and the microphones will be on to capture every moment.

To that I say, carry on!
Who has Palin been accountable to for the last 5 years? NO ONE.
What record does she have over those last 5 years?
She is not running anyway as the GOP does not want her.
Herman Cain would be a fine candidate and President. The man has a history of achievement as he earned everything he has.

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