Sarah Palins Trip to Iowa Points To 2012 Presidential Run.

wonderful......ANOTHER bottom of the barrel candidate ......just what this Country exciting.......

Long before the contest has formally begun, Palin is fast on the way to becoming unstoppable. There’s two years to go but Obama has been a dismal failure so far and is openly a joke now among a big majority of non-black Americans. He has lost the independent vote at this point. Hillary may run against Obama which will bleed cash from the Dems and divide the party. Blacks will sit on their hands and Dems will be in trouble with 10% of the country and 20% of their vote sitting out the election if Obama loses, because blacks will be incredibly dispirited and angry.

Sorry USAR...she's not the right candidate for what must be done.....

I hope you are DEAD wrong about her running for POTUS...because if she does, then all of the good that I see in her will be dashed to bits...

of course, she'll have to make it through the primaries, and I don't even think she can pull that off...
If precedent serves, she'll quit.
I think she truly represents the attitudes and prejudices of many of the TEA PARTY types.

She is an ideal populist candidate for the GOP.

I'm quite certain she'd be able to make even Bush II's administration seem highly competent by comparison.
Why do you guys insist on placing our hopes in a Candidate who lost once already, and quit the Job she had that would qualify her to be President?

I mean we really can not come up with anyone less tainted by so much negative press already?

God help us.

Now you are just making too much sense.
wonderful......ANOTHER bottom of the barrel candidate ......just what this Country exciting.......

Long before the contest has formally begun, Palin is fast on the way to becoming unstoppable. There’s two years to go but Obama has been a dismal failure so far and is openly a joke now among a big majority of non-black Americans. He has lost the independent vote at this point. Hillary may run against Obama which will bleed cash from the Dems and divide the party. Blacks will sit on their hands and Dems will be in trouble with 10% of the country and 20% of their vote sitting out the election if Obama loses, because blacks will be incredibly dispirited and angry.

Sorry USAR...she's not the right candidate for what must be done.....

I hope you are DEAD wrong about her running for POTUS...because if she does, then all of the good that I see in her will be dashed to bits...

of course, she'll have to make it through the primaries, and I don't even think she can pull that off...

She's not running for POTUS. Here's the deal. Her bottom line is tied to the hope that she will run for president by her supporters. That's how she keeps booking speaking events. The second she announces she won't run, her stock is going to plummet. That is why she is essentially conducting a feign.
Yes, we need to run a Republican candidate that will be loved, admired and respected by the LMSM like McCain or Olympia Snowe, Sue Collins or Jim Jeffords.

It's our only hope of getting nice articles about our candidates because I don't like having someone like Palin run, she has opinions that are not well liked by the LMSM and I cannot bear to hear the LMSM and Liberals talk ill of her.

I'm the kind of Republican that desperately need to be liked by Liberals and needs to have a candidate that will be liked by Liberals.

Palin, she can see Alaska from her house, right?

The stark reality is that Palin has been through the most exhaustive vetting process in the history of politics and all the Left has is ridicule. That's it. They could not find a any scandal, any shady dealings. So Sarah's good to go.

She may not be perfect and she may not have a penis, but she has a bigger set of balls than any other candidate on either side and if she runs she has my full support.

Liberals of some sort are at least half the Country would be nice to have a Candidate who at least has the respect of a good portion of know like it used to be.....a Republican and Democrat Candidates who at least has the other side giving him or her the benefit of the doubt until they have reason not to....the Far people on both sides will always be against the other side.....but someone has got to bring the two sides together or this Country is going either down or no where....Palin aint it....
This is truly great news to hear as we are about to witness history. Sarah Palin is ready and right for this country. She embodies true patriotism and she is a natural born citizen who loves her country more than Obama. She will lead the military and they will be proud to serve her as their commander in chief. She will open up federal lands to domestic drilling and put revenue in peoples pockets. She will lead and be a great president due to her experience being a executive office holder. Her record proves she is a leader.
Her record proves she is Lil' Dumbya's soul-mate!!!! :eusa_whistle:

"When Palin left office in 2002, Wasilla had “racked up nearly $20 million in long-term debt,” or roughly $3,000 of debt per resident."

2012 will FINALLY be "Crazy" Sarah's WATERLOO!!!!!!!

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This is truly great news to hear as we are about to witness history. Sarah Palin is ready and right for this country. She embodies true patriotism and she is a natural born citizen who loves her country more than Obama. She will lead the military and they will be proud to serve her as their commander in chief. She will open up federal lands to domestic drilling and put revenue in peoples pockets. She will lead and be a great president due to her experience being a executive office holder. Her record proves she is a leader.

Sarah Palin's Iowa trip points to 2012 presidential run | World news | The Guardian

There are boxes that US presidential hopefuls have to tick early. They have to start building a campaign team, albeit discreetly. They have to set up a fundraising machine. And
they have to visit Iowa, the small but politically crucial state that traditionally kicks off a White House run.

Sarah Palin has ticked the first two and on Friday will tick the third when she is the main speaker at a $100-a-seat Republican dinner in Des Moines, Iowa. The party's sole superstar has not yet said whether she will seek the nomination to take on Barack Obama in 2012. But all the indications point to a run, and Friday's visit is the biggest sign yet.

Democrats may detest her, and so does the Republican establishment, for her perceived lack of sophistication and polarising effect on the electorate. But neither will make the choice in the Iowa caucus. The party activists will, and they are shifting behind her. Long before the contest has formally begun, Palin is fast on the way to becoming unstoppable.

Marilea David, a lifelong Republican, is typical of the fan base, seeing in Palin an alternative to the old-boy network. "I think she is great. She is the only person I am excited about just now," David said over coffee in west Des Moines.

"She is fiscally conservative. She married her husband for love, not money. She does not have perfect kids, which is big for me. She has been totally vetted by the liberal media and they did not come up with anything other than she is a 'hick'."

David, 52, who runs her own home tutoring business, will not be attending Friday's dinner. "I am a broke Republican. But if she runs, I will give her my time. I would love to campaign for her."

"open up Federal lands for domestic drilling".
NO oil company will invest in that. It would raise the pump price 75 cents a gallon.
Oil investors go for a profit. Cheaper, and I hate it but it is true, to buy already drilled oilat the spicket and ship it here for refining.
There is no $$ for domestic drilling. I have nothing against Sarah Palin. However, she is not qualified to lead this country.
She is a quitter. No moral leader EVER quits. And she did it for $$$.
Poor example of character.
Yes, we need to run a Republican candidate that will be loved, admired and respected by the LMSM like McCain or Olympia Snowe, Sue Collins or Jim Jeffords.

It's our only hope of getting nice articles about our candidates because I don't like having someone like Palin run, she has opinions that are not well liked by the LMSM and I cannot bear to hear the LMSM and Liberals talk ill of her.

I'm the kind of Republican that desperately need to be liked by Liberals and needs to have a candidate that will be liked by Liberals.

Palin, she can see Alaska from her house, right?

The stark reality is that Palin has been through the most exhaustive vetting process in the history of politics and all the Left has is ridicule. That's it. They could not find a any scandal, any shady dealings. So Sarah's good to go.

She may not be perfect and she may not have a penis, but she has a bigger set of balls than any other candidate on either side and if she runs she has my full support.

Liberals of some sort are at least half the Country would be nice to have a Candidate who at least has the respect of a good portion of know like it used to be.....a Republican and Democrat Candidates who at least has the other side giving him or her the benefit of the doubt until they have reason not to....the Far people on both sides will always be against the other side.....but someone has got to bring the two sides together or this Country is going either down or no where....Palin aint it....

You're thinking of the time when Democrats were decent people.

When they'd would support the troops and not try to cut off funding 47 separate times and have the Senate Majority Leader say "The war is lost", before they took over health care, banking, auto and finance and appointed SCOTUS judges who want to overturn the entire Bill of Rights.

Democrats are not our friends and the more the prospect of Palin becoming President troubles them the more I'd like to see it happen.

I don't want someone like McCain or Dubya who is going to make nice with Progressives.

They need to be defeated so completely and thoroughly that they only place they exist would be a single DNA sample in the Level 4 Bio-containment facility at CDC.

Is America better off now than it was 4 years ago when Progressive took Congress?
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Palin will win in the largest landslide in US history.

That said, whoever the right runs will win in the largest landslide in US history.

But Sara Palin is going to be our next President.
Long before the contest has formally begun, Palin is fast on the way to becoming unstoppable. There’s two years to go but Obama has been a dismal failure so far and is openly a joke now among a big majority of non-black Americans. He has lost the independent vote at this point. Hillary may run against Obama which will bleed cash from the Dems and divide the party. Blacks will sit on their hands and Dems will be in trouble with 10% of the country and 20% of their vote sitting out the election if Obama loses, because blacks will be incredibly dispirited and angry.

Sorry USAR...she's not the right candidate for what must be done.....

I hope you are DEAD wrong about her running for POTUS...because if she does, then all of the good that I see in her will be dashed to bits...

of course, she'll have to make it through the primaries, and I don't even think she can pull that off...

She's not running for POTUS. Here's the deal. Her bottom line is tied to the hope that she will run for president by her supporters. That's how she keeps booking speaking events. The second she announces she won't run, her stock is going to plummet. That is why she is essentially conducting a feign.

You are on to something there.....however, let me add....she may be surrounding herself with yesmen who keep whispering in her ear about presidential hopes til she forgets the smart gameplan for making money and actually does run....then the money train will stop.
"open up Federal lands for domestic drilling".
NO oil company will invest in that. It would raise the pump price 75 cents a gallon.
Oil investors go for a profit. Cheaper, and I hate it but it is true, to buy already drilled oilat the spicket and ship it here for refining.
There is no $$ for domestic drilling. I have nothing against Sarah Palin. However, she is not qualified to lead this country.
She is a quitter. No moral leader EVER quits. And she did it for $$$.
Poor example of character.

Piss poor.
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Palin will win in the largest landslide in US history.

That said, whoever the right runs will win in the largest landslide in US history.

But Sara Palin is going to be our next President.

10K and I will give you 2 to1 odds.
Yes, we need to run a Republican candidate that will be loved, admired and respected by the LMSM like McCain or Olympia Snowe, Sue Collins or Jim Jeffords.

It's our only hope of getting nice articles about our candidates because I don't like having someone like Palin run, she has opinions that are not well liked by the LMSM and I cannot bear to hear the LMSM and Liberals talk ill of her.

I'm the kind of Republican that desperately need to be liked by Liberals and needs to have a candidate that will be liked by Liberals.

Palin, she can see Alaska from her house, right?

The stark reality is that Palin has been through the most exhaustive vetting process in the history of politics and all the Left has is ridicule. That's it. They could not find a any scandal, any shady dealings. So Sarah's good to go.

She may not be perfect and she may not have a penis, but she has a bigger set of balls than any other candidate on either side and if she runs she has my full support.

Liberals of some sort are at least half the Country would be nice to have a Candidate who at least has the respect of a good portion of know like it used to be.....a Republican and Democrat Candidates who at least has the other side giving him or her the benefit of the doubt until they have reason not to....the Far people on both sides will always be against the other side.....but someone has got to bring the two sides together or this Country is going either down or no where....Palin aint it....

You're thinking of the time when Democrats were decent people.

When they'd would support the troops and not try to cut off funding 47 separate times and have the Senate Majority Leader say "The war is lost", before they took over health care, banking, auto and finance and appointed SCOTUS judges who want to overturn the entire Bill of Rights.

Democrats are not our friends and the more the prospect of Palin becoming President troubles them the more I'd like to see it happen.

I don't want someone like McCain or Dubya who is going to make nice with Progressives.

They need to be defeated so completely and thoroughly that they only place they exist would be a single DNA sample in the Level 4 Bio-containment facility at CDC.

Is America better off now than it was 4 years ago when Progressive took Congress?

Polarized ideology at it's finest.
Your rant sounds like a 60s radical left wing rant upside down.
Palin will win in the largest landslide in US history.

That said, whoever the right runs will win in the largest landslide in US history.

But Sara Palin is going to be our next President.

10K and I will give you 2 to1 odds.


If she runs, she wins, and you owe me 20K.

If she doesn't run, and the right wins, you owe me 20K.

You'll disappear by then, but I'll take the bet.
Liberals of some sort are at least half the Country would be nice to have a Candidate who at least has the respect of a good portion of know like it used to be.....a Republican and Democrat Candidates who at least has the other side giving him or her the benefit of the doubt until they have reason not to....the Far people on both sides will always be against the other side.....but someone has got to bring the two sides together or this Country is going either down or no where....Palin aint it....

You're thinking of the time when Democrats were decent people.

When they'd would support the troops and not try to cut off funding 47 separate times and have the Senate Majority Leader say "The war is lost", before they took over health care, banking, auto and finance and appointed SCOTUS judges who want to overturn the entire Bill of Rights.

Democrats are not our friends and the more the prospect of Palin becoming President troubles them the more I'd like to see it happen.

I don't want someone like McCain or Dubya who is going to make nice with Progressives.

They need to be defeated so completely and thoroughly that they only place they exist would be a single DNA sample in the Level 4 Bio-containment facility at CDC.

Is America better off now than it was 4 years ago when Progressive took Congress?

Polarized ideology at it's finest.
Your rant sounds like a 60s radical left wing rant upside down.

It's because the 60's radical are the ones running Congress, the White House and the country into the dirt in the process
Run Sarah...




Why do you guys insist on placing our hopes in a Candidate who lost once already, and quit the Job she had that would qualify her to be President?

I mean we really can not come up with anyone less tainted by so much negative press already?

God help us.

If you're concerned about negative press, just forget it -- scratch it off as a reason to be against Palin, ANY Conservative candidate is in for a Soviet style barrage of negative press

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