Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked The Restaurant That Refused To Serve Her


their asses will be black and blue from the bailiffs kicking them down the courthouse steps
Bailiffs, by law, are prohibited from doing that. Just like government officials are prohibited, by law, from using their office to harm businesses for personal or political reasons.

(School trolling again)
Just reiterating the OP’s point, which you haven’t made thenslightest effort to address.

Just reiterating the OP’s point,

The OP?

claims Sanders broke the law.

haven't seen which law she broke, if any, yet.
CFR 2635.702

Seeking to coerce a business by using her office to discourage patronage and putting public pressure on the business

You're grasping at straws. She factually described what happened and no one is denying its not the truth. Your just butt-hurt because Conservatives and Trump supporters aren't taking the bigotry lying down. Liberals suck and so does the bigot that owns the Red Hen.
I forgot to mention that she also did it to please Trump, knowing how much he would love the distraction. But she knew she was potentially damaging this woman and her family for petty revenge over being slighted and asked to leave. No doubt about that.

Same as the restaurant owner knew what she was doing & getting herself & her business into, when she asked her to leave.

Small town restaurant owner vs. the biggest microphone in the United States?

Yeah, that's a fair fight.

Like I said, it was not very smart to ask her to leave, and not something I'd have done, but it's not a fight between equals.

To bad. The bigot should have just taken her order and served her dinner. You can't pick a fight and then whine like a little bitch when the other person doesn't take it lying down.

I don't think anyone did the right thing, to be honest. Not the owner, who should have just acted like a professional. Not Sarah Sanders, who is basically acting like Trump when he attacked that young college girl on Twitter. No one was in the right. Except Sarah could potentially be destroying lives with her pettiness, while the owner just put a damper on Sarah's night. It's overkill due to the difference in power.

Her "pettiness"? Uh, she got thrown of a restaurant simply because she supports the President. That is a fact and no one is denying it. So she's not allowed to tell people what happened? The owners of the Red Hen are bigots. That's a fact now as well. Sarah Sanders has done nothing wrong but tell the truth. Hours ago Liberals were applauding her. Now they are whining. Hey, people don't like bigots.

Hey, buddy; I NEVER said that the owner should've asked her to leave. I said this morning the very OPPOSITE ... so stop trying to act like I'm flip-flopping or "some crazy liberal", because I've been consistent and fair on the issue the whole time.

Sarah did do something wrong. She didn't need to say anything at all. That would have been the most morally correct thing to do. But no; she had to score some points with Trump and get herself a taste of revenge. Very human, but also not very moral.
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How is she scoring points with Trump? What the fuck did Trump have to do with this other than the reason that she was thrown out?

So a member of the Trump administration can be treated like shit and treated unfairly and they better keep their fucking mouth shut or else they're breaking the law?

God damn democrats are some sick ass fucking people.

Fuck liberals.

Same as the restaurant owner knew what she was doing & getting herself & her business into, when she asked her to leave.

Small town restaurant owner vs. the biggest microphone in the United States?

Yeah, that's a fair fight.

Like I said, it was not very smart to ask her to leave, and not something I'd have done, but it's not a fight between equals.

To bad. The bigot should have just taken her order and served her dinner. You can't pick a fight and then whine like a little bitch when the other person doesn't take it lying down.

I don't think anyone did the right thing, to be honest. Not the owner, who should have just acted like a professional. Not Sarah Sanders, who is basically acting like Trump when he attacked that young college girl on Twitter. No one was in the right. Except Sarah could potentially be destroying lives with her pettiness, while the owner just put a damper on Sarah's night. It's overkill due to the difference in power.

Her "pettiness"? Uh, she got thrown of a restaurant simply because she supports the President. That is a fact and no one is denying it. So she's not allowed to tell people what happened? The owners of the Red Hen are bigots. That's a fact now as well. Sarah Sanders has done nothing wrong but tell the truth. Hours ago Liberals were applauding her. Now they are whining. Hey, people don't like bigots.

Hey, buddy; I NEVER said that the owner should've asked her to leave. I said this morning the very OPPOSITE ... so stop trying to act like I'm flip-flopping or "some crazy liberal", because I've been consistent and fair on the issue the whole time.

Sarah did do something wrong. She didn't need to say anything at all. That would have been the most morally correct thing to do. But no; she had to score some points with Trump and get herself a taste of revenge. Very human, but also not very moral.

Sarah Sanders gets kicked out of a restaurant by someone who is a bigot and she is supposed to remain quiet? Uh what??? That restaurant owner wanted play politics, well, she's getting her wish. Sarah did absolutely nothing wrong. She told the truth and simply described her dining experience.
I've told you over and over again that all those insults are is proof you can't logically respond to what I've said.
Who the fuck cares what you've "told us"? You're a typical low IQ, Dumbocrat voter. We're not really concerned about your uninformed, uneducated opinions.
I'm the one with the low iq, and you're the one who talks like a foul-mouthed 6th grader.

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Sarah Sanders, not only abused her official position to try to destroy the Red Hen restaurant. She also broke the law. These laws exist to keep people in prominent government positions from abusing their power. Since Donald Trump views himself as above the law, this culture has trickled down through his entire administration.

Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked Restaurant That Kicked Her Out
omg. Where are these nutcases coming from???

If it weren't for these nutcases I'd still be a Democrat.
I hear ya!
She said she was asked to leave and she did that is not attacking someone if she had compared the restaurant owners to the Nazis that would have been atttacking them. Of course the left wouldn't have cared if she had done that as they have shown they have no problem with unwarranted Nazi comparsions.
I love how rude and disrespectful the media is to Sarah and yet liberals get their panties in a wad when she actually snaps back and they yell "Disrespectful!!"

Well hell if they'd treat her with an ounce of respect they would get a pound in return. She's got far more patience than I do. I'd have told some of those fucktwats off a long time ago.

It's called being a professional. Maybe something you don't know much about?

Sarah isn't all that professional, but at least she keeps her cool better than Spicer did.
Professionalism doesn't require you to keep quiet about insults.

No it doesn't. Nor does it require things be "fair."

So you can only speak out against someone who throws you out of their restaurant for no reason if you're on their level? What if you make more money? What if you make less? What if your car is faster? What if their house is bigger but your boat is bigger?

If Sarah was a better person, she would have just stayed quiet about it.

But ... she didn't. So oh well, I guess.

If you were thrown out of a business because of your political views, would you be quiet about it????? I know I wouldn't, but I also wouldn't have been as civil as Sanders in my retort.

Her actions say far more about her than about me,” she said. “I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so.”

If you think THAT^^^ is an attack, then you've led a very sheltered life son

their asses will be black and blue from the bailiffs kicking them down the courthouse steps
Bailiffs, by law, are prohibited from doing that. Just like government officials are prohibited, by law, from using their office to harm businesses for personal or political reasons.

(School trolling again)
Just reiterating the OP’s point, which you haven’t made thenslightest effort to address.

Just reiterating the OP’s point,

The OP?

claims Sanders broke the law.

haven't seen which law she broke, if any, yet.
CFR 2635.702

Seeking to coerce a business by using her office to discourage patronage and putting public pressure on the business

try again

5 CFR 2635.702 - Use of public office for private gain.
How is she scoring points with Trump? What the fuck did Trump have to do with this other than the reason that she was thrown out?

So a member of the Trump administration can be treated like shit and treated unfairly and they better keep their fucking mouth shut or else they're breaking the law?

God damn democrats are some sick ass fucking people.

Fuck liberals.

Thank you.

"Get out of my restaurant because I hate your politics, and keep your mouth shut about this!"

WTF? That mindset makes NO sense.
Small town restaurant owner vs. the biggest microphone in the United States?

Yeah, that's a fair fight.

Like I said, it was not very smart to ask her to leave, and not something I'd have done, but it's not a fight between equals.

To bad. The bigot should have just taken her order and served her dinner. You can't pick a fight and then whine like a little bitch when the other person doesn't take it lying down.

I don't think anyone did the right thing, to be honest. Not the owner, who should have just acted like a professional. Not Sarah Sanders, who is basically acting like Trump when he attacked that young college girl on Twitter. No one was in the right. Except Sarah could potentially be destroying lives with her pettiness, while the owner just put a damper on Sarah's night. It's overkill due to the difference in power.

Her "pettiness"? Uh, she got thrown of a restaurant simply because she supports the President. That is a fact and no one is denying it. So she's not allowed to tell people what happened? The owners of the Red Hen are bigots. That's a fact now as well. Sarah Sanders has done nothing wrong but tell the truth. Hours ago Liberals were applauding her. Now they are whining. Hey, people don't like bigots.

Hey, buddy; I NEVER said that the owner should've asked her to leave. I said this morning the very OPPOSITE ... so stop trying to act like I'm flip-flopping or "some crazy liberal", because I've been consistent and fair on the issue the whole time.

Sarah did do something wrong. She didn't need to say anything at all. That would have been the most morally correct thing to do. But no; she had to score some points with Trump and get herself a taste of revenge. Very human, but also not very moral.

Sarah Sanders gets kicked out of a restaurant by someone who is a bigot and she is supposed to remain quiet? Uh what??? That restaurant owner wanted play politics, well, she's getting her wish. Sarah did absolutely nothing wrong. She told the truth and simply described her dining experience.
I think it was the waiter that tweeted first. Sarah responded afterwards.
Over on twitter, they are patting each other on the back that Ugly Sarah is being reamed...calling her names..making fun of her...then saying "those who hate deserve to be kicked out". It is amazing how they can't see the hate they spew while posting about how horrible hate is. Amazing.
Nah she used her office in an attempt to destroy the restaurant. There will be a lawsuit.
how did she do that?
Used her official account as press secretary to condemn a business for personal reasons. She’ll end up paying out a hefty sum.

She didn't condemn the business.

View attachment 200637
She singled them out knowing what would happen. They have received death threats because she abused her official government position and the power it comes with to destroy them. Easy win for the restaurant in a lawsuit.

Not so easy for that restaurant for repeat business. If ever I'm in the area, I'll pick someplace else.

They made their bed, and they'll lay in it.
You were never going to go there anyways so it doesn’t matter. The restaurant is in Hillary country. This is great advertising.
How is she scoring points with Trump? What the fuck did Trump have to do with this other than the reason that she was thrown out?

So a member of the Trump administration can be treated like shit and treated unfairly and they better keep their fucking mouth shut or else they're breaking the law?

God damn democrats are some sick ass fucking people.

Fuck liberals.


Where did I say the law was broken, genius? I said it wasn't the morally correct thing to do.

She scores points with Trump by starting up another one of these campaigns of distraction for the right to rally behind. If she didn't mention it on Twitter, it probably would've been a dead story by Monday.
Bailiffs, by law, are prohibited from doing that. Just like government officials are prohibited, by law, from using their office to harm businesses for personal or political reasons.

(School trolling again)
Just reiterating the OP’s point, which you haven’t made thenslightest effort to address.

Just reiterating the OP’s point,

The OP?

claims Sanders broke the law.

haven't seen which law she broke, if any, yet.
CFR 2635.702

Seeking to coerce a business by using her office to discourage patronage and putting public pressure on the business

You're grasping at straws. She factually described what happened and no one is denying its not the truth. Your just butt-hurt because Conservatives and Trump supporters aren't taking the bigotry lying down. Liberals suck and so does the bigot that owns the Red Hen.
She’s probably facing jail time, if they choose to take things that far.
Bailiffs, by law, are prohibited from doing that. Just like government officials are prohibited, by law, from using their office to harm businesses for personal or political reasons.

(School trolling again)
Just reiterating the OP’s point, which you haven’t made thenslightest effort to address.

Just reiterating the OP’s point,

The OP?

claims Sanders broke the law.

haven't seen which law she broke, if any, yet.
CFR 2635.702

Seeking to coerce a business by using her office to discourage patronage and putting public pressure on the business

try again

5 CFR 2635.702 - Use of public office for private gain.
Yes that is the law she violated. Thank you for linking it.

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