Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked The Restaurant That Refused To Serve Her

Whoever owns "The Red Hen" is gonna have a hard row to hoe.

Her name is Stephanie Wilkinson and her restaurant is closed this Saturday evening. She's losing money as we type and her employees aren't getting their tips. I wonder if she'll reimburse them?
How is she scoring points with Trump? What the fuck did Trump have to do with this other than the reason that she was thrown out?

So a member of the Trump administration can be treated like shit and treated unfairly and they better keep their fucking mouth shut or else they're breaking the law?

God damn democrats are some sick ass fucking people.

Fuck liberals.


Where did I say the law was broken, genius? I said it wasn't the morally correct thing to do.

She scores points with Trump by starting up another one of these campaigns of distraction for the right to rally behind. If she didn't mention it on Twitter, it probably would've been a dead story by Monday.

Where did I respond to you? You quoted me in a reply where I didn't reply to anyone. The OP said they are breaking the law and so I'm replying to the OP.

I know this might be a shock but the world doesn't revolve around you. If you aren't quoted, stay the fuck away.
How did she attack the restaurant? It seems to me that she related a factual encounter with a crazy hostile nut case democrat. Don't Trump employees have the same freedom of social media that crazy lefties enjoy?
Legally? No. With the position comes responsibility. Not that any of you nitwits would understand that.
Oh, shut the hell up, loser.

ROFLMAO, you Dimocrats have to be the stupidest pieces of shyte on the gawd damned globe.
Once again no intelligent response. Typical inbred pin-head nonsense from the conservative peanut gallery.
She won't pay a dime, moron. She simply told the truth about the treatment she recieved from that business.
She named the restaurant and location in an effort to destroy them. They have grounds to sue for a lot of money.

lots of luck proving that in court
No luck needed. It’s black and white.


it's black and blue.

as will be the owners if they are stupid enough to sue
You think Sanders will send out a hit squad. I wouldn’t put it past her. The evil, feckless ****.
She's a Democrat?
I forgot to mention that she also did it to please Trump, knowing how much he would love the distraction. But she knew she was potentially damaging this woman and her family for petty revenge over being slighted and asked to leave. No doubt about that.
Yes, it might hurt th eir business because they are ass holes and refused service to a person because of their political bias.

They should go out of business and Sarah did the public a favor by simply sharing what happened.

(School trolling again)
Just reiterating the OP’s point, which you haven’t made thenslightest effort to address.

Just reiterating the OP’s point,

The OP?

claims Sanders broke the law.

haven't seen which law she broke, if any, yet.
CFR 2635.702

Seeking to coerce a business by using her office to discourage patronage and putting public pressure on the business

try again

5 CFR 2635.702 - Use of public office for private gain.
Yes that is the law she violated. Thank you for linking it.

(obviously didn't read it)

(School trolling again)
Just reiterating the OP’s point, which you haven’t made thenslightest effort to address.

Just reiterating the OP’s point,

The OP?

claims Sanders broke the law.

haven't seen which law she broke, if any, yet.
CFR 2635.702

Seeking to coerce a business by using her office to discourage patronage and putting public pressure on the business

You're grasping at straws. She factually described what happened and no one is denying its not the truth. Your just butt-hurt because Conservatives and Trump supporters aren't taking the bigotry lying down. Liberals suck and so does the bigot that owns the Red Hen.
She’s probably facing jail time, if they choose to take things that far.


The owner?

For what?
Me: Hi and Welcome to my shop! If there is anything you need, let me know! But..before you begin to browse my wonderful handmade items, gifts, collectibles....WHO DO YOU WORK FOR and WHAT POLITICAL PARTY DO YOU BELONG TO???
ROFLMAO, you Dimocrats have to be the stupidest pieces of shyte on the gawd damned globe.
Once again no intelligent response. Typical inbred pin-head nonsense from the conservative peanut gallery.

So it is stupid to give an honest assessment of the grotesque stupidity of the libtards today?

That doesnt surprise me that you try to think that way.

That is in part why I am saying you are stupid ass hats.

Fucking Loser.
Last edited:
Just reiterating the OP’s point, which you haven’t made thenslightest effort to address.

Just reiterating the OP’s point,

The OP?

claims Sanders broke the law.

haven't seen which law she broke, if any, yet.
CFR 2635.702

Seeking to coerce a business by using her office to discourage patronage and putting public pressure on the business

You're grasping at straws. She factually described what happened and no one is denying its not the truth. Your just butt-hurt because Conservatives and Trump supporters aren't taking the bigotry lying down. Liberals suck and so does the bigot that owns the Red Hen.
She’s probably facing jail time, if they choose to take things that far.


The owner?

For what?
Sanders. I wouldn’t be at all surprised. Especially if her tweet gets the owners killed.
The restaurant owner shouldn't have asked her to leave, really, but Sanders also shouldn't have tweeted about it.

She knew what she was unleashing on that place. I honestly wish Twitter and social media in general never came into existence. It does more harm than good.

"It" was already unleashed by the guy that posted about it w/ pictures on FB.


To some extent, but Sarah made it worse. It's not like this is a fight between equals. It's like a Shih Tzu nipping at a rottweiler's heels, and then the rottweiler turning around and ripping out the little dog's throat in retaliation. Totally unnecessary and kind of mean.

But then again, the owner kinda brought themselves into the fray with what they did.

She didn't make it worse. Cut the shit.

You think her tweeting about it wasn't an attempt to bring it more attention, and to give Trump supporters something to be outraged (and potentially violent) about?

Maybe you just don't understand people all that well. I'm assuming Sarah does. She knows what mob mentality does to people, particularly in a hyper partisan and hostile climate as this. She only tweeted to try and damage these people and get a little revenge, while stoking the angry passions of Trump's base. No other reason to do so. And while it's unlikely anyone will attack the owner, her employees, or the store ... one never really knows. People are capable of some crazy shit.
They'll be safe.

If they a really concerned then they should relocate the restaurant to a safe environment.

Like UC Berkeley.
The OP?

claims Sanders broke the law.

haven't seen which law she broke, if any, yet.
CFR 2635.702

Seeking to coerce a business by using her office to discourage patronage and putting public pressure on the business

You're grasping at straws. She factually described what happened and no one is denying its not the truth. Your just butt-hurt because Conservatives and Trump supporters aren't taking the bigotry lying down. Liberals suck and so does the bigot that owns the Red Hen.
She’s probably facing jail time, if they choose to take things that far.


The owner?

For what?
Sanders. I wouldn’t be at all surprised. Especially if her tweet gets the owners killed.

Why would Sanders be going to jail?

She broke no law.

(School trolling again)
Just reiterating the OP’s point, which you haven’t made thenslightest effort to address.

Just reiterating the OP’s point,

The OP?

claims Sanders broke the law.

haven't seen which law she broke, if any, yet.
CFR 2635.702

Seeking to coerce a business by using her office to discourage patronage and putting public pressure on the business

You're grasping at straws. She factually described what happened and no one is denying its not the truth. Your just butt-hurt because Conservatives and Trump supporters aren't taking the bigotry lying down. Liberals suck and so does the bigot that owns the Red Hen.
She’s probably facing jail time, if they choose to take things that far.

Oh that's right. The 1st Amendment doesn't apply to Republicans. Thanks for reminding me.
It is funny that with tons of evidence that Hillary broke multiple laws with Comey admitting she did, liberals say she's innocent but Sarah Sanders says "hey this restaurant threw me out simply because I work for Trump" and they want the bitch in handcuffs.

Liberals are sick minded people. Get ready for an ass whipping in November. You won't gain the house or Senate. The white house, in 6 years, maybe.
I love how rude and disrespectful the media is to Sarah and yet liberals get their panties in a wad when she actually snaps back and they yell "Disrespectful!!"

Well hell if they'd treat her with an ounce of respect they would get a pound in return. She's got far more patience than I do. I'd have told some of those fucktwats off a long time ago.

It's called being a professional. Maybe something you don't know much about?

Sarah isn't all that professional, but at least she keeps her cool better than Spicer did.
Professionalism doesn't require you to keep quiet about insults.

No it doesn't. Nor does it require things be "fair."

So you can only speak out against someone who throws you out of their restaurant for no reason if you're on their level? What if you make more money? What if you make less? What if your car is faster? What if their house is bigger but your boat is bigger?

If Sarah was a better person, she would have just stayed quiet about it.

But ... she didn't. So oh well, I guess.

If you were thrown out of a business because of your political views, would you be quiet about it????? I know I wouldn't, but I also wouldn't have been as civil as Sanders in my retort.

Her actions say far more about her than about me,” she said. “I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so.”

If you think THAT^^^ is an attack, then you've led a very sheltered life son

Think what you want about the nature of the response. I think the end result speaks for itself. And I'm pretty sure Sarah knew what she was doing.

As for what I'd do, I don't know ... I'd like to think I'd have the presence of mind to realize how much more powerful I am than them and move on with my life without being petty, but I'm not powerful or important. I don't have a giant microphone. So I don't know.

I also wouldn't want to give the place publicity. Which might be all that ends up happening in the long-term; the place gets more business from people who hate the president.
I forgot to mention that she also did it to please Trump, knowing how much he would love the distraction. But she knew she was potentially damaging this woman and her family for petty revenge over being slighted and asked to leave. No doubt about that.

ROFLMAO, yes, this is a grotesque outrage and abuse of power.

You libtards should keep talking about this till the election, it will win you thousands of voters, just go with it.

Balls to the wall.

Fake news again.

Let me assist.



Yer welcome.
CFR 2635.702

Seeking to coerce a business by using her office to discourage patronage and putting public pressure on the business

You're grasping at straws. She factually described what happened and no one is denying its not the truth. Your just butt-hurt because Conservatives and Trump supporters aren't taking the bigotry lying down. Liberals suck and so does the bigot that owns the Red Hen.
She’s probably facing jail time, if they choose to take things that far.


The owner?

For what?
Sanders. I wouldn’t be at all surprised. Especially if her tweet gets the owners killed.

Why would Sanders be going to jail?

She broke no law.
She clearly did. Let’s see what the owners do. The DOJ will certainly look the other way.

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