Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked The Restaurant That Refused To Serve Her

You still can't come up with a response, just another baby swear word.
I swear, if conservatives had brains they'd take them out and put with them.

r4oflmao, you still dont get it.

Fuck off you brain dead jack ass.

I have better things to do than spoon feed you facts of the public domain.


Oh, yeah, and welcome to my ignore list, stupid shit.
It's probably just as well. You are only embarrassing yourself anyway. Have a nice night and wipe that drool off your chin!

Lol@ "the facts of the ounkic domain". You obviously don't even know what the phrase "public domain" means.

Had she said "Boycott this business! Let's put them under! They threw me out because I work for Trump!" you MIGHT be able to stretch it that she was using her public office for something illegal or unethical.

But she maintained professionalism. She did great. I'm very proud of her. She has more patience than I have.
Um..thats what liberals do. They threaten, boycott, bitch, moan, gripe, complain, hate then wag their nasty fingers at everyone else.

I wonder how many ex democrats there are now? I bet a bunch.
You think Sarah Sanders isn't smart enough to realize that calling out a restaurant by name is going to cause the place serious problems with Trump's slavering cultists?

Sarah Sanders is not responsible for people's reactions to her factual tweets about how she was treated in a restaurant.

Suck it, John Shaw.
I've never claimed to be "nice".
Clearly you never claimed to be bright, informed, or educated either! :lmao:
Jesus you people are stupid. Do you think your dumbass comments make a damn bit of difference? Only a juvenile idiot would be affected by insults from anonymous strangers on the internet.

I've told you over and over again that all those insults are is proof you can't logically respond to what I've said. You morons are apparently too stupid to learn even that simple concept.

No wonder you idiots support a moron like tRump. Your are just to ignorant to know any better.

You are belittling folks and proclaiming their insults prove they are ignorant. While you insult them.
Also, I don't think you have much credibility when you bring in the word "juvenile" anything in the same post you type trump.

If what they post doesn't affect you, why do you respond over and over again?

Lastly, it's "too" not "to".

Sarah has every right to her opinion. I thought she handled it well.
The OP?

claims Sanders broke the law.

haven't seen which law she broke, if any, yet.
CFR 2635.702

Seeking to coerce a business by using her office to discourage patronage and putting public pressure on the business

You're grasping at straws. She factually described what happened and no one is denying its not the truth. Your just butt-hurt because Conservatives and Trump supporters aren't taking the bigotry lying down. Liberals suck and so does the bigot that owns the Red Hen.
She’s probably facing jail time, if they choose to take things that far.

Oh that's right. The 1st Amendment doesn't apply to Republicans. Thanks for reminding me.
Government officials can’t abuse their office for personal vengeance. She should have used her private twitter account.

Factually describing your dining experience (or lack thereof) is not breaking the law. If Sarah ate there and the said the food sucked and they could prove they lost business I might agree because that's an opinion. However, what happened was not opinion, it's a fact and no one is disputing it.

What happened? Just an hour ago ya'll were cheering your bigot hero Stephanie Wilkinson. Now you're all whining because Sarah simply told people what happened.
Govt should pass a labelling law forcing all business to declare their party affiliation to address this crisis....and then tax em more so less business is done .
I've never claimed to be "nice".
Clearly you never claimed to be bright, informed, or educated either! :lmao:
Jesus you people are stupid. Do you think your dumbass comments make a damn bit of difference? Only a juvenile idiot would be affected by insults from anonymous strangers on the internet.

I've told you over and over again that all those insults are is proof you can't logically respond to what I've said. You morons are apparently too stupid to learn even that simple concept.

No wonder you idiots support a moron like tRump. Your are just to ignorant to know any better.

Still waiting on what law she broke moron. At least try to make one up.

They think it's illegal to say things they don't like or agree with.
Sarah Sanders is not responsible for people's reactions to her factual tweets about how she was treated in a restaurant.

Suck it, John Shaw.

A childish, overly simplistic idea of power.

Let's say you had a negative run-in with President Obama back in the day. Obama proceeds to hop on Twitter and talk about this ordinary guy he met by name, describing his negative experience ... you really think Obama wouldn't know what he's doing in that hypothetical? That he could be doing serious damage to your life, possibly even putting you in physical danger? Of course he would understand. He would be wrong to do something like that. And he would be in large part responsible for the negative impact on your life as a result of his unnecessary tweet/s. Even if you were a total prick to him, it would be completely disproportionate retribution.

If this is hard for you to understand, then it's quite possible you have a learning disability.
Just reiterating the OP’s point, which you haven’t made thenslightest effort to address.

Just reiterating the OP’s point,

The OP?

claims Sanders broke the law.

haven't seen which law she broke, if any, yet.
CFR 2635.702

Seeking to coerce a business by using her office to discourage patronage and putting public pressure on the business

You're grasping at straws. She factually described what happened and no one is denying its not the truth. Your just butt-hurt because Conservatives and Trump supporters aren't taking the bigotry lying down. Liberals suck and so does the bigot that owns the Red Hen.
She’s probably facing jail time, if they choose to take things that far.

You hitting the flask hard again?

You know, for medicinal purposes and all .:rolleyes:
No. Please stay on topic and stop trolling.

(School trolling again)
Just reiterating the OP’s point, which you haven’t made thenslightest effort to address.

Just reiterating the OP’s point,

The OP?

claims Sanders broke the law.

haven't seen which law she broke, if any, yet.
CFR 2635.702

Seeking to coerce a business by using her office to discourage patronage and putting public pressure on the business

You're grasping at straws. She factually described what happened and no one is denying its not the truth. Your just butt-hurt because Conservatives and Trump supporters aren't taking the bigotry lying down. Liberals suck and so does the bigot that owns the Red Hen.
She’s probably facing jail time, if they choose to take things that far.
Think what you want about the nature of the response. I think the end result speaks for itself. And I'm pretty sure Sarah knew what she was doing.
I have that power too!!! See...I can close my eyes and visualize ALL that you think and do! Hmmmmmm Hmmmmm I am concentrating....I GOT IT!
You are a fucktard. Nobody likes you. You are insecure. I'm pretty sure you are overweight and live in your mommy's basement.

You think Sarah Sanders isn't smart enough to realize that calling out a restaurant by name is going to cause the place serious problems with Trump's slavering cultists? Wow. You have an even lower opinion of Sanders than I do.

Then again, I can tell by your use of the language that you're a pretty stupid individual. You probably don't even understand what I'm talking about.
I understand via my crystal ball that you are a fucktard, nobody likes you, yer fat and live in the basement. Do I really need to know more?
If someone did that to Obama or his staff..I would be saying the same thing.
Yer a fucktard, nobody likes you, yadda yadda.

I think it's past your bedtime, kid. Run along now.

By the way mods, perfect example of personal attacks. You always delete my comments for the same thing. Don't think I haven't noticed. Or is this a right-wing only forum board now?
Used her official account as press secretary to condemn a business for personal reasons. She’ll end up paying out a hefty sum.

She didn't condemn the business.

View attachment 200637
She singled them out knowing what would happen. They have received death threats because she abused her official government position and the power it comes with to destroy them. Easy win for the restaurant in a lawsuit.

Not so easy for that restaurant for repeat business. If ever I'm in the area, I'll pick someplace else.

They made their bed, and they'll lay in it.
You were never going to go there anyways so it doesn’t matter. The restaurant is in Hillary country. This is great advertising.
advertising for what? Fail?
No. What a stupid thought. That restaurant is in Hillary country, and people who had never heard of it will now be drawn to it.
I've never claimed to be "nice".
Clearly you never claimed to be bright, informed, or educated either! :lmao:
Jesus you people are stupid. Do you think your dumbass comments make a damn bit of difference? Only a juvenile idiot would be affected by insults from anonymous strangers on the internet.

I've told you over and over again that all those insults are is proof you can't logically respond to what I've said. You morons are apparently too stupid to learn even that simple concept.

No wonder you idiots support a moron like tRump. Your are just to ignorant to know any better.

You are belittling folks and proclaiming their insults prove they are ignorant. While you insult them.
Also, I don't think you have much credibility when you bring in the word "juvenile" anything in the same post you type trump.

If what they post doesn't affect you, why do you respond over and over again?

Lastly, it's "too" not "to".

Sarah has every right to her opinion. I thought she handled it well.

Sander's is welcome to her opinion. However, as I already noted, she has to be careful what and how she says things. There are laws she can run afoul of.

Btw, spelling Nazis are generally folks who just want to fight, not discuss, and if you don't like the way I type tRump maybe you should him about his behavior. If he wasn't acting like the north end of a south bound mule I wouldn't type it that way.
Just reiterating the OP’s point, which you haven’t made thenslightest effort to address.

Just reiterating the OP’s point,

The OP?

claims Sanders broke the law.

haven't seen which law she broke, if any, yet.
CFR 2635.702

Seeking to coerce a business by using her office to discourage patronage and putting public pressure on the business

You're grasping at straws. She factually described what happened and no one is denying its not the truth. Your just butt-hurt because Conservatives and Trump supporters aren't taking the bigotry lying down. Liberals suck and so does the bigot that owns the Red Hen.
She’s probably facing jail time, if they choose to take things that far.
We’ll see. They certainly have a case.
If it weren't for these nutcases I'd still be a Democrat.

They're ALL nutcases!
At least all the ones that slither into this forum!

I can't believe this shit. And these people want absolute control. You'd better pray they never get it.
I was a Democrat... until I came to USMB.

Putrid, disgusting and vile.

The best decision I've made since coming here.
I've never claimed to be "nice".
Clearly you never claimed to be bright, informed, or educated either! :lmao:
Jesus you people are stupid. Do you think your dumbass comments make a damn bit of difference? Only a juvenile idiot would be affected by insults from anonymous strangers on the internet.

I've told you over and over again that all those insults are is proof you can't logically respond to what I've said. You morons are apparently too stupid to learn even that simple concept.

No wonder you idiots support a moron like tRump. Your are just to ignorant to know any better.

Still waiting on what law she broke moron. At least try to make one up.

They think it's illegal to say things they don't like or agree with.
Not so. Are you making things up or just projecting what you would do onto us?

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