Satanic Temple holds inaugural convention in Scottsdale

Whereas I'm always amazed at people who are ignorant of the fact that slavery was by far and away the single biggest point of contention at the time of founding.
From the histories I've read I get the impression that how representation was assigned to the states was the largest point of contention.
The devil is pretending it's all about social justice not, Satan Worship. But they get religious tax breaks.

The Satanic Temple gets religion

“We tend to think about institutions that have leaders, texts, buildings, adherents, beliefs, rituals. The Satanic Temple actually checks those boxes, at least most of them. We may not like it. We may not think of it as a conventional religion, but it seems to fit the characteristics.”

"Greaves gives a tour of the temple building and art gallery, pointing out some of the ways that the place functions as a religious center.

Besides the gathering area, there is a small library with significant works of Satanic literature and history. A historic relic is on display. It’s a 2-foot tall monument for veterans, in the form of a metal cube with a reversed pentagram on the front and an upturned military helmet on top."

There are plenty of social justice groups non-profit this is something else really the whole insinuation and symbolic of something else. Mockery and perverting things and using social justice as the guise. But look at the attempt to marginalize religious people who are now a minority under attack. Satan's temple social justice warriors, except when social justice is not in line with their ideology..
You sound like you think they need a good reason...
Would it be too much to ask that there were :dunno:
And yet it was enabled and stayed for nearly one hundred years.

Oh, liberty!
Actually the importation of slaves was abolished at the earliest date allowed by the constitution and in the interim laws were written to halt the expansion of slavery. It wasn't until the late 1820's when most of the founding fathers were dead and Democrats were the dominant political party that slavery was expanded.
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From the histories I've read I get the impression that how representation was assigned to the states was the largest point of contention.
You were taught wrong.

Douglass publicly changed his stance on the Constitution in the spring of 1851. The American Anti-Slavery Society established a new policy denouncing any paper that opposed the organization’s belief in the Constitution as a pro-slavery document at its 1851 annual meeting. Douglass, a longtime member, announced that under this new policy his paper The North Star was ineligible for their endorsement. He published his new stance in the May 15, 1851 edition of The North Star, stating that his interpretation of the Constitution as an anti-slavery document established a precedent which allowed it to be “wielded on behalf of emancipation.”
Among the most controversial issues confronting the delegates was that of slavery. Slavery was widespread in the states at the time of the Convention. Twenty-five of the Convention's 55 delegates owned slaves, including all the delegates from Virginia and South Carolina.

Whether slavery was to be regulated under the new Constitution was a matter of such intense conflict between North and South, several Southern states refused to join the Union if slavery was not allowed. Delegates opposed to slavery were forced to yield their demands that slavery practiced within the confines of the new nation be completely outlawed. However, they continued to argue that the Constitution should prohibit the states from participating in the international slave trade, including the importation of new slaves from Africa, and the exportation of slaves to other countries.

The Convention postponed making a final decision on the international slave trade until late in the deliberations due to the contentious nature of the issue. Once the Convention had finished amending the first draft from the Committee of Detail, a new set of unresolved questions were sent to several different committees for resolution.

During the Convention's late July recess, the Committee of Detail inserted language that prohibited the federal government from attempting to ban international slave trading and prohibited imposing taxes on the purchase or sale of slaves. This committee developed a compromise. In exchange for this concession, the federal government's power to regulate foreign commerce would be strengthened by provisions that allowed taxation of slave trades in the international market and provisions that reduced the requirement for passage of navigation acts from two-thirds majorities of both houses of Congress to a simple majority.

JustAGuy1 the Satan con website has a frequently asked questions about rituals and they give suggestions like hold a blackmass , etc. It's on the Satan con website but I'm not home and can't post it. These people are worshipping the devil and evil and pretending it's all in fun to razz christians or other religious people. But they are in fact accepting all that comes along with that decision. You don't have to be a devil worshipper just to fight social justice. So choosing to do it willingly is really sad.
Jesus hates liars. You are a liar.
Good lord man.

The Nine Satanic Statements​

by Anton Szandor LaVey
The Nine Satanic Statements originally appeared in The Satanic Bible, © 1969

  1. Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence!
  2. Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe dreams!
  3. Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit!
  4. Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on ingrates!
  5. Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek!
  6. Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires!
  7. Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his “divine spiritual and intellectual development,” has become the most vicious animal of all!
  8. Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification!
  9. Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as He has kept it in business all these years!
This group doesnt use the satanic bible or practice laveyan.
IDK how you can get here and talk about deceit and lies, when you fucking do it yourself.
Are there satanist groups out there that worship you?
Hmmm are you saying I am worthy of some kind of worship? I wouldn't go that far. Several others have put the kibosh on you. Take it like a man. You have been trying to sanitize satan worshippers out of their own words. It didn't work. All you can do now is impotenly flail away waving your arms and foam at the mouth. Give it up.
Hmmm are you saying I am worthy of some kind of worship? I wouldn't go that far. Several others have put the kibosh on you. Take it like a man. You have been trying to sanitize satan worshippers out of their own words. It didn't work. All you can do now is impotenly flail away waving your arms and foam at the mouth. Give it up.
They arent Satan worshippers, ya damn liar :rolleyes:
If hell is real, you will be right there beside me ;)
Everyone xan see that they call themselves Satan worshippers, hosting a satancon, let it go. You lost. You are just making a fool of yourself now.
Yet you cant link it.
The dishonest thing is, you keep repeating the lie.
Your Jesus hates you

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