Satanic Temple holds inaugural convention in Scottsdale

Your level of dishonesty is through the roof. Enjoy hell, satanist.
Typical democrat accuse others of that which you are guilty. You are a piss drinking, shit eating democrat. There is nothing worse than a Democrat. Better Satan himself than a democrat.
Typical democrat accuse others of that which you are guilty. You are a piss drinking, shit eating democrat. There is nothing worse than a Democrat. Better Satan himself than a democrat.
You are completely fucking delusional. I hope you cant buy guns.
Its a good group that does good things. They value liberty over anything.
And no, they dont believe in an actual satan.
Boy, a lot of religious people sure hate people doing good things like giving to charity, setting up after school programs etc. Its a shame.
THEY DONT WORSHIP SATAN. Goddamn dude. You have no idea what they believe or dont believe in.
I defend christians when it is called for.
Im also not an atheist.
That entire post is wrong. Congrats.

Even though some satanist groups don’t believe in a literal satan or consciously worship satan, it doesn’t matter because whether they realize it or not, they are children of the father of lies. What they do is deceptive, they claim to be about kindness and doing good things, while actively opposing the very Source of all good things.

So yeah, even if they’re not literally bowing down to the devil, they’re basically doing his bidding by fighting against and lying about the true living God, and trying to convince people that satanism is a good thing. :rolleyes: Heck, as Michelle said, the way you always speak against Christianity and now promote satanism, I’m surprised you’re not a card-carrying member of the Church of satan.
I too think it's disgusting, but, it's better to have them visible than in the dark.
Also, if our nation was to outlaw this anti-religion group, who's next?
Each American needs to make a choice. Satan only has the power each human soul willingly gives him.
I'm always amused at the value placed on liberty by a nation whose economic base was enabled by chattel slavery.

It smells like......irony.
The real "irony".........the quest for social justice has a history of killing vastly more human beings (over 100 million in the 20th century alone) than slavery could have ever imagined, and its even worse if one considers all the human souls lost to the industry of Abortion on Demand.

I suppose one could conclude the "poor dumb idiots would much rather be alive and slaves than EQUALLY DEAD". :abgg2q.jpg:
Even though some satanist groups don’t believe in a literal satan or consciously worship satan, it doesn’t matter because whether they realize it or not, they are children of the father of lies. What they do is deceptive, they claim to be about kindness and doing good things, while actively opposing the very Source of all good things.

So yeah, even if they’re not literally bowing down to the devil, they’re basically doing his bidding by fighting against and lying about the true living God, and trying to convince people that satanism is a good thing. :rolleyes: Heck, as Michelle said, the way you always speak against Christianity and now promote satanism, I’m surprised you’re not a card-carrying member of the Church of satan.
Good grief.
They cant be good because they dont believe in 2K year old stories made up by ignorant desert savages. Umm ok.
Your closed mind is partly why they rail against establishment religions. "ZOMG they dont believe in the god i believe in so they must be evil!!" :rolleyes:
BTW, im not promoting satanism. I am simply correcting you guys assumptions about this one particular group.
Satan is a human creation and does not exist. These people are loonies. Might as well call it 'Loonycon'
Good grief.
They cant be good because they dont believe in 2K year old stories made up by ignorant desert savages. Umm ok.
Your closed mind is partly why they rail against establishment religions. "ZOMG they dont believe in the god i believe in so they must be evil!!" :rolleyes:
BTW, im not promoting satanism. I am simply correcting you guys assumptions about this one particular group.

Don't put words in my mouth. And btw, I find it funny that these people (and you apparently) see nothing illogical about using words like "good" and "evil" when their worldview cannot even account for objective morality. If they are atheists (which some satanist groups are, as you stated) then they have no real basis for an objective moral standard. All they have is their personal opinion, which means absolutely nothing if morality is subjective.

ETA: I predict that what I just said will be completely misunderstood, as it always is with atheists. I can pretty much predict what your reply is going to be.
Tipsycatlover I put him on ignore. He is an Atheist so he is right in line with bashing religious people his bias is clear. I don't ever justify people who want to worship satan or use the name satan to pretend they are social justice warriors while ironically shutting down religious people and mocking them.

Religious people have been marginalized and mocked and made fun of now for the past 20-30 years and within the last 20 years it has become so aggressive that I don't even bother with the Atheists who are also narrowminded to religious people while at the same breath wanting religious people to be so tolerant of the games they play. No thanks

These are modern-day Judas Goats. and I have a shepherd already named Jesus Christ.
Tipsycatlover I put him on ignore. He is an Atheist so he is right in line with bashing religious people his bias is clear. I don't ever justify people who want to worship satan or use the name satan to pretend they are social justice warriors while ironically shutting down religious people and mocking them.

Religious people have been marginalized and mocked and made fun of now for the past 20-30 years and within the last 20 years it has become so aggressive that I don't even bother with the Atheists who are also narrowminded to religious people while at the same breath wanting religious people to be so tolerant of the games they play. No thanks

These are modern-day Judas Goats. and I have a shepherd already named Jesus Christ.
So you whine about them doing things like that when christians are known for doing the same thing? :lol:
And im not an atheist. Im an agnostic.
All this "im such a good person because of muh jesus" and you people continuously lie and distort. Its fucking hilarious.
This shit is what made people like the satanic temple do the things they do.
Actually the importation of slaves was abolished at the earliest date allowed by the constitution and in the interim laws were written to halt the expansion of slavery.
And chattel slavery was enabled for the next hundred odd years.

Oh liberty!

What an American value.
And chattel slavery was enabled for the next hundred odd years.

Oh liberty!

What an American value.
That was on the Democratic Party.

“Corner Stone” Speech, Alexander H. Stephens, Savannah, Georgia, March 21, 1861
"The prevailing ideas entertained by him [Thomas Jefferson] and most of the leading statesmen at the time of the formation of the old Constitution were that the enslavement of the African was in violation of the laws of nature – that it was wrong in principle – socially, morally, and politically. It was an evil they knew not well how to deal with, but the general opinion of the men of that day was that somehow or other, in the order of Providence, the institution would be evanescent [temporary] and pass away. " Alexander Stephens​

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