Satanism is the Origin of the New Age Occult

You do understand that revelations was written some 60+yrs after Jesus death?

You do understand IESous didn't exist to have died. The son of mary died around 82-85BC, Yehuda the Galilean 6bc, Theudas by the Jordan 45 ad. Your 60 years is way off for the Yeshu son of Mary figure and proves my point.
The Son of God died before he was even born? That makes a lot of since...duh. Do you not know that BC stands for "Before Christ"?

16th Century gave us our Gregorian calendar. Before that it was the roman calendar and the monk that placed the dates made mathematical errors.
You do understand that revelations was written some 60+yrs after Jesus death?

You do understand IESous didn't exist to have died. The son of mary died around 82-85BC, Yehuda the Galilean 6bc, Theudas by the Jordan 45 ad. Your 60 years is way off for the Yeshu son of Mary figure and proves my point.
The Son of God died before he was even born? That makes a lot of since...duh. Do you not know that BC stands for "Before Christ"?

16th Century gave us our Gregorian calendar. Before that it was the roman calendar and the monk that placed the dates made mathematical errors.

And Satan's new dates and holidays means Rome the accuser and adversary was Sawtawn. It's also why you miss one of the easter eggs dates in History leave you.
You do understand that revelations was written some 60+yrs after Jesus death?

You do understand IESous didn't exist to have died. The son of mary died around 82-85BC, Yehuda the Galilean 6bc, Theudas by the Jordan 45 ad. Your 60 years is way off for the Yeshu son of Mary figure and proves my point.
The Son of God died before he was even born? That makes a lot of since...duh. Do you not know that BC stands for "Before Christ"?

16th Century gave us our Gregorian calendar. Before that it was the roman calendar and the monk that placed the dates made mathematical errors.

And Satan's new dates and holidays means Rome the accuser and adversary was Sawtawn. It's also why you miss one of the easter eggs dates in History leave you.

easter eggs were from Nowruz
"easter eggs" (hidden) like in computer game references,
not "Easter eggs" Ishtar's Egg that fell in the river birthing the Morning Star.
But Ironically the easter egg was hidden in a Bush. :)
"easter eggs" (hidden) like in computer game references,
not "Easter eggs" Ishtar's Egg that fell in the river birthing the Morning Star.
But Ironically the easter egg was hidden in a Bush. :)

Tammuz Tree
No my easter egg was literally given to a Bush. It would have been easy to see if not for the changing of months.
1 Timothy 4:1. The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.

2 Corinthians 11:14. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

"And any teaching or doctrine that is pushed along side Lucifer/Satan should be dropped immediately. This is the enemy of Jesus Christ, who is trying to deceive and lead people into sin and deception before his time is up. Just like he deceived Eve, he baits people with promises of god-hood and ascension, if only they study esoteric knowledge and refuse to obey/follow/seek God. This is the same lie found in the first book of the Bible."

"Later times" to timothy was 200 years into the future in 325.c.e. when the almighty roman mangod born of a virgin was conjured from the depths of hell by ignorance and unleashed on the world.

New age beliefs and practices are no more or less satanic than knocking on wood, pledging allegiance to a flag, or worshipping a first century Jewish man.

You should worry about where you went wrong.
1 Timothy 4:1. The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.

2 Corinthians 11:14. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

"And any teaching or doctrine that is pushed along side Lucifer/Satan should be dropped immediately. This is the enemy of Jesus Christ, who is trying to deceive and lead people into sin and deception before his time is up. Just like he deceived Eve, he baits people with promises of god-hood and ascension, if only they study esoteric knowledge and refuse to obey/follow/seek God. This is the same lie found in the first book of the Bible."

"Later times" to timothy was 200 years into the future in 325.c.e. when the almighty roman mangod born of a virgin was conjured from the depths of hell by ignorance and unleashed on the world.

New age beliefs and practices are no more or less satanic than knocking on wood, pledging allegiance to a flag, or worshipping a first century Jewish man.

You should worry about where you went wrong.

I suggest you take a closer look. They unwittingly seek deceiving spirits of the netherworld to use as spirit guides. They are into such practices as mediums, tarot cards and contacting the dead. All with roots in satanism and against God.

Leviticus 19:31. Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits; do not seek after them, to be defiled by them; I am the Lord your God.

Mediums and familiar spirits
involve consulting the spirits of the dead. All contact with these or other spirits was strictly forbidden in Israel. It demonstrated lack of faith in and rebellion against God.
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1 Timothy 4:1. The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.

2 Corinthians 11:14. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

"And any teaching or doctrine that is pushed along side Lucifer/Satan should be dropped immediately. This is the enemy of Jesus Christ, who is trying to deceive and lead people into sin and deception before his time is up. Just like he deceived Eve, he baits people with promises of god-hood and ascension, if only they study esoteric knowledge and refuse to obey/follow/seek God. This is the same lie found in the first book of the Bible."

"Later times" to timothy was 200 years into the future in 325.c.e. when the almighty roman mangod born of a virgin was conjured from the depths of hell by ignorance and unleashed on the world.

New age beliefs and practices are no more or less satanic than knocking on wood, pledging allegiance to a flag, or worshipping a first century Jewish man.

You should worry about where you went wrong.

I suggest you take a closer look. They unwittingly seek deceiving spirits of the netherworld to use as spirit guides. They are into such practices as mediums, tarot cards and contacting the dead. All with roots in satanism and against God.

Leviticus 19:31. Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits; do not seek after them, to be defiled by them; I am the Lord your God.

Mediums and familiar spirits
involve consulting the spirits of the dead. All contact with these or other spirits was strictly forbidden in Israel. It demonstrated lack of faith in and rebellion against God.

How is any of that different than praying to Jesus Mary or Joseph?

If seeking contact with spirits is strictly forbidden and demonstrates a lack of belief in and rebellion against God then every christian that prays to the holy ghost for guidance is in deep trouble.
satan is dead, 4th century christians need a new book.
I have witnessed demons with my own two eyes and ears. You can not convince me that Satan is dead.

Every reference to satan in scripture is a reference to a human being.

If what you saw was not made of flesh and blood then you just had a hallucination which is only evidence of a malfunctioning mind.
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1 Timothy 4:1. The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.

2 Corinthians 11:14. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

"And any teaching or doctrine that is pushed along side Lucifer/Satan should be dropped immediately. This is the enemy of Jesus Christ, who is trying to deceive and lead people into sin and deception before his time is up. Just like he deceived Eve, he baits people with promises of god-hood and ascension, if only they study esoteric knowledge and refuse to obey/follow/seek God. This is the same lie found in the first book of the Bible."

"Later times" to timothy was 200 years into the future in 325.c.e. when the almighty roman mangod born of a virgin was conjured from the depths of hell by ignorance and unleashed on the world.

New age beliefs and practices are no more or less satanic than knocking on wood, pledging allegiance to a flag, or worshipping a first century Jewish man.

You should worry about where you went wrong.

I suggest you take a closer look. They unwittingly seek deceiving spirits of the netherworld to use as spirit guides. They are into such practices as mediums, tarot cards and contacting the dead. All with roots in satanism and against God.

Leviticus 19:31. Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits; do not seek after them, to be defiled by them; I am the Lord your God.

Mediums and familiar spirits
involve consulting the spirits of the dead. All contact with these or other spirits was strictly forbidden in Israel. It demonstrated lack of faith in and rebellion against God.

How is any of that different than praying to Jesus Mary or Joseph?

If seeking contact with spirits is strictly forbidden and demonstrates a lack of belief in and rebellion against God then every christian that prays to the holy ghost for guidance is in deep trouble.

The scripture is referring to spirits of the dead and demons, not those in heaven.
satan is dead, 4th century christians need a new book.
I have witnessed demons with my own two eyes and ears. You can not convince me that Satan is dead.

Every reference to satan in scripture is a reference to a human being.

If what you saw was not made of flesh and blood then you just had a hallucination which is only evidence of a malfunctioning mind.
The spirit world is very real and not a hallucination of the mind.
1 Timothy 4:1. The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.

2 Corinthians 11:14. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

"And any teaching or doctrine that is pushed along side Lucifer/Satan should be dropped immediately. This is the enemy of Jesus Christ, who is trying to deceive and lead people into sin and deception before his time is up. Just like he deceived Eve, he baits people with promises of god-hood and ascension, if only they study esoteric knowledge and refuse to obey/follow/seek God. This is the same lie found in the first book of the Bible."

"Later times" to timothy was 200 years into the future in 325.c.e. when the almighty roman mangod born of a virgin was conjured from the depths of hell by ignorance and unleashed on the world.

New age beliefs and practices are no more or less satanic than knocking on wood, pledging allegiance to a flag, or worshipping a first century Jewish man.

You should worry about where you went wrong.

I suggest you take a closer look. They unwittingly seek deceiving spirits of the netherworld to use as spirit guides. They are into such practices as mediums, tarot cards and contacting the dead. All with roots in satanism and against God.

Leviticus 19:31. Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits; do not seek after them, to be defiled by them; I am the Lord your God.

Mediums and familiar spirits
involve consulting the spirits of the dead. All contact with these or other spirits was strictly forbidden in Israel. It demonstrated lack of faith in and rebellion against God.

How is any of that different than praying to Jesus Mary or Joseph?

If seeking contact with spirits is strictly forbidden and demonstrates a lack of belief in and rebellion against God then every christian that prays to the holy ghost for guidance is in deep trouble.

The scripture is referring to spirits of the dead and demons, not those in heaven.

No, whenever Jesus spoke of satan he was directly referring to other people.

the story of the talking serpent in the garden is a story of a despicable and deceitful human being.

The story of lucifers fall from the sky is a story of the fall of a human being.

When Jesus said to Peter, "get behind me satan", he wasn't invisible.

Whenever a person 'sees' evil spirits that are not there they are dangerously close to losing their sanity, evidence that they are losing their grip on the distinction between reality and fantasy.
1 Timothy 4:1. The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.

2 Corinthians 11:14. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

"And any teaching or doctrine that is pushed along side Lucifer/Satan should be dropped immediately. This is the enemy of Jesus Christ, who is trying to deceive and lead people into sin and deception before his time is up. Just like he deceived Eve, he baits people with promises of god-hood and ascension, if only they study esoteric knowledge and refuse to obey/follow/seek God. This is the same lie found in the first book of the Bible."

"Later times" to timothy was 200 years into the future in 325.c.e. when the almighty roman mangod born of a virgin was conjured from the depths of hell by ignorance and unleashed on the world.

New age beliefs and practices are no more or less satanic than knocking on wood, pledging allegiance to a flag, or worshipping a first century Jewish man.

You should worry about where you went wrong.

I suggest you take a closer look. They unwittingly seek deceiving spirits of the netherworld to use as spirit guides. They are into such practices as mediums, tarot cards and contacting the dead. All with roots in satanism and against God.

Leviticus 19:31. Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits; do not seek after them, to be defiled by them; I am the Lord your God.

Mediums and familiar spirits
involve consulting the spirits of the dead. All contact with these or other spirits was strictly forbidden in Israel. It demonstrated lack of faith in and rebellion against God.

How is any of that different than praying to Jesus Mary or Joseph?

If seeking contact with spirits is strictly forbidden and demonstrates a lack of belief in and rebellion against God then every christian that prays to the holy ghost for guidance is in deep trouble.

The scripture is referring to spirits of the dead and demons, not those in heaven.

And you know the difference between heaven and hell?


You do know that when Jesus revealed that many of those who believed they were righteous were actually under the condemnation of God and living in Gehenna like some foul creature in a garbage dump, he was talking to and about people who professed dedication to God, followed a strict literal interpretation of Mosaic law, and were comfortably well off living smooth and easy lives with wealth power and respect from the community that they perceived as evidence of blessings from God?


What does that tell you?
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1 Timothy 4:1. The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.

2 Corinthians 11:14. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

"And any teaching or doctrine that is pushed along side Lucifer/Satan should be dropped immediately. This is the enemy of Jesus Christ, who is trying to deceive and lead people into sin and deception before his time is up. Just like he deceived Eve, he baits people with promises of god-hood and ascension, if only they study esoteric knowledge and refuse to obey/follow/seek God. This is the same lie found in the first book of the Bible."

"Later times" to timothy was 200 years into the future in 325.c.e. when the almighty roman mangod born of a virgin was conjured from the depths of hell by ignorance and unleashed on the world.

New age beliefs and practices are no more or less satanic than knocking on wood, pledging allegiance to a flag, or worshipping a first century Jewish man.

You should worry about where you went wrong.

I suggest you take a closer look. They unwittingly seek deceiving spirits of the netherworld to use as spirit guides. They are into such practices as mediums, tarot cards and contacting the dead. All with roots in satanism and against God.

Leviticus 19:31. Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits; do not seek after them, to be defiled by them; I am the Lord your God.

Mediums and familiar spirits
involve consulting the spirits of the dead. All contact with these or other spirits was strictly forbidden in Israel. It demonstrated lack of faith in and rebellion against God.

How is any of that different than praying to Jesus Mary or Joseph?

If seeking contact with spirits is strictly forbidden and demonstrates a lack of belief in and rebellion against God then every christian that prays to the holy ghost for guidance is in deep trouble.

The scripture is referring to spirits of the dead and demons, not those in heaven.

No, whenever Jesus spoke of satan he was directly referring to other people.

the story of the talking serpent in the garden is a story of a despicable and deceitful human being.

The story of lucifers fall from the sky is a story of the fall of a human being.

When Jesus said to Peter, "get behind me satan", he wasn't invisible.

Whenever a person 'sees' evil spirits that are not there they are dangerously close to losing their sanity, evidence that they are losing their grip on the distinction between reality and fantasy.

You misinterpret scripture. And the devil drives people mad.
Satanism may not be the origin of the New Age Occult, but it is Satanic.
"Later times" to timothy was 200 years into the future in 325.c.e. when the almighty roman mangod born of a virgin was conjured from the depths of hell by ignorance and unleashed on the world.

New age beliefs and practices are no more or less satanic than knocking on wood, pledging allegiance to a flag, or worshipping a first century Jewish man.

You should worry about where you went wrong.
I suggest you take a closer look. They unwittingly seek deceiving spirits of the netherworld to use as spirit guides. They are into such practices as mediums, tarot cards and contacting the dead. All with roots in satanism and against God.

Leviticus 19:31. Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits; do not seek after them, to be defiled by them; I am the Lord your God.

Mediums and familiar spirits
involve consulting the spirits of the dead. All contact with these or other spirits was strictly forbidden in Israel. It demonstrated lack of faith in and rebellion against God.

How is any of that different than praying to Jesus Mary or Joseph?

If seeking contact with spirits is strictly forbidden and demonstrates a lack of belief in and rebellion against God then every christian that prays to the holy ghost for guidance is in deep trouble.
The scripture is referring to spirits of the dead and demons, not those in heaven.
No, whenever Jesus spoke of satan he was directly referring to other people.

the story of the talking serpent in the garden is a story of a despicable and deceitful human being.

The story of lucifers fall from the sky is a story of the fall of a human being.

When Jesus said to Peter, "get behind me satan", he wasn't invisible.

Whenever a person 'sees' evil spirits that are not there they are dangerously close to losing their sanity, evidence that they are losing their grip on the distinction between reality and fantasy.
You misinterpret scripture. And the devil drives people mad.

lol, if it is the devil who drives people mad then you had better remove from your mind the garbage planted by whatever devil that has already made you half crazy.

That is unless you enjoy the freedom from responsibility provided by the delusions of an unrestrained imagination.
I suggest you take a closer look. They unwittingly seek deceiving spirits of the netherworld to use as spirit guides. They are into such practices as mediums, tarot cards and contacting the dead. All with roots in satanism and against God.

Leviticus 19:31. Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits; do not seek after them, to be defiled by them; I am the Lord your God.

Mediums and familiar spirits
involve consulting the spirits of the dead. All contact with these or other spirits was strictly forbidden in Israel. It demonstrated lack of faith in and rebellion against God.

How is any of that different than praying to Jesus Mary or Joseph?

If seeking contact with spirits is strictly forbidden and demonstrates a lack of belief in and rebellion against God then every christian that prays to the holy ghost for guidance is in deep trouble.
The scripture is referring to spirits of the dead and demons, not those in heaven.
No, whenever Jesus spoke of satan he was directly referring to other people.

the story of the talking serpent in the garden is a story of a despicable and deceitful human being.

The story of lucifers fall from the sky is a story of the fall of a human being.

When Jesus said to Peter, "get behind me satan", he wasn't invisible.

Whenever a person 'sees' evil spirits that are not there they are dangerously close to losing their sanity, evidence that they are losing their grip on the distinction between reality and fantasy.
You misinterpret scripture. And the devil drives people mad.

lol, if it is the devil who drives people mad then you had better remove from your mind the garbage planted by whatever devil that has already made you half crazy.

That is unless you enjoy the freedom from responsibility provided by the delusions of an unrestrained imagination.

It's been known for thousand of years to be evil spirits to drive a person mad. Modern research merely "implies" that it is a brain disorder. Modern science knows little about the brain. And this is no more than a poor educated guess. The "brain disorder" that they have found in many schizophrenics today is nothing but brain damage caused by drug abuse.
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How is any of that different than praying to Jesus Mary or Joseph?

If seeking contact with spirits is strictly forbidden and demonstrates a lack of belief in and rebellion against God then every christian that prays to the holy ghost for guidance is in deep trouble.
The scripture is referring to spirits of the dead and demons, not those in heaven.
No, whenever Jesus spoke of satan he was directly referring to other people.

the story of the talking serpent in the garden is a story of a despicable and deceitful human being.

The story of lucifers fall from the sky is a story of the fall of a human being.

When Jesus said to Peter, "get behind me satan", he wasn't invisible.

Whenever a person 'sees' evil spirits that are not there they are dangerously close to losing their sanity, evidence that they are losing their grip on the distinction between reality and fantasy.
You misinterpret scripture. And the devil drives people mad.

lol, if it is the devil who drives people mad then you had better remove from your mind the garbage planted by whatever devil that has already made you half crazy.

That is unless you enjoy the freedom from responsibility provided by the delusions of an unrestrained imagination.

It's been known for thousand of years to be evil spirits to drive a person mad. Modern research merely "implies" that it is a brain disorder. Modern science knows little about the brain. And this is no more than a poor educated guess. The "brain disorder" that they have found in many schizophrenics today is nothing but brain damage caused by drug abuse.


I didn't realize how far you have wandered from sanity...

Now I know.

You do have my condolences.

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