Saudi Academic To Arabs On Israel's Jerusalem

Here's the the core of it Abi. The Pro-Israeli side tries to disenfranchise the Palestinians by arguing there was never any nation called Palestine.
I know; I told you that.

And it's true. But it is also meaningless. Having a nation does not define a people. So what if there was never a nation known as Palestine? There was and is a region known as Palestine and people that inhabited it.
I know; I told you that too.

But any nation that arises from it will be a new nation. Just as Israel
Well, let's hope that it does not arise the way Israel did. Let us hope no country ever tries to come into existence on the land where peoples homes stood for centuries and while they were still there.
Not really.

Palestine is a region. Within it have been numerous nations. There is no modern nation of Palestine yet but there hopefully will be. And it will be a new nation. Like Israel is. Not a reinvention of an ancient entity.
That is a regularly floated zionist talking point and is meaningless. The land was known as Palestine. Whether it was a country in your view or not does not matter.

How about this?

Do you deny that in 450 BC, Herodotus referred to the area between Egypt and Phoenicia as Palestine?

Do you further deny that around 340 BC, Aristotle referred to the Dead Sea as "a lake in Palestine?"

Here's the the core of it Abi. The Pro-Israeli side tries to disenfranchise the Palestinians by arguing there was never any nation called Palestine. And it's true. But it is also meaningless. Having a nation does not define a people. So what if there was never a nation known as Palestine? There was and is a region known as Palestine and people that inhabited it. But any nation that arises from it will be a new nation. Just as Israel is.
But and there is a BIG BUT Coy is that Jews deserted their Land and Claimed it back only because of Terrorism and Politically through the UN,the Irony is that the Palestinians are now going through the UN as the Zionists did... and yet the Zionists are telling the UN to get Fcuked at every turn....AIN'T THEY.

Really your argument should then encourage the Sioux to be able to reclaim their homeland in that part of America they originated from...answer me this... being you all think Trump is the Best thing since sliced bread...Why doesn't he support Native Americans getting their LANDS BACK being he is such a sentinel for the Zionists Illegal Cause????...steve,now only known as theliq
When was it that the Jews "deserted" their homeland?
They claimed it back "because of terrorism? Some strange English you have used throughout this whole post. I do not know what to make of it. Nothing you say is clear.

You are yet to prove that the Zionist cause IS an illegal one.

NO, they AIN'T !!!!!
Really 60's
Here's the the core of it Abi. The Pro-Israeli side tries to disenfranchise the Palestinians by arguing there was never any nation called Palestine.
I know; I told you that.

And it's true. But it is also meaningless. Having a nation does not define a people. So what if there was never a nation known as Palestine? There was and is a region known as Palestine and people that inhabited it.
I know; I told you that too.

But any nation that arises from it will be a new nation. Just as Israel
Well, let's hope that it does not arise the way Israel did. Let us hope no country ever tries to come into existence on the land where peoples homes stood for centuries and while they were still there.
Very Good Point but you will Abi,get an evasive reply...steve
Not really.

Palestine is a region. Within it have been numerous nations. There is no modern nation of Palestine yet but there hopefully will be. And it will be a new nation. Like Israel is. Not a reinvention of an ancient entity.
That is a regularly floated zionist talking point and is meaningless. The land was known as Palestine. Whether it was a country in your view or not does not matter.

How about this?

Do you deny that in 450 BC, Herodotus referred to the area between Egypt and Phoenicia as Palestine?

Do you further deny that around 340 BC, Aristotle referred to the Dead Sea as "a lake in Palestine?"

Here's the the core of it Abi. The Pro-Israeli side tries to disenfranchise the Palestinians by arguing there was never any nation called Palestine. And it's true. But it is also meaningless. Having a nation does not define a people. So what if there was never a nation known as Palestine? There was and is a region known as Palestine and people that inhabited it. But any nation that arises from it will be a new nation. Just as Israel is.
But and there is a BIG BUT Coy is that Jews deserted their Land and Claimed it back only because of Terrorism and Politically through the UN,the Irony is that the Palestinians are now going through the UN as the Zionists did... and yet the Zionists are telling the UN to get Fcuked at every turn....AIN'T THEY.

Really your argument should then encourage the Sioux to be able to reclaim their homeland in that part of America they originated from...answer me this... being you all think Trump is the Best thing since sliced bread...Why doesn't he support Native Americans getting their LANDS BACK being he is such a sentinel for the Zionists Illegal Cause????...steve,now only known as theliq
When was it that the Jews "deserted" their homeland?
They claimed it back "because of terrorism? Some strange English you have used throughout this whole post. I do not know what to make of it. Nothing you say is clear.

You are yet to prove that the Zionist cause IS an illegal one.

NO, they AIN'T !!!!!
They regained Parts of Palestine through their deliberate acts of terror/ism and through the Political Process via the UN....something they now deny the Palestinians...They did desert there homeland as you full well know 60's and became a different people from the Original Jews who stayed in basic harmony with the Palestinians, never criticize the people who have tried to eliminate you...The Russians,The Christians,The Germans etc,. just the Palestinians who have done nothing to you...WHY...steve
Not really.

Palestine is a region. Within it have been numerous nations. There is no modern nation of Palestine yet but there hopefully will be. And it will be a new nation. Like Israel is. Not a reinvention of an ancient entity.
That is a regularly floated zionist talking point and is meaningless. The land was known as Palestine. Whether it was a country in your view or not does not matter.

How about this?

Do you deny that in 450 BC, Herodotus referred to the area between Egypt and Phoenicia as Palestine?

Do you further deny that around 340 BC, Aristotle referred to the Dead Sea as "a lake in Palestine?"

Here's the the core of it Abi. The Pro-Israeli side tries to disenfranchise the Palestinians by arguing there was never any nation called Palestine. And it's true. But it is also meaningless. Having a nation does not define a people. So what if there was never a nation known as Palestine? There was and is a region known as Palestine and people that inhabited it. But any nation that arises from it will be a new nation. Just as Israel is.
The Zionist are wrong and a pack of liars,that is why the Ultras and secular Jews Detest them...just calling out the facts
Even I despise todays Zionists for their treatment of Palestinians. See thread titled --- To You Zionists.
Not really.

Palestine is a region. Within it have been numerous nations. There is no modern nation of Palestine yet but there hopefully will be. And it will be a new nation. Like Israel is. Not a reinvention of an ancient entity.
That is a regularly floated zionist talking point and is meaningless. The land was known as Palestine. Whether it was a country in your view or not does not matter.

How about this?

Do you deny that in 450 BC, Herodotus referred to the area between Egypt and Phoenicia as Palestine?

Do you further deny that around 340 BC, Aristotle referred to the Dead Sea as "a lake in Palestine?"

Here's the the core of it Abi. The Pro-Israeli side tries to disenfranchise the Palestinians by arguing there was never any nation called Palestine. And it's true. But it is also meaningless. Having a nation does not define a people. So what if there was never a nation known as Palestine? There was and is a region known as Palestine and people that inhabited it. But any nation that arises from it will be a new nation. Just as Israel is.
But and there is a BIG BUT Coy is that Jews deserted their Land and Claimed it back only because of Terrorism and Politically through the UN,the Irony is that the Palestinians are now going through the UN as the Zionists did... and yet the Zionists are telling the UN to get Fcuked at every turn....AIN'T THEY.

Really your argument should then encourage the Sioux to be able to reclaim their homeland in that part of America they originated from...answer me this... being you all think Trump is the Best thing since sliced bread...Why doesn't he support Native Americans getting their LANDS BACK being he is such a sentinel for the Zionists Illegal Cause????...steve,now only known as theliq
They did not desert it, there have always been Jews there. Also the Middle East between world wars was not the ME of today. You had intetnational powers dividing the Ottoman Empire and had rising nationalist groups seeking independent nations. Of those were Arabs and Jews.

That was almost a century ago.

The result is today is the formation of multiple Arab countries, one Jewish country and a stateless citizenless rightless people lknown as the Palestinians who occupy a disputed territory and who have yet to recieve justice.

But you cant just blame it all on Israel, there are too many other players involved in the perpetuation of this drama.

What i dont agree with are those who seem to think the only "solution" is the destruction of Israel. Why cant Israel exist alongside the Arab states as a solution with a negotiated Palestinian state as well?
Here's the the core of it Abi. The Pro-Israeli side tries to disenfranchise the Palestinians by arguing there was never any nation called Palestine.
I know; I told you that.

And it's true. But it is also meaningless. Having a nation does not define a people. So what if there was never a nation known as Palestine? There was and is a region known as Palestine and people that inhabited it.
I know; I told you that too.

But any nation that arises from it will be a new nation. Just as Israel
Well, let's hope that it does not arise the way Israel did. Let us hope no country ever tries to come into existence on the land where peoples homes stood for centuries and while they were still there.
How was Israel's arising any different then Jordan's?

Jerusalem is a physical place that has historically been the capitol of Judea.

Whats up with the revisionist history Coyote.

Scared of admitting the modern Judea is Israel or that it's capitol has been Jerusalem for something like 3000 years ???????

What revisionist history? I'm saying maybe it's time that the Arabs recognize the importance of Jerusalem to the Jews.

Other than that - the country we know as Israel has only been around for some 75 years.

You are basing that recognition on a religious principal rather than a historical fact.

Lets try and stick with the facts rather than equate these realities through some kinda religious dogma that is endlessly arguable
Nope. I am basing it on historical fact. Religious belief is irrelevent.

Israel, whether it was a tribal kingdom or something more ceased to exist thousands of years ago.

A new nation also called Israel was created on 1946 or thereabouts.
How was Israel's arising any different then Jordan's?
Because the zionists came from different continent and claimed the land where others had lived for centuries. They demolished 500 towns and murdered or expelled 800,000 natives. The ones who remain have been subjected to their brutality and a nonstop war of aggression ever since. It is known as the Nakba. Look it up.
Why cant Israel exist alongside the Arab states as a solution with a negotiated Palestinian state as well?
Because zionists don't want p7eace. It's obvious.
Forget parroting that overused statement. What is wrong with what I proposed? With working towards a two state solution? Do you have a problem with that?
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How was Israel's arising any different then Jordan's?
Because the zionists came from different continent and claimed the land where others had lived for centuries. They demolished 500 towns and murdered or expelled 800,000 natives. The ones who remain have been subjected to their brutality and a nonstop war of aggression ever since. It is known as the Nakba. Look it up.
I am aware of Nakba.

Do you propose a repeat performance on Jewish civilians living in Israel some 70 years later as a solution?
Not really.

Palestine is a region. Within it have been numerous nations. There is no modern nation of Palestine yet but there hopefully will be. And it will be a new nation. Like Israel is. Not a reinvention of an ancient entity.
That is a regularly floated zionist talking point and is meaningless. The land was known as Palestine. Whether it was a country in your view or not does not matter.

How about this?

Do you deny that in 450 BC, Herodotus referred to the area between Egypt and Phoenicia as Palestine?

Do you further deny that around 340 BC, Aristotle referred to the Dead Sea as "a lake in Palestine?"

Here's the the core of it Abi. The Pro-Israeli side tries to disenfranchise the Palestinians by arguing there was never any nation called Palestine. And it's true. But it is also meaningless. Having a nation does not define a people. So what if there was never a nation known as Palestine? There was and is a region known as Palestine and people that inhabited it. But any nation that arises from it will be a new nation. Just as Israel is.
But and there is a BIG BUT Coy is that Jews deserted their Land and Claimed it back only because of Terrorism and Politically through the UN,the Irony is that the Palestinians are now going through the UN as the Zionists did... and yet the Zionists are telling the UN to get Fcuked at every turn....AIN'T THEY.

Really your argument should then encourage the Sioux to be able to reclaim their homeland in that part of America they originated from...answer me this... being you all think Trump is the Best thing since sliced bread...Why doesn't he support Native Americans getting their LANDS BACK being he is such a sentinel for the Zionists Illegal Cause????...steve,now only known as theliq
They did not desert it, there have always been Jews there. Also the Middle East between world wars was not the ME of today. You had intetnational powers dividing the Ottoman Empire and had rising nationalist groups seeking independent nations. Of those were Arabs and Jews.

That was almost a century ago.

The result is today is the formation of multiple Arab countries, one Jewish country and a stateless citizenless rightless people lknown as the Palestinians who occupy a disputed territory and who have yet to recieve justice.

But you cant just blame it all on Israel, there are too many other players involved in the perpetuation of this drama.

What i dont agree with are those who seem to think the only "solution" is the destruction of Israel. Why cant Israel exist alongside the Arab states as a solution with a negotiated Palestinian state as well?
A few Jews for a Nation of People The Palestinians...1948....your arguement is like a collander Coy,some good points some bad but all are washed away in the end.2 State solution,I don't think the Zionists have ever been serious about a 2 State Solution...when their was a positive chance..The Zionist Filth ASSASSINATED THEIR PRIME MINISTER Mr Rabin and Zionists have tried to undermine that Great mans Character ever since,

What YOU did not address was my question about the SIOUX getting their part of America back..????
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Not really.

Palestine is a region. Within it have been numerous nations. There is no modern nation of Palestine yet but there hopefully will be. And it will be a new nation. Like Israel is. Not a reinvention of an ancient entity.
That is a regularly floated zionist talking point and is meaningless. The land was known as Palestine. Whether it was a country in your view or not does not matter.

How about this?

Do you deny that in 450 BC, Herodotus referred to the area between Egypt and Phoenicia as Palestine?

Do you further deny that around 340 BC, Aristotle referred to the Dead Sea as "a lake in Palestine?"

Here's the the core of it Abi. The Pro-Israeli side tries to disenfranchise the Palestinians by arguing there was never any nation called Palestine. And it's true. But it is also meaningless. Having a nation does not define a people. So what if there was never a nation known as Palestine? There was and is a region known as Palestine and people that inhabited it. But any nation that arises from it will be a new nation. Just as Israel is.
But and there is a BIG BUT Coy is that Jews deserted their Land and Claimed it back only because of Terrorism and Politically through the UN,the Irony is that the Palestinians are now going through the UN as the Zionists did... and yet the Zionists are telling the UN to get Fcuked at every turn....AIN'T THEY.

Really your argument should then encourage the Sioux to be able to reclaim their homeland in that part of America they originated from...answer me this... being you all think Trump is the Best thing since sliced bread...Why doesn't he support Native Americans getting their LANDS BACK being he is such a sentinel for the Zionists Illegal Cause????...steve,now only known as theliq
They did not desert it, there have always been Jews there. Also the Middle East between world wars was not the ME of today. You had intetnational powers dividing the Ottoman Empire and had rising nationalist groups seeking independent nations. Of those were Arabs and Jews.

That was almost a century ago.

The result is today is the formation of multiple Arab countries, one Jewish country and a stateless citizenless rightless people lknown as the Palestinians who occupy a disputed territory and who have yet to recieve justice.

But you cant just blame it all on Israel, there are too many other players involved in the perpetuation of this drama.

What i dont agree with are those who seem to think the only "solution" is the destruction of Israel. Why cant Israel exist alongside the Arab states as a solution with a negotiated Palestinian state as well?
A few Jews for a Nation of People The Palestinians...1948....your arguement is like a collander Coy,some good points some bad but all are washed away in the end.2 State solution,I don't think the Zionists have ever been serious about a 2 State Solution...when their was a positive change..The Zionist Filth ASSASSINATED THEIR PRIME MINISTER Mr Rabin and Zionists have tried to undermine that Great mans Character ever since,

What YOU did not address was my question about the SIOUX getting their part of America back..????

"A nation of people the Palestinians." When was that?

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