Saudi Arabia ends "all negotiations" on normalisation with Israel.

There's no threat to the US or anyone else from Gaza.
tell that one to the inhabitants of SDEROT. as
far as I know---most of them Mizrachi jews---escapees
from the filth and stench of shariah shit holes. A few
years ago my son was visting a friend in that village. He called me from the bomb shelter-----a person he knew had been blown to bits by a bomb from friendly
Gaza ---unprovoked-----today the whole place is utterly destroyed over the bodies of dead babies----the kind upon which you like to dance. YEARS AGO----maybe 10 or 12 ???
tell that one to the inhabitants of SDEROT. as
far as I know---most of them Mizrachi jews---escapees
from the filth and stench of shariah shit holes. A few
years ago my son was visting a friend in that village. He called me from the bomb shelter-----a person he knew had been blown to bits by a bomb from friendly
Gaza ---unprovoked-----today the whole place is utterly destroyed over the bodies of dead babies----the kind upon which you like to dance. YEARS AGO----maybe 10 or 12 ???

Dancing on dead babies? You're a lunatic. Hamas works for Bibi.
Dancing on dead babies? You're a lunatic. Hamas works for Bibi.
your literature that I read as a child---way back 50s -60s ----said the same thing about islamo nazi ADOLF---not only did he work for DA JOOOOS ----he was a JOOO. Very popular stuff in my----church on every corner semi rural hometown----methodist, ---with RED DOORS, Presbyterian---little painted white with a steeple, Episcopalian---just looked something like
a catholic church-----and a really old white thing ---
"church of christ" ??
your literature that I read as a child---way back 50s -60s ----said the same thing about islamo nazi ADOLF---not only did he work for DA JOOOOS ----he was a JOOO. Very popular stuff in my----church on every corner semi rural hometown----methodist, ---with RED DOORS, Presbyterian---little painted white with a steeple, Episcopalian---just looked something like
a catholic church-----and a really old white thing ---
"church of christ" ??

You must have had a rotten childhood.
Disconnected bantustans don't make a state. Look at a map of Jewish only settlements in the occupied west bank.
Maybe you should learn how to read . Small Settlements would be dismantled Others like Gush Etzion, Adumim and Ma’ale Ariel would be annexed by Israel and in turn there would be a land exchange with Israel giving up land to the Palestinians
Maybe you should learn how to read . Small Settlements would be dismantled Others like Gush Etzion, Adumim and Ma’ale Ariel would be annexed by Israel and in turn there would be a land exchange with Israel giving up land to the Palestinians

Look at a map of settlements.
do you think that living in a christian town is a
hardship? Did you learn that in Saudi Arabia?
They didn't sell beer on sunday----but I find beer

What's your problem? Have you lost your mind?
you are not the first person who did not
understand my distaste for beer

I have no clue what you are ranting about.

I have no clue what you are ranting about.

ROFLMAO @ Baria Alamuddin bint Sharmootah---
even the rapist dog of arabia was created by
Of course. How could Saudi Arabia continue to normalize relations with the nation of Israel when it stubbornly refuses to permit the waging of war against its own people?

Fuck Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia doesn't collude with Hamas (Muslim Brotherhood) to prevent a 2 state solution.
That must explain why Israel returned more than half the land they acquired in their 1967 victory against invading Arab states back to those same Arab states in return for peace.

Giving away land is a secret plan to get more land?

Manifest Destiny Became Many Fuzzy Dust-Bunnies

The Israelis shouldn't virtue-signal about the betrayal that Carter forced on them in order to appease the anti-semitic UN. They also conquered the Sinai in 1956 and pledged "Never Again" after they spat on the graves of the soldiers who died for it.
The most impoverished refugee camps. Israel was recruiting and funding a group that would go against the PLO. Israel has never wanted anything except genocide and more land . Shame you're so damaged.
Demons Will Demonize

Sounds like the Old Right fantasy that FDR was recruiting Japanese pilots to bomb Pearl Harbor so he could get into a war on the side of the Communists.

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