Saudi Arabia open to trading in currencies besides the dollar.

Up? Have you not read the thread? Biden said he was going to increase our standing in the world and we may lose the dollar. What happened to Biden increasing our standing in the world? Did he lie, or did he just not deliver on his promise?
Our dollar is on solid footing
It is not going anywhere
Our dollar is on solid footing
It is not going anywhere

what are you thoughts on printing money at the rate the Fed Resrv is doing so?
Any impact on the value of the dollar?

The money in circulation under Trump DECREASED, causing a rise in the value of the dollar.
Under Biden for two years the rate of printing has increased.


Our dollar is on solid footing
It is not going anywhere
LOL. Well, that's not what the rest of the world seems to think. Biden promised us that he would increase our standing in the world. It is decreasing to the point where the dollar won't even be the leading world currency.
LOL. Well, that's not what the rest of the world seems to think. Biden promised us that he would increase our standing in the world. It is decreasing to the point where the dollar won't even be the leading world currency.

Biden is under command of his EuroCentric masters.
They are transferring wealth out of the USA and into Europe hidden accounts at the rate of billions if not a trillion per year.
Reports are much of the money sent to Ukraine can't be accounted for.

We have Mexico taking back the states America took from Mexico, the worl s poor and criminal flocking to America and our government bankrupting US citizens to favor Europe and China.

What could possibly go wrong for US citizens?
LOL. Well, that's not what the rest of the world seems to think. Biden promised us that he would increase our standing in the world. It is decreasing to the point where the dollar won't even be the leading world currency.

What is the value of the dollar against other currencies?

The Dollar is still strong
Biden has taken our status away as being a superpower when the world is starting to think about using another currency for international transactions. Biden said he would increase our standing in the world. This is decreasing our standing in the world.
Biden has taken our status away as being a superpower when the world is starting to think about using another currency for international transactions. Biden said he would increase our standing in the world. This is decreasing our standing in the world.
What is the impact on the US if others don’t use our currency
It was Biden's fault Putin invaded Ukraine, by letting the Taliban take over Afghanistan, signaling to Putin he could invade Ukraine.

And by letting the Taliban take over Afghanistan Biden signaled it was ok for the Rams to win the Super Bowl.
It was Biden's fault Putin invaded Ukraine, by letting the Taliban take over Afghanistan, signaling to Putin he could invade Ukraine.

Did Trump negotiating our withdrawal from Afghanistan only with the Taliban and not the Afghanistan Govt of the time have any impact on Putin invading Ukraine?
Prepare your butts to be about 15% poorer if the world moves to a gold standard.

Hillary had Khadaffi assassinated (for the global bankers) to prevent the African Union from moving to a gold standard.

It plunged Libya into chaos and 100s of thousands have died as a result. The gold cannot be found, either.

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