Saudi Arabia open to trading in currencies besides the dollar.

Why do you deny the election results?

The election results have nothign to do with the more than 10,000 troops leaving and not taking a bit of extra equipment with them.

Can you not even agree that would have been the appropriate time to do so.

Biden ignored his own advisors and got out so quickly he left billions of dollars worth of our military equipment

You keep repeating this lie, but it will not change reality. We did not leave too quickly, we left 4 months too late. 4 months after the agreed upon date between the US and the Taliban in the 2020 surrender agreement.
Why do you deny the election results? Biden was president. Biden ignored his own advisors and got out so quickly he left billions of dollars worth of our military equipment behind.
Biden correctly ignored his advisors who wanted him to ramp up troop strength
After 20 years he finally got us out

Wasnt pretty, but neither was 20 years of occupation
The election results have nothign to do with the more than 10,000 troops leaving and not taking a bit of extra equipment with them.

Can you not even agree that would have been the appropriate time to do so.

You keep repeating this lie, but it will not change reality. We did not leave too quickly, we left 4 months too late. 4 months after the agreed upon date between the US and the Taliban in the 2020 surrender agreement.
Again, you are an election denier. Biden could have gotten all of our equipment out but he didn't.
Biden could have gotten all of our equipment out but he didn't.

Correct he could have. But he could have only done so by sending in more troops to gather it, which I could not have agreed with.

Trump could have gotten most of our equipment out but he didn't.

But you give one a free pass and one you worship.

I blame the both.

That will always be the difference between you and I.
Biden is the one who got us out. He could have gotten our equipment out.

And so could have the POTUS before him when he pulled out more than 10,000 troops leaving only a skeleton force that could have in no way gotten all the equipment out.
Correct he could have. But he could have only done so by sending in more troops to gather it, which I could not have agreed with.

Trump could have gotten most of our equipment out but he didn't.

But you give one a free pass and one you worship.

I blame the both.

That will always be the difference between you and I.

It's the fault of Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush and a long list of others.
Biden correctly ignored his advisors who wanted him to ramp up troop strength
After 20 years he finally got us out

Wasnt pretty, but neither was 20 years of occupation
And now we left behind billions of dollars worth of US military equipment, encouraged Putin to invade Ukraine, could have used the left behind military equipment to give to Ukraine, and now the world is closer to WWIII than we have ever been, and inflation is up everywhere because of the Ukraine war. Very huge debacle in several ways.
And now we left behind billions of dollars worth of US military equipment, encouraged Putin to invade Ukraine, could have used the left behind military equipment to give to Ukraine, and now the world is closer to WWIII than we have ever been, and inflation is up everywhere because of the Ukraine war. Very huge debacle in many ways.

Again, why didn’t Trump make arrangements to withdraw our equipment when he made a deal with the Taliban?
Why didn’t he make any equipment withdrawals when he drew down Troop strength?
Why didn’t he discuss his plans with Biden?
And now we left behind billions of dollars worth of US military equipment, encouraged Putin to invade Ukraine, could have used the left behind military equipment to give to Ukraine, and now the world is closer to WWIII than we have ever been, and inflation is up everywhere because of the Ukraine war. Very huge debacle in several ways.

Don't for get that leaving all that equipment there also allowed the Rams to win the Super Bowl. That is huge!
Correct he could have. But he could have only done so by sending in more troops to gather it, which I could not have agreed with.

Trump could have gotten most of our equipment out but he didn't.

But you give one a free pass and one you worship.

I blame the both.

That will always be the difference between you and I.
By letting democracy fall in Afghanistan, we signaled Putin to invade Ukraine so, we should have sent more troops back into Afghanistan and stopped the ensuing everything else. We would have been better off continuing to stay in Afghanistan than what the world is going through now, including runaway inflation.
By letting democracy fall in Afghanistan, we signaled Putin to invade Ukraine so, we should have sent more troops back into Afghanistan and stopped the ensuing everything else. We would have been better off continuing to stay in Afghanistan than what the world is going through now, including runaway inflation.

There was no democracy Afghanistan, there was a puppet government that the entire world, except for you, knew would fold as soon as the US left.

Trump knew this and that is why he did not even invite said puppet government to the negations.

Trump knew this and that is why he agreed that the US would help the Taliban become a recognized legit government by the world community.

Truly seems the only person in the world surprised by the Taliban taking over is you. Why is that?
Well, now we are finally getting somewhere. Yes, I agree, if Biden hadn't let the Afghan army fall then the rest would have never happened, including runaway inflation.
Blame Bush/Obama
They built that Army

Blame Trump
He built his withdrawal strategy around them

Biden played the hand he was dealt

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