Saudi Israeli normalization

The Crown Prince needs a selling point to sell normalization plan in Riyadh that is why he is asking us to make some concessions Bibi should make it happen Iwill be thrilled if Saudi joins the Abraham Accords

You have no clue what's going on in Arabia. This is the natural outcome of Israel's ambitions the Saudis can't change it more can the US. The Gulf States need to sit this out.

They had burned the Christians of Najran. That sort of thing causes resentments.
for the record---there is an arab myth which recounts
some tribal warfare between the Jews of Yemen and the
christians of Ethiopia. Those lands are separated only
by a very narrow isthmus like body of water---like a rowboat away. In fact the two populations were very
much intermarried----sometimes they engaged in fighting. According to arab myth---jews BURNED
their opponents at some point. Surada mentions this
story incessantly to prove DA JOOOS DO IT TOO---which, it seems, is why Hamas sent their finest HOLY Mujahadeen to torch Israeli babies to death
Ha ha ha. it’s The truth, you IslamoNazi moron. Arabs committed ethnic cleansing and genocide on Jews that had lived among them for thousands of year…

Jews were an enduring presence in the Middle East and North Africa before the advent of Islam and Arabian conquests, yet today fewer than 4,000 Jews live in the region. This contrasts with post-Holocaust Europe, where 1.4 million Jews currently reside. So much for the Moroccan proverb, “A market without Jews is like bread without salt.”

By all accounts, the infiltration of Nazi leaders and policies into the Middle East was a tipping point in the history of the region’s Jews. Beginning with Iraq’s notorious Farhud pogrom on June 1–2, 1941, Jews in Iraq and elsewhere faced intensified persecution akin to what took place in pre-Holocaust Nazi Germany as leaders such as Iraqi prime minister Rashid Ali al-Gaylani sought to emulate Hitler’s tactics.

During the two-day Farhud in Baghdad and other Jewish population centers in Iraq, Jewish homes were marked so mobs could destroy them. In the process, 180 Jews were recorded as murdered. Similar to Kristallnacht in Germany and Nazi-occupied lands, shops and religious buildings were looted and set ablaze.

The word “Farhud” means “violent dispossession” in Arabic, the prophetic name given to the pogrom by Iraqi citizens. About 135,000 Jews lived in Iraq in 1941, but almost the entire community relocated to Israel within a decade of the pogrom.

“The Farhud was a turning point because it was the first step in this Jewish community’s dispossession,” said Black.

True. Most Jews didn't live in Palestine by the birth of Christ.

True. Most Jews didn't live in Palestine by the birth of Christ.

Another lie. Jesus was a Zionist Jew. There was no Palestine in Jesus’ time.
for the record---there is an arab myth which recounts
some tribal warfare between the Jews of Yemen and the
christians of Ethiopia. Those lands are separated only
by a very narrow isthmus like body of water---like a rowboat away. In fact the two populations were very
much intermarried----sometimes they engaged in fighting. According to arab myth---jews BURNED
their opponents at some point. Surada mentions this
story incessantly to prove DA JOOOS DO IT TOO---which, it seems, is why Hamas sent their finest HOLY Mujahadeen to torch Israeli babies to death

The burning of the Christians of Najran was done by the Jewish king of Yemen.
You've never been to the Red Sea or you wouldn't think it was a rowboat ride. 🤣😂🤣
Another lie. Jesus was a Zionist Jew. There was no Palestine in Jesus’ time.

Palestine was a province of Syria by 500 BC.

Ha ha ha. it’s The truth, you IslamoNazi moron. Arabs committed ethnic cleansing and genocide on Jews that had lived among them for thousands of year…

Jews were an enduring presence in the Middle East and North Africa before the advent of Islam and Arabian conquests, yet today fewer than 4,000 Jews live in the region. This contrasts with post-Holocaust Europe, where 1.4 million Jews currently reside. So much for the Moroccan proverb, “A market without Jews is like bread without salt.”

By all accounts, the infiltration of Nazi leaders and policies into the Middle East was a tipping point in the history of the region’s Jews. Beginning with Iraq’s notorious Farhud pogrom on June 1–2, 1941, Jews in Iraq and elsewhere faced intensified persecution akin to what took place in pre-Holocaust Nazi Germany as leaders such as Iraqi prime minister Rashid Ali al-Gaylani sought to emulate Hitler’s tactics.

During the two-day Farhud in Baghdad and other Jewish population centers in Iraq, Jewish homes were marked so mobs could destroy them. In the process, 180 Jews were recorded as murdered. Similar to Kristallnacht in Germany and Nazi-occupied lands, shops and religious buildings were looted and set ablaze.

The word “Farhud” means “violent dispossession” in Arabic, the prophetic name given to the pogrom by Iraqi citizens. About 135,000 Jews lived in Iraq in 1941, but almost the entire community relocated to Israel within a decade of the pogrom.

“The Farhud was a turning point because it was the first step in this Jewish community’s dispossession,” said Black.

Roudy----give up----I was born in the USA and public school educated. It took a long time for me
to convince myself that the Pilgrims and the american
Indians were not GOOD FRIENDS. I was about 10 before I could bear the idea. Muslims get their myths shoved down their throats INCESSANTLY from birth to the day they die and there is no one to challenge the
BS that they swallow. In fact, absolute faith in islamo nazi propaganda is virtually a PILLAR OF ISLAM
The burning of the Christians of Najran was done by the Jewish king of Yemen.
You've never been to the Red Sea or you wouldn't think it was a rowboat ride. 🤣😂🤣
Oh because Muslim Arabs never did anything to the Christians who were there.

Ignorance combined with stupidity.
The burning of the Christians of Najran was done by the Jewish king of Yemen.
You've never been to the Red Sea or you wouldn't think it was a rowboat ride. 🤣😂🤣
Poor surada seems to believe that the RED SEA is
MUSLIM WATER. She is incapable of looking
at a map. ----Yemen---Ethiopia
Roudy----give up----I was born in the USA and public school educated. It took a long time for me
to convince myself that the Pilgrims and the american
Indians were not GOOD FRIENDS. I was about 10 before I could bear the idea. Muslims get their myths shoved down their throats INCESSANTLY from birth to the day they die and there is no one to challenge the
BS that they swallow. In fact, absolute faith in islamo nazi propaganda is virtually a PILLAR OF ISLAM

Palestine was a province of Syria by 500 BC.

ah shadap, Jesus wasn’t a Palestinian he was a Zionist Jew who loved his people and Israel. There is no mention of Palestine in the old or new testaments. Even your Koran says the land belongs to the Jews stuff it. You’d think Islam which was the latest and came 1500 years ago would have mentioned a Palestine or a Palestinian people. But it didn’t, which means Palestine is a hoax and you are full of Shiite.
Jesus was a Palestinian! Ha ha ha ho ho ho…merry Ramadung!

oh sorry, he was a Palestinian but just didn’t know it. According to Fatima Surada.
ah shadap, Jesus wasn’t a Palestinian he was a Zionist Jew who loved his people and Israel. There is no mention of Palestine in the old or new testaments. Even your Koran says the land belongs to the Jews stuff it. You’d think Islam which was the latest and came 1500 years ago would have mentioned a Palestine or a Palestinian people. But it didn’t, which means Palestine is a hoax and you are full of Shiite.

Nobody said anything about it not being Jewish land. The problem is other people lived there for 2000 years.

The distance between Yemen and Ethiopia by cargo ship is 213 Nautical Miles (395 Kilometres / 245 Miles). This distance is measured by sea between Hudaidah (YEHOD) and Djibouti (DJJIB).
Poor surada seems to believe that the RED SEA is
MUSLIM WATER. She is incapable of looking
at a map. ----Yemen---Ethiopia

Who said the Red Sea was Muslim water? Just you.

The distance between Yemen and Ethiopia by cargo ship is 213 Nautical Miles (395 Kilometres / 245 Miles). This distance is measured by sea between Hudaidah (YEHOD) and Djibouti (DJJIB).
so true----jews debate everything-----it is TALMUDIC to do so. Debate does not happen in islam because
EVERYTHING is spelled out EXACTLY as it is in the
KORAN----<<<<< I have worked with muslims for
more than 50 years and got my education in islam
from THEM. Moshe Dayan's wife did not agree with
him and neither do his kids-----about much
Oh because Muslim Arabs never did anything to the Christians who were there.

Ignorance combined with stupidity.

They defended them. Same with the Christians of Tarut without jizya.

Who said the Red Sea was Muslim water? Just you.

The distance between Yemen and Ethiopia by cargo ship is 213 Nautical Miles (395 Kilometres / 245 Miles). This distance is measured by sea between Hudaidah (YEHOD) and Djibouti (DJJIB).
the Yemeni seaport HUDAIDAH and the Ethiopian
seaport DJBOUTI of YOUR CHOICE, suradie---you have
a padlock on your brain. It is thousands of miles
between Moscow and Boston-----so how did the
migration of Asian natives happen to ALASKA---
the Yemeni seaport HUDAIDAH and the Ethiopian
seaport DJBOUTI of YOUR CHOICE, suradie---you have
a padlock on your brain. It is thousands of miles
between Moscow and Boston-----so how did the
migration of Asian natives happen to ALASKA---

Quit changing the subject, twerp.

They defended them. Same with the Christians of Tarut without jizya.

Another chapter from 1001 Arabian nights----muslims were SO NICE that sometime they suspended
the extortion payment imposed on non muslims. They didn't do so for my hubby's destitute widowed grandmother so she gave up her daughter at about age 12 to save her from the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW and scraped by on community support with
her remaining girls-----the oldest sickly, so safe from being confiscated by the local Imam pig
The Crown Prince needs a selling point to sell normalization plan in Riyadh that is why he is asking us to make some concessions Bibi should make it happen Iwill be thrilled if Saudi joins the Abraham Accords

For now Israel is too unstable and the US is inacting the war powers act.

Along the Syria border there were no farms and no refugee camps — there was only the Syrian army... The kibbutzim saw the good agricultural land … and they dreamed about it... They didn't even try to hide their greed for the land... We would send a tractor to plow some area where it wasn't possible to do anything, in the demilitarized area, and knew in advance that the Syrians would start to shoot. If they didn't shoot, we would tell the tractor to advance further, until in the end the Syrians would get annoyed and shoot. And then we would use artillery and later the air force also, and that's how it was...The Syrians, on the fourth day of the war, were not a threat to us.
On pre-1967 clashes with the Syrians, from a private conversation in 1976 with Rami Tal, as quoted in The New York Times and Associated Press reports (11 May 1997)

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