Saudi king agrees in call with Trump to support Syria, Yemen safe zones

A U.S. President cuddling up with Saudi Arabia. Shocker.

Helping more with Syria and Yemen safe zones... whatever that means.

The article says Yemen's not part of this btw.
Saudi Arabia needs our help against's about time they help out....they've got the money and the nearby land to house refugees until they can return home to Syria and Yemen...

Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the UAE all consider the Muslim Brotherhood to be a terrorist organization......i hope Trump agrees and gets them out of the USA....they have infiltrated the government largely during Husseins administration.....
They're not going to house refugees on their land dummy. And the second part of your post makes you look really fucking stupid.
i don't care where SA sets up the refugee camps as long as they set them up OVER THERE and pay for them.....and if you think it's a good thing that the Muslim Brotherhood is here in the US you are sadly mistaken....

They support the Islamic Terrorists, the majority of the Leftist Maniacs do, it's why they rarely condemn an Islamic Terrorist attack, it's why they always deflect with things like "what about the Christians, what about The Crusades?", it's why they are apologists and have for a year posted pro-Islamic Propaganda and trash Western values on a daily basis.
A U.S. President cuddling up with Saudi Arabia. Shocker.

Helping more with Syria and Yemen safe zones... whatever that means.

The article says Yemen's not part of this btw.
Do ewe ever ask youtself why Saudi Arabia did not take refugees? Or Egypt?
Because they are run by evil people. And now the U.S. isn't taking refugees either... hmm.
Why should refugees have to travel ten thousand miles with Saudia Arabia and Egypt sitting right there doing nothing? Ever wonder?
i don't care where SA sets up the refugee camps as long as they set them up and pay for them

They won't

.....and if you think it's a good thing that the Muslim Brotherhood is here in the US you are sadly mistaken....

If they're here, it's barely

I think they will if they want help against Iran.....what do you think Yemen is all about?

Islamic extremists have developed a sophisticated network of interconnected organizations across America.
Islamist Organizations in America - Cutting-edge, Fully-sourced | Clarion Project
A U.S. President cuddling up with Saudi Arabia. Shocker.

Helping more with Syria and Yemen safe zones... whatever that means.

The article says Yemen's not part of this btw.
Do ewe ever ask youtself why Saudi Arabia did not take refugees? Or Egypt?
Because they are run by evil people. And now the U.S. isn't taking refugees either... hmm.
Why should refugees have to travel ten thousand miles with Saudia Arabia and Egypt sitting right there doing nothing? Ever wonder?
No, I don't wonder. Saudi Arabia and Egypt are not nations that I look up to
I like the idea of safe zones, who will make and protects these zones?
Russia, USA and friendly middle east nations. All it took was a leader that knows how to lead. Barry tried to paint it as US vs. Russia. It never was. Barry just needed cover to do nothing and thereby support the terrorists. It was tooooo dangerous to do anything with the Big Bad Bear in the area.
So? Anybody have an answer? Why MUST the refugees come to the USA? There are many countries in the ME who should step up. Right?

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