Saudis Threaten Trump: 'You Want $400 Oil?'...

This is what happens when you sell your soul to the Devil. Our leaders sold us out a long time ago. I've been saying for years what an evil nation Saudi Arabia is. For instance, they were the driving force behind the funding & arming of ISIS in Syria. All Americans should be ashamed of their Government's close ties with such an evil nation. We should have cut ties and went all-in on energy independence.

President Trump has sent Secretary of State Pompeo urgently to Saudi Arabia this morning, hoping to get to the bottom of what happened to Saudi exile journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Trump has promised "severe punishment" to the Saudis if they are involved in killing the journalist, but the government funded Arabiya newspaper threatens strong retaliation if the US dares strike out against Riyadh. Is a major geopolitical shift brewing? Who killed the journalist?...

Saudis Threaten Trump: 'You Want $400 Oil?'

Trump will tell our defense contractors to refund them some more money again and Fox will sell you on how great the Saudi’s are. All swept under the rug, no problem.

It isn't only about Trump. All past US Presidents in recent memory, knelt to kiss the Saudi Royal Ring. They really did sell our souls to the Devil.

Some tried to start weening us off of oil, then republicans villainized and berated them for it.

And rightly so.

Alternative energy is stupid.....even at much higher oil prices.
Sorry, we all know the right has long championed alternative energies :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

What a fucking retard :cuckoo:
I don't know about "the right" but I champion alternative energies. They are just VASTLY less efficient than oil.

It took millions of years for dead organisms to become oil. Nothing for the next 50 years will surpass the efficiency of oil.

I support science, not fiction. Alternative sources = fiction
Okay, here's my plan.

The federal government has made Nevada into a radioactive wasteland because of all the atomic tests in the 1950s. That's what killed John Wayne!

So we turn Nevada into one giant solar farm.

No, not solar panels. Solar FARMS.

71 million acres of mirrors, converting the energy of the sun into heat, which is then converted into electricity for the entire country.

To get the Republicans and pseudocons on board with this alternative energy plan, we will tell them that the federal government will hire all the darkies currently on food stamps to clear brush away from all those mirrors. We'll repeal the child labor laws the Libertarians like Ron Pual hate so much so we can use darkies right down to the age of three.

To hear the pseudocons tell it, the negroes were happier when they were slaves picking cotton. They will positively whistle while they work to clear all that brush!

Plus, all that radioactivity will keep them from breeding.

And we can give the finger to those fucking raghead Saudis.

This is win/win/win!

This is a green energy plan even Sean Hannity can get behind!

I am 100% all for it.

Will it replace oil?

Sorry, we all know the right has long championed alternative energies :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

What a fucking retard :cuckoo:
I don't know about "the right" but I champion alternative energies. They are just VASTLY less efficient than oil.

It took millions of years for dead organisms to become oil. Nothing for the next 50 years will surpass the efficiency of oil.

I support science, not fiction. Alternative sources = fiction
Okay, here's my plan.

The federal government has made Nevada into a radioactive wasteland because of all the atomic tests in the 1950s. That's what killed John Wayne!

So we turn Nevada into one giant solar farm.

No, not solar panels. Solar FARMS.

71 million acres of mirrors, converting the energy of the sun into heat, which is then converted into electricity for the entire country.

To get the Republicans and pseudocons on board with this alternative energy plan, we will tell them that the federal government will hire all the darkies currently on food stamps to clear brush away from all those mirrors. We'll repeal the child labor laws the Libertarians like Ron Pual hate so much so we can use darkies right down to the age of three.

To hear the pseudocons tell it, the negroes were happier when they were slaves picking cotton. They will positively whistle while they work to clear all that brush!

Plus, all that radioactivity will keep them from breeding.

And we can give the finger to those fucking raghead Saudis.

This is win/win/win!

This is a green energy plan even Sean Hannity can get behind!

I am 100% all for it.

Will it replace oil?

It will replace oil, significantly reduce carbon emissions, cure baldness, and maximize her pleasure.

The only downside is that we will have millions of unemployed military on our hands whose only skillset is "fodder".
$400 oil.

Gee, that will be GREAT for the trade deficit!
Most Americans don't realize it, but the Globalists have sold their souls to the Devil. They've become addicted to lower gas prices and cheap shitty Chinese-made products. They themselves didn't sell their souls, the Globalists did it.

Most Americans can't live without their Walmart. And China knows that very well. The Globalists have put us in a very precarious position. We've become dependent on evil nations like Saudi Arabia.
Folks really should check out the video. Our Government has killed several Thousands in Yemen for Saudi Arabia. We should all be ashamed.
Is the right wing scared of their shadow? Everything is predicated on fear with that group.
Is the right wing scared of their shadow? Everything is predicated on fear with that group.
heh - not like the left feeds fears with RUSSIA CAN'T BE CIVIL AS THEY DESTROY AMERICA!!!

not at all.
Is the right wing scared of their shadow? Everything is predicated on fear with that group.
heh - not like the left feeds fears with RUSSIA CAN'T BE CIVIL AS THEY DESTROY AMERICA!!!

not at all.

Yeah, the 'RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA!!' nutters preaching to others about 'emotional over-reaction?' Pretty hilarious stuff. :)
Is the right wing scared of their shadow? Everything is predicated on fear with that group.

What's your point?
That you have no ability to rationalize when you let emotion control you.

I think the Saudis threatening $400 oil, is pretty serious.
It's bullshit.

You so sure about that? The Saudis can make every day life pretty miserable for Americans anytime they choose. You like high gas prices?
This is what happens when you sell your soul to the Devil. Our leaders sold us out a long time ago. I've been saying for years what an evil nation Saudi Arabia is. For instance, they were the driving force behind the funding & arming of ISIS in Syria. All Americans should be ashamed of their Government's close ties with such an evil nation. We should have cut ties and went all-in on energy independence.

President Trump has sent Secretary of State Pompeo urgently to Saudi Arabia this morning, hoping to get to the bottom of what happened to Saudi exile journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Trump has promised "severe punishment" to the Saudis if they are involved in killing the journalist, but the government funded Arabiya newspaper threatens strong retaliation if the US dares strike out against Riyadh. Is a major geopolitical shift brewing? Who killed the journalist?...

Saudis Threaten Trump: 'You Want $400 Oil?'

You're full of it.
The media is feeding us a line of BS.

Saudi Arabia is trying to become more secular and this reporter was a spy for The Muslim Brotherhood, which wants to spread Sharia Law all over the world. Some of them were even in our state department.
Nice friends Obama was hanging with.
This is what happens when you sell your soul to the Devil. Our leaders sold us out a long time ago. I've been saying for years what an evil nation Saudi Arabia is. For instance, they were the driving force behind the funding & arming of ISIS in Syria. All Americans should be ashamed of their Government's close ties with such an evil nation. We should have cut ties and went all-in on energy independence.

President Trump has sent Secretary of State Pompeo urgently to Saudi Arabia this morning, hoping to get to the bottom of what happened to Saudi exile journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Trump has promised "severe punishment" to the Saudis if they are involved in killing the journalist, but the government funded Arabiya newspaper threatens strong retaliation if the US dares strike out against Riyadh. Is a major geopolitical shift brewing? Who killed the journalist?...

Saudis Threaten Trump: 'You Want $400 Oil?'

You're full of it.
The media is feeding us a line of BS.

Saudi Arabia is trying to become more secular and this reporter was a spy for The Muslim Brotherhood, which wants to spread Sharia Law all over the world. Some of them were even in our state department.
Nice friends Obama was hanging with.

I haven't heard that yet. But i can believe it. Thanks.

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