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Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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I am waiting for Jesus to lead me exactly to the place that $5 is destined to go.

If you truly believed in Jesus he would have lead you to a psychiatrist's couch by now and removed the stain of hate from your soul; if you ever had one to begin with.

lol, it is nonviolent resistance that transforms the world and wipes out hate. You seem to be projecting your own hate onto me. Where is the hate in desiring to help to save a human life?

I do not hate sherri, I loath the very thought of how you parade these dead children and gloat over the death of other children. Truly scary behavior. Now go buy scammer a whopper...

You do not even kniw what the issues are in Palestine, let alone have any ability to address them.
Pssst.....I'll let you in on a little secret. Promise not to tell, now.

Ready for it?

Here it is: You don't know shit about me regardless of what the voices in your head tell you.

^^^ True story.

Obviously you know nothing about Palestine.
Instead of your blabbering about your $5, why haven't you been making regular contribution to UNCEF to help the unfortunate children all over the world, or are you just full of hot air about caring for children? In fact, for all the time you spend blabbering on the Internet, you could get yourself at least a part time job and contribute what you make to charity. Evidently you don't have much to do at home so would it kill a woman who is basically young and should have a lot of energy to work a part time job to earn money for charities? You seem to have all that energy to type nonsense on the Internet so why not get a part time job as a typist instead.
What I shared with my Sunday school class this morning was how a political prisoner on a 150 day hunger strike wrote a letter, not feeling sorry for himself, but expressing how he was filled with shame about people in Somalia and Africa dying from lack of thirst and hunger and asked everyone to give $5 to save a human life. God calls us to engage in acts of self sacrifice like hunger strikes and he takes away our hate and fills us with love for others. I am still trying to find a human life to save and am carrying around a $5 bill in my purse waiting for an opportunity to help save a life with it. It is not as easy as it first seems, I could not just put it in the alter at my church, for example. Imagine if everyone did this, we could all be contributing to making the world a better place.


MARGE!!!!!!!!!! the above cannot be a quote from sherri-----just----a little while ago
she called me a LIAR (of the zionist variety) because I said that she claimed
to be a sunday school teacher Gee---she is not the teacher in that sunday
school class------she is a student-----when I attended sunday school with a christian
playmate------we were around six or seven years old as were all the other kids there--
little sherri is a little child ----coloring pictures of Jesus holding a lamb and I actually
critisized her for lack of knowlege----for a six year old she is doing fine
What I shared with my Sunday school class this morning was how a political prisoner on a 150 day hunger strike wrote a letter, not feeling sorry for himself, but expressing how he was filled with shame about people in Somalia and Africa dying from lack of thirst and hunger and asked everyone to give $5 to save a human life. God calls us to engage in acts of self sacrifice like hunger strikes and he takes away our hate and fills us with love for others. I am still trying to find a human life to save and am carrying around a $5 bill in my purse waiting for an opportunity to help save a life with it. It is not as easy as it first seems, I could not just put it in the alter at my church, for example. Imagine if everyone did this, we could all be contributing to making the world a better place.


I read the new testament---long ago----but fortunately do remember. The account of
the execution of jesus is very interesting. In order to understand it,,, ONE MUST KNOW
who the political issues at the time and who CAIPHUS was. For that matter it even
helps to know who HEROD was. Somewhere along the line----Jesus gets arrested
for something like SEDITION-----or BLASPHEMY He undergoes a trial at the SANHEDRIN of Jerusalem---(that's like the supreme court----federal) He is found ---now
get this sherri NOT GUILTY Over the years I have heard christian preachers
claim that the jewish courts at that time had NO POWER to execute people. In fact that
is not true------The new testament itself discusses other cases brought to court in which
according to that book ----people were sentenced to death----eg--the adultress----and later
on some guy names JAMES Beyond that fact----there were people being killed back then. The whole country was in turmoil------killing someone would not be all that hard
for POWERFUL people as whoever it is who wanted to kill jesus according to sherri WERE.

Ok who were the "powerful people'? well ---according to the sherri version---THE PHARISEES --------wanted Jesus dead -----newsflash for sherri-----the pharisees were
not at all "powerful"-----the SADDUCEES were powerful because they were shills for
ROME ----and who is the nasty guy of the story? CAIAPHAS ---who is CAIAPHAS?
Historically----the nastiest SADDUCEE OF HISTORY-----so nasty that even ten year
old kids who attend Yeshivas know that name (PS they do not know it from the
new testament)

Caiaphas was the ARCH-ENEMY OF THE PHARISEEES -------which is why he was
involved in helping rome get rid of JESUS -----after the Sanhedrin TURNED HIM
AND ROME ----down

if you lack facts-----you cannot understand the book ----for the record----I did not
know about CAIAPHAS-----as so important a person until my kid did attend a
Yeshiva for a short time in his childhood----TOLD ME ABOUT THE NO-GOOD-NIK

Caiaphas had done other no-good-nik ---things

try reading the bible, sherri
Is he dead yet?

Based on what sherri claims the guards do to him regularly---he should have died long ago----- I notice his pre jail picture ----looks a lot like his ----in jail for a long time picture---he is holding up under this starvation and deadly abuse quite well where do I send
the chicken soup?
The sleazy sherrithing publically ADMITS that she stiffed the relief her $5 contribution - FOR SHAME!!!!

What, are you so dirt poor you couldn't even leave the $5 you promised, and get another $5 to se for you own project?????? Poor witless l'il sherri!!!

Let's see now: you could beautify the neighborhood by going for a walk and collecting cans & bottles to REDEEM. Shouldn't take long to pick up $5 worth, and you'd be getting exercise out in GOD's good green earth besides.

And then, you could take that $5, and use it to pay for your first round of listings on eBay for your choice of charity. If you pick one that's on eBay's list, they may even cut the listing fees.

If you're having trouble getting listings set up, you can get help from eBay staff or volunteer mentors......of which I just happen to be one : ))
The sleazy sherrithing publically ADMITS that she stiffed the relief her $5 contribution - FOR SHAME!!!!

What, are you so dirt poor you couldn't even leave the $5 you promised, and get another $5 to se for you own project?????? Poor witless l'il sherri!!!

Let's see now: you could beautify the neighborhood by going for a walk and collecting cans & bottles to REDEEM. Shouldn't take long to pick up $5 worth, and you'd be getting exercise out in GOD's good green earth besides.

And then, you could take that $5, and use it to pay for your first round of listings on eBay for your choice of charity. If you pick one that's on eBay's list, they may even cut the listing fees.

If you're having trouble getting listings set up, you can get help from eBay staff or volunteer mentors......of which I just happen to be one : ))

She also stiffs the stiffs out of their dignity by posting the dead children for her pleasure and entertainment.
NO, YOU ARE WRONG ABOUT Jesus, what you are saying. He never said, I am a Zionist and he never set himself up as a king in Palestine either.And he never occupied or oppressed o r killed or perpetrated human rights abuses against anyone either. That is the Zionist way and that is not and was not ever Jesus way!

Not only is sherri lying more and more---- the lie----1) she accuses me of claiming

that Jesus announced "I AM A ZIONIST" ---- nope---I never came close to such
a claim

2) she accused me of claiming that Jesus announced himself --
now pay attention ---this is very important


Notice that sherry slips a bit of islamo nazi pig
historic revisionism into her post I got
news for sherri----Jesus never said the word
"PALESTINE" in fact even the romans called
JUDEA "JUDEA" back then "palestina"
came into vogue after those nazis sacked
Jerusalem ---they renamed lots of place with
roman nazi pig names

nope---I never accused jesus of proclaming himself anything---
it seems the romans wanted to kill him so they decided to
so accuse him since rome has their own man HEROD --in
power-----Herod was an edomite edomites were generally
converting to Judaism----but Herod was not a legitamate king.
He had no family claim----no prophet ----decided----he was
rome's plant--------one of sherri's men

try reading the book, sherri. a bit dull but it beats the koran
lol at the baseless name calling of the ignorant hate filled Nazi Zioist Israel supporters!

Nothing "baseless" about modo's words Sherri-----they are MEANINGFUL 'as are
yours. You use the word ZIONIST as if it were a vulgar expletive----which, in
itself -----a kind of "name calling"----but very meaningful.

The bible is a very interesting book. Read it some time. But first learn
a bit about the language usages of the time and the symbols.

Jesus, who you claim is a "messiah" for the world expressed the fact
that he was a ZIONIST ----by taking himself to JERUSALEM----in fullfillment
of the PROPHECY OF ZION (which as you noted is a hill a "high place" ---
in the precincts of jerusalem) His entire life as presented in the bible is
shoe horned into the PROPHECY OF ZION ----even that silly ---awaaaay
in the maaanger story in BETHLEHEM is an adaptation to the fact
that THE MESSIAH of zion is supposed to be descended from KNG DAVID----
(david was born in bethlehem) the "messiah" also has to be---like
king david----DESCENDED FROM JUDAH--- second son of Jacob---who
jacob named----as something like head of a royal lins for the
CHILDREN OF ISRAEL (israel is an alternative name for jacob)
SEE? its all 100% zionistic and extensively documented
over thousands of years. Words do have meaning----you have a bit
of a problem with words-----which is a bit odd for a lawyer
NO, YOU ARE WRONG ABOUT Jesus, what you are saying. He never said, I am a Zionist and he never set himself up as a king in Palestine either.And he never occupied or oppressed o r killed or perpetrated human rights abuses against anyone either. That is the Zionist way and that is not and was not ever Jesus way!
Again the mentally ill IslamoNazi worshiping woman blasphemes Jesus and the message of Christianty. You are just a shameless psycho, aren't you?

It would be very interesting to stick you in a laboratory and do a case study on how all the events in your sad life led you to become this pathetic creature.
Poor Jesus----hundreds of millions murdered in his name-----if he had only known,, would have never
made that little passover trek to Jerusalem
Hey shit for brains, Hitler killed jews.

well, of course he did. he thought they were genetically defective and had character flaws...not at all unlike the opinion you have towards palestinians.

A much better analogy is that Hitler killed jews and the palastinians kill jews. They would love to accomplish what Hitler failed to do.

They are murderous, treacherous, and violent sub-humans.

let's see...

NAZI germany had one of the most powerful militaries in the world.
Zionist israel has one of the most powerful militaries in the world.

millions of jews were dispossessed of their property and freedom.
millions of palestinians were dispossessed of their property and freedom.

millions of jews were forced into camps by the NAZI government.
millions of palestinians were forced into camps by the zionist government.

very few german soldiers were killed in the warsaw ghetto uprising and other european uprisings.
very few israeli soldiers were killed in the gaza strip uprising and other palestinian uprising,

only a utter racist would base an analogy solely upon the ethnicity of those being oppressed and ignore all other factors.

only a complete fool would have a sig line quoting gandhi and continue to make snide posts disrespecting those who choose to protest by undertaking a hunger strike.
et al,

So what is the prognosis on this: Samer Issawi. (A prediction of the probable course and outcome of his suicide attempt.)

My understanding is that Issawi is a terrorist. My understanding is that he was arrested during “Operation Defensive Shield;” on charges of possession of weapons and forming military groups in Jerusalem. That he went to trial and was convicted; sentenced to 30 years. He apparently served 10 years and was released in a mass prisoner exchange (Hamas and the Israeli). Issawi was subsequently re-arrested for violating the term of his parole.

So now, Issawi is attempting a form of suicide (hunger strike - slow death) under the concept of "freedom - or - martyrdom." As this is a religious ritual, I fail to see the issue.

Is the question a matter of his right to commit suicide?

Most Respectfully,

i think you need to define "suicide" and "terrorist".
et al,

So what is the prognosis on this: Samer Issawi. (A prediction of the probable course and outcome of his suicide attempt.)

My understanding is that Issawi is a terrorist. My understanding is that he was arrested during “Operation Defensive Shield;” on charges of possession of weapons and forming military groups in Jerusalem. That he went to trial and was convicted; sentenced to 30 years. He apparently served 10 years and was released in a mass prisoner exchange (Hamas and the Israeli). Issawi was subsequently re-arrested for violating the term of his parole.

So now, Issawi is attempting a form of suicide (hunger strike - slow death) under the concept of "freedom - or - martyrdom." As this is a religious ritual, I fail to see the issue.

Is the question a matter of his right to commit suicide?

Most Respectfully,

i think you need to define "suicide" and "terrorist".
What the fuck is so confusing about suicide to you?
well, of course he did. he thought they were genetically defective and had character flaws...not at all unlike the opinion you have towards palestinians.

A much better analogy is that Hitler killed jews and the palastinians kill jews. They would love to accomplish what Hitler failed to do.

They are murderous, treacherous, and violent sub-humans.

let's see...

NAZI germany had one of the most powerful militaries in the world.
Zionist israel has one of the most powerful militaries in the world.

millions of jews were dispossessed of their property and freedom.
millions of palestinians were dispossessed of their property and freedom.

millions of jews were forced into camps by the NAZI government.
millions of palestinians were forced into camps by the zionist government.

very few german soldiers were killed in the warsaw ghetto uprising and other european uprisings.
very few israeli soldiers were killed in the gaza strip uprising and other palestinian uprising,

only a utter racist would base an analogy solely upon the ethnicity of those being oppressed and ignore all other factors.

only a complete fool would have a sig line quoting gandhi and continue to make snide posts disrespecting those who choose to protest by undertaking a hunger strike.
Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
The sleazy sherrithing publically ADMITS that she stiffed the relief her $5 contribution - FOR SHAME!!!!

What, are you so dirt poor you couldn't even leave the $5 you promised, and get another $5 to se for you own project?????? Poor witless l'il sherri!!!

Let's see now: you could beautify the neighborhood by going for a walk and collecting cans & bottles to REDEEM. Shouldn't take long to pick up $5 worth, and you'd be getting exercise out in GOD's good green earth besides.

And then, you could take that $5, and use it to pay for your first round of listings on eBay for your choice of charity. If you pick one that's on eBay's list, they may even cut the listing fees.

If you're having trouble getting listings set up, you can get help from eBay staff or volunteer mentors......of which I just happen to be one : ))

She also stiffs the stiffs out of their dignity by posting the dead children for her pleasure and entertainment.
What do you expect? If Islamic terrorists like Hamas and Hezbollah have zero respect for human life and regularly use their own little kids as human shields and bomb carrying devices, you can't expect their supporters like Sherri The Wacko to be any better.
et al,

So what is the prognosis on this: Samer Issawi. (A prediction of the probable course and outcome of his suicide attempt.)

My understanding is that Issawi is a terrorist. My understanding is that he was arrested during “Operation Defensive Shield;” on charges of possession of weapons and forming military groups in Jerusalem. That he went to trial and was convicted; sentenced to 30 years. He apparently served 10 years and was released in a mass prisoner exchange (Hamas and the Israeli). Issawi was subsequently re-arrested for violating the term of his parole.

So now, Issawi is attempting a form of suicide (hunger strike - slow death) under the concept of "freedom - or - martyrdom." As this is a religious ritual, I fail to see the issue.

Is the question a matter of his right to commit suicide?

Most Respectfully,

i think you need to define "suicide" and "terrorist".
What the fuck is so confusing about suicide to you?

some cultures regard the hunger strike as a legitimate for of protest and not suycide.

some religions do not regard a hunger strike to protest an injustice as suicide.

some nations reward those who willingly give their lives for a greater cause. many CMOH recipients receive their award posthumously.

the "divine wind" were regarded as heroes and their deaths were considered the supreme sacrifice and not a suicide by their countrymen. they are honoured to this day. the west called them suicide bombers.

a mideastern tribe, when beseiged by the romans, rather than endure slavery for themselves, their families and children, killed their families, childrern, and themselves to avoid that certain fate. soldiers from that nation take an oath to these brave men when they enlist.

a great man once said "They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken." he died on 5 may, 1981 after 66days of stailc ocrais...hunger strike. i remember the clatter of bin lids and the whispers "robeard fuar bas" the night bobby sands died. he had broken england's back with his sacrifice of himself, something all the weapons in the possession of oglaigh na hEireann sealadaigh could do.

you seem to be the one confused as to what suicide is.
reabhloideach, Si modo, et al,

Yes, it is a hard concept.

The action of killing oneself intentionally: "he committed suicide at the age of forty".​
Intentionally kill oneself.​
noun. self-destruction - self-murder
verb. take one's own life - make away with oneself​

i think you need to define "suicide" and "terrorist".
What the fuck is so confusing about suicide to you?

some cultures regard the hunger strike as a legitimate for of protest and not suycide.

some religions do not regard a hunger strike to protest an injustice as suicide.

some nations reward those who willingly give their lives for a greater cause. many CMOH recipients receive their award posthumously.

the "divine wind" were regarded as heroes and their deaths were considered the supreme sacrifice and not a suicide by their countrymen. they are honoured to this day. the west called them suicide bombers.

a mideastern tribe, when beseiged by the romans, rather than endure slavery for themselves, their families and children, killed their families, childrern, and themselves to avoid that certain fate. soldiers from that nation take an oath to these brave men when they enlist.

a great man once said "They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken." he died on 5 may, 1981 after 66days of stailc ocrais...hunger strike. i remember the clatter of bin lids and the whispers "robeard fuar bas" the night bobby sands died. he had broken england's back with his sacrifice of himself, something all the weapons in the possession of oglaigh na hEireann sealadaigh could do.

you seem to be the one confused as to what suicide is.

I don't have to use the word "suicide." I can - instead say - kill oneself.

The man is a terrorist. He was armed non-state actor, putting together a team of armed aggressors (sometimes called a terrorist cell).

He is not a Palestinian political prisoner, but a man who broke the law, who was given a second chance and broke the law again. This idea that he is some kind of heroic figure, willing to make the selfless sacrifice by killing himself is simply nonsense. If he kills himself, the world will forget about him by the end of the first news cycle. It is a good scheme, and a way to draw attention to himself. But at the end of the day, he is a Palestinian Terrorist trying to escape justice by any means. He is not saving anyone by dying, and he is not achieving some greater good. He is merely trying to use the hunger strike as a tool to escape serving his sentence, as if he is above the law.

Now, if his hunger strike was somehow furthering the peace effort between the Palestinians and Israelis --- serving some high cause --- then it might be different. But he is not. He is merely part of a greater cult of radical Islamic fundamentalist attempting to use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit for political aims of a non-state anarchist Arab subculture who was caught in the act of fomenting terrorism; and now wants out.

Call is what you want. But if he dies because he refused to eat, that is killing ones self. And killing ones self is suicide. And killing ones self is the easy way out, not the noble challenge to any cause.

On the other hand, now that he has declared himself some sort of heroic martyr, he must complete the task, otherwise he has failed. He should do it quickly, before his 15 minutes of fame runs out.

Most Respectfully,
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Let him eat cake.

liberte, egalite, fraternite.


he will live forever.

I have been unable to find anything else out about his condition, and there is nothing anyone can really do here, that I can think of, but cry and pray for God to be with him and his family in this difficult situation they find themselves in and see them through it!

I am reminded what Palestinian Christian Mazin Qumsiyeh (who is also an American citizen and Professor and activist) said just a few days ago, he said that Palestinian Christians believe Jesus became the first martyr for non-violent resistance to foreign occupation of Palestine.

Popular Resistance: Beit Laham

That comforts me, he walks in the steps of Jesus!

I think that might be true of all hunger striking political prisoners, in another sense, they have all turned away from violence, they are responding to Injustice with nonviolent resistance, just like Jesus set as the example for us all to follow! Perhaps, that itself is turning to and embracing Jesus!

And he will live forever, he will never be forgotten!


He walks in the steps of who??!! Jesus is not a terrorist, Sherri. Jesus layed down his own life so that those who would believe upon Him & His Shed Blood at the Cross to wash away their sins would be redeemed. God sent his only son as the perfect sacrifice once and for all which is why Jesus said, It is finished! This terrorist has by his very actions denied Jesus Christ and His Work at the Cross. He has denied Jesus Christ as Lord. He has rejected the only pardon he could receive to enter into Heaven and have eternal life. We shall all have eternal life somewhere. This man by rejecting the salvation Jesus Christ alone can offer has rejected eternal life in heaven and opted for an eternity separated from God Almighty. He shall surely live forever. In Hell. May God have mercy on all who follow such ignorance. - Jeremiah
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