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Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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samir was properly convicted of serious crime----he is playing a game

He was released in the prison exchange deal, and there are no new charges, simply an unlawful administrative detention.

He has the right to listen to his God and engage in a hunger strike to protest the Injustice of his unlawful detention by Occupying Israeli Forces in Palestine.

Sherri lied again Samer violated the terms of his release Lots of her baby throat
slitting heroes have done so----which is not surprising----recidivism among felons
is VERY VERY COMMON -----as all reasonably educated lawyers know. ----that's what
PAROLE is all about in the USA

He did not do anything except try to travel from one Palestinian village to another, Jesus did a lot of that too and there are no new charges. . Stop lying, there is no truth in you you are just a living carcass oozing hate and lies and vulgarity and vileness. That is what Zionism does to a human being it turns all of them into Rosies.
"Israel has shown she has no heart or humanity and Israel does not deserve to keep existing as a Nation.
Jews attack and kill the Prophets and Jesus and those who keep resisting Occupation and Pakestine is just like it was 2000 years ago. "

Thus speak the whores for Satan.
The sherrithing seems incapable of remembering that it has NO right to decide for anyone else what Israel nor any nation may 'deserve' from our Creator.
"Israel has shown she has no heart or humanity and Israel does not deserve to keep existing as a Nation.
Jews attack and kill the Prophets and Jesus and those who keep resisting Occupation and Pakestine is just like it was 2000 years ago. "

Thus speak the whores for Satan.

You jusf cannot face the truth and everytime you are presented with it you start the name calling!
"Israel has shown she has no heart or humanity and Israel does not deserve to keep existing as a Nation.
Jews attack and kill the Prophets and Jesus and those who keep resisting Occupation and Pakestine is just like it was 2000 years ago. "

Thus speak the whores for Satan.

You jusf cannot face the truth and everytime you are presented with it you start the name calling!

Am I more than one person now, too, you call me the whores for Satan? What is that?
"Israel has shown she has no heart or humanity and Israel does not deserve to keep existing as a Nation.
Jews attack and kill the Prophets and Jesus and those who keep resisting Occupation and Pakestine is just like it was 2000 years ago. "

Thus speak the whores for Satan.

You jusf cannot face the truth and everytime you are presented with it you start the name calling!

Am I more than one person now, too, you call me the whores for Satan? What is that?

Between the voices that speak to you in your head and the variety of ramblings, recriminations doled out and quotes from the scripture I would not be surprised to find that you are many people wrapped up into one earthly body.
LOL, the poor wee sherrithing just can't keep from trying to make a post all about its nasty self!

For those who don't understand a poetic form of English: "Thus spake" = "That is how (subject) speak, when the (whores for Satan) 'subject' is plural.

And special just for the sherrthing: "That is how the whores for Satan speak" is what the words meant. I am SHOCKED, I tell you, that a person who could pass a bar exam was unable to figure that out.

Soooooo - How much did your 'ringer' get paid?

PS: Since you've already had it explained what 'whoring for' means - and have used it yourself! - then I think you should be able to figure out what 'whores for Satan' would imply.
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irosie91 said:
Full of shit like always and never supporting anything you say.

(rosie) Sherri----if there is anything FULL OF SHIT on this board its your
posts. The idiot sherri actually demands I "SUPPORT" with
certified documents ----the fact that I leaned to sing christmas
carols as a child ----I wonder how many times her ass was thrown
out of court.

I cannot imagine all Samers family is going through.

(rosie) I can imagine it----lots of people I know have gone thru
a lot worse ----at the hands of isa-respecters

But one thing they do have is they are on the right side. They are simply trying to withstand and endure these horrible circumstances O ccupation presents to them and stay human in the face of it.

(rosie) Depends no your definition of "human" Lots of people I know went
thru a lot worse and unlike you and yours do not call people who slit
the throats of infants HEROES In fact---none of them do slit
the throats of infants as have so many ISA-RESPECTERS of your ilk

Israel has shown she has no heart or humanity and Israel does not deserve to keep existing as a Nation.

(rosie) Shit like you and yours never deserved to exist on the planet. Shit like you,
have comitted genocides in the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS and counting

There is a Facebook page that I think is Samers family when he was younger and there are photos and some are just of Gaza and Occupation and Resistance and children being humiliated. Israel forever for me invokes sn image of hurting children and killing children and human rights abuses and Apartheid and ethnic cleansing and everything that is bad in the world.

(rosie) Gee and coming from shit like you whose ILK have perpetrated genocides
in the hundreds of millions and CELEBRATED THEM ---while in its
thousands of years of history the people and nation called ISRAEL has never
perpetrated a single genocide-----it is MACABRE

And Palestine invokes an image of Jesus living with Injustice and under Occupation and every man woman and child who today lives with injustice and occupation

Jesus was a pharisee jew who lived under the OCCUPATION OF ROME----which---even
before it developed YOUR CULTURE ----ie the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE----and its
FILTH that includes LEGAL GENOCIDE had already engaged in barbaric
oppression-----only one example being the filth it imposed in ISRAEL/JUDEA
Pontius Pilate---THE PROCURATOR OF JUDEA for ten years murdered by
crucifixtion----20,000 jews ---average being 2000 per year... ----every lawyer
knows that -----ENGLAND developed as part of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE
and english common law is based in the same filth that brought us crucifixtion,
torture and execution as a public SPECTACLE at which sluts of your ilk
moaned in orgiastic joy just as sluts in TOULOUSE FRANCE --recently
ULULATED AND DANCED because a dog of your ilk ----grabbed a four year
old girl by her curls and shot her brains out.

you are quite a comical pile of macabre shit. You denied being a sunday
school teacher-----time to deny being a lawyer----you know so little

just like Jesus did. Jews attack and kill the Prophets and Jesus and those who keep resisting Occupation and Pakestine is just like it was 2000 years ago.

Palestine was occupied by rome 2000 years ago. Pharisee jews like Jesus
resisted roman occupation-----and were executed in the thousands for it. some by
crucifixtion-----your roman forebears also used other methods----which they continued
into the INQUISITION----like burning them to death Lots of pharisees went down
that way. The pigs who developed the nazism which is yours----also enslaved and worked
jews to death. Did you know that your fellows used jewish labor to build your COLLISEUM? Adolf Hitler did not invent nazism and dhimmia-----the romans
did it-----and CONSTANTINE IMPOSED IT Real christians today prefer to
claim that constantine never "REALLY" was a christian------neither were you

By the way----which "prophets" did jews actually KILL? I have an excellent
memory-----I read both the old and new testaments as a child I know the answer
regarding "prophets" actually MURDERED ----and by whom.

just think------even if you are not a sunday school teacher----you must have read
the book SOME time in your life-----or are you just spitting more shit?
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He was released in the prison exchange deal, and there are no new charges, simply an unlawful administrative detention.

He has the right to listen to his God and engage in a hunger strike to protest the Injustice of his unlawful detention by Occupying Israeli Forces in Palestine.

Sherri lied again Samer violated the terms of his release Lots of her baby throat
slitting heroes have done so----which is not surprising----recidivism among felons
is VERY VERY COMMON -----as all reasonably educated lawyers know. ----that's what
PAROLE is all about in the USA

He did not do anything except try to travel from one Palestinian village to another, Jesus did a lot of that too and there are no new charges. . Stop lying, there is no truth in you you are just a living carcass oozing hate and lies and vulgarity and vileness. That is what Zionism does to a human being it turns all of them into Rosies.
Do you mean Samer was merely traveling to another village to attend Sunday School and the Polizei captured him? And to think I believed he was an Islamic terrorist bastard. I am going to write a nasty letter to the IDF and let them know the truth. They will believe me. I will also suggest when they release him that he be given a book of coupons from Micky Ds. Does he know that McRib is back?
Sherri lied again Samer violated the terms of his release Lots of her baby throat
slitting heroes have done so----which is not surprising----recidivism among felons
is VERY VERY COMMON -----as all reasonably educated lawyers know. ----that's what
PAROLE is all about in the USA

He did not do anything except try to travel from one Palestinian village to another, Jesus did a lot of that too and there are no new charges. . Stop lying, there is no truth in you you are just a living carcass oozing hate and lies and vulgarity and vileness. That is what Zionism does to a human being it turns all of them into Rosies.
Do you mean Samer was merely traveling to another village to attend Sunday School and the Polizei captured him? And to think I believed he was an Islamic terrorist bastard. I am going to write a nasty letter to the IDF and let them know the truth. They will believe me. I will also suggest when they release him that he be given a book of coupons from Micky Ds. Does he know that McRib is back?

there is a McRib? gee----

It has something to do with him going to a place specifically barred to him
as part of his parole agreement he violated the agreement. Lots
of people released from prison do that sort of thing----its like sexual
deviants being barred from hanging around school yards ----sherri would
defend that too if only she could be sure that the next kid attacked would
be a jew
The sherrithing seems incapable of remembering that it has NO right to decide for anyone else what Israel nor any nation may 'deserve' from our Creator.

I have the right to have an opinion about this and my opinion is the same way Nazi Germanys Regime did not deserve to keep existing Is true about Israels Nazi Zionist Regime. The Regimes are just like one another! And there were people resisting Injustices there with nonviolent resistance like the last Pope. Pope John Paul. Samer and his family are like him and it does not matter what we did yesterday, a hunger strike is nonviolent resistance. I was talking to my husband about hunger strikes and Islam and he could not point to some specific religious teaching.. But it was funny, he said there was a human rights defender in Iran who went on a over 30 day hunger strike and it did nothing for her. But then he told me her story and I learned they released her at least temporarily to be with her children, she shamed them into releasing her, after she lost about 50 pounds. And we both realized there was good that came from her hunger strike. The thing is none of us know how a sacrificial act like this will glorify God , we do not know in this specific case how God/Allah will take this man and his acts of sacrifice for others and show us the Glory of God. I have no doubt but that God/Allah will be glorified here, good will flow from this hunger strike and this mans courageous response to the unlawful Occupation , the acts of the Palestinian hunger striker Samer Issawi. Samer wins whether he lives or dies, he will be free from unlawful bondage and detention, either released from his physical bonds and freed by his Occupiers or freed and in God' s arms.
You jusf cannot face the truth and everytime you are presented with it you start the name calling!

Am I more than one person now, too, you call me the whores for Satan? What is that?

Between the voices that speak to you in your head and the variety of ramblings, recriminations doled out and quotes from the scripture I would not be surprised to find that you are many people wrapped up into one earthly body.

One thing I am not is a defender of baby killers like Connery, scum of the earth!
The sherrithing seems incapable of remembering that it has NO right to decide for anyone else what Israel nor any nation may 'deserve' from our Creator.

I have the right to have an opinion about this and my opinion is the same way Nazi Germanys Regime did not deserve to keep existing Is true about Israels Nazi Zionist Regime. The Regimes are just like one another! And there were people resisting Injustices there with nonviolent resistance like the last Pope. Pope John Paul. Samer and his family are like him and it does not matter what we did yesterday, a hunger strike is nonviolent resistance. I was talking to my husband about hunger strikes and Islam and he could not point to some specific religious teaching.. But it was funny, he said there was a human rights defender in Iran who went on a over 30 day hunger strike and it did nothing for her. But then he told me her story and I learned they released her at least temporarily to be with her children, she shamed them into releasing her, after she lost about 50 pounds. And we both realized there was good that came from her hunger strike. The thing is none of us know how a sacrificial act like this will glorify God , we do not know in this specific case how God/Allah will take this man and his acts of sacrifice for others and show us the Glory of God. I have no doubt but that God/Allah will be glorified here, good will flow from this hunger strike and this mans courageous response to the unlawful Occupation , the acts of the Palestinian hunger striker Samer Issawi. Samer wins whether he lives or dies, he will be free from unlawful bondage and detention, either released from his physical bonds and freed by his Occupiers or freed and in God' s arms.
Thanks for the tip, preacher. I am going to go on a hunger strike right here in my own house so I can lose 50 lbs. I am getting tired of wearing tents for clothes and will be glad to go back to Size 48. Praise de Lawd!
"I have the right to have an opinion about this and my opinion is the same way Nazi Germanys Regime did not deserve to keep existing Is true about Israels Nazi Zionist Regime."

Complete insanity: opinions do NOT have any truth value. Not yours or mine or anyone's. Oh, it's your own opinion, and you actually believe it - but neither of those has any 'automatic' connection to truth.
Am I more than one person now, too, you call me the whores for Satan? What is that?

Between the voices that speak to you in your head and the variety of ramblings, recriminations doled out and quotes from the scripture I would not be surprised to find that you are many people wrapped up into one earthly body.

One thing I am not is a defender of baby killers like Connery, scum of the earth!

And in a very few minutes, the sherrithing then praises convicted child killer Samer - well, I suppose that praising and glorifying such a murderer is technically not the same as 'defending' such.
The sherrithing seems incapable of remembering that it has NO right to decide for anyone else what Israel nor any nation may 'deserve' from our Creator.

I have the right to have an opinion about this and my opinion is the same way Nazi Germanys Regime did not deserve to keep existing Is true about Israels Nazi Zionist Regime. The Regimes are just like one another! And there were people resisting Injustices there with nonviolent resistance like the last Pope. Pope John Paul. Samer and his family are like him and it does not matter what we did yesterday, a hunger strike is nonviolent resistance. I was talking to my husband about hunger strikes and Islam and he could not point to some specific religious teaching.. But it was funny, he said there was a human rights defender in Iran who went on a over 30 day hunger strike and it did nothing for her. But then he told me her story and I learned they released her at least temporarily to be with her children, she shamed them into releasing her, after she lost about 50 pounds. And we both realized there was good that came from her hunger strike. The thing is none of us know how a sacrificial act like this will glorify God , we do not know in this specific case how God/Allah will take this man and his acts of sacrifice for others and show us the Glory of God. I have no doubt but that God/Allah will be glorified here, good will flow from this hunger strike and this mans courageous response to the unlawful Occupation , the acts of the Palestinian hunger striker Samer Issawi. Samer wins whether he lives or dies, he will be free from unlawful bondage and detention, either released from his physical bonds and freed by his Occupiers or freed and in God' s arms.

Sherri do you write motions and petitions? Has anything you have written been
accepted by a judge?
The sherrithing seems incapable of remembering that it has NO right to decide for anyone else what Israel nor any nation may 'deserve' from our Creator.

I have the right to have an opinion about this and my opinion is the same way Nazi Germanys Regime did not deserve to keep existing Is true about Israels Nazi Zionist Regime. The Regimes are just like one another! And there were people resisting Injustices there with nonviolent resistance like the last Pope. Pope John Paul. Samer and his family are like him and it does not matter what we did yesterday, a hunger strike is nonviolent resistance. I was talking to my husband about hunger strikes and Islam and he could not point to some specific religious teaching.. But it was funny, he said there was a human rights defender in Iran who went on a over 30 day hunger strike and it did nothing for her. But then he told me her story and I learned they released her at least temporarily to be with her children, she shamed them into releasing her, after she lost about 50 pounds. And we both realized there was good that came from her hunger strike. The thing is none of us know how a sacrificial act like this will glorify God , we do not know in this specific case how God/Allah will take this man and his acts of sacrifice for others and show us the Glory of God. I have no doubt but that God/Allah will be glorified here, good will flow from this hunger strike and this mans courageous response to the unlawful Occupation , the acts of the Palestinian hunger striker Samer Issawi. Samer wins whether he lives or dies, he will be free from unlawful bondage and detention, either released from his physical bonds and freed by his Occupiers or freed and in God' s arms.

Sherri do you write motions and petitions? Has anything you have written been
accepted by a judge?
Nah, she leaves it up to Jesus to do the legwork.
Rosie, I believe there are 'cheat sheets' available - 'fill-in-the-blank' templates which the less-skilled may refer to, in order to supplement their slender knowledge. Nothing to be ashamed of, especially for a beginner......
Am I more than one person now, too, you call me the whores for Satan? What is that?

Between the voices that speak to you in your head and the variety of ramblings, recriminations doled out and quotes from the scripture I would not be surprised to find that you are many people wrapped up into one earthly body.

One thing I am not is a defender of baby killers like Connery, scum of the earth!

.......but sherri I have been praying for you...... to be restored to sanity...
Between the voices that speak to you in your head and the variety of ramblings, recriminations doled out and quotes from the scripture I would not be surprised to find that you are many people wrapped up into one earthly body.

One thing I am not is a defender of baby killers like Connery, scum of the earth!

And in a very few minutes, the sherrithing then praises convicted child killer Samer - well, I suppose that praising and glorifying such a murderer is technically not the same as 'defending' such.


Samer is not a child killer, all that comes from you, the witch's mouth, are the lies of a witch.

He is also not a convicted child killer, witch liar!

There is no truth in you.

How many babies have you, the witch, killed?

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