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Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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Hossfly; irosie91; SherriMunnerlyn; et al,

Sometimes, I think we lose sight of what a "Prisoner Hunger Strike" really is; and its implications.


In such events, there is always a "demand." The demand is either implicit or explicit, but it is always there. (Freedom, Publicity, Notoriety/Fame, Tangibles, etc)

The prisoner adopts a persona. They are a hero, maryr, or generally undeserving of the sentence (an innocent or desperate), etc.

The hunger strike is generally a combination of blackmail, hostage and threat.
  • Given me "X" or I'll do "Y!"
When my oldest child was young, she would sometimes ask for something. On rare occasions, when I would deny her request, she would scream and then hold her breath until I capitulated. She was pretty good, and would sometimes hold it long enough to turn blue.​
In the case of most "Prisoner Hunger Strikes," the prisoner becomes both the blackmailer and the hostage with the threat:
  • Given me what I demand or I'll kill the hostage (himself).
This is not unlike my daughter holding her breath.

In a "Prisoner Hunger Strike," the government has to make some decisions. In a normal hostage case, the Government would want to free the hostage from danger. This normally kicks-off a negotiation between the government and the hostage taker; with the first question being: What do you want? (The Demand.)

In a "Prisoner Hunger Strike" the weapon is food and the trigger is self denial.
  • Given me my freedom or I'll starve the hostage (himself).

Given that you cannot free the hostage, what do you (The Government) have to consider?
  • Do you have a policy to negotiate?
  • What is the probability that the threat will be executed?
  • What impact will the execution of the threat have?
    • How will the law bidding taxpayer view capitulation 'v' status quo?
    • What will the general prison population think? Will it inspire more strikes?
  • Are the demands reasonable?
    • What does the cost 'v' benefit analysis conclude?
    • What precedent does capitulation set?
    • What dangers does the capitulation present?
Simultaneously, there is an investigation concerning the allegations made by the Prisoner. This is a moral obligation to determine if in fact, the demands are actually needed for health, safety or other rational concerns. Make no mistake, there are cases (few though they may be) when, the demands might actually improve the health and safety of the prisoner population and staff. But there is also the need to be demonstrably human in the treatment of prisoners.

In terms of a medical intervention in a sour "Prisoner Hunger Strike," this has to be carefully considered and the reasoning (for and against) logically documented. This cannot be a subjective decision in the eyes of either the taxpayer or the prison population. The policy must be straight forward, very clear and understood by all.

There is no one single correct answer to the question of a "Prisoner Hunger Strike" and how to handle them. They each must be evaluated individually.

But remember what a "Prisoner Hunger Strike" really is: a combination of blackmail, hostage and threat. And if believable, gives you some insight into the persona of the inmate. It tells you something about "life" and how they consider it. They have put a price on it (The Demand).

Most Respectfully,
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One thing I am not is a defender of baby killers like Connery, scum of the earth!

And in a very few minutes, the sherrithing then praises convicted child killer Samer - well, I suppose that praising and glorifying such a murderer is technically not the same as 'defending' such.


Samer is not a child killer, all that comes from you, the witch's mouth, are the lies of a witch.

He is also not a convicted child killer, witch liar!

There is no truth in you.

How many babies have you, the witch, killed?


Do, please, wipe that foam off from about your maw, l'il sherrithing.

One more time: it means *nothing* to simply claim another poster lied. One needs to give some citation or supporting 'evidence' to refute an allegation. You provided nothing of the sort, just a lot of overly emotional verbiage with no factual content.

I must say, though: It would be very shameful of you to be misrepresenting my miscarriage as me having killed our baby : ((
An excellent post, Rocco - you've done a very accurate deconstruction of what the 'hunger strike' situation is. It's not the same as choosing suicide over capture, as another poster claimed.

Unfortunately, Rocco, as long as your posts are reasonably phrased and analytical it seems they will be ignored by the extremists here. I suspect that's because they seem to be allergic to logic: they keep mistaking opinion for fact and imagining that whatever they believe strongly *must* be some kind of 'truth'.
Samer was convicted of harboring a CACHE OF TERRORIST WEAPONS
and association with and activities within a baby murdering organization
in the name of ALLAH/ISA He was not ----specifically convicted of
murdering a baby for allah/isa on his own In the USA lots of
people have been sentenced to LONG terms in jail for the same sort
of filth even if they themselves have not yet murdered a babies.
Adolf abu ali hitler never murdered a baby with his own hands
either ----in fact neither did Adolf mustafa eichmann.

Persons of the disgusting ilk of samer---kidnapped an israeli and
extorted the freeing of samer as a ransom for the innocent
person who was kidnapped in the name of allah/isa
A very large pile of shit was handed over to the for allah/isa
baby killers consisting of about 1000 lumps of shit something
like samer-----of those several were convicted of MURDER but
the filthy shit was released. Samer is not the only piece that has
returned to the service of allah/isa-----and no doubt the pile of
shit WILL kill more
Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi and the plight of Palestinian hunger strikers

'Save Samer, he is dying': Samer Issawi and the plight of Palestinian hunger strikers

After the children and all the abuses Israel perpetrates against them, it is the Palestinian political prisoners that stand out to me as showing us the real face of the human rights abuses that is the Israeli Occupation of Palestine!


We see all of what the Occupation is in all of its ugliness.

The only light is in the faces of the men and women and children and their families who endure/experience these awful unlawful detentions and their stories of remaining steadfast and always keeping hope alive. They endure such crimes against humanity that deprives them all of liberty and freedom and basic human rights that are supposed to be guaranteed to all human beings in our world by international treaties and laws!

Samer Issawi is dying, on hunger strike for 153 days now, here is a part of his story, a man in prison for 11 years (and all detentions of Palestinains are unlawful as they do not meet the requirenments of intl law as to detentions or trials) , released, and then redetained, held without bail and I think no official charges have been levelled against him, even now.

"On Nov 22nd I talked with Samer's father on the phone. Hearing his sad voice gave away how depressed he was. On Sunday, December 16th, though the situation is even harder as his son is at a critical condition, I had the chance to talk to him again, and I asked about his wife who had fainted after her son's re-arrest; she has hardly been able to speak or move since then. "Her condition is worsening each day. She was shocked and kept looking at her son's face when she attended the court hearing on Thursday, December 13th. She could not endure seeing her son losing more than half of his weight. Unconsciously, she screamed at the judge's face, "Your apartheid regime is illegal and we do not recognize it. Samer will be released either you want or not". I do not know how to describe this, but my wife is just a mother with a heart!" "Her physical and psychological condition is now more at risk than ever. She cannot endure seeing her own son dying. She spends most of her day at hospitals and every single moment, she repeats the same plea: "Can't anybody help my son to be free and to live!"

I cautiously asked Shireen: “When have you seen your brother?" “No one has met or spoken to him since his current arrest. I have seen him on Thursday (December 13th) when he appeared in court. He is turning into some bones covered with a human wrap. In other words, he is a skeleton sitting in a wheelchair, and he can't move or walk. My brother was put in the slaughterhouse of Ramla Prison Hospital during his first month of the strike. A month later he was put in a small cell as a punishment. He suffered the solitary confinement in a two-meter square room, meant to pressure him to end his strike,” she answered with sorrow."


ok ...ill send him a Bar BQ sandwich .
And in a very few minutes, the sherrithing then praises convicted child killer Samer - well, I suppose that praising and glorifying such a murderer is technically not the same as 'defending' such.


Samer is not a child killer, all that comes from you, the witch's mouth, are the lies of a witch.

He is also not a convicted child killer, witch liar!

There is no truth in you.

How many babies have you, the witch, killed?tg


Do, please, wipe that foam off from about your maw, l'il sherrithing.

One more time: it means *nothing* to simply claim another poster lied. One needs to give some citation or supporting 'evidence' to refute an allegation. You provided nothing of the sort, just a lot of overly emotional verbiage with no factual content.

I must say, though: It would be very shameful of you to be misrepresenting my miscarriage as me having killed our baby : ((

Witch, Samer was not charged with killing children or convicted of killing children. And My question to you was simply my responding to your baseless lie about Samer. It is a questionable practice to just make an assumption a Palestinian is a child kiiler like you did It reeks of The Chosen People prejudice and racism. I decided to assume the same about you, that you were a child killer, as you did about Samer, so you would see how that feels! I did not know anything about your miscarriage..You are probably lying about that too, I do not believe a word coming out of
the mouth of the witch.
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Isn't he dead yet? Not that I'm really following this nor much concerned for his life, but I figure once he dies, there'll be less bitching.
Witch, Samer was not charged with killing children or convicted of killing children. And My question to you was simply my responding to your baseless lie about Samer. It is a questionable practice to just make an assumption a Palestinian is a child kiiler like you did It reeks of The Chosen People prejudice and racism... I decided to assume the same about you, that you were a child killer, as you did about Samer, so you would see how that feels! I did not know you had an abortion .

Why not buy the Muzzie cocksucker a nice lobster dinner? Or a ham sandwich?
Isn't he dead yet? Not that I'm really following this nor much concerned for his life, but I figure once he dies, there'll be less bitching.

chances are the piece of shit will not die He will be fed by some means----and the
islamo nazi pigs will describe that as "TORTURE" If the Israelis surgically place
a feeding tube into the fundus of his stomach----the procedure will be described as
INTENSELY PAINFUL If he is restrained----that will be "INTENSELY PAINFUL" too
"Witch, Samer was not charged with killing children or convicted of killing children. And My question to you was simply my responding to your baseless lie about Samer. It is a questionable practice to just make an assumption a Palestinian is a child kiiler like you did It reeks of The Chosen People prejudice and racism... I decided to assume the same about you, that you were a child killer, as you did about Samer, so you would see how that feels! I did not know you had an abortion ."

Thanks for admitting that you knew you were lying.

*sigh!* And to think I really did imagine it would be beneath even you to misrepresent my miscarriage as "having an abortion". I guess that shows the depths of depravity to which you're willing to go : ((
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The term "miscarriage" is a kind of weird euphemism ----because the word "abortion"
developed a negative conotation -----ABORT---means something like "terminate" -----
and abortion---"termination" When educated people like doctors and lawyers and marge
speak-----they should probably use reasonably sophisticated language---not -that which bar maids use
(not to impugn bar maids but sometimes not the most highly educated people in the world)

the common term MISCARRIAGE----is a "SPONTANEOUS ABORTION" ----a purposeful termination of a pregnancy is an "INDUCED ABORTION"

I cannot imagine a lawyer just saying or writing "ABORTION" unless the lawyer is
an IDIOT (idiot is a term that properly refers to a human of very low intellect----
which is a congenital condition------it is out dated but was, in the past ---an actual
term used in medical science)
"Witch, Samer was not charged with killing children or convicted of killing children. And My question to you was simply my responding to your baseless lie about Samer. It is a questionable practice to just make an assumption a Palestinian is a child kiiler like you did It reeks of The Chosen People prejudice and racism... I decided to assume the same about you, that you were a child killer, as you did about Samer, so you would see how that feels! I did not know you had an abortion ."

Thanks for admitting that you knew you were lying.

*sigh!* And to think I really did imagine it would be beneath even you to misrepresent my miscarriage as "having an abortion". I guess that shows the depths of depravity to which you're willing to go : ((

I did not lie about anything, you remain the lying witch as you lied by calling Samer a baby killer and a convicted baby killer , all lies,and in this post here your lies about me continue.There is no truth in a witch!
Isn't he dead yet? Not that I'm really following this nor much concerned for his life, but I figure once he dies, there'll be less bitching.

chances are the piece of shit will not die He will be fed by some means----and the
islamo nazi pigs will describe that as "TORTURE" If the Israelis surgically place
a feeding tube into the fundus of his stomach----the procedure will be described as
INTENSELY PAINFUL If he is restrained----that will be "INTENSELY PAINFUL" too
You're weird and more than a bit too much for me.
"Witch, Samer was not charged with killing children or convicted of killing children. And My question to you was simply my responding to your baseless lie about Samer. It is a questionable practice to just make an assumption a Palestinian is a child kiiler like you did It reeks of The Chosen People prejudice and racism... I decided to assume the same about you, that you were a child killer, as you did about Samer, so you would see how that feels! I did not know you had an abortion ."

Thanks for admitting that you knew you were lying.

*sigh!* And to think I really did imagine it would be beneath even you to misrepresent my miscarriage as "having an abortion". I guess that shows the depths of depravity to which you're willing to go : ((

I did not lie about anything, you remain the lying witch as you lied by calling Samer a baby killer and a convicted baby killer , all lies,and in this post here your lies about me continue.There is no truth in a witch!

sherri you lie.
Isn't he dead yet? Not that I'm really following this nor much concerned for his life, but I figure once he dies, there'll be less bitching.

chances are the piece of shit will not die He will be fed by some means----and the
islamo nazi pigs will describe that as "TORTURE" If the Israelis surgically place
a feeding tube into the fundus of his stomach----the procedure will be described as
INTENSELY PAINFUL If he is restrained----that will be "INTENSELY PAINFUL" too
You're weird and more than a bit too much for me.

oh----well I have extensive experience with criminals who claim that they are being
tortured in jail or when handcuffed to their hospital bed rails------ Hunger striking
by jailed sociopaths is not all that uncommon. -----they frequently described intervention
as "torture" Having a naso-gastic tube inserted is no fun-----but it is not "torture"

the surgical implantation of a stomach tube is actually more pleasant----but the creep is
likely to pull it out------so they would have to tie him down---
I have a pound of bacon I didn't use for the twice baked potatoes....

I'll spring for some shrimp!

I am not sure what the "spring for some shrimp was for" but if you
think muslims do not eat shrimp because it is not "kosher" for them
aka HALAL -----wrong-----shrimp is HALAL----but not kosher

You use bacon with your twice baked? gee---a bit of cheese and paprika
IS NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU? -----hedonist

simplify thus----mix the scooped out potato
stuff with----sour cream --a bit of cheddar --
maybe some chopped chives or chopped scallions
salt, pepper--touch of cayenne----restuff the SKIN
bit of butter on top----paprika ---- WALLAH
KOSHER TWICE BAKED--but not with
meat. for pareve leave out the
cheese, butter, sour cream :eusa_silenced:
"Witch, Samer was not charged with killing children or convicted of killing children. And My question to you was simply my responding to your baseless lie about Samer. It is a questionable practice to just make an assumption a Palestinian is a child kiiler like you did It reeks of The Chosen People prejudice and racism... I decided to assume the same about you, that you were a child killer, as you did about Samer, so you would see how that feels! I did not know you had an abortion ."

Thanks for admitting that you knew you were lying.

*sigh!* And to think I really did imagine it would be beneath even you to misrepresent my miscarriage as "having an abortion". I guess that shows the depths of depravity to which you're willing to go : ((

I did not lie about anything, you remain the lying witch as you lied by calling Samer a baby killer and a convicted baby killer , all lies,and in this post here your lies about me continue.There is no truth in a witch!

sherri you lie.

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