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Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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I did already.

All of it, unedited-not part of it. Lets see proof of what you claim above.

Post 1 is the video and I have edited no videos, and the evidence of the attacks is the videos and statements of people there, including Naser, his statement is on his sister's Facebbok page, written in Arabic, I read a Bing translation of it where he speaks about the third attack in an elevator, where he was punched in the head by Occupier Forces until he was unconscious. And then he was locked up in that room those Nazi Zionists keep him in, not allowed to see any outside doctors even!

No it is not, there is no evidence of a beating sherri. You are seeing things.
Samer was not beaten sherri, he was "was prevented from shaking hands with his family". The Israeli Prison Authority said in a written statement that Issawi’s family members attempted to approach him against regulations and were prevented from doing so by the Israeli security guards. Relatives then attacked Israeli security guards and were evacuated from the scene, according to the statement which confirmed some people involved were temporarily detained. The statement also said Issawi later “threw himself off his wheelchair”.
Israeli security, Palestinians scuffle in Jerusalem court | Levant TV

I do not see any signs that he was beaten. He looks calm and comfortable in his chair.

Sherri doesn't like facts, they don't fit her hate-filled agenda. She is one-sided and obsessed to the point of crazy.

Hate lies with attacking and kiiling Gentiles like Israel does and with those defending that attacking and killing like you are!

you're sick in the head....
I prepared roast beef yesterday-----there is
even some nice gravy ----left over--- with lots
of the meat as yet uncarved. I would be
happy to heat up some in the nice
gravy-----he can have a choice of Pita
or Rye Bread---salad? some nice spicey
tomato thing ---hubby does in the
uhm....."palestinian" style---too. ---
if sherri could arrange a pick up ---I
will get right on it..........
If Samer Issawi wants to take his own life who cares!

This martyrdom obsession of crazy Islamists Palestinians indicates what a backward, primitive society they really are!

Thousands and thousands of people die daily all over the world, his death won't make any difference and it will only prove that blackmail doesn't work!

It's a blackmail tactic which should not be allowed to succeed.

I cannot buy into your way of thinking, because it would require that I renounce Christainaity, considering that Jesus was a Martyr!

Well, if you are so keen on martyrdom why don't you become a martyr yourself?

Once again it is unbelievable you profess to be a Christian and yet are such a devout supporter of Islam, when Christians are being so horribly persecuted to the point of death in virtually every Arab country.

On the other hand if you are a Muslim and are helping the Muslim enemy, in this case Christians as you are doing now, the Islamists would have slit your throat a long time ago.

You can not have it both ways!
If Samer Issawi wants to take his own life who cares!

This martyrdom obsession of crazy Islamists Palestinians indicates what a backward, primitive society they really are!

Thousands and thousands of people die daily all over the world, his death won't make any difference and it will only prove that blackmail doesn't work!

It's a blackmail tactic which should not be allowed to succeed.

I cannot buy into your way of thinking, because it would require that I renounce

****** Christainaity, ******* (from irosie, I have never before encountered
and american christian who could not spell
CHRISTIANITY ------my hubby was born in an
arabic speaking land----had a very truncated schooling
because of an illness contracted in the shariah shit hole--
never actually studied english--just picked it up----is not a
christian---but can spell it better than can you.---who are

considering that Jesus was a Martyr!

what does being a person convicted of sedition against rome
have to do with some jerk not eating?

Well, if you are so keen on martyrdom why don't you become a martyr yourself?

Once again it is unbelievable you profess to be a Christian and yet are such a devout
supporter of Islam, when Christians are being so horribly persecuted to the point of death in virtually every Arab country.

On the other hand if you are a Muslim and are helping the Muslim enemy, in this case C
christians as you are doing now, the Islamists would have slit your throat a long time ago.

You can not have it both ways!

from irosie---you certainly cannot have it both ways---I client of mine told
me that he is going back to IRAN SOON TO SEE TO HIS FATHER's
property----his father "owned" a village there. I noticed he was
wearing a large cross. I said "you going to be wearing that'?
He laughed and said ---- "you kidding? I would lose BOTH my
head and my property---over there I am still OFFICIALLY
Here is excerpts of a letter dated December 26, 2012, by Samer, translated by Bing, he ends his letter thinking about the welfare of others, ashamed about all the suffering we allow to continue to exist in our world, expressing concern about the suffering of people in Somalia and Africa and asks everyone to try to donate $5.00 to save the life of a human being. And he wishes it was 2013 and the Occupation had ended and there were no more hunger and thirst and wars, for all peoples!

I am always amazed at the peace only God can give great men like Samer Issawi, men great in the eyes of God for sacrificing self for others. I am always amazed by God, how in our own times of suffering he can fill us with love for others, and take away all of the hate that is a very natural human response to Injustice!

"I would also like to pay tribute and proud of everyone we work together with hunger-striking prisoners in the glorious Christmas celebrations near the Christian brothers to buy trees and decorations I remember brothers you humanity starving and thirsty and naked in Somalia and most of the African continent, do not forget them because it is a shame on humanity that man die of hunger and thirst, and if everyone donated $ 5 it contributes to save the life of a human being. And I wish I could be 2013 in the end of the occupation and the suffering of all peoples to live in peace without the Suppression and occupation of hit and without hunger and thirst and wars.
Captive Samer ' isawi 26-12-2012 ("



Lol, this would be all the pain and sufering caused BY HIS MUSLIM BRETHREN right? I already donate to the cause of saving human lives. I send 2 cases of Silver Bullet Gun Oil, made with 13% pig fat, to my son's old unit in Afhganistan so they can not only keep their weapons well lubricated, but so that they make sure the filth knows that when shot with the rounds from their weapons, they'll be meeting their false god allah with pig fat in them.

And how many babies has the Zionist named jtpr12 killed?

I am sure you are keeping a list, likely celebrating each one killed every day of your hate filled life!

Waiting for Satan to give you his rewards?

Lol. You don't kep count of the roaches you squash, or the flys you swat, they're irelevent, same with muslim vermin.
Maybe pizza for dinner tonight. Pepperoni and mushrooms are greàt on it.

Maybe we will have some more toppings.
If Samer Issawi wants to take his own life who cares!

This martyrdom obsession of crazy Islamists Palestinians indicates what a backward, primitive society they really are!

Thousands and thousands of people die daily all over the world, his death won't make any difference and it will only prove that blackmail doesn't work!

It's a blackmail tactic which should not be allowed to succeed.

I cannot buy into your way of thinking, because it would require that I renounce Christainaity, considering that Jesus was a Martyr!
Parading pictures of dead children in Palestine then gloating over the deaths of small children in the US is hardly Christian behavior. Calling people Nazis because they disagree with you is not Christian nor is asking for Satan to get behind you(for whatever your sick purposes are). You do not have to renounce Christianity you were never Christian to begin with.
I have never before encountered a sane person who actually
talked about a BEING CALLED SATAN ---as if it
EARTHLINGS. Sherri seems to have taken GOETHE

Sherri-----Goethe was just kidding-----there is no being called
SATAN with horns and a red pitchfork-----when mentioned in
the new testament-----the speaker was alluding to a symbol
common among pharisee jews----it refers to the force which
OPPOSES the actual welfare of individuals and ACCUSES
them nastily. In fact I think that the root of the word is
something like ACCUSE---so satan is THE ACCUSER
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et al,

Maybe we are looking at this all wrong. The pictures were telling. This is an New Palestinian "Weight Loss" Program. And it appears have been effective.

Palifast® - Official Site
Lose Weight Quickly with Palifast! Healthy, Nutritious and Proven!
This is the #1 Rated Prison Weight Loss Program, faster than Jenny Craig, more evident than the Leslie Kenton's Cura Romana program, it takes an holistic approach to weight loss - a step beyond. Each Inmate is guided day-by-day by his own online videos and audios from beginning to end.​

Yes, this could catch-on. Do you think he would give a testimonial, you know - a before and after. Oh yeah, after is really after. Maybe!

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I AM losing weight I decided to do it -----by the same means----I eat
very little I do not have all that much to lose---so it is a slow process----
I never ate all that much-----it is not like I can remove 3000 calories from
my daily intake but I eat very little----and am losing weight----just like samer----am I a saint?

Not yet!!! You're graded based on your level of success; incrementally promoted. But there is an advanced program for the gifted like Samer.

I AM losing weight I decided to do it -----by the same means----I eat
very little I do not have all that much to lose---so it is a slow process----
I never ate all that much-----it is not like I can remove 3000 calories from
my daily intake but I eat very little----and am losing weight----just like samer----am I a saint?
(STANDARD MODEL - Successive Levels)

  • Prayer Rug Attendent: Losing 2 lbs/week
  • Sacred Waterboy: Losing 10 lbs/month
  • Deputy Asst Cleric: Losing 20 lbs/month
  • Cleric: Losing 60 lbs/quarter
  • Minor Prophet: Sustained weight loss for 180 days
  • Prophet: Sustained weight loss for 270 days and include faintness, weakness, and dizziness. Thirst may also rapidly increase.
  • Saint: Sustained weight loss for 360 days, Fat cells in the face and around the eyes tend to dissipate rapidly, giving the victim a sunken or hollowed appearance. Gradually begins to speaks in tongues or Sumarian.
  • Angelic: Hands, arms, feet and legs begin to cool as the circulation of blood decreases. Changes in circulation also cause the skin to become discolored in spots. Walks on shallow water as you experience loss of bowel and bladder control; accompanied by becoming disoriented or agitated.
  • Martyr: Long-dead relatives have spoken to you and you answer! This level comes with the complementary gift certificate for the virgins (gender optional).

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Samer can eat or Samer can die.

It's up to him.

According to JTA, “In 2001, Issawi was sentenced to 30 years in prison for shooting at Israeli soldiers entering his village of Isawiya, in eastern Jerusalem. He spent time in five Israeli prisons, including eight months in isolation in the Hadarim prison following an altercation with prison guards.”

Issawi was also reportedly detained back in October at a checkpoint near Issawiya.

I believe that Issawi is listed as Samir Tariq Ahmad Muhammad on the Israeli Prison Services list. If Issawi is Ahmad Muhammad, he was born in 1979 and sentenced in 2002, not 2001 as stated by JTA. In addition, he was sentenced to 26 years and not 30 as stated by JTA for attempted murder, and explosives and weapons related charges.

Challah Hu Akbar: Report: Terrorist Released in Shalit Deal Arrested

What they should do is when Samer says OK, I am ready to eat, they should toss him in solitary confinement and say, nope you have a few more days on that hunger strike!
I feel like I am standing and watching Jesus be crucified, and around me I can feel the hate for Him in the air, and words are hurled out at Him, hate filled words. Hate and pain mixed together, seemingly immersing me. But then I see, He is not dead at all, He lives and He tells me He loves me and my life matters and all I have to do is remain steadfast and keep my eyes focused on Him. He is victorious in the end. And all I have to do is place my life in His hands and trust Him with my life every day of my life and let Him take my hand and let Him lead me forward into my life and through my life and into Eternity with Him. And those who die as He died, know they will be with Him, too, and I will see them again one day.

And my pain turns to joy, and I am in awe and amazed at my God! And I realize when I follow Him, wherever He takes me, there are Blessings to open my eyes and my mind and my heart to fully see and feel and behold!

Every day of our lives, let us remember, God walks beside us, every day of our lives, let us turn to our Lord to lead and guide us, we owe our lives and everything we are, to our Creator our Lord, we are nothing without you, our God, every day of our lives let us in joy, walk with Christ, Our precious Lord, we love and adore you, our precious Lord, we worship and praise you, Our precious Lord, we bow down on our knees, we cry out from our hearts, our innermost hurts and fears, we lay them all down at your feet, and we place our lives in your hands, our precious Lord!

That song, we sang it just the other day in Church, were you there, when they crucified our Lord, and how amazing the ways God takes us right there and shows us exactly what it was like!

I feel like I am standing and watching Jesus be crucified, and around me I can feel the hate for Him in the air, and words are hurled out at Him, hate filled words. Hate and pain mixed together, seemingly immersing me. But then I see, He is not dead at all, He lives and He tells me He loves me and my life matters and all I have to do is remain steadfast and keep my eyes focused on Him. He is victorious in the end. And all I have to do is place my life in His hands and trust Him with my life every day of my life and let Him take my hand and let Him lead me forward into my life and through my life and into Eternity with Him. And those who die as He died, know they will be with Him, too, and I will see them again one day.

And my pain turns to joy, and I am in awe and amazed at my God! And I realize when I follow Him, wherever He takes me, there are Blessings to open my eyes and my mind and my heart to fully see and feel and behold!

Every day of our lives, let us remember, God walks beside us, every day of our lives, let us turn to our Lord to lead and guide us, we owe our lives and everything we are, to our Creator our Lord, we are nothing without you, our God, every day of our lives let us in joy, walk with Christ, Our precious Lord, we love and adore you, our precious Lord, we worship and praise you, Our precious Lord, we bow down on our knees, we cry out from our hearts, our innermost hurts and fears, we lay them all down at your feet, and we place our lives in your hands, our precious Lord!

That song, we sang it just the other day in Church, were you there, when they crucified our Lord, and how amazing the ways God takes us right there and shows us exactly what it was like!

Ever heard of harakiri? It's stops pain, within a few minutes.
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