"Saving $1,000 a Year on Taxes is Nothing. Less Than $100 a Month"

In his example the couple was making 90,000 a year.
A couple making $90,000 is not rich.

I make more than that and with Uncle Sam taking his share, and mortgage, electricity, gas, water, trash, sewer, life insurance, auto insurance, health insurance, groceries, gasoline, new dryer because it broke down, I really don't have anything to spare.
here weather ,educate yourself
Currently, you get to take the standard deduction ($6,350) and one personal exemption ($4,050). If you are 65 or older, you also get to take an additional standard deduction ($1,250). That adds up to $10,400, or $11,650 if you're over 65.
Now they say, to confuse the uninformed, that Trump's plan will double the standard deduction...BUT it doesn't tell you this plan will ELIMINATE the personal exemption AND the $1250 deduction for those over 65...!!!
The Republican plan would replace all these provisions with a single deduction of $12,000, which means the existing $6,350 + $4,050 + $1250 (for seniors) = $11,650 a senior currently gets to avoid taxes on (as a deduction from income) becomes a $12,000 deduction from income... That means I will not pay taxes on a whopping $350, and at a 15% tax rate, that will save me $52.50 a year on my income taxes...!!! . Does that sound to anyone anything like what Trump was wooing his "base" with...??? That "base" is being swindled, and they are too stupid to know it...

The 'doubled standard deduction' in the GOP tax plan is a lie
I feel I am paying enough to send to the wonderful government of Egypt to bribe them to be our "ally" against terrorism.
Democrats have always been good with wasting $ and raising taxes. It's one of the reasons why Trump was elected.

Democrats are also slow at learning from their mistakes.
I feel I am paying enough to stock up on stealth bombers, nuclear armed submarines, and ICBMs that will never actually be used in a war.
I feel I am paying the FBI enough to drop investigations against Democratic politicians who are clearly guilty but too well-connected to prosecute.
I feel I am paying enough to send to the wonderful government of Egypt to bribe them to be our "ally" against terrorism.

I feel I'm paying enough so Trump administration officials don;t charge the country for flying around visiting relatives
Fire the POS
I feel I am paying enough to stock up on stealth bombers, nuclear armed submarines, and ICBMs that will never actually be used in a war.
/----/ Here we differ. You have those weapons as a deterrent so you never have to use them.
I feel I am paying enough to stock up on stealth bombers, nuclear armed submarines, and ICBMs that will never actually be used in a war.
/----/ Here we differ. You have those weapons as a deterrent so you never have to use them.
Yes, but do we really need so many? We only had two and that won us World War II.
/----/ We had two, everyone else had ZERO. After we used them we had none for months while we restocked but no one else knew that. If the Chinese have 1,000 nukes and we only have two, who do you think dominates?
I feel I am paying enough to stock up on stealth bombers, nuclear armed submarines, and ICBMs that will never actually be used in a war.
/----/ Here we differ. You have those weapons as a deterrent so you never have to use them.
Yes, but do we really need so many? We only had two and that won us World War II.
/----/ We had two, everyone else had ZERO. After we used them we had none for months while we restocked but no one else knew that. If the Chinese have 1,000 nukes and we only have two, who do you think dominates?
Every nuclear weapon built is a waste of money. Everyone should have just agreed not to build them.

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