Saving the world again. Illegal to release balloons in the air.

Do you feel this way about all littering laws?

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I don't equate the two.....littering is just laziness......balloons are a tradition and fun to do........I'm gonna quote the movie Stripes......."Relax Francis"

The end result is the same. Your trash ends up on someone else’s property

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boohoo, you have a balloon land in your yard....whatever wil you do. I have the neighbors kids shit land in my yard all the time......I'm not asking to make playing with balls or having a shoe flip over my fence made illegal

So, again...are you against all littering laws or just this one?

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It's not littering..........I'm also for fireworks.........

Your trash knowingly ends up on someone else’s property...seems the very definition of littering

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I don't equate the two.....littering is just laziness......balloons are a tradition and fun to do........I'm gonna quote the movie Stripes......."Relax Francis"

The end result is the same. Your trash ends up on someone else’s property

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boohoo, you have a balloon land in your yard....whatever wil you do. I have the neighbors kids shit land in my yard all the time......I'm not asking to make playing with balls or having a shoe flip over my fence made illegal

So, again...are you against all littering laws or just this one?

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It's not littering..........I'm also for fireworks.........

Your trash knowingly ends up on someone else’s property...seems the very definition of littering

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Shit falls from airplanes, are we grounding them because of littering? Littering has intent.......again littering is bad because you're too lazy to clean up your shit. As for balloons, sure it's annoying to have a few drop on your property, but I can pick a few up......but balloons are fun and the enviro-nazis can fuck off. If you want to talk about littering, stop worrying about ballons and go to some poor areas in Memphis, I mean pick your shit up people....for God's sakes.
The end result is the same. Your trash ends up on someone else’s property

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boohoo, you have a balloon land in your yard....whatever wil you do. I have the neighbors kids shit land in my yard all the time......I'm not asking to make playing with balls or having a shoe flip over my fence made illegal

So, again...are you against all littering laws or just this one?

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It's not littering..........I'm also for fireworks.........

Your trash knowingly ends up on someone else’s property...seems the very definition of littering

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Shit falls from airplanes, are we grounding them because of littering? Littering has intent.......again littering is bad because you're too lazy to clean up your shit. As for balloons, sure it's annoying to have a few drop on your property, but I can pick a few up......but balloons are fun and the enviro-nazis can fuck off. If you want to talk about littering, stop worrying about ballons and go to some poor areas in Memphis, I mean pick your shit up people....for God's sakes.
except you didn't send the plane up to "drop shit". and if a plane is dropping shit at random then they really need to park that bitch, ya think?
The end result is the same. Your trash ends up on someone else’s property

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boohoo, you have a balloon land in your yard....whatever wil you do. I have the neighbors kids shit land in my yard all the time......I'm not asking to make playing with balls or having a shoe flip over my fence made illegal

So, again...are you against all littering laws or just this one?

Sent from my iPhone using
It's not littering..........I'm also for fireworks.........

Your trash knowingly ends up on someone else’s property...seems the very definition of littering

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Shit falls from airplanes, are we grounding them because of littering? Littering has intent.......again littering is bad because you're too lazy to clean up your shit. As for balloons, sure it's annoying to have a few drop on your property, but I can pick a few up......but balloons are fun and the enviro-nazis can fuck off. If you want to talk about littering, stop worrying about ballons and go to some poor areas in Memphis, I mean pick your shit up people....for God's sakes.

When you send up the ballon the intent is that after the 35 seconds of watching they will fall in someone else’s property.

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The end result is the same. Your trash ends up on someone else’s property

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boohoo, you have a balloon land in your yard....whatever wil you do. I have the neighbors kids shit land in my yard all the time......I'm not asking to make playing with balls or having a shoe flip over my fence made illegal

So, again...are you against all littering laws or just this one?

Sent from my iPhone using
It's not littering..........I'm also for fireworks.........

Your trash knowingly ends up on someone else’s property...seems the very definition of littering

Sent from my iPhone using
Shit falls from airplanes, are we grounding them because of littering? Littering has intent.......again littering is bad because you're too lazy to clean up your shit. As for balloons, sure it's annoying to have a few drop on your property, but I can pick a few up......but balloons are fun and the enviro-nazis can fuck off. If you want to talk about littering, stop worrying about ballons and go to some poor areas in Memphis, I mean pick your shit up people....for God's sakes.

The results of a coal plant turning coal into CO2, and Golfitarded Gator breathing and turning air into CO2 are the same... well almost, Gator farts many much more dangerous gasses as well.

I know the correct answer on which to ban.
boohoo, you have a balloon land in your yard....whatever wil you do. I have the neighbors kids shit land in my yard all the time......I'm not asking to make playing with balls or having a shoe flip over my fence made illegal

So, again...are you against all littering laws or just this one?

Sent from my iPhone using
It's not littering..........I'm also for fireworks.........

Your trash knowingly ends up on someone else’s property...seems the very definition of littering

Sent from my iPhone using
Shit falls from airplanes, are we grounding them because of littering? Littering has intent.......again littering is bad because you're too lazy to clean up your shit. As for balloons, sure it's annoying to have a few drop on your property, but I can pick a few up......but balloons are fun and the enviro-nazis can fuck off. If you want to talk about littering, stop worrying about ballons and go to some poor areas in Memphis, I mean pick your shit up people....for God's sakes.

When you send up the ballon the intent is that after the 35 seconds of watching they will fall in someone else’s property.

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If you're so all fired worried and concerned about littering and popollution from a few balloons being released why don't you travel to one of your democratic shithole cities and help clean the shit from the sidewalks? It's much more of a problem while being a very real public health hazard as well.
So, again...are you against all littering laws or just this one?

Sent from my iPhone using
It's not littering..........I'm also for fireworks.........

Your trash knowingly ends up on someone else’s property...seems the very definition of littering

Sent from my iPhone using
Shit falls from airplanes, are we grounding them because of littering? Littering has intent.......again littering is bad because you're too lazy to clean up your shit. As for balloons, sure it's annoying to have a few drop on your property, but I can pick a few up......but balloons are fun and the enviro-nazis can fuck off. If you want to talk about littering, stop worrying about ballons and go to some poor areas in Memphis, I mean pick your shit up people....for God's sakes.

When you send up the ballon the intent is that after the 35 seconds of watching they will fall in someone else’s property.

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If you're so all fired worried and concerned about littering and popollution from a few balloons being released why don't you travel to one of your democratic shithole cities and help clean the shit from the sidewalks? It's much more of a problem while being a very real public health hazard as well.

I am not that worried, just don’t think it is the end of the world as we know it to ban large releases of balloons.

I think your world will survive

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It's not littering..........I'm also for fireworks.........

Your trash knowingly ends up on someone else’s property...seems the very definition of littering

Sent from my iPhone using
Shit falls from airplanes, are we grounding them because of littering? Littering has intent.......again littering is bad because you're too lazy to clean up your shit. As for balloons, sure it's annoying to have a few drop on your property, but I can pick a few up......but balloons are fun and the enviro-nazis can fuck off. If you want to talk about littering, stop worrying about ballons and go to some poor areas in Memphis, I mean pick your shit up people....for God's sakes.

When you send up the ballon the intent is that after the 35 seconds of watching they will fall in someone else’s property.

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If you're so all fired worried and concerned about littering and popollution from a few balloons being released why don't you travel to one of your democratic shithole cities and help clean the shit from the sidewalks? It's much more of a problem while being a very real public health hazard as well.

I am not that worried, just don’t think it is the end of the world as we know it to ban large releases of balloons.

I think your world will survive

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It's slow creep, so I don't like it......error on the side of freedom......that's my point.
Anyone can make something seem bad to ban it......look at meat.....vegan Nazis have been trying forever to enforce their bullshit diet onto they're using climate change. In fact climate change is being used to enforce any bans they want....I prefer they have to prove (models are not proof) their hypothesis with evidence and facts and not use emotion and people's guilt........
Repukes like to watch all those pretty colors floating in the air, riding the wind - FUN,FUN,FUN !

:spinner: :twirl: :spinner:

I guess we need to start building prisons for the little kiddies that lose their supermarket balloons in the parking lot.

Do we put people that litter in jail?

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/----/ Apparently so.
Man Sentenced To Life In Prison After Littering | Empire News
Man Sentenced To Life In Prison After Littering | Empire News
A man in Plano, Texas is looking at a life sentence in prison after a strange event occurred last September. Barry Lutz, age 34, is behind bars fighting for his freedom after being sentenced to jail for littering. The events following the littering have currently given Lutz a life sentence, with no possibility of parole.


Let look at this:
Can you find me the website for a lawyer called Miles Jarlin in Texas... Apart from this site there is no other reference to this case... Could you also give us a reference to the Judge Spencer in Plano, Texas.

So you have been posting fake news... Cellblock this is how stupid you actually are:

View attachment 258471

Other Stories are:
President Trump Readies Deportation of Melania After Huge Fight At White House | Empire News

BREAKING: President Trump Gives Full Pardon to Bill Cosby | Empire News
BREAKING: Donald Trump Secretly Hired Illegal Immigrants To Start Building Border Wall | Empire News

So this is what you now count as news...

/----/ Oh lighten up. Geeeze Rush is right, you libtards have no sense of humor. It was a humorous response to s stupid question: "Do we put people that litter in jail?"
About / Disclaimer | Empire News
About / Disclaimer | Empire News
Empire News is intended for entertainment purposes only. Our website and social media content uses only fictional names, except in cases of public figure and celebrity parody or satirization. Any other use of real names is accidental and coincidental.
I guess we need to start building prisons for the little kiddies that lose their supermarket balloons in the parking lot.

Do we put people that litter in jail?

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/----/ Apparently so.
Man Sentenced To Life In Prison After Littering | Empire News
Man Sentenced To Life In Prison After Littering | Empire News
A man in Plano, Texas is looking at a life sentence in prison after a strange event occurred last September. Barry Lutz, age 34, is behind bars fighting for his freedom after being sentenced to jail for littering. The events following the littering have currently given Lutz a life sentence, with no possibility of parole.

Read the story and he is in jail for assaulting a police officer

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/----/ It was a parody piece. I thought it was obvious.
I guess we need to start building prisons for the little kiddies that lose their supermarket balloons in the parking lot.

Do we put people that litter in jail?

Sent from my iPhone using
/----/ Apparently so.
Man Sentenced To Life In Prison After Littering | Empire News
Man Sentenced To Life In Prison After Littering | Empire News
A man in Plano, Texas is looking at a life sentence in prison after a strange event occurred last September. Barry Lutz, age 34, is behind bars fighting for his freedom after being sentenced to jail for littering. The events following the littering have currently given Lutz a life sentence, with no possibility of parole.


Let look at this:
Can you find me the website for a lawyer called Miles Jarlin in Texas... Apart from this site there is no other reference to this case... Could you also give us a reference to the Judge Spencer in Plano, Texas.

So you have been posting fake news... Cellblock this is how stupid you actually are:

View attachment 258471

Other Stories are:
President Trump Readies Deportation of Melania After Huge Fight At White House | Empire News

BREAKING: President Trump Gives Full Pardon to Bill Cosby | Empire News
BREAKING: Donald Trump Secretly Hired Illegal Immigrants To Start Building Border Wall | Empire News

So this is what you now count as news...

/----/ Oh lighten up. Geeeze Rush is right, you libtards have no sense of humor. It was a humorous response to s stupid question: "Do we put people that litter in jail?"
About / Disclaimer | Empire News
About / Disclaimer | Empire News
Empire News is intended for entertainment purposes only. Our website and social media content uses only fictional names, except in cases of public figure and celebrity parody or satirization. Any other use of real names is accidental and coincidental.

That “stupid question” was in response to the stupid comment that we were going to have to build more jails for people who release balloons.

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I guess we need to start building prisons for the little kiddies that lose their supermarket balloons in the parking lot.

Do we put people that litter in jail?

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/----/ Apparently so.
Man Sentenced To Life In Prison After Littering | Empire News
Man Sentenced To Life In Prison After Littering | Empire News
A man in Plano, Texas is looking at a life sentence in prison after a strange event occurred last September. Barry Lutz, age 34, is behind bars fighting for his freedom after being sentenced to jail for littering. The events following the littering have currently given Lutz a life sentence, with no possibility of parole.

Read the story and he is in jail for assaulting a police officer

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/----/ It was a parody piece. I thought it was obvious.

I did not pay that close of attention to it

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Lol, this is such a huge problem.

why does something need to be a huge problem to address it? do you live your whole life ignoring problems till they are huge?

I can see it now, "hey honey, we have a leak in the basement"..."it is just a little leak, I will ignore it till it becomes a huge leak".

Lol, releasing balloons into the air never was or never will be a huge problem. Perhaps these idiots can address something meaningful? Naw, can't have that.
Lol, this is such a huge problem.

why does something need to be a huge problem to address it? do you live your whole life ignoring problems till they are huge?

I can see it now, "hey honey, we have a leak in the basement"..."it is just a little leak, I will ignore it till it becomes a huge leak".

Lol, releasing balloons into the air never was or never will be a huge problem. Perhaps these idiots can address something meaningful? Naw, can't have that.

Me throwing my QT coffee cup on the highway is not a huge problem yet it is illegal. Will you rail against that law also?

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Lol, this is such a huge problem.

why does something need to be a huge problem to address it? do you live your whole life ignoring problems till they are huge?

I can see it now, "hey honey, we have a leak in the basement"..."it is just a little leak, I will ignore it till it becomes a huge leak".

Lol, releasing balloons into the air never was or never will be a huge problem. Perhaps these idiots can address something meaningful? Naw, can't have that.

Me throwing my QT coffee cup on the highway is not a huge problem yet it is illegal. Will you rail against that law also?

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I don't think you do that. I don't but that's not the point.
Lol, this is such a huge problem.

why does something need to be a huge problem to address it? do you live your whole life ignoring problems till they are huge?

I can see it now, "hey honey, we have a leak in the basement"..."it is just a little leak, I will ignore it till it becomes a huge leak".

Lol, releasing balloons into the air never was or never will be a huge problem. Perhaps these idiots can address something meaningful? Naw, can't have that.

Me throwing my QT coffee cup on the highway is not a huge problem yet it is illegal. Will you rail against that law also?

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No, it's not a huge problem if you just do it. But when hundreds or thousands do it, yes, it becomes a problem.
It's slow creep, so I don't like it......error on the side of freedom......that's my point.

Whose freedom wins...your freedom to watch a balloon float away or the freedom of other people not to have your balloon land on their property?

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Oh, the horrors of a balloon landing on my property. I wish that was all I had to worry about being on my property--a balloon. Sometimes it takes me ten minutes to clean up the garbage people throw on my tree lawn before I can mow the damn thing. I should be worried about a balloon?
Lol, this is such a huge problem.

why does something need to be a huge problem to address it? do you live your whole life ignoring problems till they are huge?

I can see it now, "hey honey, we have a leak in the basement"..."it is just a little leak, I will ignore it till it becomes a huge leak".

Lol, releasing balloons into the air never was or never will be a huge problem. Perhaps these idiots can address something meaningful? Naw, can't have that.

Me throwing my QT coffee cup on the highway is not a huge problem yet it is illegal. Will you rail against that law also?

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No, it's not a huge problem if you just do it. But when hundreds or thousands do it, yes, it becomes a problem.

According to there are millions of balloons released into the sky each year...yet that is not a problem but a few thousand throwing cups is??

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