Saving the world again. Illegal to release balloons in the air.

Lol, this is such a huge problem.

why does something need to be a huge problem to address it? do you live your whole life ignoring problems till they are huge?

I can see it now, "hey honey, we have a leak in the basement"..."it is just a little leak, I will ignore it till it becomes a huge leak".

Lol, releasing balloons into the air never was or never will be a huge problem. Perhaps these idiots can address something meaningful? Naw, can't have that.

Me throwing my QT coffee cup on the highway is not a huge problem yet it is illegal. Will you rail against that law also?

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No, it's not a huge problem if you just do it. But when hundreds or thousands do it, yes, it becomes a problem.

According to there are millions of balloons released into the sky each year...yet that is not a problem but a few thousand throwing cups is??

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Let me put it this way: When we have as many balloons as we have wrappers, cups and other kinds of garbage, then let's see them make laws against it.
ive seen em go in the air
i dont think ive ever seen one to pick up off the ground

good thing we'll enact laws cause 93 % of peer reviewed scientists agree at the rate of balloon releases we only have 10 years left to live

If I throw a beer can out my window as I drive down the highway I do not see it to pick that should be allowed as well

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Can someone tell me why do we allow Golfing Gators?

Takes the oxygen environment produced for itself, turning it into environmentally dangerous CO2. And if that's not enough, take a dump afterwards, polluting even more.

This is environmental trash in its purest form. Ban immediately. I can not see any difference to banning balloons personally.

You are so darn cute when you have nothing left but just have to reply so you can gain my attention for a few moments.

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congratulations on your new law
put up some windmills and kill some birds

you'll save us all

when do we take a day of action to raise awareness ...will i need to bring my own retard palsey helmet ?or do you fucking freaks provide them ?

Yes, Wind Turbines while too costly to operate and maintain for the energy they provide kill tens of thousands of birds each year, yet nobody on the Left ever brings that up. Why?

Cause it is bullshit... Everyone is now that little bit stupider for reading your post...

Negative Effects of Balloons On the Environment – Wavehuggers

Right. There is no way that could have been staged.
why does something need to be a huge problem to address it? do you live your whole life ignoring problems till they are huge?

I can see it now, "hey honey, we have a leak in the basement"..."it is just a little leak, I will ignore it till it becomes a huge leak".

Lol, releasing balloons into the air never was or never will be a huge problem. Perhaps these idiots can address something meaningful? Naw, can't have that.

Me throwing my QT coffee cup on the highway is not a huge problem yet it is illegal. Will you rail against that law also?

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No, it's not a huge problem if you just do it. But when hundreds or thousands do it, yes, it becomes a problem.

According to there are millions of balloons released into the sky each year...yet that is not a problem but a few thousand throwing cups is??

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Let me put it this way: When we have as many balloons as we have wrappers, cups and other kinds of garbage, then let's see them make laws against it.

Why wait till it is a crisis?

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Lol, releasing balloons into the air never was or never will be a huge problem. Perhaps these idiots can address something meaningful? Naw, can't have that.

Me throwing my QT coffee cup on the highway is not a huge problem yet it is illegal. Will you rail against that law also?

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No, it's not a huge problem if you just do it. But when hundreds or thousands do it, yes, it becomes a problem.

According to there are millions of balloons released into the sky each year...yet that is not a problem but a few thousand throwing cups is??

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Let me put it this way: When we have as many balloons as we have wrappers, cups and other kinds of garbage, then let's see them make laws against it.

Why wait till it is a crisis?

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Because it will never be a crisis. Do you think this is some growing trend or something?
If I throw a beer can out my window as I drive down the highway I do not see it to pick that should be allowed as well

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Can someone tell me why do we allow Golfing Gators?

Takes the oxygen environment produced for itself, turning it into environmentally dangerous CO2. And if that's not enough, take a dump afterwards, polluting even more.

This is environmental trash in its purest form. Ban immediately. I can not see any difference to banning balloons personally.

You are so darn cute when you have nothing left but just have to reply so you can gain my attention for a few moments.

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congratulations on your new law
put up some windmills and kill some birds

you'll save us all

when do we take a day of action to raise awareness ...will i need to bring my own retard palsey helmet ?or do you fucking freaks provide them ?

Yes, Wind Turbines while too costly to operate and maintain for the energy they provide kill tens of thousands of birds each year, yet nobody on the Left ever brings that up. Why?

Cause it is bullshit... Everyone is now that little bit stupider for reading your post...

Really Greenie Boy?

Wind turbines kill an estimated 140,000 to 328,000 birds each year in North America, making it the most threatening form of green energy. And yet, it’s also one of the most rapidly expanding energy industries: more than 49,000 individual wind turbines now exist across 39 states.

The wind industry has the incentive to stop the slaughter: Thanks to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, it’s illegal to kill any bird protected by the Act—even if the death is "incidental," meaning it occurs unintentionally on the part of the wind farm.

Will Wind Turbines Ever Be Safe For Birds?
How about freedom and getting a life....Jesus.....the environment is used to control so much behavior......I guess the left wants the future to be dystopian like in the Terminator movies..........or stale like Logan's Run or Demolition Man......NOONE wants that.

Do you feel this way about all littering laws?

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I don't equate the two.....littering is just laziness......balloons are a tradition and fun to do........I'm gonna quote the movie Stripes......."Relax Francis"

The end result is the same. Your trash ends up on someone else’s property

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boohoo, you have a balloon land in your yard....whatever wil you do. I have the neighbors kids shit land in my yard all the time......I'm not asking to make playing with balls or having a shoe flip over my fence made illegal

So, again...are you against all littering laws or just this one?

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Just that one.
PORTLAND, Maine — The tradition of releasing balloons at weddings, birthdays and memorials may soon get deflated by lawmakers in more than half a dozen states.

Critics say the helium-filled balloons pollute the environment, and threaten birds and other wildlife when they fall to earth.

“People don’t really realize that it’s littering. That’s why we want to bring attention to this,” said state Rep. Lydia Blume, who’s supporting a balloon bill in Maine. “It’s a common sense thing.”

Nationwide, there’s a growing awareness of the problem, and it has energized legislation in state governments. Bills to limit the intentional release of large numbers of balloons are being aired in legislatures in Arizona, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island, in addition to Maine, said Jennifer Schultz of the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Lawmakers in several states consider making balloon releases illegal

I guess they're not going to stop until they ruin everybody's fun. I can hear the talk in jail now:

What are you here for?
Attempted armed robbery. How about you?
Felonious assault. How about you at the end of the bench. What are you here for?
Releasing helium balloons in the air.

When all you legislatures have to do is contemplate goofy laws like this, it's time to elect other people.

Stranded dolphin in Florida had plastic bags, balloon in stomach
PORTLAND, Maine — The tradition of releasing balloons at weddings, birthdays and memorials may soon get deflated by lawmakers in more than half a dozen states.

Critics say the helium-filled balloons pollute the environment, and threaten birds and other wildlife when they fall to earth.

“People don’t really realize that it’s littering. That’s why we want to bring attention to this,” said state Rep. Lydia Blume, who’s supporting a balloon bill in Maine. “It’s a common sense thing.”

Nationwide, there’s a growing awareness of the problem, and it has energized legislation in state governments. Bills to limit the intentional release of large numbers of balloons are being aired in legislatures in Arizona, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island, in addition to Maine, said Jennifer Schultz of the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Lawmakers in several states consider making balloon releases illegal

I guess they're not going to stop until they ruin everybody's fun. I can hear the talk in jail now:

What are you here for?
Attempted armed robbery. How about you?
Felonious assault. How about you at the end of the bench. What are you here for?
Releasing helium balloons in the air.

When all you legislatures have to do is contemplate goofy laws like this, it's time to elect other people.

What kind of asshole wants to release balloons that kill animals & pollute?
Some people like fun......what asshole thinks this will really matter?

Apparently there are plenty in this topic that do.
Me throwing my QT coffee cup on the highway is not a huge problem yet it is illegal. Will you rail against that law also?

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No, it's not a huge problem if you just do it. But when hundreds or thousands do it, yes, it becomes a problem.

According to there are millions of balloons released into the sky each year...yet that is not a problem but a few thousand throwing cups is??

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Let me put it this way: When we have as many balloons as we have wrappers, cups and other kinds of garbage, then let's see them make laws against it.

Why wait till it is a crisis?

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Because it will never be a crisis. Do you think this is some growing trend or something?

I believe it is already as big of a problem as people throwing shit from their cars as they drive.

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After all, when was the last time you launched some balloons into the air for kicks? What about anybody you know?


I live in Florida. I now understand that releasing 10 or more balloons at once is a crime punishable by up to a $250 fine. I'm just not aware of anyone actually being ticketed. I guess if someone releases a few balloons, it's legal.

I love nature and I love wildlife. I'm sure you do too. If it's truly a major problem, then I support the prohibition. The comments by the lobster trapper seem to carry some credence.

Well "some lobster trapper" doesn't provide any evidence as far as I'm concerned. Somebody asking you about something they can't see is kind of like the internet. You can say anything you want and nobody can prove you right or wrong.

Now if releasing balloons was a fad or something where many kids were doing it, that might be one thing. But kids today seldom go outside yet alone practice entertainment like when we were kids. They have video games, cell phones, cable television, the internet. The last thing they could find exciting is letting balloons go up in the air.


This must be very disappointing, you got all up on the soapbox trying to blame liberals for something which real conservatives don't either.

This is a simple case of normal people understanding the consequences of their actions and behaving responsibly.

Not every issues is a liberal v conservative, a lot of issues are people who inform themselves and behave responsibly Vs people who are ignorant of the issue...

Ray you are choosing to be the later and then try and leverage that ignorance to blame liberals. Some of the conservatives here actually rejected your ignorance.

America would be a lot better if they informed themselves and prepare to listen to both sides of an informed debate.

The difference between conservatives and liberals on most issues is that if a conservative believes something is a problem, they will warn people perhaps, start a campaign to reduce the problem, or start a charity or something.

With liberals, every problem needs a new law to stop it.
PORTLAND, Maine — The tradition of releasing balloons at weddings, birthdays and memorials may soon get deflated by lawmakers in more than half a dozen states.

Critics say the helium-filled balloons pollute the environment, and threaten birds and other wildlife when they fall to earth.

“People don’t really realize that it’s littering. That’s why we want to bring attention to this,” said state Rep. Lydia Blume, who’s supporting a balloon bill in Maine. “It’s a common sense thing.”

Nationwide, there’s a growing awareness of the problem, and it has energized legislation in state governments. Bills to limit the intentional release of large numbers of balloons are being aired in legislatures in Arizona, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island, in addition to Maine, said Jennifer Schultz of the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Lawmakers in several states consider making balloon releases illegal

I guess they're not going to stop until they ruin everybody's fun. I can hear the talk in jail now:

What are you here for?
Attempted armed robbery. How about you?
Felonious assault. How about you at the end of the bench. What are you here for?
Releasing helium balloons in the air.

When all you legislatures have to do is contemplate goofy laws like this, it's time to elect other people.

Stranded dolphin in Florida had plastic bags, balloon in stomach
Don't these animals have any taste buds whatever? Why would anything eat a plastic bag?
I feel awful for them, but .... that's nuts.
PORTLAND, Maine — The tradition of releasing balloons at weddings, birthdays and memorials may soon get deflated by lawmakers in more than half a dozen states.

Critics say the helium-filled balloons pollute the environment, and threaten birds and other wildlife when they fall to earth.

“People don’t really realize that it’s littering. That’s why we want to bring attention to this,” said state Rep. Lydia Blume, who’s supporting a balloon bill in Maine. “It’s a common sense thing.”

Nationwide, there’s a growing awareness of the problem, and it has energized legislation in state governments. Bills to limit the intentional release of large numbers of balloons are being aired in legislatures in Arizona, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island, in addition to Maine, said Jennifer Schultz of the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Lawmakers in several states consider making balloon releases illegal

I guess they're not going to stop until they ruin everybody's fun. I can hear the talk in jail now:

What are you here for?
Attempted armed robbery. How about you?
Felonious assault. How about you at the end of the bench. What are you here for?
Releasing helium balloons in the air.

When all you legislatures have to do is contemplate goofy laws like this, it's time to elect other people.

You honestly can't see how that is littering?

If the concern is about littering, there are plenty of larger fish to fry.
PORTLAND, Maine — The tradition of releasing balloons at weddings, birthdays and memorials may soon get deflated by lawmakers in more than half a dozen states.

Critics say the helium-filled balloons pollute the environment, and threaten birds and other wildlife when they fall to earth.

“People don’t really realize that it’s littering. That’s why we want to bring attention to this,” said state Rep. Lydia Blume, who’s supporting a balloon bill in Maine. “It’s a common sense thing.”

Nationwide, there’s a growing awareness of the problem, and it has energized legislation in state governments. Bills to limit the intentional release of large numbers of balloons are being aired in legislatures in Arizona, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island, in addition to Maine, said Jennifer Schultz of the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Lawmakers in several states consider making balloon releases illegal

I guess they're not going to stop until they ruin everybody's fun. I can hear the talk in jail now:

What are you here for?
Attempted armed robbery. How about you?
Felonious assault. How about you at the end of the bench. What are you here for?
Releasing helium balloons in the air.

When all you legislatures have to do is contemplate goofy laws like this, it's time to elect other people.

Stranded dolphin in Florida had plastic bags, balloon in stomach
Don't these animals have any taste buds whatever? Why would anything eat a plastic bag?
I feel awful for them, but .... that's nuts.

That is an excellent question. Birds are usually pretty picky with what they eat.
PORTLAND, Maine — The tradition of releasing balloons at weddings, birthdays and memorials may soon get deflated by lawmakers in more than half a dozen states.

Critics say the helium-filled balloons pollute the environment, and threaten birds and other wildlife when they fall to earth.

“People don’t really realize that it’s littering. That’s why we want to bring attention to this,” said state Rep. Lydia Blume, who’s supporting a balloon bill in Maine. “It’s a common sense thing.”

Nationwide, there’s a growing awareness of the problem, and it has energized legislation in state governments. Bills to limit the intentional release of large numbers of balloons are being aired in legislatures in Arizona, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island, in addition to Maine, said Jennifer Schultz of the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Lawmakers in several states consider making balloon releases illegal

I guess they're not going to stop until they ruin everybody's fun. I can hear the talk in jail now:

What are you here for?
Attempted armed robbery. How about you?
Felonious assault. How about you at the end of the bench. What are you here for?
Releasing helium balloons in the air.

When all you legislatures have to do is contemplate goofy laws like this, it's time to elect other people.

Stranded dolphin in Florida had plastic bags, balloon in stomach
Don't these animals have any taste buds whatever? Why would anything eat a plastic bag?
I feel awful for them, but .... that's nuts.

That is an excellent question. Birds are usually pretty picky with what they eat.
A dolphin isn't a bird.
No, it's not a huge problem if you just do it. But when hundreds or thousands do it, yes, it becomes a problem.

According to there are millions of balloons released into the sky each year...yet that is not a problem but a few thousand throwing cups is??

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Let me put it this way: When we have as many balloons as we have wrappers, cups and other kinds of garbage, then let's see them make laws against it.

Why wait till it is a crisis?

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Because it will never be a crisis. Do you think this is some growing trend or something?

I believe it is already as big of a problem as people throwing shit from their cars as they drive.

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Believe what you like, but allow me to reiterate from a post I made at the beginning of this conversation.

The difference between other litter and balloons is that other litter is produced by most people. Plenty of people pick up fast food and eat it on the way to wherever, then throw the garbage out on the road. People buy cans or bottles of pop, and throw those on the road. Most all food and drink products come in disposable containers of some sort.

But again, how many people are releasing balloons into the air? You have to go out and buy the things, then you have to rent a Helium tank and a balloon filler, then you have to take the time to blow the things up. Unlike food consumption, it's not an everyday thing, and it's something very few people do in a months time.
PORTLAND, Maine — The tradition of releasing balloons at weddings, birthdays and memorials may soon get deflated by lawmakers in more than half a dozen states.

Critics say the helium-filled balloons pollute the environment, and threaten birds and other wildlife when they fall to earth.

“People don’t really realize that it’s littering. That’s why we want to bring attention to this,” said state Rep. Lydia Blume, who’s supporting a balloon bill in Maine. “It’s a common sense thing.”

Nationwide, there’s a growing awareness of the problem, and it has energized legislation in state governments. Bills to limit the intentional release of large numbers of balloons are being aired in legislatures in Arizona, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island, in addition to Maine, said Jennifer Schultz of the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Lawmakers in several states consider making balloon releases illegal

I guess they're not going to stop until they ruin everybody's fun. I can hear the talk in jail now:

What are you here for?
Attempted armed robbery. How about you?
Felonious assault. How about you at the end of the bench. What are you here for?
Releasing helium balloons in the air.

When all you legislatures have to do is contemplate goofy laws like this, it's time to elect other people.

Stranded dolphin in Florida had plastic bags, balloon in stomach

Hey, at least I get my knowledge from experts.


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