Saving the world again. Illegal to release balloons in the air.

After all, when was the last time you launched some balloons into the air for kicks? What about anybody you know?


I live in Florida. I now understand that releasing 10 or more balloons at once is a crime punishable by up to a $250 fine. I'm just not aware of anyone actually being ticketed. I guess if someone releases a few balloons, it's legal.

I love nature and I love wildlife. I'm sure you do too. If it's truly a major problem, then I support the prohibition. The comments by the lobster trapper seem to carry some credence.

Well "some lobster trapper" doesn't provide any evidence as far as I'm concerned. Somebody asking you about something they can't see is kind of like the internet. You can say anything you want and nobody can prove you right or wrong.

Now if releasing balloons was a fad or something where many kids were doing it, that might be one thing. But kids today seldom go outside yet alone practice entertainment like when we were kids. They have video games, cell phones, cable television, the internet. The last thing they could find exciting is letting balloons go up in the air.


This must be very disappointing, you got all up on the soapbox trying to blame liberals for something which real conservatives don't either.

This is a simple case of normal people understanding the consequences of their actions and behaving responsibly.

Not every issues is a liberal v conservative, a lot of issues are people who inform themselves and behave responsibly Vs people who are ignorant of the issue...

Ray you are choosing to be the later and then try and leverage that ignorance to blame liberals. Some of the conservatives here actually rejected your ignorance.

America would be a lot better if they informed themselves and prepare to listen to both sides of an informed debate.

The difference between conservatives and liberals on most issues is that if a conservative believes something is a problem, they will warn people perhaps, start a campaign to reduce the problem, or start a charity or something.

With liberals, every problem needs a new law to stop it.
Which is why republicans in Congress outlawed marijuana, then Nixon another GOP man created the war on Drugs and then Reagan militarized the war on drugs....And many laws were included...
Is is really any different than any other anti-littering law?

if someone came up and dropped 50 popped balloons in your yard would you be happy about it?

That has to be the most ridiculous line of thought I've seen lately. The odds of even one balloon landing in anyone's yard is astronomical.


The odds of a Styrofoam cup thrown out of a car landing in a yard is astronomical yet I never heard you folks whining about other anti-littering laws before

LMAO, I've picked up a lot of cups and cans, never a balloon. So your math skills are deficient.

After all, when was the last time you launched some balloons into the air for kicks? What about anybody you know?


I live in Florida. I now understand that releasing 10 or more balloons at once is a crime punishable by up to a $250 fine. I'm just not aware of anyone actually being ticketed. I guess if someone releases a few balloons, it's legal.

I love nature and I love wildlife. I'm sure you do too. If it's truly a major problem, then I support the prohibition. The comments by the lobster trapper seem to carry some credence.

Well "some lobster trapper" doesn't provide any evidence as far as I'm concerned. Somebody asking you about something they can't see is kind of like the internet. You can say anything you want and nobody can prove you right or wrong.

Now if releasing balloons was a fad or something where many kids were doing it, that might be one thing. But kids today seldom go outside yet alone practice entertainment like when we were kids. They have video games, cell phones, cable television, the internet. The last thing they could find exciting is letting balloons go up in the air.


This must be very disappointing, you got all up on the soapbox trying to blame liberals for something which real conservatives don't either.

This is a simple case of normal people understanding the consequences of their actions and behaving responsibly.

Not every issues is a liberal v conservative, a lot of issues are people who inform themselves and behave responsibly Vs people who are ignorant of the issue...

Ray you are choosing to be the later and then try and leverage that ignorance to blame liberals. Some of the conservatives here actually rejected your ignorance.

America would be a lot better if they informed themselves and prepare to listen to both sides of an informed debate.

The difference between conservatives and liberals on most issues is that if a conservative believes something is a problem, they will warn people perhaps, start a campaign to reduce the problem, or start a charity or something.

With liberals, every problem needs a new law to stop it.
Which is why republicans in Congress outlawed marijuana, then Nixon another GOP man created the war on Drugs and then Reagan militarized the war on drugs....And many laws were included...

And now we have over 70,000 Americans a year dying from overdoses. But worry about a dead fish or bird instead of people.
PORTLAND, Maine — The tradition of releasing balloons at weddings, birthdays and memorials may soon get deflated by lawmakers in more than half a dozen states.

Critics say the helium-filled balloons pollute the environment, and threaten birds and other wildlife when they fall to earth.

“People don’t really realize that it’s littering. That’s why we want to bring attention to this,” said state Rep. Lydia Blume, who’s supporting a balloon bill in Maine. “It’s a common sense thing.”

Nationwide, there’s a growing awareness of the problem, and it has energized legislation in state governments. Bills to limit the intentional release of large numbers of balloons are being aired in legislatures in Arizona, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island, in addition to Maine, said Jennifer Schultz of the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Lawmakers in several states consider making balloon releases illegal

I guess they're not going to stop until they ruin everybody's fun. I can hear the talk in jail now:

What are you here for?
Attempted armed robbery. How about you?
Felonious assault. How about you at the end of the bench. What are you here for?
Releasing helium balloons in the air.

When all you legislatures have to do is contemplate goofy laws like this, it's time to elect other people.

You honestly can't see how that is littering?

If the concern is about littering, there are plenty of larger fish to fry.

What other concern would there be?
Is is really any different than any other anti-littering law?

if someone came up and dropped 50 popped balloons in your yard would you be happy about it?

That has to be the most ridiculous line of thought I've seen lately. The odds of even one balloon landing in anyone's yard is astronomical.


The odds of a Styrofoam cup thrown out of a car landing in a yard is astronomical yet I never heard you folks whining about other anti-littering laws before

LMAO, I've picked up a lot of cups and cans, never a balloon. So your math skills are deficient.


you must have some damn trashy neighbors I have never picked up any of those things from my yard. You might want to talk to you neighbors.

I live in Florida. I now understand that releasing 10 or more balloons at once is a crime punishable by up to a $250 fine. I'm just not aware of anyone actually being ticketed. I guess if someone releases a few balloons, it's legal.

I love nature and I love wildlife. I'm sure you do too. If it's truly a major problem, then I support the prohibition. The comments by the lobster trapper seem to carry some credence.

Well "some lobster trapper" doesn't provide any evidence as far as I'm concerned. Somebody asking you about something they can't see is kind of like the internet. You can say anything you want and nobody can prove you right or wrong.

Now if releasing balloons was a fad or something where many kids were doing it, that might be one thing. But kids today seldom go outside yet alone practice entertainment like when we were kids. They have video games, cell phones, cable television, the internet. The last thing they could find exciting is letting balloons go up in the air.


This must be very disappointing, you got all up on the soapbox trying to blame liberals for something which real conservatives don't either.

This is a simple case of normal people understanding the consequences of their actions and behaving responsibly.

Not every issues is a liberal v conservative, a lot of issues are people who inform themselves and behave responsibly Vs people who are ignorant of the issue...

Ray you are choosing to be the later and then try and leverage that ignorance to blame liberals. Some of the conservatives here actually rejected your ignorance.

America would be a lot better if they informed themselves and prepare to listen to both sides of an informed debate.

The difference between conservatives and liberals on most issues is that if a conservative believes something is a problem, they will warn people perhaps, start a campaign to reduce the problem, or start a charity or something.

With liberals, every problem needs a new law to stop it.
Which is why republicans in Congress outlawed marijuana, then Nixon another GOP man created the war on Drugs and then Reagan militarized the war on drugs....And many laws were included...

And now we have over 70,000 Americans a year dying from overdoses. But worry about a dead fish or bird instead of people.

Why can we not deal with both? How does a rule restricting large releases of balloons stop anyone from dealing with ODs?

And just what do you think that the government should do to stop ODs?
Believe what you like, but allow me to reiterate from a post I made at the beginning of this conversation.

The difference between other litter and balloons is that other litter is produced by most people. Plenty of people pick up fast food and eat it on the way to wherever, then throw the garbage out on the road. People buy cans or bottles of pop, and throw those on the road. Most all food and drink products come in disposable containers of some sort.

But again, how many people are releasing balloons into the air? You have to go out and buy the things, then you have to rent a Helium tank and a balloon filler, then you have to take the time to blow the things up. Unlike food consumption, it's not an everyday thing, and it's something very few people do in a months time.

So, basically you are saying it is ok to litter as long as it is in small quantities?

According to this site, millions of balloons are released each year, which seems like a lot to me. Outdoor Balloon Releases

Also, these bills are not targeting kids who let one slip or some of the dumb shit people have posted on here, they are about stopping the mass balloon releases like the ones you see at large events.

I live in Florida. I now understand that releasing 10 or more balloons at once is a crime punishable by up to a $250 fine. I'm just not aware of anyone actually being ticketed. I guess if someone releases a few balloons, it's legal.

I love nature and I love wildlife. I'm sure you do too. If it's truly a major problem, then I support the prohibition. The comments by the lobster trapper seem to carry some credence.

Well "some lobster trapper" doesn't provide any evidence as far as I'm concerned. Somebody asking you about something they can't see is kind of like the internet. You can say anything you want and nobody can prove you right or wrong.

Now if releasing balloons was a fad or something where many kids were doing it, that might be one thing. But kids today seldom go outside yet alone practice entertainment like when we were kids. They have video games, cell phones, cable television, the internet. The last thing they could find exciting is letting balloons go up in the air.


This must be very disappointing, you got all up on the soapbox trying to blame liberals for something which real conservatives don't either.

This is a simple case of normal people understanding the consequences of their actions and behaving responsibly.

Not every issues is a liberal v conservative, a lot of issues are people who inform themselves and behave responsibly Vs people who are ignorant of the issue...

Ray you are choosing to be the later and then try and leverage that ignorance to blame liberals. Some of the conservatives here actually rejected your ignorance.

America would be a lot better if they informed themselves and prepare to listen to both sides of an informed debate.

The difference between conservatives and liberals on most issues is that if a conservative believes something is a problem, they will warn people perhaps, start a campaign to reduce the problem, or start a charity or something.

With liberals, every problem needs a new law to stop it.
Which is why republicans in Congress outlawed marijuana, then Nixon another GOP man created the war on Drugs and then Reagan militarized the war on drugs....And many laws were included...

And now we have over 70,000 Americans a year dying from overdoses. But worry about a dead fish or bird instead of people.
Hey, they decided through free will to OD.
Well "some lobster trapper" doesn't provide any evidence as far as I'm concerned. Somebody asking you about something they can't see is kind of like the internet. You can say anything you want and nobody can prove you right or wrong.

Now if releasing balloons was a fad or something where many kids were doing it, that might be one thing. But kids today seldom go outside yet alone practice entertainment like when we were kids. They have video games, cell phones, cable television, the internet. The last thing they could find exciting is letting balloons go up in the air.


This must be very disappointing, you got all up on the soapbox trying to blame liberals for something which real conservatives don't either.

This is a simple case of normal people understanding the consequences of their actions and behaving responsibly.

Not every issues is a liberal v conservative, a lot of issues are people who inform themselves and behave responsibly Vs people who are ignorant of the issue...

Ray you are choosing to be the later and then try and leverage that ignorance to blame liberals. Some of the conservatives here actually rejected your ignorance.

America would be a lot better if they informed themselves and prepare to listen to both sides of an informed debate.

The difference between conservatives and liberals on most issues is that if a conservative believes something is a problem, they will warn people perhaps, start a campaign to reduce the problem, or start a charity or something.

With liberals, every problem needs a new law to stop it.
Which is why republicans in Congress outlawed marijuana, then Nixon another GOP man created the war on Drugs and then Reagan militarized the war on drugs....And many laws were included...

And now we have over 70,000 Americans a year dying from overdoses. But worry about a dead fish or bird instead of people.
Hey, they decided through free will to OD.

Sad but true
Why is this necessary?

And the ironic part is they make the people clean up the trash they bring to the fields but they have no problem dropping 39,000 balloons on to people's property all over the state.
Well "some lobster trapper" doesn't provide any evidence as far as I'm concerned. Somebody asking you about something they can't see is kind of like the internet. You can say anything you want and nobody can prove you right or wrong.

Now if releasing balloons was a fad or something where many kids were doing it, that might be one thing. But kids today seldom go outside yet alone practice entertainment like when we were kids. They have video games, cell phones, cable television, the internet. The last thing they could find exciting is letting balloons go up in the air.


This must be very disappointing, you got all up on the soapbox trying to blame liberals for something which real conservatives don't either.

This is a simple case of normal people understanding the consequences of their actions and behaving responsibly.

Not every issues is a liberal v conservative, a lot of issues are people who inform themselves and behave responsibly Vs people who are ignorant of the issue...

Ray you are choosing to be the later and then try and leverage that ignorance to blame liberals. Some of the conservatives here actually rejected your ignorance.

America would be a lot better if they informed themselves and prepare to listen to both sides of an informed debate.

The difference between conservatives and liberals on most issues is that if a conservative believes something is a problem, they will warn people perhaps, start a campaign to reduce the problem, or start a charity or something.

With liberals, every problem needs a new law to stop it.
Which is why republicans in Congress outlawed marijuana, then Nixon another GOP man created the war on Drugs and then Reagan militarized the war on drugs....And many laws were included...

And now we have over 70,000 Americans a year dying from overdoses. But worry about a dead fish or bird instead of people.
Hey, they decided through free will to OD.

And the birds decided to eat balloons on their own free will. You people on the left really have your priorities screwed up.
Believe what you like, but allow me to reiterate from a post I made at the beginning of this conversation.

The difference between other litter and balloons is that other litter is produced by most people. Plenty of people pick up fast food and eat it on the way to wherever, then throw the garbage out on the road. People buy cans or bottles of pop, and throw those on the road. Most all food and drink products come in disposable containers of some sort.

But again, how many people are releasing balloons into the air? You have to go out and buy the things, then you have to rent a Helium tank and a balloon filler, then you have to take the time to blow the things up. Unlike food consumption, it's not an everyday thing, and it's something very few people do in a months time.

So, basically you are saying it is ok to litter as long as it is in small quantities?

According to this site, millions of balloons are released each year, which seems like a lot to me. Outdoor Balloon Releases

Also, these bills are not targeting kids who let one slip or some of the dumb shit people have posted on here, they are about stopping the mass balloon releases like the ones you see at large events.

Oh yeah? At one time, gays only wanted to be let out of the closet, that's all.

At one time, people just wanted smoking cigarettes stopped in movie theaters, that's all.

At one time, environmentalists only wanted lead removed from gasoline and paint. That's all.

Unless you just started to follow American politics the last couple of years, you know it never stops when it comes to leftist agendas. It's only the starting point. If no resistance, the next thing will be making a law stopping the sales of balloons, or the ability to rent helium tanks. Outlawing balloons even if they are tied down and not going anywhere.
Well "some lobster trapper" doesn't provide any evidence as far as I'm concerned. Somebody asking you about something they can't see is kind of like the internet. You can say anything you want and nobody can prove you right or wrong.

Now if releasing balloons was a fad or something where many kids were doing it, that might be one thing. But kids today seldom go outside yet alone practice entertainment like when we were kids. They have video games, cell phones, cable television, the internet. The last thing they could find exciting is letting balloons go up in the air.


This must be very disappointing, you got all up on the soapbox trying to blame liberals for something which real conservatives don't either.

This is a simple case of normal people understanding the consequences of their actions and behaving responsibly.

Not every issues is a liberal v conservative, a lot of issues are people who inform themselves and behave responsibly Vs people who are ignorant of the issue...

Ray you are choosing to be the later and then try and leverage that ignorance to blame liberals. Some of the conservatives here actually rejected your ignorance.

America would be a lot better if they informed themselves and prepare to listen to both sides of an informed debate.

The difference between conservatives and liberals on most issues is that if a conservative believes something is a problem, they will warn people perhaps, start a campaign to reduce the problem, or start a charity or something.

With liberals, every problem needs a new law to stop it.
Which is why republicans in Congress outlawed marijuana, then Nixon another GOP man created the war on Drugs and then Reagan militarized the war on drugs....And many laws were included...

And now we have over 70,000 Americans a year dying from overdoses. But worry about a dead fish or bird instead of people.

Why can we not deal with both? How does a rule restricting large releases of balloons stop anyone from dealing with ODs?

And just what do you think that the government should do to stop ODs?

Putting more effort into stopping the stuff from entering the country. Most of our heroin comes from that southern border Democrats insist on staying open. Much of our fentanyl comes through our US mail. There is no way to detect that?

What I think is some of our politicians waste too much time (and money) on stupid shit like balloons instead of putting more effort into stopping more serious problems. We don't need a law for every &^%$% thing in this country. Especially a law that will not make any difference.

This must be very disappointing, you got all up on the soapbox trying to blame liberals for something which real conservatives don't either.

This is a simple case of normal people understanding the consequences of their actions and behaving responsibly.

Not every issues is a liberal v conservative, a lot of issues are people who inform themselves and behave responsibly Vs people who are ignorant of the issue...

Ray you are choosing to be the later and then try and leverage that ignorance to blame liberals. Some of the conservatives here actually rejected your ignorance.

America would be a lot better if they informed themselves and prepare to listen to both sides of an informed debate.

The difference between conservatives and liberals on most issues is that if a conservative believes something is a problem, they will warn people perhaps, start a campaign to reduce the problem, or start a charity or something.

With liberals, every problem needs a new law to stop it.
Which is why republicans in Congress outlawed marijuana, then Nixon another GOP man created the war on Drugs and then Reagan militarized the war on drugs....And many laws were included...

And now we have over 70,000 Americans a year dying from overdoses. But worry about a dead fish or bird instead of people.
Hey, they decided through free will to OD.

And the birds decided to eat balloons on their own free will. You people on the left really have your priorities screwed up.

Maybe counselling would help them? Not the birds the Lefties. Well maybe the birds could also use some dietary, and nutrition counselling.
Is is really any different than any other anti-littering law?

if someone came up and dropped 50 popped balloons in your yard would you be happy about it?

That has to be the most ridiculous line of thought I've seen lately. The odds of even one balloon landing in anyone's yard is astronomical.


The odds of a Styrofoam cup thrown out of a car landing in a yard is astronomical yet I never heard you folks whining about other anti-littering laws before

LMAO, I've picked up a lot of cups and cans, never a balloon. So your math skills are deficient.


you must have some damn trashy neighbors I have never picked up any of those things from my yard. You might want to talk to you neighbors.

Where I live we have an all Democrat government. In the past, I have suggested laws like we increase our littering fine from $50.00 to $500.00, and actually have police enforce it. No response. I also suggested a law that prohibits venders from selling food products to pedestrian minors who are not accompanied by an adult. Again, crickets.

Here I have a gas station around the corner from me. The little rug-rats buy pop, candy and various other products, eat them on the way to wherever they're going, and by the time they get here, are finished with their products and throw the crap on my tree lawn. I even asked if they could do anything if I had the violation recorded and give them a copy? They're too busy to chase litter bugs around.
The difference between conservatives and liberals on most issues is that if a conservative believes something is a problem, they will warn people perhaps, start a campaign to reduce the problem, or start a charity or something.

With liberals, every problem needs a new law to stop it.
Which is why republicans in Congress outlawed marijuana, then Nixon another GOP man created the war on Drugs and then Reagan militarized the war on drugs....And many laws were included...

And now we have over 70,000 Americans a year dying from overdoses. But worry about a dead fish or bird instead of people.
Hey, they decided through free will to OD.

And the birds decided to eat balloons on their own free will. You people on the left really have your priorities screwed up.

Maybe counselling would help them? Not the birds the Lefties. Well maybe the birds could also use some dietary, and nutrition counselling.

Actually I don't want to see it stopped hoping Democrats would start eating the balloons. :auiqs.jpg:
PORTLAND, Maine — The tradition of releasing balloons at weddings, birthdays and memorials may soon get deflated by lawmakers in more than half a dozen states.

Critics say the helium-filled balloons pollute the environment, and threaten birds and other wildlife when they fall to earth.

“People don’t really realize that it’s littering. That’s why we want to bring attention to this,” said state Rep. Lydia Blume, who’s supporting a balloon bill in Maine. “It’s a common sense thing.”

Nationwide, there’s a growing awareness of the problem, and it has energized legislation in state governments. Bills to limit the intentional release of large numbers of balloons are being aired in legislatures in Arizona, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island, in addition to Maine, said Jennifer Schultz of the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Lawmakers in several states consider making balloon releases illegal

I guess they're not going to stop until they ruin everybody's fun. I can hear the talk in jail now:

What are you here for?
Attempted armed robbery. How about you?
Felonious assault. How about you at the end of the bench. What are you here for?
Releasing helium balloons in the air.

When all you legislatures have to do is contemplate goofy laws like this, it's time to elect other people.

You honestly can't see how that is littering?

If the concern is about littering, there are plenty of larger fish to fry.

What other concern would there be?

Look on any highway. You're not going to see many balloons littering the side of the road.
PORTLAND, Maine — The tradition of releasing balloons at weddings, birthdays and memorials may soon get deflated by lawmakers in more than half a dozen states.

Critics say the helium-filled balloons pollute the environment, and threaten birds and other wildlife when they fall to earth.

“People don’t really realize that it’s littering. That’s why we want to bring attention to this,” said state Rep. Lydia Blume, who’s supporting a balloon bill in Maine. “It’s a common sense thing.”

Nationwide, there’s a growing awareness of the problem, and it has energized legislation in state governments. Bills to limit the intentional release of large numbers of balloons are being aired in legislatures in Arizona, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island, in addition to Maine, said Jennifer Schultz of the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Lawmakers in several states consider making balloon releases illegal

I guess they're not going to stop until they ruin everybody's fun. I can hear the talk in jail now:

What are you here for?
Attempted armed robbery. How about you?
Felonious assault. How about you at the end of the bench. What are you here for?
Releasing helium balloons in the air.

When all you legislatures have to do is contemplate goofy laws like this, it's time to elect other people.

You honestly can't see how that is littering?

If the concern is about littering, there are plenty of larger fish to fry.

What other concern would there be?

Look on any highway. You're not going to see many balloons littering the side of the road.

I did that driving home today, due to this thread. My commute is 35 miles one way, I saw basically no trash outside of rubber from blown semi tires. So I guess we do not need any littering laws.
Believe what you like, but allow me to reiterate from a post I made at the beginning of this conversation.

The difference between other litter and balloons is that other litter is produced by most people. Plenty of people pick up fast food and eat it on the way to wherever, then throw the garbage out on the road. People buy cans or bottles of pop, and throw those on the road. Most all food and drink products come in disposable containers of some sort.

But again, how many people are releasing balloons into the air? You have to go out and buy the things, then you have to rent a Helium tank and a balloon filler, then you have to take the time to blow the things up. Unlike food consumption, it's not an everyday thing, and it's something very few people do in a months time.

So, basically you are saying it is ok to litter as long as it is in small quantities?

According to this site, millions of balloons are released each year, which seems like a lot to me. Outdoor Balloon Releases

Also, these bills are not targeting kids who let one slip or some of the dumb shit people have posted on here, they are about stopping the mass balloon releases like the ones you see at large events.

Oh yeah? At one time, gays only wanted to be let out of the closet, that's all.

At one time, people just wanted smoking cigarettes stopped in movie theaters, that's all.

At one time, environmentalists only wanted lead removed from gasoline and paint. That's all.

Unless you just started to follow American politics the last couple of years, you know it never stops when it comes to leftist agendas. It's only the starting point. If no resistance, the next thing will be making a law stopping the sales of balloons, or the ability to rent helium tanks. Outlawing balloons even if they are tied down and not going anywhere.

PORTLAND, Maine — The tradition of releasing balloons at weddings, birthdays and memorials may soon get deflated by lawmakers in more than half a dozen states.

Critics say the helium-filled balloons pollute the environment, and threaten birds and other wildlife when they fall to earth.

“People don’t really realize that it’s littering. That’s why we want to bring attention to this,” said state Rep. Lydia Blume, who’s supporting a balloon bill in Maine. “It’s a common sense thing.”

Nationwide, there’s a growing awareness of the problem, and it has energized legislation in state governments. Bills to limit the intentional release of large numbers of balloons are being aired in legislatures in Arizona, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island, in addition to Maine, said Jennifer Schultz of the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Lawmakers in several states consider making balloon releases illegal

I guess they're not going to stop until they ruin everybody's fun. I can hear the talk in jail now:

What are you here for?
Attempted armed robbery. How about you?
Felonious assault. How about you at the end of the bench. What are you here for?
Releasing helium balloons in the air.

When all you legislatures have to do is contemplate goofy laws like this, it's time to elect other people.

You honestly can't see how that is littering?

If the concern is about littering, there are plenty of larger fish to fry.

What other concern would there be?

Look on any highway. You're not going to see many balloons littering the side of the road.

I did that driving home today, due to this thread. My commute is 35 miles one way, I saw basically no trash outside of rubber from blown semi tires. So I guess we do not need any littering laws.

Because the state or county sends people out to clean those highways.

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