Saving the world again. Illegal to release balloons in the air.

This seems to be a fair point. From the article:

In Rhode Island, commercial lobsterman John Peabody said he’s generally anti-government but he supports limits on balloon releases based on what he sees from his boat.

“You see tons of those things. You see them floating on the surface, you find them in the traps below. You wouldn’t believe how many of them are out there,” he said.
I was just sitting here thinking they probably mostly end up falling on water. A large majority of the planet is water..

If they are launched from land, how would most of them be finding their way into water?
Balloons go high up and then float down. They can float up to around 25 miles and then explode into little pieces. Weather ballons can hit 40 or 45 miles high.
Thats a lot of ground it can cover.
Water covers 70 percent of the earth.

I'm sorry, but that still makes no sense. How would a ballon explode into little pieces? Try that at home. Take a ballon and pop it and see how many pieces you end up with.
Apparently, it has to do with the helium expanding as the atmosphere gets thinner. The pressure causes multiple cracks, not just one.

Maybe, I don't know. But only one crack will explode the ballon, and the rest of the ballon will collapse and probably stays in tact.
I was just sitting here thinking they probably mostly end up falling on water. A large majority of the planet is water..

If they are launched from land, how would most of them be finding their way into water?
Balloons go high up and then float down. They can float up to around 25 miles and then explode into little pieces. Weather ballons can hit 40 or 45 miles high.
Thats a lot of ground it can cover.
Water covers 70 percent of the earth.

I'm sorry, but that still makes no sense. How would a ballon explode into little pieces? Try that at home. Take a ballon and pop it and see how many pieces you end up with.
Apparently, it has to do with the helium expanding as the atmosphere gets thinner. The pressure causes multiple cracks, not just one.

Maybe, I don't know. But only one crack will explode the ballon, and the rest of the ballon will collapse and probably stays in tact.
Here is a link talking about pressure and tears in the balloon.
Physics - Focus: Two Modes of Balloon Bursting Revealed
Is is really any different than any other anti-littering law?

if someone came up and dropped 50 popped balloons in your yard would you be happy about it?

That has to be the most ridiculous line of thought I've seen lately. The odds of even one balloon landing in anyone's yard is astronomical.


The odds of a Styrofoam cup thrown out of a car landing in a yard is astronomical yet I never heard you folks whining about other anti-littering laws before
Is is really any different than any other anti-littering law?

if someone came up and dropped 50 popped balloons in your yard would you be happy about it?

That has to be the most ridiculous line of thought I've seen lately. The odds of even one balloon landing in anyone's yard is astronomical.


It's bad enough when we have politicians doing things like this, but quite another when you have voters sticking up for them. It's not a wonder why politicians do the kinds of things they do.

do you often rant against all other anti-littering laws?
Is is really any different than any other anti-littering law?

if someone came up and dropped 50 popped balloons in your yard would you be happy about it?

That has to be the most ridiculous line of thought I've seen lately. The odds of even one balloon landing in anyone's yard is astronomical.


If someone is driving down the freeway and tosses a soda can out the window, the odds of it landing in anyone's yard are astronomical. But it's still littering.

Cans don't float around in the air for miles.

you are aware that every balloon that goes up has to come down...right? Is it not littering because it comes down miles from your location? If I throw a can out my car window in 2 minutes I am miles away from it so that should be legal as well.
Is releasing balloons causing a big problem? As far as I can tell, relatively few balloons are released. Is this truly a problem? It may not be ideal, but is this really necessary? Is this really beneficial to the community?

so, you would be ok with people throwing Styrofoam cups out their car windows as long as not very many people do it?
This seems to be a fair point. From the article:

In Rhode Island, commercial lobsterman John Peabody said he’s generally anti-government but he supports limits on balloon releases based on what he sees from his boat.

“You see tons of those things. You see them floating on the surface, you find them in the traps below. You wouldn’t believe how many of them are out there,” he said.
I was just sitting here thinking they probably mostly end up falling on water. A large majority of the planet is water..

If they are launched from land, how would most of them be finding their way into water?

as you stated, they float for miles and miles before falling to earth
This seems to be a fair point. From the article:

In Rhode Island, commercial lobsterman John Peabody said he’s generally anti-government but he supports limits on balloon releases based on what he sees from his boat.

“You see tons of those things. You see them floating on the surface, you find them in the traps below. You wouldn’t believe how many of them are out there,” he said.

Then the question would be WTF are they coming from? I don't see any balloons floating around here. Most people have better ways to get their jollies.

Well, when someone releases a balloon into the sky, it seems that someone else will have to pick it up and properly dispose of it, assuming it doesn't first end up in a river, ocean, etc. or an animal's stomach. I get the argument for wanting to prohibit the release of balloons. Upon further reflection, it's probably a justifiable position.

It's a lot of wing flapping and no flying. How many balloons have you picked up in the last ten years? I don't recall picking up any, and I have a lot of kids here.

I have not picked up a single Styrofoam cup in the last 10 years, so with your logic people should be able to throw them wherever they want
PORTLAND, Maine — The tradition of releasing balloons at weddings, birthdays and memorials may soon get deflated by lawmakers in more than half a dozen states.

Critics say the helium-filled balloons pollute the environment, and threaten birds and other wildlife when they fall to earth.

“People don’t really realize that it’s littering. That’s why we want to bring attention to this,” said state Rep. Lydia Blume, who’s supporting a balloon bill in Maine. “It’s a common sense thing.”

Nationwide, there’s a growing awareness of the problem, and it has energized legislation in state governments. Bills to limit the intentional release of large numbers of balloons are being aired in legislatures in Arizona, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island, in addition to Maine, said Jennifer Schultz of the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Lawmakers in several states consider making balloon releases illegal

I guess they're not going to stop until they ruin everybody's fun. I can hear the talk in jail now:

What are you here for?
Attempted armed robbery. How about you?
Felonious assault. How about you at the end of the bench. What are you here for?
Releasing helium balloons in the air.

When all you legislatures have to do is contemplate goofy laws like this, it's time to elect other people.

Yup talk about idiotic. Good Lord. What's next.

Using air to fill a tire?? That could pollute the 02 in the atmosphere.

What will these birdbrains think of next??
PORTLAND, Maine — The tradition of releasing balloons at weddings, birthdays and memorials may soon get deflated by lawmakers in more than half a dozen states.

Critics say the helium-filled balloons pollute the environment, and threaten birds and other wildlife when they fall to earth.

“People don’t really realize that it’s littering. That’s why we want to bring attention to this,” said state Rep. Lydia Blume, who’s supporting a balloon bill in Maine. “It’s a common sense thing.”

Nationwide, there’s a growing awareness of the problem, and it has energized legislation in state governments. Bills to limit the intentional release of large numbers of balloons are being aired in legislatures in Arizona, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island, in addition to Maine, said Jennifer Schultz of the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Lawmakers in several states consider making balloon releases illegal

I guess they're not going to stop until they ruin everybody's fun. I can hear the talk in jail now:

What are you here for?
Attempted armed robbery. How about you?
Felonious assault. How about you at the end of the bench. What are you here for?
Releasing helium balloons in the air.

When all you legislatures have to do is contemplate goofy laws like this, it's time to elect other people.

Yup talk about idiotic. Good Lord. What's next.

Using air to fill a tire?? That could pollute the 02 in the atmosphere.

What will these birdbrains think of next??

do you fight against all anti-littering laws or just select ones?
Is is really any different than any other anti-littering law?

if someone came up and dropped 50 popped balloons in your yard would you be happy about it?

Oh please. I clean up burnt fireworks off my grass after every 4th of July. I have to in order to mow the damn thing. Let's see, when was the last time I had to clean up balloons off my lawn??? Hmmmm. NEVER!

So you support this:
The Dark Aftermath of When Cleveland Launched 1.5 Million Balloons Into The Air

'WATCH OUT!' Plane in close collision above central London after near-miss with BALLOONS
Is is really any different than any other anti-littering law?

if someone came up and dropped 50 popped balloons in your yard would you be happy about it?

Oh please. I clean up burnt fireworks off my grass after every 4th of July. I have to in order to mow the damn thing. Let's see, when was the last time I had to clean up balloons off my lawn??? Hmmmm. NEVER!

So you support this:
The Dark Aftermath of When Cleveland Launched 1.5 Million Balloons Into The Air

'WATCH OUT!' Plane in close collision above central London after near-miss with BALLOONS

it seems that as long as whatever happens does not land in their yard they do not care about it
PORTLAND, Maine — The tradition of releasing balloons at weddings, birthdays and memorials may soon get deflated by lawmakers in more than half a dozen states.

Critics say the helium-filled balloons pollute the environment, and threaten birds and other wildlife when they fall to earth.

“People don’t really realize that it’s littering. That’s why we want to bring attention to this,” said state Rep. Lydia Blume, who’s supporting a balloon bill in Maine. “It’s a common sense thing.”

Nationwide, there’s a growing awareness of the problem, and it has energized legislation in state governments. Bills to limit the intentional release of large numbers of balloons are being aired in legislatures in Arizona, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island, in addition to Maine, said Jennifer Schultz of the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Lawmakers in several states consider making balloon releases illegal

I guess they're not going to stop until they ruin everybody's fun. I can hear the talk in jail now:

What are you here for?
Attempted armed robbery. How about you?
Felonious assault. How about you at the end of the bench. What are you here for?
Releasing helium balloons in the air.

When all you legislatures have to do is contemplate goofy laws like this, it's time to elect other people.
Relax, they're going to let us have hypodermic needles for a song.

Why don't they just hand out balloon maps so people don't walk over them like in liberal SF where they hand out poop maps?

Ahh... Now we get it... Something you disagree with, so it must be liberal... I thought taking personal responsibility is the conservative thing..
I can post pictures of birds too. I like this one.


Bald Eagle Dies from Eating Balloons and Trash - Balloons Blow
How many people are actually letting balloons into the air? Is this a serious littering issue?

It is bigger issue than you think... Balloons don't stay in town and can cause havoc for wildlife...

This is not doesn't land in my lawn so I don't care issue... This is about personal responsibility...
7.7.18 - 'Scene from a Summer Evening'
There were two boys, one man, and a balloon
And one dog, all yellow and purple at this time of day
And somehow the field cut green and low
Made the air feel even stiller when no breeze
Came down from the mountain

Yves Sutherland

There is something magical about a balloon rising in the air. I don't care what anyone says. As you watch it rise into the sky, you can feel it getting lighter and lighter, embarking on an adventure over the horizon that we can only wonder about.
PORTLAND, Maine — The tradition of releasing balloons at weddings, birthdays and memorials may soon get deflated by lawmakers in more than half a dozen states.

Critics say the helium-filled balloons pollute the environment, and threaten birds and other wildlife when they fall to earth.

“People don’t really realize that it’s littering. That’s why we want to bring attention to this,” said state Rep. Lydia Blume, who’s supporting a balloon bill in Maine. “It’s a common sense thing.”

Nationwide, there’s a growing awareness of the problem, and it has energized legislation in state governments. Bills to limit the intentional release of large numbers of balloons are being aired in legislatures in Arizona, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island, in addition to Maine, said Jennifer Schultz of the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Lawmakers in several states consider making balloon releases illegal

I guess they're not going to stop until they ruin everybody's fun. I can hear the talk in jail now:

What are you here for?
Attempted armed robbery. How about you?
Felonious assault. How about you at the end of the bench. What are you here for?
Releasing helium balloons in the air.

When all you legislatures have to do is contemplate goofy laws like this, it's time to elect other people.

You honestly can't see how that is littering?

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