Say Again...Who Won The Popular Vote??

"CIA has evidence of the Russians helping Trump"

Surely you can quote the name of the CIA individuals saying that.....

....can't you?



John Brennan is Director of the CIA

He and everyone working for him will tell you Putin selected Trump as President

The American people did not

"Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia"


Did I just smash another custard pie in your kisser????

Don't wipe it off!

It's an improvement!!!
The same FBI that helped got involved in the election and helped Trump get elected.

So in your small mind, Comey and Lynch wanted Hillary to lose??????????? are you that stupid?
There is nothing stupid about what I said. You call people stupid to compensate for your lack of intelligence.


You must be a squirrel’s version of heaven.
No, the American People voted for Hillary overwhelmingly. The Electoral College will hand the presidency to Stump. Yes, we all need to be very afraid when a certified narcissistic sociopath moves into the White House. China is already calling him a "Child." They are more right than they know...
No, the American People voted for Hillary overwhelmingly. The Electoral College will hand the presidency to Stump. Yes, we all need to be very afraid when a certified narcissistic sociopath moves into the White House. China is already calling him a "Child." They are more right than they know...
His was the 46th best win out of 58 election.
No, the American People voted for Hillary overwhelmingly. The Electoral College will hand the presidency to Stump. Yes, we all need to be very afraid when a certified narcissistic sociopath moves into the White House. China is already calling him a "Child." They are more right than they know...

"the American People voted for Hillary overwhelmingly. "

Close...just a tiny bit off: the Mexican people voted for Bill's wife overwhelmingly.

I proved don't make that mistake again.
No, the American People voted for Hillary overwhelmingly. The Electoral College will hand the presidency to Stump. Yes, we all need to be very afraid when a certified narcissistic sociopath moves into the White House. China is already calling him a "Child." They are more right than they know...

"...we all need to be very afraid when a certified narcissistic sociopath moves into the White House."

Kinda late for that warning.

"The White House takes pride in the fact that Obama’s PDB is “not briefed to him” – because, they say, he is “among the most sophisticated consumers of intelligence on the planet.”

That hubris brings to mind this revealing quote from a September 2008 New York Times profile of Obama:
“I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,” Mr. Obama told Patrick Gaspard, his political director, at the start of the 2008 campaign, according to The New Yorker. “I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m going to think I’m a better political director than my political director.”

So it should come as no surprise that apparently Barack Obama thinks he’s a better intelligence briefer than his intelligence briefers."

Jimmy....why is it that I can so easily turn ever one of your posts inside out?
PoliticalChic, post: 16037205
Obama didn't create ISIS."

Actually, he did.

So you voted for Trump who lied to you that Bush and Cheney created ISIS by invading Iraq.

And then Bush told the Iraqis they were ready to defend themselves in 2008 as he left the mess in Iraq to Obama and set a certain date for complete troop withdrawal that the Iraqis would not extend.

When will your fantasy world end?
PoliticalChic, post: 16037205
Obama didn't create ISIS."

Actually, he did.

So you voted for Trump who lied to you that Bush and Cheney created ISIS by invading Iraq.

And then Bush told the Iraqis they were ready to defend themselves in 2008 as he left the mess in Iraq to Obama and set a certain date for complete troop withdrawal that the Iraqis would not extend.

When will your fantasy world end?

So you voted for Obama who lied to you about EVERYTHING??????

Did you like the post of mine wherein the FBI shot down your whining about Russia????
Wasn't that great?

And the way I proved that Obama created and made ISIS possible???

Am I the best, or what??????????
are we including the millions of illegal immigrants?

A most succinct, yet excellent, query!

It is only by including the millions of illegal aliens.....invited to vote by Barack Hussein Obama.....that one can posit a Hillary Clinton win in the popular vote.

Counting only legal American citizen votes......Donald Trump won the popular vote.
PoliticalChic, post: 16039112
Mexican people voted for Bill's wife overwhelmingly.

Don't you get sick of been confirmed as a uninformed fake news suffering dolt?

Per Politico: While we have no idea how Phillips arrived at his claim that 3-million noncitizens voted, people who have made similar claims in the past have cited a 2014 report that claims 6.4 percent of non-citizens voted in 2008 and 2.2 percent of non-citizens voted in 2010 midterm congressional elections.

What about that 2014 report?

Politico: That report was based on data from a Harvard survey of people. But the data was flawed, which created flaws in the subsequent report.

What happened when the understood citizenship response to the question was repolled?

Per Politico: "When we took out people who changed their answer on the citizenship question and only look at people who answered consistently that they were noncitizens, we found no reported noncitizens who voted," Schaffner told PolitiFact.

Plenty of reason to be skeptical

While we have no idea how Phillips arrived at his claim that 3-million noncitizens voted, people who have made similar claims in the past have cited a 2014 report that claims 6.4 percent of non-citizens voted in 2008 and 2.2 percent of non-citizens voted in 2010 midterm congressional elections.

That report was based on data from a Harvard survey of people. But the data was flawed, which created flaws in the subsequent report.

The authors of the survey say a small percentage of respondents, who are citizens, accidentally misidentified themselves as noncitizens on the survey. This is because the respondents didn’t read the question carefully and accidentally selected the wrong response to the question.

How do researchers know this? One of the authors of the survey, Brian Schaffner, said people changed their answers later when they were asked about their citizenship.

"When we took out people who changed their answer on the citizenship question and only look at people who answered consistently that they were noncitizens, we found no reported noncitizens who voted," Schaffner told PolitiFact.

Other research contradicts Phillips’ tweet.

News 21, a national investigative reporting project funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, found just 56 cases of noncitizens voting between 2000 and 2011.

Did 3 million undocumented immigrants vote in 2016?

Your entire fake news beliefs are exposed.
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PoliticalChic, post: 16039112
Mexican people voted for Bill's wife overwhelmingly.

Why have zero charges been filed against Mexican citizens that voted illegally in the 2016 election?

If there are millions as you fantaze why not pull a couple registrations and make an example of them in Republican run states and counties.

"Why have zero charges been filed against Mexican citizens..."
Because Trump won anyway.
After all....he's letting Bill's wife off the hook, why not let the illegals who where talked into voting by Obama off the hook?

Millions of 'em.

Now that we've become such buds....or, as I have become your mentor.....a query: does your avi suggest that you know you've been fooled by Obama???
Who made the decision to create a military and political vacuum that gave birth to ISIS?

According to Trump it was the invasion of Iraq that created ISIS. Are you calling him a liar.

The first cause is the first and only cause.

The Iraqis did. No doubt about it. They wanted us gone completely according to the dates that Bush told them they would be able to defend themselves.

Your narrative is all lies.
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PoliticalChic, post: 16039332
Because Trump won anyway.
After all....he's letting Bill's wife off the hook, why not let the illegals who where talked into voting by Obama off the hook?

That's just stupid. Voter fraud is a major crime. You telling me Rightwing immigrant haters would not go after every single Mexican who voted in our election illlegally.

And thereby humiliating Trump for losing the popular vote by the largest margin ever.
Who made the decision to create a military and political vacuum that gave birth to ISIS?

The Iraqis did. No doubt about it. They wanted us gone completely according to the dates that Bush told them they would be able to defend themselves.

Your narrative is all lies.

That's a lie.

Study this carefully, 'else I may have to give you a failing grade...and it's back to summer school:

Obama arranged for the field to be left open for ISIS.

You decide why.

"In one of his final acts in office, President Bush in December of 2008 had signed a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the Iraqi government that set the clock ticking on ending the war he’d launched in March of 2003. The SOFA provided a legal basis for the presence of U.S. forces in Iraq after the United Nations Security Council mandate for the occupation mission expired at the end of 2008. But it required that all U.S. forces be gone from Iraq by January 1, 2012, unless the Iraqi government was willing to negotiate a new agreement that would extend their mandate. "
Iraq’s Government, Not Obama, Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence |

1. Bush left Iraq with an agreement that allowed US troops to remain until 2012.

2. The windbag, Obama took charge in 2009

3. Obama declined to negotiate a Status of Forces agreement that would have left troops, and he actually removed same before he had to.

4. Political landscapes, like nature, abhor a vacuum.

5. Therefore, through Obama's efforts, ISIS had free reign.

QED Isis: In Iraq Because Of Obama
Who made the decision to create a military and political vacuum that gave birth to ISIS?

According to Trump it was the invasion of Iraq that created ISIS. Are you calling him a liar.

The first cause is the first and only cause.

The Iraqis did. No doubt about it. They wanted us gone completely according to the dates that Bush told them they would be able to defend themselves.

Your narrative is all lies.

As you have found...I never lie.

BTW.....why have you chosen not to answer this question?
Now that we've become such buds....or, as I have become your mentor.....a query: does your avi suggest that you know you've been fooled by Obama???

PoliticalChic, post: 16039332
Because Trump won anyway.
After all....he's letting Bill's wife off the hook, why not let the illegals who where talked into voting by Obama off the hook?

That's just stupid. Voter fraud is a major crime. You telling me Rightwing immigrant haters would not go after every single Mexican who voted in our election illlegally.

And thereby humiliating Trump for losing the popular vote by the largest margin ever.

I see your point....Hillary should be in jail

Oh...but, try to remember....Trump won the popular vote.
The legal one.
PoliticalChic, post: 16039332
Because Trump won anyway.
After all....he's letting Bill's wife off the hook, why not let the illegals who where talked into voting by Obama off the hook?

That's just stupid. Voter fraud is a major crime. You telling me Rightwing immigrant haters would not go after every single Mexican who voted in our election illlegally.

And thereby humiliating Trump for losing the popular vote by the largest margin ever.

"That's just stupid. Voter fraud is a major crime."

Y''ve convinced me: Obama should be in the slammer, too!

After all....telling illegal aliens that they can vote....
3:42, Obama lies: "When you vote you are a citizen yourself"

"In one of his final acts in office, President Bush in December of 2008 had signed a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the Iraqi government that set the clock ticking on ending the war he’d launched in March of 2003.

Take your nonsense up with Trump. The first cause of ISIS according to the smartest man in the universe, is the stupid invasion of Iraq.

Obama opposed it.

No invasion / no ISIS.

No SOFA no fledgling corrupt Iran backed Shiite led government in Iraq die to US invasion.

No SOFA for Obama to negotiate. No 4484 dead US soldiers in Iraq.

No Trillions wasted.

Trump nailed the original cause. You voted for him. You should respect the only honest thing he ever said,

ISIS was present in Mosul long before Bush left office. No amount of US troops could have defeated or deterred ISIS that was allied with the Sunni population there at the time.
"In one of his final acts in office, President Bush in December of 2008 had signed a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the Iraqi government that set the clock ticking on ending the war he’d launched in March of 2003.

Take your nonsense up with Trump. The first cause of ISIS according to the smartest man in the universe, is the stupid invasion of Iraq.

Obama opposed it.

No invasion / no ISIS.

No SOFA no fledgling corrupt Iran backed Shiite led government in Iraq die to US invasion.

No SOFA for Obama to negotiate. No 4484 dead US soldiers in Iraq.

No Trillions wasted.

Trump nailed the original cause. You voted for him. You should respect the only honest thing he ever said,

ISIS was present in Mosul long before Bush left office. No amount of US troops could have defeated or deterred ISIS that was allied with the Sunni population there at the time.
Obama arranged for the field to be left open for ISIS.

You decide why.

"In one of his final acts in office, President Bush in December of 2008 had signed a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the Iraqi government that set the clock ticking on ending the war he’d launched in March of 2003. The SOFA provided a legal basis for the presence of U.S. forces in Iraq after the United Nations Security Council mandate for the occupation mission expired at the end of 2008. But it required that all U.S. forces be gone from Iraq by January 1, 2012, unless the Iraqi government was willing to negotiate a new agreement that would extend their mandate. "
Iraq’s Government, Not Obama, Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence |

That's Time magazine reporting

1. Bush left Iraq with an agreement that allowed US troops to remain until 2012.

2. The windbag, Obama took charge in 2009

3. Obama declined to negotiate a Status of Forces agreement that would have left troops, and he actually removed same before he had to.

4. Political landscapes, like nature, abhor a vacuum.

5. Therefore, through Obama's efforts, ISIS had free reign.

QED Isis: In Iraq Because Of Obama

And here's Obama admitting it:

MR. ROMNEY:Oh, you didn't — you didn't want a status of forces agreement?

PRESIDENT OBAMA:No, but what I — what I would not have done is left 10,000 troops in Iraq that would tie us down. That certainly would not help us in the Middle East.

"Here's one thing I've learned as commander in chief," Obama said at the end of the exchange. "You've got to be clear, both to our allies and our enemies, about where you stand and what you mean

Obama s 2012 Debate Boast I Didn t Want to Leave Any Troops in Iraq The Weekly Standard

You're really a moron, aren't you. Bet the Democrats love dopes like you.

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