Say Again...Who Won The Popular Vote??

I gave you two reasons.....why would you say I was stumped????

Your reasons defy logic and legal and political reality.

You could say it's because one side of the moon is dark and you still have nothing close to a valid point or argument.

The truth cannot be with the absurdity of your argument.
"In one of his final acts in office, President Bush in December of 2008 had signed a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the Iraqi government that set the clock ticking on ending the war he’d launched in March of 2003.

Take your nonsense up with Trump. The first cause of ISIS according to the smartest man in the universe, is the stupid invasion of Iraq.

Obama opposed it.

No invasion / no ISIS.

No SOFA no fledgling corrupt Iran backed Shiite led government in Iraq die to US invasion.

No SOFA for Obama to negotiate. No 4484 dead US soldiers in Iraq.

No Trillions wasted.

Trump nailed the original cause. You voted for him. You should respect the only honest thing he ever said,

ISIS was present in Mosul long before Bush left office. No amount of US troops could have defeated or deterred ISIS that was allied with the Sunni population there at the time.
Obama arranged for the field to be left open for ISIS.

You decide why.

"In one of his final acts in office, President Bush in December of 2008 had signed a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the Iraqi government that set the clock ticking on ending the war he’d launched in March of 2003. The SOFA provided a legal basis for the presence of U.S. forces in Iraq after the United Nations Security Council mandate for the occupation mission expired at the end of 2008. But it required that all U.S. forces be gone from Iraq by January 1, 2012, unless the Iraqi government was willing to negotiate a new agreement that would extend their mandate. "
Iraq’s Government, Not Obama, Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence |

That's Time magazine reporting

1. Bush left Iraq with an agreement that allowed US troops to remain until 2012.

2. The windbag, Obama took charge in 2009

3. Obama declined to negotiate a Status of Forces agreement that would have left troops, and he actually removed same before he had to.

4. Political landscapes, like nature, abhor a vacuum.

5. Therefore, through Obama's efforts, ISIS had free reign.

QED Isis: In Iraq Because Of Obama

And here's Obama admitting it:

MR. ROMNEY:Oh, you didn't — you didn't want a status of forces agreement?

PRESIDENT OBAMA:No, but what I — what I would not have done is left 10,000 troops in Iraq that would tie us down. That certainly would not help us in the Middle East.

"Here's one thing I've learned as commander in chief," Obama said at the end of the exchange. "You've got to be clear, both to our allies and our enemies, about where you stand and what you mean

Obama s 2012 Debate Boast I Didn t Want to Leave Any Troops in Iraq The Weekly Standard

You're really a moron, aren't you. Bet the Democrats love dopes like you.

All that and you must pretend that Trump has not explained it to you. The 2003 invasion created ISIS.

Obama cannot create ISiS when the action taken to create ISIS took place five years before Obama became President.

Trump explained it to you. Why are you still in denial.
"CIA has evidence of the Russians helping Trump"

Surely you can quote the name of the CIA individuals saying that.....

....can't you?



John Brennan is Director of the CIA

He and everyone working for him will tell you Putin selected Trump as President

The American people did not

"Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia"


Did I just smash another custard pie in your kisser????

Don't wipe it off!

It's an improvement!!!
The same FBI that helped got involved in the election and helped Trump get elected.

So in your small mind, Comey and Lynch wanted Hillary to lose??????????? are you that stupid?
There is nothing stupid about what I said. You call people stupid to compensate for your lack of intelligence.

you said that the FBI helped Trump win. That is a stupid statement. Sorry, but that's the bottom line
No, the American People voted for Hillary overwhelmingly. The Electoral College will hand the presidency to Stump. Yes, we all need to be very afraid when a certified narcissistic sociopath moves into the White House. China is already calling him a "Child." They are more right than they know...

Trump won by the rules that were in effect for this election and all previous presidential elections since the EC was established. If you don't like those rules------tough shit. Get the constitution changed or STFU. Hillary lost, she got beat. Deal with that reality.
"In one of his final acts in office, President Bush in December of 2008 had signed a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the Iraqi government that set the clock ticking on ending the war he’d launched in March of 2003.

Take your nonsense up with Trump. The first cause of ISIS according to the smartest man in the universe, is the stupid invasion of Iraq.

Obama opposed it.

No invasion / no ISIS.

No SOFA no fledgling corrupt Iran backed Shiite led government in Iraq die to US invasion.

No SOFA for Obama to negotiate. No 4484 dead US soldiers in Iraq.

No Trillions wasted.

Trump nailed the original cause. You voted for him. You should respect the only honest thing he ever said,

ISIS was present in Mosul long before Bush left office. No amount of US troops could have defeated or deterred ISIS that was allied with the Sunni population there at the time.
Obama arranged for the field to be left open for ISIS.

You decide why.

"In one of his final acts in office, President Bush in December of 2008 had signed a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the Iraqi government that set the clock ticking on ending the war he’d launched in March of 2003. The SOFA provided a legal basis for the presence of U.S. forces in Iraq after the United Nations Security Council mandate for the occupation mission expired at the end of 2008. But it required that all U.S. forces be gone from Iraq by January 1, 2012, unless the Iraqi government was willing to negotiate a new agreement that would extend their mandate. "
Iraq’s Government, Not Obama, Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence |

That's Time magazine reporting

1. Bush left Iraq with an agreement that allowed US troops to remain until 2012.

2. The windbag, Obama took charge in 2009

3. Obama declined to negotiate a Status of Forces agreement that would have left troops, and he actually removed same before he had to.

4. Political landscapes, like nature, abhor a vacuum.

5. Therefore, through Obama's efforts, ISIS had free reign.

QED Isis: In Iraq Because Of Obama

And here's Obama admitting it:

MR. ROMNEY:Oh, you didn't — you didn't want a status of forces agreement?

PRESIDENT OBAMA:No, but what I — what I would not have done is left 10,000 troops in Iraq that would tie us down. That certainly would not help us in the Middle East.

"Here's one thing I've learned as commander in chief," Obama said at the end of the exchange. "You've got to be clear, both to our allies and our enemies, about where you stand and what you mean

Obama s 2012 Debate Boast I Didn t Want to Leave Any Troops in Iraq The Weekly Standard

You're really a moron, aren't you. Bet the Democrats love dopes like you.

All that and you must pretend that Trump has not explained it to you. The 2003 invasion created ISIS.

Obama cannot create ISiS when the action taken to create ISIS took place five years before Obama became President.

Trump explained it to you. Why are you still in denial.

wrong, the stupid Iraq "war" did not create ISIS. Failing to finish the job created them. And yes, both Bush and Obozo are to blame.
This just in, HRC still won the popular vote.
This just in; that's like eating the most peanuts in a pie-eating contest.

You know, considering this isn't a Democracy and Electoral Votes are what win you the election.
i know right, i can learn so much here, from the smart winning trumptards.

I don't know about your ability to learn....

...I'm simply hoping to engender honesty in you.
do you believe your copypasta propaganda? cuz that could be awkward.

And now for a lesson in education.

1. Citing an authority with an established reputation is better, of course, than citing someone whose credentials are not so lofty. (
Composition Patterns: Developing an Argument

2. What has been pejoratively referred to as ‘simply cut and paste,’ is, in fact, carefully chosen to substantiate a point. Is the information covered fact, opinion, or propaganda? Facts can usually be verified; opinions, though they may be based on factual information, evolve from the interpretation of facts.(

3. A valid objection to this selection of sources may be the type of audience being addressed. Is the ‘pasted selection’ aimed at a specialized or a general audience? Do you find the level ‘over your head’ or is this source too elementary? Ibid.

4. Are you objecting to the author's credentials--institutional affiliation (where he or she works), educational background, past writings, or experience? Or simply looking for a weapon to attack the post? This, of course, would be puerile.

5. Providing summaries or outlines of a source is valid as long as a link to the original is provided, and the author’s meaning is conveyed.

6. Nor is it necessary to insert one’s own language if the original article is simply abbreviated, with link provided.

7. What has been called ‘cut and paste’ is frequently the message board version of footnotes and endnotes of an academic essay. “…footnotes were declared outmoded just before the era of the word-processors which make using footnotes so much easier. Still, because of its relative ease in both writing and reading, parenthetical documentation is greatly preferred by most instructors.”

Bet you feel pretty stupid about your previous post, huh?
hey, in the coming booming trumpeconomy, even you might be able to become gainfully employed. then "your" bullshit no longer pollutes the internet, and everybody wins. and remember, winning is everything.

to be on topic, i changed my mind after rigorous research. i think evan mcmullin won the popular vote. hey, why not..

Have you noticed that I never have to use profanity?

That's 'cause I'm never wrong....and you help me prove it!

Now...your use of vulgarity?
Guess why.
Aww, poor, baby. I didn't realize your skin is so fucking thin. <smh>
Spot the disconnect....


You're such a rightard.

You post a video which cuts off the part where Obama tells Rodriguez that Latino citizens should vote because their vote speaks for their undocumented family members who can't vote.

Then you get caught lying by falsely claiming Rodriguez asked Obama, "if they (illegally) vote," when in fact, she asked, "if I vote..."

Gina Rodriguez is an American citizen; so when Obama said, "when you vote, you are a citizen yourself," at the 0:19 mark as you point out, he's pointing out that Rodriguez, an American citizen who just asked him, "if I vote," can vote because she herself is a citizen.

The first line from the lovely (jealous?) young lady states the premise: Illegals are citizens, she says, because she claims they contribute to the country.
a. they don't
b. Obama sits there in total agreement.

Then, she asks if they will be deported if they (illegally) vote....and Obama says "not true."

@0:19 Obama makes this outrageous claim:

"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself."

Of course, that's a lie.

Obama.....being questioned about illegal voting.......encouraging illegals to vote....saying 'don't one will catch your.'

Barack Obama disrespect for the laws of our country, and for the Constitution.

Even if she considers illegals citizens, that's on her, not Obama as he said no such thing. As far as illegals being allowed to voted, what Obama did say was...

"And the reason that fear is promoted is because they don't want people voting. People are discouraged from voting and part of what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard, because you're not just speaking for yourself. You're speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school who may not have a voice. Who can't legally vote. But they're counting on you to make sure that you have the courage to make your voice heard." - Barack Hussein Obama

... of course, you don't hear him say that because you dishonestly linked a video of that interview which cut that part out.

But then, that's how it was portrayed on Fox News; which explains why you rightards are sooo fucking stupid. Fox News is dumbing you down.

Of course, that begs the question, Why are we so concerned about the voices of non-citizens when citizens are supposed to elect the president? I would have expected an American president to say something like,

"And the reason that fear is promoted is because they don't want people voting. People are discouraged from voting and part of what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard". End of sentence. We need to hear what Latino CITIZENS think, not what NON-citizens think.

Obama didn't say illegals have a voice. In fact, he said they don't have a voice. And citizens do elect the president, which he also alluded to. He said citizens are the voice for their family and friends who don't have a voice.

Obama told illegal aliens to go out an vote,and no one would catch on!

Yup, the liar in chief said that!

I have the proof right here:

1. Referring to illegal aliens, she begins :"I call them citizens because they contribute to the country."

Of course, that is not what makes one a it.

2. The young lady continues as if with the voice of the illegal...'If I vote, will immigration know where I live, will they come for my family..."

Now, if she were speaking of a legal citizen....there would be no reason to suggest anyone 'would come for them.'

Do you deny anything above?

Are claiming that 'immigration' would 'come for ' legal citizens who voted???

3. Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'

'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4.He goes on to make this bald faced lie: "When you vote you are a citizen yourself"

5. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

The message is clear....'vote...nothing will happen to won't be caught.'

6.There would be no reason to comfort a legal voter in that way.

7. Or...are you claiming that those 30 seconds of video are doctored in some way.

Are you?

Obama: "what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard, because you're not just speaking for yourself. You're speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school who may not have a voice. Who can't legally vote."

[B]PoliticalHack[/B]: "Obama told illegal aliens to go out an vote,and no one would catch on!"


Is any more evidence needed that PoliticalHack is clinically insane?
Then, she asks if they will be deported if they (illegally) vote....and Obama says "not true."
Despite your lie that you don't lie, you lie yet again.

She didn't ask if they (illegally) vote...

She asked, if I vote...

No matter how many times you repeat this lie in your failed effort to make your delusions a reality, "I" is not "they." Never will be. :eusa_naughty:
Poor, deranged, PoliticalHack. You've been caught telling 5 lies (so far).

  1. You posted an edited video from Fox News which cut out Obama saying illegals can't vote.

  2. You misquoted Gina's question, changing "I" (who is a citizen) to "they" (who are not).

  3. You denied Obama said illegals can't vote.

  4. You said you don't lie.

  5. You said Obama encouraged illegals to vote but had to lie through your keyboard to try and demonstrate it.

The first 30 seconds..... and accurate or not?

Answer now.

Before you stick your foot in that ugly face again.... it is....clearly undocumented, uncut, unmanipulated:

Exactly as I stated.

I'm happy to answer this. I certainly don't mind bitch-slapping you over and over again.

The first 30 seconds.... a U.S. citizen asks Obama, "if I vote..."

Obama answers a U.S. citizen, "When you vote, you are a citizen yourself."

And you lie yet again posting a cut version of the video and lying, claiming it's the uncut version.

And what part do you present cut out...?

Obama saying illegals can't vote...

"People are discouraged from voting and part of what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard, because you're not just speaking for yourself. You're speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school who may not have a voice. Who can't legally vote. But they're counting on you to make sure that you have the courage to make your voice heard." - Barack Hussein Obama

PoliticalHack once again shows herself as the dumbed-down lying conservative she is. suddenly became as silent as you are beautiful once I posted the proof that nothing was cut from the original video.

Here is the original video...

... what you posted was from that but then cut out the part where Obama said illegals can't vote.

There has been no such cutting.
We are only discussing the first 30 seconds....and you can see the time on the bottom of the screen proving that there has been no cutting.


PoliticalHack only wants to discuss the first 30 seconds of her edited video.

Brain-dead conservative logic = if you mangle Rodriguez's words, if you pretend she said something she didn't say, if you cut out the part where Obama said illegals can't vote -- you can lie to the forum and claim Obama encouraged illegals to vote.

How fortunate are you that your fellow conservatives are actually dumb enough to believe you??


Can you be so stupid that you provide proof of exactly what I've said ?????

This is your claim of the 'original video.'
Let's use it!

@3:25 she actually says "Many of the millennials, dreamers, UNDOCUMENTED citizens....and I call them citizens because they contribute to the country....are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live, will they come for my family and deport us? ..."
Without missing a beat, Obama the liar responds "not true. "(@3:38)
Hey....any 'cutting of the video'????

Contiunuing @ 3:42, Obama lies: "When you vote you are a citizen yourself"
Hey....any 'cutting of the video'????

Ooooo,,,,you poor, sad, ugly thing.....look how you just proved exactly what I've said!
And I did it with your video!!!!

Continuing, @3:46 Obama says "there is not a situation where the voting rolls are somehow transferred over, and people start investigating...."
Hey....any 'cutting of the video'????
No?'ve been lying all along, huh?

She asks if UNDOCUMENTED aliens can vote...will they be caught and deported....Obama says 'no way''re a citizen if if you're illegal!!!!

And not a smidgen of 'cutting' of the video!!!!!
30 seconds.....exactly what I've posted and your 'original video' proves!!!!!

I win again!

I love destroying you Leftist morons.

You are truly fucking deranged. You change Gina's question from if I vote... to if they vote... which alters the context of Obama's response; and them your delusion kick in and tell you you've destroyed anything other than you're own credibility.


G'head... this is where you whine about profanity because you think it buys you cover for your abject lying.

You're such a rightard.

You post a video which cuts off the part where Obama tells Rodriguez that Latino citizens should vote because their vote speaks for their undocumented family members who can't vote.

Then you get caught lying by falsely claiming Rodriguez asked Obama, "if they (illegally) vote," when in fact, she asked, "if I vote..."

Gina Rodriguez is an American citizen; so when Obama said, "when you vote, you are a citizen yourself," at the 0:19 mark as you point out, he's pointing out that Rodriguez, an American citizen who just asked him, "if I vote," can vote because she herself is a citizen.

The first line from the lovely (jealous?) young lady states the premise: Illegals are citizens, she says, because she claims they contribute to the country.
a. they don't
b. Obama sits there in total agreement.

Then, she asks if they will be deported if they (illegally) vote....and Obama says "not true."

@0:19 Obama makes this outrageous claim:

"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself."

Of course, that's a lie.

Obama.....being questioned about illegal voting.......encouraging illegals to vote....saying 'don't one will catch your.'

Barack Obama disrespect for the laws of our country, and for the Constitution.

Even if she considers illegals citizens, that's on her, not Obama as he said no such thing. As far as illegals being allowed to voted, what Obama did say was...

"And the reason that fear is promoted is because they don't want people voting. People are discouraged from voting and part of what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard, because you're not just speaking for yourself. You're speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school who may not have a voice. Who can't legally vote. But they're counting on you to make sure that you have the courage to make your voice heard." - Barack Hussein Obama

... of course, you don't hear him say that because you dishonestly linked a video of that interview which cut that part out.

But then, that's how it was portrayed on Fox News; which explains why you rightards are sooo fucking stupid. Fox News is dumbing you down.

Of course, that begs the question, Why are we so concerned about the voices of non-citizens when citizens are supposed to elect the president? I would have expected an American president to say something like,

"And the reason that fear is promoted is because they don't want people voting. People are discouraged from voting and part of what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard". End of sentence. We need to hear what Latino CITIZENS think, not what NON-citizens think.

Obama didn't say illegals have a voice. In fact, he said they don't have a voice. And citizens do elect the president, which he also alluded to. He said citizens are the voice for their family and friends who don't have a voice.

Who wants to make the argument that non-citizens should have a voice when it comes to electing the US President?

Folks with undocumented family members and friends.

"Fact-check: Did 3 million undocumented immigrants vote in this year's election?

Well, we don’t know for absolute certain. But......"
Did 3 million undocumented immigrants vote in 2016?

File this under "Losers Holding By Their Fingernails!"

Did huge numbers of illegal aliens follow Obama's suggestion, and vote???

You betcha'!!!!
Thanks for posting yet another article which doesn't claim 3 million undocumented immigrants voted in the election.

Putin selected Trump

America selected Hillary


Lets see.........Hillary won by close to three million votes
CIA has evidence of the Russians helping Trump

Comrade Oompa Loompa owes a debt of gratitude to Putin

"Lets see.........Hillary won by close to three million votes."

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???


That's right......the so-called 'popular vote' win by Bill's wife: based on those states.
So check this out, folks... PoliticalHack quotes from this L.A. Times article about being able to get a driver's license and voter's registration at the same time...

Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

... only that article is about the problem of being registered without a political party. which is how California registers voters who apply if they do so at a DMV. It has absolutely nothing to do with undocumented aliens having a path to acquiring a voter's registration ID.

And why does it not mention that, though PoliticalHack attempts to portray it like that?

Because California requires proof of legal status to obtain a driver's licence...

Birth date verification and legal presence (BD/LP) requirements

... and requires folks who register to vote to be American citizens...

Voter Registration in California |
The fact, and it is one this country must confront, is that the majority of White America voted for Trump to be the 45th President of the United States.

No shit Sherlock! But I must ask what is your problem when both candidates were white?

This was a referendum of Obama's policies, very plain and very simple, I understand you'll turn it into Racism, but isn't that your true agenda?

What puzzles this White Majority as you call it, is why do you continue down the Race Baiting Path?

It's 2016 not 1916, why do you let bitterness and hatred continue to create division?

Obviously your limited knowledge has you wrapped around the DNC's victim mentality, but when is Black America going to quit carrying the Democrats water?

Getting sick and tired of the whiners claiming that Bill's wife won the popular vote?'s true....but only if you use the time honored Liberal method of claiming to be unable to connect the dots.... other words, refuse to include reality

"But....but proof!!!! No proof!!!"
Of course there is no need for proof when they claim 'racism.'

The spoiled brats have one set of requirements for themselves, and a different one for the other side.

1. “If there is a recount in Michigan and Trump loses by a few votes, then it’s very plausible that noncitizen voting made a big difference. Hopefully, it doesn’t come to that.”

Richman was the co-author of a 2014 study that looked at noncitizen voting in the 2008 and 2010 elections. In the comparable presidential election year, the Old Dominion study determined 6.4 percent on noncitizens in the United States voted in the 2008 presidential election, and about 81 percent of those voters backed Democrat Barack Obama.

Richman applied those numbers to 2016:

The basic assumptions on which the extrapolation is based are that 6.4 percent of noncitizens voted, and that of the noncitizens who voted, 81.8 percent voted for Clinton and 17.5 percent voted for Trump. … 6.4 percent turnout among the roughly 20.3 million noncitizen adults in the U.S. would add only 834,318 votes to Clinton’s popular vote margin. This is little more than a third of the total margin. … Is it plausible that noncitizen votes added to Clinton’s margin? Yes. Is it plausible that noncitizen votes account for the entire nationwide popular vote margin held by Clinton? Not at all.

“An issue of concern is that so many have voted that are not legally supposed to,” Miller told reporters in a conference call Monday.

Beyond the noncitizens voting study from Old Dominion, Miller pointed to the Pew study from 2012 that found 24 million voter registration records in the United States, or about 1 in 8, were “significantly inaccurate or no longer valid.”

The Pew study further found “1.8 million deceased individuals are listed as voters,” that “12 million records contain an incorrect address,” and that “2.75 million people have registrations in more than one state.”

“If 10 percent of noncitizens voted, it would likely make a popular vote difference,” Camarota told The Daily Signal. “It’s not the Electoral College [Trump] is upset about. It’s the popular vote. I wish he wouldn’t focus on it. Bill Clinton got just 43 percent of the vote in 1992. How many states did he win more than 50 percent of the vote in?”

Trump could be correct about the number of illegal votes, but there is no way to know, said Hans von Spakovsky, senior legal fellow with The Heritage Foundation who focuses on voter integrity issues."
Impact of Noncitizen Voters on the 2016 Election

2. "Three million votes in the U.S. presidential election were cast by illegal aliens, according to Greg Phillips of the organization.

If true, this would mean that Donald Trump still won the contest despite widespread vote fraud and almost certainly won the popular vote.

“We have verified more than three million votes cast by non-citizens,” tweeted Phillips after reporting that the group had completed an analysis of a database of 180 million voter registrations."
Report: Three Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by Illegal Aliens

How many of the absentee ballots are from the military....and who do you imagine (I almost said 'think') they voted for?

3. "Claims of votes by the dead, felons cloud North Carolina governor race"
Claims of votes by the dead, felons cloud North Carolina governor race

4. Criminal President Obama Encourages Illegal Aliens to Vote – Promises No Repercussions (VIDEO)

5. "Illegal Voters Uncovered in Philly Are ‘Tip of the Iceberg’
Law firm uncovers illegal immigrants, convicted felons on rolls — and some have voted in crucial swing state
He said there is no way to know how many non-citizens might be registered to vote in Philadelphia, let alone in the rest of politically crucial Pennsylvania.

“This is just the tip of the iceberg. Who knows how many are on and don’t ask to be taken off?”

“This is just the tip of the iceberg,” he said. “Who knows how many are on and don’t ask to be taken off?”

Illegal Voters Uncovered in Philly Are ‘Tip of the Iceberg’

6. "12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

7. "If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

Hillary Clinton is leading in the popular vote by 2.8 million votes. These are overseas military ballots that have been coming in.

Trump won the election by a measly 270K votes in certain states. Democrats were voting for him, especially in the rust belt of this country.

Trump will be the first President in this Nation that will be sworn in as a Lame Duck President. His mandates are gone with these numbers. It will Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan that will be leading the show in Washington D.C.

Trump is also the first President Elect that has had to barricade himself inside of the Trump Tower, and his communication with the outside world has been reduced to a tweeter account.

Trump is one and done, if he is not impeached first. These Russian hacking's and leaks are heating up in congress. And when you have Republicans on the Senate intelligence committee stating that these hacks were done to get Trump elected--there's some serious problems coming for Trump and company. If it is proven that Russia indeed did intervene into this election to get Trump elected. Republicans will turn their backs on Trump, including those Admirals that supposedly endorsed him.
Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House

Last edited:
PoliticalChic, post: 16033707
.tell me in which posts you pilloried Obama for creating the savages called ISIS.

Obama didn't create ISIS. You are a lying fool.

Obama opposed invading Iraq before Bush launched it.

Trump told Stearn who asked if he supported taking out Saddam Hussein "yeah, I guess so".

And Trump told you who and what created ISIS.

"“Maybe don’t go into Iraq originally. We should have never, ever gone in,” Trump, who supported invading Iraq, said at a February town hall in Bluffton, S.C. “But we did. So we made a mistake. The country made a big mistake, and started all of this horrible thing that you see taking place, including ISIS.”

Obama said we should not go in before we went in.

Trump said yeah go in before We went in.

Trump helped create ISIS coming from his own mouth.

"Obama didn't create ISIS."

Actually, he did. The only question is whether he did it purposely or foolishly.
Either he is pro-ISIS, or he is as dumb as you are.

Suuure, let's pretend the Islamic State didn't exist since 2006 and let's pretend George Bush wasn't the one to promise to Iraq that America wouldn't pull all of the troops out by the end of 2011....

  • "I would like to see our president get us out of the war [in Iraq] because the war is a total catastrophe. I would like to see President Bush get us out of Iraq, which is a total mess, a total catastrophe, and it's not going to get any better. It's only going to get worse. It's a mess." ~ Donald Trump, 2006

  • "I just said, announce victory, get them home…Let's say, 'Victory, Tremendous.' Have a big thing in the streets. Then get out real fast before you get shot. Let's get home…Hey, hate us over there. Now how, how, do you—. The people that like us hate us. Those are the good ones. Then you have the double hate where they wanna just shoot us. But how do you solve that problem? You got to get out of Iraq." ~ Donald Trump, 2006

  • “You know how they get out? They get out. That’s how they get out. Declare victory and leave." ~ Donald Trump, 2007

  • "And it’s going to go to Iran, and it’s going to go to other countries. They are in the midst of a major civil war. And there’s nothing — by the way, we’re keeping the lid on a little bit but date we leave anyway it’s all going to blow up. … So, I mean, this is a total catastrophe and you might as well get out now, because you just are wasting time." ~ Donald Trump, 2007

  • “First, I’d get out of Iraq right now.” ~ Donald Trump, 2008

  • “I wish he [John McCain] would promise to get us out of Iraq faster.” ~ Donald Trump, 2008

  • "Iraq, we shouldn't have been there and I'd get them [U.S. troops] out real fast." ~ Donald Trump, 2011

  • Q: "I'm confused... President Obama's been the one who's been on the process of extricating us from the two wars that he inherited and why do you call him [Obama] incompetent in that regard?

    A: "Well, I think he [Obama] could have gotten out a long time ago." ~ Donald Trump, 2011
PoliticalChic, post: 16033707
.tell me in which posts you pilloried Obama for creating the savages called ISIS.

Obama didn't create ISIS. You are a lying fool.

Obama opposed invading Iraq before Bush launched it.

Trump told Stearn who asked if he supported taking out Saddam Hussein "yeah, I guess so".

And Trump told you who and what created ISIS.

"“Maybe don’t go into Iraq originally. We should have never, ever gone in,” Trump, who supported invading Iraq, said at a February town hall in Bluffton, S.C. “But we did. So we made a mistake. The country made a big mistake, and started all of this horrible thing that you see taking place, including ISIS.”

Obama said we should not go in before we went in.

Trump said yeah go in before We went in.

Trump helped create ISIS coming from his own mouth.

"Trump helped create ISIS coming from his own mouth."

You seem more than bit confused.

Who was the President at the time?

Who made the decision to create a military and political vacuum that gave birth to ISIS?

Right.....Barack Hussein Obama (the most merciful) who has never shielded, advanced, lied for any religion but one.

Putz... Obama wasn't president in 2006...


ISIL has its origins in the Iraq War of 2003–11. Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), its direct precursor, was one of the central actors in a larger Sunni insurgency against the Iraqi government and foreign occupying forces. Under the leadership of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, AQI was responsible for some of the most spectacular and brutal attacks of that conflict. Shortly after Zarqawi’s death in 2006, the group combined with several smaller extremist groups and renamed itself the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), a change that reflected the group’s efforts to hold and control territory as well as its ambition to obtain universal leadership of the Islamic community.

Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) | militant organization

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