Say Farewell........

Fuck Allah

(getting my jabs in before the Obama amendment kicks in)

It's not an amendment. It's a resolution. Which isn't law. You people so need to learn about our government and how it works.

I also want to point out that muslims worship the exact same god that christians and jewish people worship.

The word allah means god.

So you're saying fuck god to all christians, jewish and muslim people.

How tolerant of you. And you people say liberals hate god. Wow you sure do hate god if you want to say such things about him.
That's why most Muslims, like most Jews and Christians and atheists etc, live without problems in the US.

I insist that you provide links and stats
Be glad to when you, who made the first assertion, provide stats and links to them.

Otherwise, you are blowing hot air, nothing more.

not much of a retort HOT AIR BLOWER -----why must you WAIT? I am not going to supply links to my personal experiences and the information imparted to me
by people of THE SIKH and MUSLIM faiths over the past 46 years
We simply cannot trust your personal experiences as a blanket condemnation of a religion and culture.

that's good. I have never presented my personal experiences as a blanket
condemnation of a religion or a culture. I have presented INFORMATION told
to me about Sikhism and Islam by Sikhs and Muslims------simple little tidbits
of information. One such simple tidbit is the fact that observant Sikhs carry a
small knife in their pockets-------as a REQUIRMENT of -----"things to always have"---
one being a knife. Most of the Sikhs I have known socially and professionally were
doctors working in hospitals in the USA-------no sashes and no big giant daggers tucked in. ------the muslim docs don't have big giant daggers tucked in either. ---
HOWEVER hubby being born in a shariah shit hole and an artist-----I got to know
stuff about Islamic art----and customs -------big sash with knife tucked in is STILL
a customary dress in that country for MUSLIM men only -----it is outlawed for
non muslims<<<<<<<< that stuff is about all I said,, to which YOU VEHEMENTLY object--------for reasons not clear to me or to any clear headed person. You don't
like simple factual information
Fine, then that means that is how you see with with personal and anecdotal evidence, which means nothing more. OK.
Fuck Allah

(getting my jabs in before the Obama amendment kicks in)

It's not an amendment. It's a resolution. Which isn't law. You people so need to learn about our government and how it works.

I also want to point out that muslims worship the exact same god that christians and jewish people worship.

The word allah means god.

So you're saying fuck god to all christians, jewish and muslim people.

How tolerant of you. And you people say liberals hate god. Wow you sure do hate god if you want to say such things about him.

your post is idiotic. -----------"exact same god" is a stupid statement. ---
comparative theology ain't so simple except for the simple minded
Fine, then that means that is how you see with with personal and anecdotal evidence, which means nothing more. OK.

more accurate than the net. ---it is called EXPERIENCE. I have also
provided expert testimony in court ------my testimony is based on clinical
experience------DA JUDGE DON'T ASK FOR A LINK
Fuck Allah

(getting my jabs in before the Obama amendment kicks in)

It's not an amendment. It's a resolution. Which isn't law. You people so need to learn about our government and how it works.

I also want to point out that muslims worship the exact same god that christians and jewish people worship.

The word allah means god.

So you're saying fuck god to all christians, jewish and muslim people.

How tolerant of you. And you people say liberals hate god. Wow you sure do hate god if you want to say such things about him.

your post is idiotic. -----------"exact same god" is a stupid statement. ---
comparative theology ain't so simple except for the simple minded
In other words, you have nothing. It's a resolution, and it can apply to all believers. However, it is not a law, so there is no enforcement.
Fine, then that means that is how you see with with personal and anecdotal evidence, which means nothing more. OK.

more accurate than the net. ---it is called EXPERIENCE. I have also
provided expert testimony in court ------my testimony is based on clinical
experience------DA JUDGE DON'T ASK FOR A LINK
Your experience is your own. It does not mean anything beyond you.
Fuck Allah

(getting my jabs in before the Obama amendment kicks in)

It's not an amendment. It's a resolution. Which isn't law. You people so need to learn about our government and how it works.

I also want to point out that muslims worship the exact same god that christians and jewish people worship.

The word allah means god.

So you're saying fuck god to all christians, jewish and muslim people.

How tolerant of you. And you people say liberals hate god. Wow you sure do hate god if you want to say such things about him.

No it is far from the same God.
Their God Allah tells them to kill for him if you do not convert.
The Christian and Jewish God never wants you to kill if you do not convert.
Fine, then that means that is how you see with with personal and anecdotal evidence, which means nothing more. OK.

more accurate than the net. ---it is called EXPERIENCE. I have also
provided expert testimony in court ------my testimony is based on clinical
experience------DA JUDGE DON'T ASK FOR A LINK
Your experience is your own. It does not mean anything beyond you.

really? it has been the deciding factor in a few dozen law suits
Fuck Allah

(getting my jabs in before the Obama amendment kicks in)

It's not an amendment. It's a resolution. Which isn't law. You people so need to learn about our government and how it works.

I also want to point out that muslims worship the exact same god that christians and jewish people worship.

The word allah means god.

So you're saying fuck god to all christians, jewish and muslim people.

How tolerant of you. And you people say liberals hate god. Wow you sure do hate god if you want to say such things about him.

your post is idiotic. -----------"exact same god" is a stupid statement. ---
comparative theology ain't so simple except for the simple minded

So then tell me, if the muslim god isn't the exact same god as the one christians and jewish people worship, who is the muslim god?

Or are you confusing prophets with gods? You do know it's not the same thing don't you?
No one is stopping you from saying whatever you like about Islam.
. Correct. They'll send you to jail, however. AG already warned Americans she will press charges.
Indeed. In fact, for 'edging toward' hate speech - and only against muslims of course.

She said she'll press charges for 'violence inspiring speech'. Which is already against the law. You call for a riot, you're no longer protected by the 1st amendment. Nor should you be.
She in fact said 'edging toward', so we are going to need some psychics on board.

In fact, she said both. With every prosecution that involved speech involving an accompanying crime. Assault. Vandalism. Incitement to riot. No one has been prosecuted for 'criticizing Muslims'.
Fuck Allah

(getting my jabs in before the Obama amendment kicks in)

It's not an amendment. It's a resolution. Which isn't law. You people so need to learn about our government and how it works.

I also want to point out that muslims worship the exact same god that christians and jewish people worship.

The word allah means god.

So you're saying fuck god to all christians, jewish and muslim people.

How tolerant of you. And you people say liberals hate god. Wow you sure do hate god if you want to say such things about him.

your post is idiotic. -----------"exact same god" is a stupid statement. ---
comparative theology ain't so simple except for the simple minded

So then tell me, if the muslim god isn't the exact same god as the one christians and jewish people worship, who is the muslim god?

Or are you confusing prophets with gods? You do know it's not the same thing don't you?

from what gutter were you scraped? Your response is very vulgar. It Is clear that you confuse shit with lunch----you DO "know" its not the same thing---don't
you??? An interesting factoid is-----different religions harbor different DEFINITIONS of that which constitutes a "prophet" Christians consider Jesus
to be GOD IN CARNATE---------you want to try convince a whole bunch of people
in Saudia arabia that JESUS IS ALLAH?
of "prophet"
Fuck Allah

(getting my jabs in before the Obama amendment kicks in)

It's not an amendment. It's a resolution. Which isn't law. You people so need to learn about our government and how it works.

I also want to point out that muslims worship the exact same god that christians and jewish people worship.

The word allah means god.

So you're saying fuck god to all christians, jewish and muslim people.

How tolerant of you. And you people say liberals hate god. Wow you sure do hate god if you want to say such things about him.

your post is idiotic. -----------"exact same god" is a stupid statement. ---
comparative theology ain't so simple except for the simple minded

So then tell me, if the muslim god isn't the exact same god as the one christians and jewish people worship, who is the muslim god?

Or are you confusing prophets with gods? You do know it's not the same thing don't you?

from what gutter were you scraped? Your response is very vulgar. It Is clear that you confuse shit with lunch----you DO "know" its not the same thing---don't
you??? An interesting factoid is-----different religions harbor different DEFINITIONS of that which constitutes a "prophet" Christians consider Jesus
to be GOD IN CARNATE---------you want to try convince a whole bunch of people
in Saudia arabia that JESUS IS ALLAH?
of "prophet"

If some christians believe that jesus is god incarnate then they need to go back and read their bible.

jesus is the son of god. Not god.

jesus came here to tell people that his father, god, is all about love and tolerance. That if you want to live according to his father's teachings then you have to stop hating and give all your money to the poor to help them. He clearly said that it's easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to get into heaven.

If you claim to be a christian then you're not a very good one. Go back and learn the teachings from your bible. It's all right there in the new testament.
Fuck Allah

(getting my jabs in before the Obama amendment kicks in)

It's not an amendment. It's a resolution. Which isn't law. You people so need to learn about our government and how it works.

I also want to point out that muslims worship the exact same god that christians and jewish people worship.

The word allah means god.

So you're saying fuck god to all christians, jewish and muslim people.

How tolerant of you. And you people say liberals hate god. Wow you sure do hate god if you want to say such things about him.

your post is idiotic. -----------"exact same god" is a stupid statement. ---
comparative theology ain't so simple except for the simple minded

So then tell me, if the muslim god isn't the exact same god as the one christians and jewish people worship, who is the muslim god?

Or are you confusing prophets with gods? You do know it's not the same thing don't you?

from what gutter were you scraped? Your response is very vulgar. It Is clear that you confuse shit with lunch----you DO "know" its not the same thing---don't
you??? An interesting factoid is-----different religions harbor different DEFINITIONS of that which constitutes a "prophet" Christians consider Jesus
to be GOD IN CARNATE---------you want to try convince a whole bunch of people
in Saudia arabia that JESUS IS ALLAH?
of "prophet"

If some christians believe that jesus is god incarnate then they need to go back and read their bible.

jesus is the son of god. Not god.

jesus came here to tell people that his father, god, is all about love and tolerance. That if you want to live according to his father's teachings then you have to stop hating and give all your money to the poor to help them. He clearly said that it's easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to get into heaven.

If you claim to be a christian then you're not a very good one. Go back and learn the teachings from your bible. It's all right there in the new testament.

Per most Christians he's the son of god, and god, and the holy spirit. Which makes his baptism an act of divine ventriloquism.

After being baptized, God came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and God saw God descending as a dove and lighting on God and behold, a voice out of the heavens said, "This is God, in whom God is well-pleased."
Fine, then that means that is how you see with with personal and anecdotal evidence, which means nothing more. OK.

more accurate than the net. ---it is called EXPERIENCE. I have also
provided expert testimony in court ------my testimony is based on clinical
experience------DA JUDGE DON'T ASK FOR A LINK
Your experience is your own. It does not mean anything beyond you.

really? it has been the deciding factor in a few dozen law suits
Fuck Allah (getting my jabs in before the Obama amendment kicks in)
It's not an amendment. It's a resolution. Which isn't law. You people so need to learn about our government and how it works.

I also want to point out that muslims worship the exact same god that christians and jewish people worship.

The word allah means god.

So you're saying fuck god to all christians, jewish and muslim people.

How tolerant of you. And you people say liberals hate god. Wow you sure do hate god if you want to say such things about him.

your post is idiotic. -----------"exact same god" is a stupid statement. ---
comparative theology ain't so simple except for the simple minded
So then tell me, if the muslim god isn't the exact same god as the one christians and jewish people worship, who is the muslim god?

Or are you confusing prophets with gods? You do know it's not the same thing don't you?
No, the crazies among the Jews, Christians, and Muslims have not a clue. They are little religiobots.
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