Say Farewell........

Fuck Allah (getting my jabs in before the Obama amendment kicks in)
It's not an amendment. It's a resolution. Which isn't law. You people so need to learn about our government and how it works.

I also want to point out that muslims worship the exact same god that christians and jewish people worship.

The word allah means god.

So you're saying fuck god to all christians, jewish and muslim people.

How tolerant of you. And you people say liberals hate god. Wow you sure do hate god if you want to say such things about him.

your post is idiotic. -----------"exact same god" is a stupid statement. ---
comparative theology ain't so simple except for the simple minded
So then tell me, if the muslim god isn't the exact same god as the one christians and jewish people worship, who is the muslim god?

Or are you confusing prophets with gods? You do know it's not the same thing don't you?
No, the crazies among the Jews, Christians, and Muslims have not a clue. They are little religiobots.

Jakie-----the definition of a prophet is ONE WHO IS PSYCHOTIC (could be---
ever read Ezekiel?
Fine, then that means that is how you see with with personal and anecdotal evidence, which means nothing more. OK.

more accurate than the net. ---it is called EXPERIENCE. I have also
provided expert testimony in court ------my testimony is based on clinical
experience------DA JUDGE DON'T ASK FOR A LINK
Your experience is your own. It does not mean anything beyond you.

really? it has been the deciding factor in a few dozen law suits

the judge did not laugh
Fuck Allah (getting my jabs in before the Obama amendment kicks in)
It's not an amendment. It's a resolution. Which isn't law. You people so need to learn about our government and how it works.

I also want to point out that muslims worship the exact same god that christians and jewish people worship.

The word allah means god.

So you're saying fuck god to all christians, jewish and muslim people.

How tolerant of you. And you people say liberals hate god. Wow you sure do hate god if you want to say such things about him.

your post is idiotic. -----------"exact same god" is a stupid statement. ---
comparative theology ain't so simple except for the simple minded
So then tell me, if the muslim god isn't the exact same god as the one christians and jewish people worship, who is the muslim god?

Or are you confusing prophets with gods? You do know it's not the same thing don't you?
No, the crazies among the Jews, Christians, and Muslims have not a clue. They are little religiobots.

None of them have 2 working brain cells.

They make such fools of themselves to all of cyberspace and are proud of it.

I will never understand those people.
It's not an amendment. It's a resolution. Which isn't law. You people so need to learn about our government and how it works.

I also want to point out that muslims worship the exact same god that christians and jewish people worship.

The word allah means god.

So you're saying fuck god to all christians, jewish and muslim people.

How tolerant of you. And you people say liberals hate god. Wow you sure do hate god if you want to say such things about him.

your post is idiotic. -----------"exact same god" is a stupid statement. ---
comparative theology ain't so simple except for the simple minded

So then tell me, if the muslim god isn't the exact same god as the one christians and jewish people worship, who is the muslim god?

Or are you confusing prophets with gods? You do know it's not the same thing don't you?

from what gutter were you scraped? Your response is very vulgar. It Is clear that you confuse shit with lunch----you DO "know" its not the same thing---don't
you??? An interesting factoid is-----different religions harbor different DEFINITIONS of that which constitutes a "prophet" Christians consider Jesus
to be GOD IN CARNATE---------you want to try convince a whole bunch of people
in Saudia arabia that JESUS IS ALLAH?
of "prophet"

If some christians believe that jesus is god incarnate then they need to go back and read their bible.

jesus is the son of god. Not god.

jesus came here to tell people that his father, god, is all about love and tolerance. That if you want to live according to his father's teachings then you have to stop hating and give all your money to the poor to help them. He clearly said that it's easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to get into heaven.

If you claim to be a christian then you're not a very good one. Go back and learn the teachings from your bible. It's all right there in the new testament.

Per most Christians he's the son of god, and god, and the holy spirit. Which makes his baptism an act of divine ventriloquism.

After being baptized, God came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and God saw God descending as a dove and lighting on God and behold, a voice out of the heavens said, "This is God, in whom God is well-pleased."

I was baptized Methodist. I was never taught that jesus was god. I was taught he was the son of god.

Being baptized is just declaring your faith to god and god washing away all your sins.

At least that's what it is in the Methodist church.

I know that the catholic church talks about the trinity but I was never catholic and not all christians are catholic.

I guess it just depends on what form of christianity you follow.

Just as a disclaimer, while I was christian at one time, I haven't been for decades.

I'm a proud pagan.
Fuck Allah (getting my jabs in before the Obama amendment kicks in)
It's not an amendment. It's a resolution. Which isn't law. You people so need to learn about our government and how it works.

I also want to point out that muslims worship the exact same god that christians and jewish people worship.

The word allah means god.

So you're saying fuck god to all christians, jewish and muslim people.

How tolerant of you. And you people say liberals hate god. Wow you sure do hate god if you want to say such things about him.

your post is idiotic. -----------"exact same god" is a stupid statement. ---
comparative theology ain't so simple except for the simple minded
So then tell me, if the muslim god isn't the exact same god as the one christians and jewish people worship, who is the muslim god?

Or are you confusing prophets with gods? You do know it's not the same thing don't you?
No, the crazies among the Jews, Christians, and Muslims have not a clue. They are little religiobots.

None of them have 2 working brain cells.

They make such fools of themselves to all of cyberspace and are proud of it.

I will never understand those people.

what is it you do not understand, Dana. Is it that some people do not
believe that every religion has the same concept of "GOD"---------is SHIVA
the same as is JESUS----and the two other parts? When very young I liked to
read "THE GREEK MYTHS" ------(it was a book a dug out of the dusty shelves
during my grammar school days) ------Prepare for a shock-----HERA AIN't DA VIRGIN MARY
Put into perspective......muslims are killing us,but we cant talk bad about em.
Wow...just wow!

Why are you lying?

And if you have to lie how valid is your point and why should anyone pay any attention to what you say?
It's not an amendment. It's a resolution. Which isn't law. You people so need to learn about our government and how it works.

I also want to point out that muslims worship the exact same god that christians and jewish people worship.

The word allah means god.

So you're saying fuck god to all christians, jewish and muslim people.

How tolerant of you. And you people say liberals hate god. Wow you sure do hate god if you want to say such things about him.

your post is idiotic. -----------"exact same god" is a stupid statement. ---
comparative theology ain't so simple except for the simple minded
So then tell me, if the muslim god isn't the exact same god as the one christians and jewish people worship, who is the muslim god?

Or are you confusing prophets with gods? You do know it's not the same thing don't you?
No, the crazies among the Jews, Christians, and Muslims have not a clue. They are little religiobots.

None of them have 2 working brain cells.

They make such fools of themselves to all of cyberspace and are proud of it.

I will never understand those people.

what is it you do not understand, Dana. Is it that some people do not
believe that every religion has the same concept of "GOD"---------is SHIVA
the same as is JESUS----and the two other parts? When very young I liked to
read "THE GREEK MYTHS" ------(it was a book a dug out of the dusty shelves
during my grammar school days) ------Prepare for a shock-----HERA AIN't DA VIRGIN MARY

I don't understand why you people are so stupid.

The bible clearly says that jesus is the son of god. Not god.

Anyone who has bothered to read about different religions knows that christians, jewish people and muslims all worship the same god of Abraham.

You can deny it all you want but just saying it doesn't make it true.
Put into perspective......muslims are killing us,but we cant talk bad about em.
Wow...just wow!

Why are you lying?

And if you have to lie how valid is your point and why should anyone pay any attention to what you say?

what is the lie?

The lie is that people can't talk badly about muslims.

You people do it on a daily basis on this board. Many more like you do it daily in their lives and on other places on the internet.

No one is taking your right to say whatever you want about muslims away from you.

So the statement that you can't say anything bad about a muslim is a lie.

Stop playing the victim and grow up.
From the link above:

Resolved, That the House of Representatives—

(1) expresses its condolences for the victims of anti-Muslim hate crimes;

(2) steadfastly confirms its dedication to the rights and dignity of all its citizens of all faiths, beliefs, and cultures;

(3) denounces in the strongest terms the increase of hate speech, intimidation, violence, vandalism, arson, and other hate crimes targeted against mosques, Muslims, or those perceived to be Muslim;

(4) recognizes that the United States Muslim community has made countless positive contributions to United States society;

(5) declares that the civil rights and civil liberties of all United States citizens, including Muslims in the United States, should be protected and preserved;

(6) urges local and Federal law enforcement authorities to work to prevent hate crimes; and to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law those perpetrators of hate crimes; and

(7) reaffirms the inalienable right of every citizen to live without fear and intimidation, and to practice their freedom of faith.

Congress expresses it's cond hate crimes targeted against mosques, olences? How horrible!

"anti-Muslim hate crimes...hate crimes targeted against mosques, Muslims, or those perceived to be Muslim;...Muslim community has made countless positive contributions...including Muslims in the United States,...
Where is the protections for Christians or athiests? Isn't this country or more distinctly, the liberals, falling all over themselves to humor Muslims when they should be considered the same as any other immigrant??
your post is idiotic. -----------"exact same god" is a stupid statement. ---
comparative theology ain't so simple except for the simple minded

So then tell me, if the muslim god isn't the exact same god as the one christians and jewish people worship, who is the muslim god?

Or are you confusing prophets with gods? You do know it's not the same thing don't you?

from what gutter were you scraped? Your response is very vulgar. It Is clear that you confuse shit with lunch----you DO "know" its not the same thing---don't
you??? An interesting factoid is-----different religions harbor different DEFINITIONS of that which constitutes a "prophet" Christians consider Jesus
to be GOD IN CARNATE---------you want to try convince a whole bunch of people
in Saudia arabia that JESUS IS ALLAH?
of "prophet"

If some christians believe that jesus is god incarnate then they need to go back and read their bible.

jesus is the son of god. Not god.

jesus came here to tell people that his father, god, is all about love and tolerance. That if you want to live according to his father's teachings then you have to stop hating and give all your money to the poor to help them. He clearly said that it's easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to get into heaven.

If you claim to be a christian then you're not a very good one. Go back and learn the teachings from your bible. It's all right there in the new testament.

Per most Christians he's the son of god, and god, and the holy spirit. Which makes his baptism an act of divine ventriloquism.

After being baptized, God came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and God saw God descending as a dove and lighting on God and behold, a voice out of the heavens said, "This is God, in whom God is well-pleased."

I was baptized Methodist. I was never taught that jesus was god. I was taught he was the son of god.

Being baptized is just declaring your faith to god and god washing away all your sins.

At least that's what it is in the Methodist church.

So...polytheism then? Or is this more of a Hindu'esque 'avatar' situation? Where like Krishna being an avatar of Shiva, Jesus is an avatar of god?

I know that the catholic church talks about the trinity but I was never catholic and not all christians are catholic.

I never said all christians were catholic. I said *most* Christians follow the 'son of god, god, holy spirit' being the same entity. And Catholics alone make up the majority of Christians. Any protestant faith that follows the same belief is merely frosting.
your post is idiotic. -----------"exact same god" is a stupid statement. ---
comparative theology ain't so simple except for the simple minded

So then tell me, if the muslim god isn't the exact same god as the one christians and jewish people worship, who is the muslim god?

Or are you confusing prophets with gods? You do know it's not the same thing don't you?

from what gutter were you scraped? Your response is very vulgar. It Is clear that you confuse shit with lunch----you DO "know" its not the same thing---don't
you??? An interesting factoid is-----different religions harbor different DEFINITIONS of that which constitutes a "prophet" Christians consider Jesus
to be GOD IN CARNATE---------you want to try convince a whole bunch of people
in Saudia arabia that JESUS IS ALLAH?
of "prophet"

If some christians believe that jesus is god incarnate then they need to go back and read their bible.

jesus is the son of god. Not god.

jesus came here to tell people that his father, god, is all about love and tolerance. That if you want to live according to his father's teachings then you have to stop hating and give all your money to the poor to help them. He clearly said that it's easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to get into heaven.

If you claim to be a christian then you're not a very good one. Go back and learn the teachings from your bible. It's all right there in the new testament.

Per most Christians he's the son of god, and god, and the holy spirit. Which makes his baptism an act of divine ventriloquism.

After being baptized, God came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and God saw God descending as a dove and lighting on God and behold, a voice out of the heavens said, "This is God, in whom God is well-pleased."

I was baptized Methodist. I was never taught that jesus was god. I was taught he was the son of god.

Being baptized is just declaring your faith to god and god washing away all your sins.

At least that's what it is in the Methodist church.

I know that the catholic church talks about the trinity but I was never catholic and not all christians are catholic.

I guess it just depends on what form of christianity you follow.

Just as a disclaimer, while I was christian at one time, I haven't been for decades.

I'm a proud pagan.

thanks-----I did not know-------I kinda grew up in a town FULLA Methodists---
but also Lutherans and-----something called "church of Christ" and
Presbyterians and Catholics and Episcoplians---------I do not remember ever being in the Methodist Church------I had an impression that it was ------something like
the religion in the movie "HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY"------a bit dark.
It did seem to me that for---the rest,, JESUS was a lot more than just a "SON"
If Methodists do not see Jesus as part of the "trinity"-----what is he?----something
along the lines of Moses?
Has congress taken away my right to free speech, yet? If not, I would like to say that this entire thread is based on false assumption and premises, and that it is obvious that the Right still has a long way to go until it runs out of things to add to their fear mongering bucket.
Has congress taken away my right to free speech, yet? If not, I would like to say that this entire thread is based on false assumption and premises, and that it is obvious that the Right still has a long way to go until it runs out of things to add to their fear mongering bucket.

free speech is still on the books-----WTF is anyone supposed to make of your
post------it is garble. A claim of "false assumption and false premise" is silly
unless the CLAIMANT specfies----the false assumptions and premises
Has congress taken away my right to free speech, yet? If not, I would like to say that this entire thread is based on false assumption and premises, and that it is obvious that the Right still has a long way to go until it runs out of things to add to their fear mongering bucket.

free speech is still on the books-----WTF is anyone supposed to make of your
post------it is garble. A claim of "false assumption and false premise" is silly
unless the CLAIMANT specfies----the false assumptions and premises

He did: that congress has taken away the right to free speech.

Its nonsense.
Has congress taken away my right to free speech, yet? If not, I would like to say that this entire thread is based on false assumption and premises, and that it is obvious that the Right still has a long way to go until it runs out of things to add to their fear mongering bucket.

free speech is still on the books-----WTF is anyone supposed to make of your
post------it is garble. A claim of "false assumption and false premise" is silly
unless the CLAIMANT specfies----the false assumptions and premises

He did: that congress has taken away the right to free speech.

Its nonsense.

oh ok sorta.....
So then tell me, if the muslim god isn't the exact same god as the one christians and jewish people worship, who is the muslim god?

Or are you confusing prophets with gods? You do know it's not the same thing don't you?

from what gutter were you scraped? Your response is very vulgar. It Is clear that you confuse shit with lunch----you DO "know" its not the same thing---don't
you??? An interesting factoid is-----different religions harbor different DEFINITIONS of that which constitutes a "prophet" Christians consider Jesus
to be GOD IN CARNATE---------you want to try convince a whole bunch of people
in Saudia arabia that JESUS IS ALLAH?
of "prophet"

If some christians believe that jesus is god incarnate then they need to go back and read their bible.

jesus is the son of god. Not god.

jesus came here to tell people that his father, god, is all about love and tolerance. That if you want to live according to his father's teachings then you have to stop hating and give all your money to the poor to help them. He clearly said that it's easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to get into heaven.

If you claim to be a christian then you're not a very good one. Go back and learn the teachings from your bible. It's all right there in the new testament.

Per most Christians he's the son of god, and god, and the holy spirit. Which makes his baptism an act of divine ventriloquism.

After being baptized, God came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and God saw God descending as a dove and lighting on God and behold, a voice out of the heavens said, "This is God, in whom God is well-pleased."

I was baptized Methodist. I was never taught that jesus was god. I was taught he was the son of god.

Being baptized is just declaring your faith to god and god washing away all your sins.

At least that's what it is in the Methodist church.

So...polytheism then? Or is this more of a Hindu'esque 'avatar' situation? Where like Krishna being an avatar of Shiva, Jesus is an avatar of god?

I know that the catholic church talks about the trinity but I was never catholic and not all christians are catholic.

I never said all christians were catholic. I said *most* Christians follow the 'son of god, god, holy spirit' being the same entity. And Catholics alone make up the majority of Christians. Any protestant faith that follows the same belief is merely frosting.

I was a very devout christian when I was young.

I went to a catholic school and learned that religion. That is until I took communion in their church. I got into a lot of trouble for doing that with the nuns and priests. The Methodist only has one requirement to take communion. That you're baptized. Doesn't matter what christian sect you belong to.

It was the catholic faith that started me to turn away from christianity.

I became a pagan in my late teens and have not looked back.

Look up Wiccian and you can learn about the faith I follow.

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