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Say Good Bye To Your Colt 1911

Have you ever heard of "COOL"? Country of origin labeling. For meats it is voluntary because of threatened litigation from mex and Canada, obama got rid of cool. Canada and mex dont rule thre U.S......but they influenced our policy...big time.
Your grain marketers and corporate chemical/seed companies are the ones that want country of origin labeling dismantled. That ole "Control the food control the people" is coming back to bite everyone in the ass whether you like it or not. Why does an Iowa radio station report daily on the South American markets???? Why do you think all those South Americans came north? It is because the control freak bankers aka NAZI spawn leftovers from WW2 that have been stripping out the finances in our own country are down there wiping small farmers out just like they have done here. Those poor people have no place left to go after they strip out their lands. They have had visions of luxurious lives and great expectations. As they rode "The Beast" to get here others with not so good intentions came along too.
U.N. Arms Trade Treaty

Arms Trade Treaty

  • The Second Amendment to the Constitution must be upheld.
    • There will be no restrictions on civilian possession or trade of firearms otherwise permitted by law or protected by the U.S. Constitution.
    • There will be no dilution or diminishing of sovereign control over issues involving the private acquisition, ownership, or possession of firearms, which must remain matters of domestic law.
  • The U.S. opposed provisions inconsistent with existing U.S. law or that would unduly interfere with our ability to import, export, or transfer arms in support of our national security and foreign policy interests.
  • The international arms trade is a legitimate commercial activity, and otherwise lawful commercial trade in arms must not be unduly hindered.
  • There will be no requirement for reporting on or marking and tracing of ammunition or explosives.
  • There will be no lowering of current international standards.
  • Existing nonproliferation and export control regimes must not be undermined.
  • The ATT negotiations must have consensus decision making to allow us to protect U.S. equities.
  • There will be no mandate for an international body to enforce an ATT.

. . . Unless the Federal government is lying?

...are you saying that any anti constitutional process does not happen?
Go away turd.
What Im NOT gonna do is be passive and sheepish. I dont know how true it is either but just now I tried to find the vid again and its gone. Removed.
It was there 2 minutes ago when I clicked on the youtube link. I like to see the actual link so I can 1) see who posted it and what other kinds of posts they've made and 2) read the comments....or if the poster turned off comments.

There is a difference between being "passive and sheepish" and being a panicky dumb ass. I highly recommend cool-headed logic and sensible accumulation of firearms and ammunition.

Good. You just sit there and watch it all happen you fucking fool. And who is panicking. The only panic is see is the panic to prove this info false. Wul, it ISNT false. Its true. But you go ahead and just sit there and keep believing that the gov will never get our guns. American complacency at its best.
The UN has no authority to take weapons away in the USA..
Correct. Only Democrats can try to do that.
Not in my book...They would get none of mine..
Fine, but lots of your Democrat friends still believe only the "militia" should be armed and they interpret "militia" to be the US military.
And my Amish friends are still conscientious objectors, but the sun still manages to rise everyday..
The Myth of the Global Gun Grabbers
It’s about time the U.S. signed the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty.

By Pat Garofalo | Assistant Managing Editor Sept. 26, 2013, at 9:00 a.m.

The Myth of the Global Gun Grabbers

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry signs the Arms Trade Treaty as Under Secretary-General for Legal Affairs Miguel Serpa Soares looks on during the 68th session of the United Nations General Assembly at U.N. headquarters, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2013. JASON DECROW/AP PHOTO

While Washington was busy watching Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz bloviate during his not-really-a-filibuster, Secretary of State John Kerry was in New York at the U.N. General Assembly signing the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty, known as the ATT. This is a long overdue step for the U.S., joining a treaty meant to crack down on the international transfer of weapons to human rights abusers, criminals and terrorists.
America, the top arms exporter in the world, was the 91st country to sign the treaty, which passed the U.N. overwhelmingly in April. But no measure having anything to do with stricter scrutiny of guns goes anywhere in the U.S. without the gun rights lobby becoming apoplectic. So it was that the National Rifle Association's Chris Cox said, "These are blatant attacks on the constitutional rights and liberties of every law-abiding American. The NRA will continue to fight this assault on our fundamental freedom." Right-wing media piled on, railing against the "global gun grab treaty."
To get a sense of the company those opposed to the treaty are in, the only countries voting against it were Iran, North Korea and Syria (while about 20 others, including China, Cuba, Myanmar and Russia abstained). But that hasn't stopped the NRA from not only opposing the treaty, but fundraising off of it, warning that the President Obama is "trampling our Second Amendment freedoms."
[See a collection of political cartoons on gun control and gun rights.]
Just to be clear, the treaty does no such trampling. According to a white paper from the American Bar Association's Center on Human Rights, "the treaty would not require new domestic regulations of firearms ... [Under the treaty] the United States retains the discretion to regulate the flow of weapons into and out of the United States in a manner consistent with the Second Amendment." In fact, the preamble of the treaty pays homage to the "legitimate trade and lawful ownership, and use of certain conventional arms for recreational, cultural, historical, and sporting activities."
As Amnesty International USA's Deputy Director Fank Jannuzi explained, "This treaty is simple but profound. It says that nations must not export arms and ammunition where there is an 'overriding risk' that they will be used to commit serious human rights violations." Fears that the treaty would result in jack-booted U.N. thugs coming to your house and confiscating your guns (and probably signing you up for Obamacare in the process) are completely unfounded and paranoid.
But nuttiness regarding the treaty is not confined to the gun lobby. Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., reacted to Kerry signing the treaty by saying, "The administration is wasting precious time trying to sign away our laws to the global community and unelected U.N. bureaucrats." Score one more for paranoia.
[See a collection of political cartoons on Congress.]
But Inhofe did make a good point about the tough lift the administration will have in getting the two-thirds Senate vote necessary for ratification. In a test vote earlier this year, the Senate voted 53-46 against joining the then-unfinished treaty.
It's depressing enough that, even after the massacres at Sandy Hook, Aurora, Tuscon and the Navy Yard, Congress can't find the wherewithal to pass even the barest of domestic gun control measures. But surely we can agree that shipping guns to mass murderers in other countries is probably not a good idea?
Sadly, even that is not assured in a Congress beholden to the interests of the gun lobby. And to the NRA and its ilk, preventing the export of tanks and missile launchers to human rights abusers is akin to shredding the Bill of Rights.
U.N. Arms Trade Treaty

Arms Trade Treaty

  • The Second Amendment to the Constitution must be upheld.
    • There will be no restrictions on civilian possession or trade of firearms otherwise permitted by law or protected by the U.S. Constitution.
    • There will be no dilution or diminishing of sovereign control over issues involving the private acquisition, ownership, or possession of firearms, which must remain matters of domestic law.
  • The U.S. opposed provisions inconsistent with existing U.S. law or that would unduly interfere with our ability to import, export, or transfer arms in support of our national security and foreign policy interests.
  • The international arms trade is a legitimate commercial activity, and otherwise lawful commercial trade in arms must not be unduly hindered.
  • There will be no requirement for reporting on or marking and tracing of ammunition or explosives.
  • There will be no lowering of current international standards.
  • Existing nonproliferation and export control regimes must not be undermined.
  • The ATT negotiations must have consensus decision making to allow us to protect U.S. equities.
  • There will be no mandate for an international body to enforce an ATT.

. . . Unless the Federal government is lying?

...are you saying that any anti constitutional process does not happen?

The government lies all the time, and the constitution has been subverted over and over again.

Look at the NDAA, it's one whole big cluster fuck of stripping away the Bill of Rights.

Currently, the NWO crowd is spamming the MSM with propaganda, trying to convince the easily bullshitted that "fake news" is a good reason to set up a "Ministry of Truth," and shit can the First Amendment. You won't hear me tell you that you are paranoid. You're probably right to be worried. Fake News - what it is, what it isn't....


If a bunch of false flags like Sandy Hook, San Bernardino, and Orlando can't get this goal achieved, it wouldn't surprise me if they tried this. . .

But then, every one knows I tend to be a bit on the paranoid side, right? It's not me you need to convince. :tinfoil:

The UN has no authority to take weapons away in the USA..

The UN had no authority to take weapons away in the US before the election, but that didn't stop gun nuts from their "HAIR ON FIRE" claims then either.

Im not a "gun nut", and I dont know what you mean but most gun owners understand. You dont understand. You think Democracy and freedom just come with the meat like the juice. Lookback...how did we get them? "Revolve". You can not revolve without firearms. Fire arms protect life and make me equal with all around me. Why wouldnt you want that?
U.N. Arms Trade Treaty

Arms Trade Treaty

  • The Second Amendment to the Constitution must be upheld.
    • There will be no restrictions on civilian possession or trade of firearms otherwise permitted by law or protected by the U.S. Constitution.
    • There will be no dilution or diminishing of sovereign control over issues involving the private acquisition, ownership, or possession of firearms, which must remain matters of domestic law.
  • The U.S. opposed provisions inconsistent with existing U.S. law or that would unduly interfere with our ability to import, export, or transfer arms in support of our national security and foreign policy interests.
  • The international arms trade is a legitimate commercial activity, and otherwise lawful commercial trade in arms must not be unduly hindered.
  • There will be no requirement for reporting on or marking and tracing of ammunition or explosives.
  • There will be no lowering of current international standards.
  • Existing nonproliferation and export control regimes must not be undermined.
  • The ATT negotiations must have consensus decision making to allow us to protect U.S. equities.
  • There will be no mandate for an international body to enforce an ATT.

. . . Unless the Federal government is lying?

...are you saying that any anti constitutional process does not happen?

The government lies all the time, and the constitution has been subverted over and over again.

Look at the NDAA, it's one whole big cluster fuck of stripping away the Bill of Rights.

Currently, the NWO crowd is spamming the MSM with propaganda, trying to convince the easily bullshitted that "fake news" is a good reason to set up a "Ministry of Truth," and shit can the First Amendment. You won't hear me tell you that you are paranoid. You're probably right to be worried. Fake News - what it is, what it isn't....


If a bunch of false flags like Sandy Hook, San Bernardino, and Orlando can't get this goal achieved, it wouldn't surprise me if they tried this. . .

But then, every one knows I tend to be a bit on the paranoid side, right? It's not me you need to convince. :tinfoil:


Yes. This is my point precisely. There has been at least 10 anti-constitution laws passed. Its been done many times and the sheep agree.
The UN has no authority to take weapons away in the USA..

The UN had no authority to take weapons away in the US before the election, but that didn't stop gun nuts from their "HAIR ON FIRE" claims then either.

Im not a "gun nut", and I dont know what you mean but most gun owners understand. You dont understand. You think Democracy and freedom just come with the meat like the juice. Lookback...how did we get them? "Revolve". You can not revolve without firearms. Fire arms protect life and make me equal with all around me. Why wouldnt you want that?

  1. move in a circle on a central axis.
    "overhead, the fan revolved slowly"
    synonyms: go around, turn around, rotate, spin
    "a fan revolved slowly"
Yep. That's what you are doing. Slowly spinning in circles. Do you ever get dizzy?
Yes, you are a gun nut.
The UN can kiss our ass.
You dont believe it? Lmfao. Wow. Ok. You didnt watch the video did you? Its being done through the un. Watch the vid.
Wow! Ok! The UN has no authority over Americans.

The UN doesn't have authority over any country.

LMAO I'd like to see them come into the US and try to disarm Americans.

The states national guard will send the UN Sissy patrols running for the high grass.

LOL Not to mention the armed Americans.

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