Say What You Want About Bachmann, but She Nothing Less Than A Saint!

Bachmann is an awesome and intelligent woman whom I would like to see as a VP to a highly experienced conservative presidential candidate. :)
She is foster parent to 23 kids! 23 KIDS! I know propaganda outlet like Huffingclue Post and USMB liberal douches like Shaman, Rdean, Shallow and Ravi will say she does it for the money (State dollars per kids), but that doesn't add up. She and her husband have a successful business, she was and is a successful tax attorney and is a state senator (good tax free pay). Raising just one child is tough, raising 23 (plus 5 of her own) would be a huge task, no amount of money could a person who really didn't want to do it do it!

I have other candidates I like better than her, but she has undeniable high morals and is a Saint!

The new wave of female firebrands striking fear into liberal America | World news | The Observer
That is certainly much of Bachmann's appeal. She was born in Iowa and then moved to Minnesota. When her parents divorced, her mother was left to fend for herself. Bachmann has known what it means to scrimp and save to get by. But she made a success of herself. She and her husband now run a small business in mental health and she is the mother of five children. She has also given foster care to a staggering 23 kids. Political legend has it that her career began when she spoke out at a local Republican party meeting after her state senator had shifted his politics in a liberal direction. When asked by others in the crowd if she herself should try to unseat the incumbent, she gave a speech that so excited those assembled that she was plunged into the race, which she went on to win. It was the unlikely start of a career that has now come to national prominence.

Aren't foster parents paid by the state for taking care of their charges?

What a pecuniary way of attempting to downgrade a generous and gracious act.

I suppose it's true that one can only judge others by themselves.
She is foster parent to 23 kids! 23 KIDS! I know propaganda outlet like Huffingclue Post and USMB liberal douches like Shaman, Rdean, Shallow and Ravi will say she does it for the money (State dollars per kids), but that doesn't add up. She and her husband have a successful business, she was and is a successful tax attorney and is a state senator (good tax free pay). Raising just one child is tough, raising 23 (plus 5 of her own) would be a huge task, no amount of money could a person who really didn't want to do it do it!

I have other candidates I like better than her, but she has undeniable high morals and is a Saint!

The new wave of female firebrands striking fear into liberal America | World news | The Observer
That is certainly much of Bachmann's appeal. She was born in Iowa and then moved to Minnesota. When her parents divorced, her mother was left to fend for herself. Bachmann has known what it means to scrimp and save to get by. But she made a success of herself. She and her husband now run a small business in mental health and she is the mother of five children. She has also given foster care to a staggering 23 kids. Political legend has it that her career began when she spoke out at a local Republican party meeting after her state senator had shifted his politics in a liberal direction. When asked by others in the crowd if she herself should try to unseat the incumbent, she gave a speech that so excited those assembled that she was plunged into the race, which she went on to win. It was the unlikely start of a career that has now come to national prominence.

Aren't foster parents paid by the state for taking care of their charges?

As one who grow up with foster kids in our home, my parents always put out more money than they took in. I know they were are an exception. The idea is to give the children a better home. Bachmann does not need money. Don't try and belittle her. I'll bet it is a far greater thing she is doing than you have ever done in your life.
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She is foster parent to 23 kids! 23 KIDS! I know propaganda outlet like Huffingclue Post and USMB liberal douches like Shaman, Rdean, Shallow and Ravi will say she does it for the money (State dollars per kids), but that doesn't add up. She and her husband have a successful business, she was and is a successful tax attorney and is a state senator (good tax free pay). Raising just one child is tough, raising 23 (plus 5 of her own) would be a huge task, no amount of money could a person who really didn't want to do it do it!

I have other candidates I like better than her, but she has undeniable high morals and is a Saint!

The new wave of female firebrands striking fear into liberal America | World news | The Observer
That is certainly much of Bachmann's appeal. She was born in Iowa and then moved to Minnesota. When her parents divorced, her mother was left to fend for herself. Bachmann has known what it means to scrimp and save to get by. But she made a success of herself. She and her husband now run a small business in mental health and she is the mother of five children. She has also given foster care to a staggering 23 kids. Political legend has it that her career began when she spoke out at a local Republican party meeting after her state senator had shifted his politics in a liberal direction. When asked by others in the crowd if she herself should try to unseat the incumbent, she gave a speech that so excited those assembled that she was plunged into the race, which she went on to win. It was the unlikely start of a career that has now come to national prominence.

Aren't foster parents paid by the state for taking care of their charges?

Yep. It's classic wealth redistribution. Taxpayer funded social engineering. Any genuine conservative would want volunteerism to take care of these kids.
She is foster parent to 23 kids! 23 KIDS! I know propaganda outlet like Huffingclue Post and USMB liberal douches like Shaman, Rdean, Shallow and Ravi will say she does it for the money (State dollars per kids), but that doesn't add up. She and her husband have a successful business, she was and is a successful tax attorney and is a state senator (good tax free pay). Raising just one child is tough, raising 23 (plus 5 of her own) would be a huge task, no amount of money could a person who really didn't want to do it do it!

I have other candidates I like better than her, but she has undeniable high morals and is a Saint!

The new wave of female firebrands striking fear into liberal America | World news | The Observer
That is certainly much of Bachmann's appeal. She was born in Iowa and then moved to Minnesota. When her parents divorced, her mother was left to fend for herself. Bachmann has known what it means to scrimp and save to get by. But she made a success of herself. She and her husband now run a small business in mental health and she is the mother of five children. She has also given foster care to a staggering 23 kids. Political legend has it that her career began when she spoke out at a local Republican party meeting after her state senator had shifted his politics in a liberal direction. When asked by others in the crowd if she herself should try to unseat the incumbent, she gave a speech that so excited those assembled that she was plunged into the race, which she went on to win. It was the unlikely start of a career that has now come to national prominence.

So I guess when she said Obama was going to send our children to re-education camps,

she was doing a bit of projection. She and her husband have been running one for years.
She is foster parent to 23 kids! 23 KIDS! I know propaganda outlet like Huffingclue Post and USMB liberal douches like Shaman, Rdean, Shallow and Ravi will say she does it for the money (State dollars per kids), but that doesn't add up. She and her husband have a successful business, she was and is a successful tax attorney and is a state senator (good tax free pay). Raising just one child is tough, raising 23 (plus 5 of her own) would be a huge task, no amount of money could a person who really didn't want to do it do it!

I have other candidates I like better than her, but she has undeniable high morals and is a Saint!

Aren't foster parents paid by the state for taking care of their charges?

Yep. It's classic wealth redistribution. Taxpayer funded social engineering. Any genuine conservative would want volunteerism to take care of these kids.

Maybe Bachmann turned down money from the state to take care of those 23 foster kids and just did it without receiving any compensation. Maybe someone should ask her at one of her press conferences. And if she took money from the state, maybe she should reveal how much money she got from the state.
She is foster parent to 23 kids! 23 KIDS! I know propaganda outlet like Huffingclue Post and USMB liberal douches like Shaman, Rdean, Shallow and Ravi will say she does it for the money (State dollars per kids), but that doesn't add up. She and her husband have a successful business, she was and is a successful tax attorney and is a state senator (good tax free pay). Raising just one child is tough, raising 23 (plus 5 of her own) would be a huge task, no amount of money could a person who really didn't want to do it do it!

I have other candidates I like better than her, but she has undeniable high morals and is a Saint!

Aren't foster parents paid by the state for taking care of their charges?

What a pecuniary way of attempting to downgrade a generous and gracious act.

I suppose it's true that one can only judge others by themselves.

I didn't downgrade anything. I merely asked a question.

Normally, I wouldn't question the taking in of foster kids. However, I DO know that some people who do so are motivated not just by compassion. While I don't know how many kids the average foster family cares for over an extended period of time, but 23 kids seems like a pretty high number to me.

It seems like there are plenty of questions that need to be answered about this issue. How long did the foster kids stay with her? How many foster kids did she care for at a time? How much money did the state pay her to take care of those 23 kids.

If Bachmann declares her candidacy for president, she should have answers to those questions ready.

I also want to see her birth certificate.
Question for all our Bachmann fans who fancy themselves constitutional scholars...

...isn't federal funding of foster care unconstitutional?
She is foster parent to 23 kids! 23 KIDS! I know propaganda outlet like Huffingclue Post and USMB liberal douches like Shaman, Rdean, Shallow and Ravi will say she does it for the money (State dollars per kids), but that doesn't add up. She and her husband have a successful business, she was and is a successful tax attorney and is a state senator (good tax free pay). Raising just one child is tough, raising 23 (plus 5 of her own) would be a huge task, no amount of money could a person who really didn't want to do it do it!

I have other candidates I like better than her, but she has undeniable high morals and is a Saint!

The new wave of female firebrands striking fear into liberal America | World news | The Observer
That is certainly much of Bachmann's appeal. She was born in Iowa and then moved to Minnesota. When her parents divorced, her mother was left to fend for herself. Bachmann has known what it means to scrimp and save to get by. But she made a success of herself. She and her husband now run a small business in mental health and she is the mother of five children. She has also given foster care to a staggering 23 kids. Political legend has it that her career began when she spoke out at a local Republican party meeting after her state senator had shifted his politics in a liberal direction. When asked by others in the crowd if she herself should try to unseat the incumbent, she gave a speech that so excited those assembled that she was plunged into the race, which she went on to win. It was the unlikely start of a career that has now come to national prominence.

She doesn't foster 23 all at once. But I salute anyone having the stamina to foster even one at a time, so she gets one red star from me for that.
I like Michele Bachmann. I am afraid she will be targeted the way Sarah Palin has been.

Palin was a great Governor and she is a great mother. She loves her Country and she is a true Conservative. The liberals and the media's hard hitting propaganda machine made the slower thinkers doubt her ability, when she was twice as qualified as BHO and would have already had America out of the trouble Obama and the Dems have gotten us in.

It is as if the left-wingers find women an easier target.

I would vote Bachmann or Palin over most of the other GOP candidates

I have no problem deriding Dems and pointing out their faults, but Republicans were largely responsible for this mess. Unfortunately, this does not resonate with you. You only see the world through "good guys, bad guys" lenses, which is indicative of emotional immaturity.
.....Much like those instances where some person "finds" in....

"A staunch social conservative, who found his calling after one-too-many close calls with hard drugs, Dean's ministry travels to public schools across the country to perform what it calls "shock treatment." After an opening performance from Junkyard Prophet—"the type of music your kids can relate to"—Dean delivers his faith-based pitch to students, on topics ranging from alcohol, to abortion, to pornography and "impure thoughts." As the Minnesota Independent has chronicled extensively, You Can Run But You Cannot Hide's performances have sparked walkouts from students and public apologies from school administrators, who thought they were spending $1,500 for an anti-drug lecture. (As one student put it, "It seemed like total propaganda. It was like a cult.")

On his radio show, he's alleged that gays were responsible for the Holocaust, and that gay men will, on average, molest 117 people "before they're found out." He's also suggested that extremist Muslims who call for the execution of American gays are morally justified. "If America won't enforce the laws, God will raise up a foreign enemy to do just that," Dean explained. "[Homosexuals] play the victim when they are, in fact, the predator." He has since clarified that he does not support executing gays, and that his remarks were intended as a brotherly warning to gays to change their ways.

Bachmann, through all of this, has publicly supported Dean's outreach, which dovetails with her own efforts to promote faith in public schools. During her first congressional campaign in 2006, she led a prayer for Dean's ministry at a Minneapolis hotel. "Lord, I thank you for what you have done with this ministry," she said, in a recording obtained by the Independent. "I thank you for how you are going to advance them from 260 schools a year, Lord, to 2,600 schools a year. Lord, we ask by faith that you would expand this ministry beyond anything the originators of this ministry could begin to think or imagine."

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