Say What you will about Ann Coulter, She Nailed it Here.

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat [sic] president. It's kind of a pipe dream, it's a personal fantasy of mine, but I don't think it's going to happen."
- Ann Coulter

well even if she turns traitor her words in the interview are correct STMike !!
so what , she has an opinion Oldschool , heck , I don't think that you should vote !!
"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat [sic] president. It's kind of a pipe dream, it's a personal fantasy of mine, but I don't think it's going to happen."
- Ann Coulter

She's a shock jock. Gotta sell those books somehow.
True I've sometimes wondered if I shouldn't drop everything I'm doing and write a book about some crazy far right topic to see if I can milk millions off the dummies like she does.
Speaking of NAILING: Are these two still Nailing it?

Don't worry! Ann's man a Republican and a staunch conservative... No need to fear! He is also an accomplished Obama basher!
She's not a conservative. Take that back!


I agree.

I can't remember the last time I saw an actual Conservative.

And, you won't find any on this board!
She tells the truth and she's one hot babe. ....... :thup:
Hey everyone remember earlier when we were wondering if there was anybody on Earth who would stick it in that nasty hole?

Well we've got a challenger! Ding ding ding! :rofl:
The far right reactionary sickos hate the truth that the world is changing and they can't stop it.

The 4 million that did not vote, at least 30% of them were lefties who would not vote for Obama.

The sun has set on your day forever. It will never rise again.
Speaking of NAILING: Are these two still Nailing it?

Don't worry! Ann's man a Republican and a staunch conservative... No need to fear! He is also an accomplished Obama basher!
She's not a conservative. Take that back!

She might be. She's just in too deep at this point to pretend to be rational :rofl:
I think book peddlers have a credibility issue at best, especially the talk show hosts that plug their books over and over on their radio shows like...oh...Michael Savage for instance. Every one of ANNorexia's books have a shocking title to titillate large children with more money than good sense. Conservatives can do WAY better than Cunter.
I think it's funny how pundits have to act ever so indignant because AC is not at all politically correct. But I wonder how many of them can't help but acknowledge all the truth she says in their own private conversations. I mean, most of them are deluded. But there's got a be a few funny convoes that it would be fun to be a fly on the wall....

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