Say you were born black to white parents

The OP was asserting that if ONLY one lived in a WHITE family... you would be rich and have contacts. thats ludicrous. At least he should have differentiated between richh and poor.
Your right though.. if I have family members who work with good standing within a company.... i stand a lot better shot at getting a job. Often as the saying goes, its who you know. But that works for other people besides Whites as well. The OP is still a twisted joke
Black people need to realize it's not all about racism. Yes, a white kid in a middle class neighborhood is going to have an easier time finding a good job because of connections. If you live in a poor neighborhood, you might want to get out because of this and many other reasons.

I grew up in Detroit. My dad and I always wonder where my brother and I would be today if we would have stayed in that shit hole. I don't think either of us would be doing as well as we are today if we stayed in Detroit. In fact, there is no denying it. I can think of all the connections and positive influences that I had in my white community that just weren't in Detroit.
In it's simplest terms.

Most people in prison are poor and people who have the lowest test scores are poor.
This guy on a show I like called Life Below Zero is about people who live in Alaska. They don't have any money. But one of them said, "they say quality of life is the amount of free time you have to do the things you like doing". He said if that's the case, I have the best quality of life because I spend all day every day doing the things I love. Even if those things are necessary to his survival. And he doesn't have hardly any money. I wouldn't say he lives in poverty even though he probably lives below the poverty line.
Somehow mom and dad are okay with this.

What advantages would you have?

1. You'd be from a better zip code and employers wouldn't throw out your job application just because it was from a bad zip code.

2. Your parents would have enough money to help you through college.

3. Your parents would have contacts to get you a job. There's nothing like nepotism.

4. Your school would be better because property taxes are higher and school zone can afford better teachers and equipment.

What else?

Lots of racist dog whistles ^^^here^^^; "all white people are rich", "all white people go to college", "all white people live in good neighborhoods".

You're a racist.
Lots of racist dog whistles ^^^here^^^; "all white people are rich", "all white people go to college", "all white people live in good neighborhoods".

You're a racist.

You don't understand the meaning of "dog whistle."

We're being very clear and concise while talking about race. There's nothing hidden.
Boy are making a lot of a wrong assumptions and they are all wrong.
1) Possible but far from guaranteed.

2) Very few white parent can afford to fund a college education anymore.

3). Almost no white parents have those kinds of connections.

4). Most Whites don’t live in affluent suburbs.
And there you have it. We don't have a racism problem, we have an income inequality problem. CRT is stupid. The problem is not race, in reality, it never really was. It is lack of income, lack of education, and lack of opportunity. Today, TODAY, a student in the lowest quintile of income in the highest quintile of SAT scores has a lesser chance of graduating from college than someone in the lowest quintile of SAT scores in the highest quintile of income. That is FUBARED.

Johnny, whose daddy owns a car dealership, slides through high school with a bunch of C's and many days in detention. He will graduate from some college somewhere that is more than willing to take Daddy's money and get a good job and have a nice career thanks to Daddy's contacts. Meanwhile Jack, who grew up in poverty but graduated at the top of his class, will never make it through college. Financial constraints, responsibilities at home, will forbid him from graduating and he will work a menial job and stay in poverty. Great for Johnny, tough shit for Jack. But the real victims, all of us, as we lose the enhanced productivity we could have gotten if spoiled ass Johnny would be working the menial job and the genius Jack had a position of power and strength.
That's a crock of shit.

I've lived in many different places and worked with many people of different backgrounds and ethnicities. I know plenty of successful people, including Hispanics and blacks, who were born into families of very modest means.

One close friend, since childhood, quit school in seventh grade. He was smart and worked his ass off - and he was lucky, too. Today he's a multi- millionaire.

Another guy I knew well came from Mexico with his wife. They had nothing. This guy worked at anything that would make him a buck. He ended up with a big store in what had been a warehouse. By the time he died he owned his home, two warehouses and lots of 'nce' things. He once shared with me the fact that he was making about 15 grand a month. I know several successful Mexican immigrants who started this way.

I also know many successful blacks who worked hard, got an education and built beautiful lives for themselves and their families.

Imo, success is possible for almost anyone. It depends almost entirely on self motivation, willingness to learn - and most of all, on a willingness to work like a dog to reach your goals.

Losers whine and make excuses - and blame everyone else for their failures. Winners put their head down and do any work their success requires.

I've also known a lot of (white) pampered, well-educated failures. Several of whom have run family businesses they've run into the ground. They were utter failures.

Success seems to be a very personal matter.
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But can't race determine your class status to an extent? Poverty is a bigger burden for blacks than it is for whites.
That is true and not true. People can cause their woes also. Also, White males are not at the top of the social justice food chain. Those in poverty have a harder time getting out of it due to not having as much access to social programs and quotas.
And there you have it. We don't have a racism problem, we have an income inequality problem. CRT is stupid. The problem is not race, in reality, it never really was. It is lack of income, lack of education, and lack of opportunity. Today, TODAY, a student in the lowest quintile of income in the highest quintile of SAT scores has a lesser chance of graduating from college than someone in the lowest quintile of SAT scores in the highest quintile of income. That is FUBARED.

Johnny, whose daddy owns a car dealership, slides through high school with a bunch of C's and many days in detention. He will graduate from some college somewhere that is more than willing to take Daddy's money and get a good job and have a nice career thanks to Daddy's contacts. Meanwhile Jack, who grew up in poverty but graduated at the top of his class, will never make it through college. Financial constraints, responsibilities at home, will forbid him from graduating and he will work a menial job and stay in poverty. Great for Johnny, tough shit for Jack. But the real victims, all of us, as we lose the enhanced productivity we could have gotten if spoiled ass Johnny would be working the menial job and the genius Jack had a position of power and strength.
Rubbish. Opportunities are abundant for anyone willing to take advantage of them.
Not if you’re poor.
It's a bigger problem for blacks and whites, yes, but it's not a black problem, it's a poor problem. Blacks are disproportionately poor because for historical reasons specifically targeting them, but the result--poverty--affects all victims negatively. That's why I'd argue we should focus primarily on addressing poverty, regardless of race. That doesn't mean eliminating poverty, necessarily, but leveling the playing field for those of different economic classes.

Essentially, yeah, different races are disproportionally the victim of poverty, but poverty is terrible for all of those that find themselves a victim of it, so I'd respectfully argue that we should address poverty itself primarily.

Ah, I figured it out. You think I need a safe space because my thoughts aren't original. Then why aren't you telling everyone else they need a safe space? After all, none of their thoughts are original, realistically-speaking.
Its a lazy problem.
Somehow mom and dad are okay with this.

What advantages would you have?

1. You'd be from a better zip code and employers wouldn't throw out your job application just because it was from a bad zip code.

2. Your parents would have enough money to help you through college.

3. Your parents would have contacts to get you a job. There's nothing like nepotism.

4. Your school would be better because property taxes are higher and school zone can afford better teachers and equipment.

What else?

It's interesting how those on the left wrong, who most loudly proclaim their opposition to racism, just cannot help revealing themselves to be worse racists than they falsely accuse their opposition of being.
Somehow mom and dad are okay with this.

What advantages would you have?

1. You'd be from a better zip code and employers wouldn't throw out your job application just because it was from a bad zip code.

2. Your parents would have enough money to help you through college.

3. Your parents would have contacts to get you a job. There's nothing like nepotism.

4. Your school would be better because property taxes are higher and school zone can afford better teachers and equipment.

What else?
1) Employers are begging for employees----just about any warm body will do. If they are tossing out your application, you can rest assured that it is YOU and just you as the reason for this and not some silly zip code.

2) Gawd, you are soooo stupid that you think that all or even most white people are rich. You are a moron.

3) If you need mommy and daddy to get you job-------or you think you need mommy and daddy to get you job, you are one messed up person and it has nothing to do with color, LOSER.

4) Study after study has shown that throwing money at schools does NOT improve test scores. People whining that they are uneducated because their school didn't have more and more and more money are to lazy to take responsibility for themselves or their own kids. Intelligent people self educate--especially nowadays when we have the internet---there really isn't anything that you can't learn on the internet or by reading. But atlas, idiots like to whine and blame others.
In it's simplest terms.

Most people in prison are poor and people who have the lowest test scores are poor.
In other words, people who make bad life decisions usually whine up poor and in prison? Intelligent people who make good life decision can often work their way up to atleast middle class?

FYI, Intelligence and addictive personalities are largely GENETIC. They run in families. And paying drug addicts and alcoholics to have kids via EIC on taxes and the welfare system will create more and more government projects and further trap the users and their offspring in them as having children will certainly keep one broker even if the one supporting the kid is the government. Welfare reform would do more to cut the number of kids in poverty and future criminal numbers down than tossing money at any school or social program.
Many of us whites get our first big break, or our first good break, from a friend or family member.


Anecdotes are meaningless.

This goes along with the fact that whites have a lot more economic opportunities around them than do blacks.


Even blacks who live in white neighborhoods have better economic opportunities than their poor black brothers and sisters who live in ghettos.

Are you saying whites are better than blacks, so areas that are predominantly white have a work ethic that results in better educated people who are willing to earn rather than steal what they want?

How racist of you.

And even if the guy who hired you isn't your family member or a friend of a friend. Chances are, he's a white racist who favors you over black candidates.

Really? Because Der Juden are born inferior and racist.

He will say you are more qualified but the fact is we hire people who we see ourselves working with. And usually that means people like us.

You're just a fucking racist and mindless bigot spewing idiotic stereotypes to promotes and support you racism.

Not if you’re poor.


In todays world you have far MORE opportunities if you are considered "poor." Free college, free healthcare, rent paid, free train pass, free bus pass.

If you are working class, you have to make it on your own. The American left has declared war on the working class, which is why we are in the mess we are in now. The left promotes a dependency class and is crushing working class Americans.
Its a lazy problem.

It's more than that though, the left is structuring our society to discourage working in the same way they discouraged and destroyed the American family. It's more profitable to many younger people to not work. Government programs pay them stipends to sit in colleges and take worthless majors like ethnic studies, history, underwater basket weaving, etc. But ONLY if they don't have jobs.
It's interesting how those on the left wrong, who most loudly proclaim their opposition to racism, just cannot help revealing themselves to be worse racists than they falsely accuse their opposition of being.

Yeah, but they only hate Der Juden, white people, and whites are inferior, born racists, so it's good to hate whites. democrats are working on a final solution to the white problem.

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