Say you were born black to white parents

1) Employers are begging for employees----just about any warm body will do. If they are tossing out your application, you can rest assured that it is YOU and just you as the reason for this and not some silly zip code.

2) Gawd, you are soooo stupid that you think that all or even most white people are rich. You are a moron.

3) If you need mommy and daddy to get you job-------or you think you need mommy and daddy to get you job, you are one messed up person and it has nothing to do with color, LOSER.


4) Study after study has shown that throwing money at schools does NOT improve test scores. People whining that they are uneducated because their school didn't have more and more and more money are to lazy to take responsibility for themselves or their own kids. Intelligent people self educate--especially nowadays when we have the internet---there really isn't anything that you can't learn on the internet or by reading. But atlas, idiots like to whine and blame others.

Right out of College I went to work for the Hacienda-La Puente school district, circa 1985. At the time Hacienda Heights was white, La Puente was Mexican with an area that was black. The district got a grant for new computers and bought 20 state of the art Macs. They put them in the black school to "help the under privileged." The white kids kept their 5 year old Apple II computers. Within 6 months the Macs were destroyed, vandalized, abused, or stolen.
Somehow mom and dad are okay with this.

What advantages would you have?

1. You'd be from a better zip code and employers wouldn't throw out your job application just because it was from a bad zip code.

2. Your parents would have enough money to help you through college.

3. Your parents would have contacts to get you a job. There's nothing like nepotism.

4. Your school would be better because property taxes are higher and school zone can afford better teachers and equipment.

What else?

This deserves a serious reply.

If a baby of that background were raised by a Caucasian couple and lived in a totally Caucasian environment and had only Caucasian friends, s/he would -- I presume -- naturally incorporate in her-, himself Caucasian values.

She/he would appear to be a member of the group under discussion, but s/he would presumably think and act like a Caucasian.
Somehow mom and dad are okay with this.

What advantages would you have?

1. You'd be from a better zip code and employers wouldn't throw out your job application just because it was from a bad zip code.

2. Your parents would have enough money to help you through college.

3. Your parents would have contacts to get you a job. There's nothing like nepotism.

4. Your school would be better because property taxes are higher and school zone can afford better teachers and equipment.

What else?

Dude, I've even seen poor white people in South Africa. And rich black people in South Africa.

If you can't cope with the complexities of life, if you need to put people down to raise yourself up, perhaps..... nah, you wouldn't even listen.
In other words, people who make bad life decisions usually whine up poor and in prison? Intelligent people who make good life decision can often work their way up to atleast middle class?

FYI, Intelligence and addictive personalities are largely GENETIC. They run in families. And paying drug addicts and alcoholics to have kids via EIC on taxes and the welfare system will create more and more government projects and further trap the users and their offspring in them as having children will certainly keep one broker even if the one supporting the kid is the government. Welfare reform would do more to cut the number of kids in poverty and future criminal numbers down than tossing money at any school or social program.

A lot of people who suffer from mental health issues, are ones who end up in poverty or in prison. Far more of the prison population has mental health issues than the general population of society.

For a society this is an important thing to understand. Politicians can try and deal with the situation, or they can try and exploit it for their own gains. The FPTP system the US has allows people to be far more successful with the latter. Proportional Representation is more likely to produce politicians who are going to deal with the problems.

In todays world you have far MORE opportunities if you are considered "poor." Free college, free healthcare, rent paid, free train pass, free bus pass.

If you are working class, you have to make it on your own. The American left has declared war on the working class, which is why we are in the mess we are in now. The left promotes a dependency class and is crushing working class Americans.
Working class is often poor.

It’s not a left thing silly. Both the right and left elite don’t give a shit about the poor and working class. These people have few opportunities and their rights are often ignored.

Stop consuming right wing propaganda.

Anecdotes are meaningless.


Are you saying whites are better than blacks, so areas that are predominantly white have a work ethic that results in better educated people who are willing to earn rather than steal what they want?

How racist of you.

Really? Because Der Juden are born inferior and racist.

You're just a fucking racist and mindless bigot spewing idiotic stereotypes to promotes and support you racism.
You didn't get my point at all. You're so fucking ignorant I can't even respond to your stupid comments. Bye dopey.
You can call individuals lazy, but when an entire statistic is lazy, it's usually for reasons outside of their own.
How is that so when the same opportunities exist for everyone, if anything hedged in favor of the minority? Nothing or nobody is holding anyone back nowadays, you can quote all the Dimmer statistics you want. There are tons of jobs and opportunities especially now, and several inexpensive shorter alternatives to college with guaranteed incomes after certification. So if these arent being taken advantage of, then the person is...well, lazy.
How is that so when the same opportunities exist for everyone, if anything hedged in favor of the minority?
Because people are defined by more than just the void of opportunities available to them.
Nothing or nobody is holding anyone back nowadays, you can quote all the Dimmer statistics you want.
So I grow up in a middle class household. When I grow up, I want to be a lawyer. But unfortunately, Jimmy over here grew up in a rich family. I'm as smart as Jimmy, and just as hard-working, but when I get around to applying for law school, I'm unable to get accepted to the same school as Jimmy because his family can afford it. I wasn't an more lazy than he was. Sure, if I worked 10x as hard, I might've been able to end up getting past Jimmy. But I shouldn't have to work 10x as hard for the same outcome.

Another good example is how someone struggling in school is able to afford more academic assistance, or better yet: a private school. Sure, in theory I can do just as well as anyone else in school, and in theory even people in public schools make their way into top universities. But unfortunately, the possibility of something doesn't mean the potential is equal.

Many different factors play into success. The vast majority of them are economic. No one group of people is any "lazier" than any other group, but there are most definitely disparities in achievement, and those disparities are easily explained for reasons other than intrinsic incapability.
Working class is often poor.

It’s not a left thing silly. Both the right and left elite don’t give a shit about the poor and working class. These people have few opportunities and their rights are often ignored.

Stop consuming right wing propaganda.

Depends on the definition of "poor."

I think you're a frustrated Marxist who is disillusioned by the reality of collectivism but still refuses to let go.
Because people are defined by more than just the void of opportunities available to them.

So I grow up in a middle class household. When I grow up, I want to be a lawyer. But unfortunately, Jimmy over here grew up in a rich family. I'm as smart as Jimmy, and just as hard-working, but when I get around to applying for law school, I'm unable to get accepted to the same school as Jimmy because his family can afford it. I wasn't an more lazy than he was. Sure, if I worked 10x as hard, I might've been able to end up getting past Jimmy. But I shouldn't have to work 10x as hard for the same outcome.

Another good example is how someone struggling in school is able to afford more academic assistance, or better yet: a private school. Sure, in theory I can do just as well as anyone else in school, and in theory even people in public schools make their way into top universities. But unfortunately, the possibility of something doesn't mean the potential is equal.

Many different factors play into success. The vast majority of them are economic. No one group of people is any "lazier" than any other group, but there are most definitely disparities in achievement, and those disparities are easily explained for reasons other than intrinsic incapability.

Complete horseshit.

Because loans are guaranteed by the government, Jimmy has no advantage because of money.

But if you're white or Asian, Shanaqua will get your spot because though she scored 20% lower than you, she gets a 30% advantage for being black and 10% for being female.

Now Jimmy might get an advantage if it's a gravy league school and his parents are "legacies." But in most schools it won't matter.

I used to think Academia hated white people - and they do - but since they started discriminating against Asians too, I had to accept the conclusion that Academia really hates smart people. Smart people challenge dogma, Academia seeks to utterly crush intellectual curiosity and independent thought.

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Right out of College I went to work for the Hacienda-La Puente school district, circa 1985. At the time Hacienda Heights was white, La Puente was Mexican with an area that was black. The district got a grant for new computers and bought 20 state of the art Macs. They put them in the black school to "help the under privileged." The white kids kept their 5 year old Apple II computers. Within 6 months the Macs were destroyed, vandalized, abused, or stolen.
I had a similar story. In high school we had old, tattered books at my extremely integrated school. I was in a band color guard with guys from all three of the almost exclusively black high schools and several others. We often used to spend down time doing homework. I noticed that all of their books were brand new and asked them about it. They told me they got new books every year. I went and asked the person in charge of our books about that. She told me that the life expectancy of books in my high school was between five and ten years but the life expectancy at the black schools was one to two years. Their books were mostly either damaged when returned, or never returned at all. So the majority of the district’s book budget went into those three schools. Now my three friends treated their books well, but then they were members of the LAPD High School Band and Color Guard.
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Because people are defined by more than just the void of opportunities available to them.

So I grow up in a middle class household. When I grow up, I want to be a lawyer. But unfortunately, Jimmy over here grew up in a rich family. I'm as smart as Jimmy, and just as hard-working, but when I get around to applying for law school, I'm unable to get accepted to the same school as Jimmy because his family can afford it. I wasn't an more lazy than he was. Sure, if I worked 10x as hard, I might've been able to end up getting past Jimmy. But I shouldn't have to work 10x as hard for the same outcome.

Another good example is how someone struggling in school is able to afford more academic assistance, or better yet: a private school. Sure, in theory I can do just as well as anyone else in school, and in theory even people in public schools make their way into top universities. But unfortunately, the possibility of something doesn't mean the potential is equal.

Many different factors play into success. The vast majority of them are economic. No one group of people is any "lazier" than any other group, but there are most definitely disparities in achievement, and those disparities are easily explained for reasons other than intrinsic incapability.
Waah waah waah you Dimmers spend so much time working up your fantasy scenarios about how oppressed you are you miss the wealth of opportunities available. Poor poor pitiful me!

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