Say you were born black to white parents

If the parents are Libtard White Guilt pukes then the kid will be just as fucked in life as if born into a Negro family.
Somehow mom and dad are okay with this.

What advantages would you have?

1. You'd be from a better zip code and employers wouldn't throw out your job application just because it was from a bad zip code.

2. Your parents would have enough money to help you through college.

3. Your parents would have contacts to get you a job. There's nothing like nepotism.

4. Your school would be better because property taxes are higher and school zone can afford better teachers and equipment.

What else?

I guess you've never been through Appalachia, but stereotype away and commit the exact sin you undoubtedly accuse others of doing.
I gather from this I am not the first to suggest a safe space for you.
Actually, you are. I am surrounded by conservatives and you are the first to suggest a safe space for me.

Not that I mind, I'm just curious what your justification is. But I've accepted at this point that you lack one.
WTF? why do you assume all WHITE families can afford to send their kids to school and have vast business contacts? And why you assume all white people live in good zip codes?
You need to make an amendment to your O.P. and become more factual. try looking up actual facts.
How many millions of poor white people do you think live in the U.S.?

"SOMEHOW MOM AND DAD ARE OK WITH THIS"..... lol... wtf is that supposed to even mean?
Were your parents ok with dropping you on your head when you were born? Is that the explanation for this O.P.??

please advise.

His stereotyping, tells me he is pretty ignorant about races and racism.
I guess you've never been through Appalachia, but stereotype away and commit the exact sin you undoubtedly accuse others of doing.

or Oklahoma, Arkansas or even....

Somehow mom and dad are okay with this.

What advantages would you have?

1. You'd be from a better zip code and employers wouldn't throw out your job application just because it was from a bad zip code.

2. Your parents would have enough money to help you through college.

3. Your parents would have contacts to get you a job. There's nothing like nepotism.

4. Your school would be better because property taxes are higher and school zone can afford better teachers and equipment.

What else?
Being black with a bad zip code you'd have a much better chance of getting into an elite college.
Like needing only a 1200 instead of 1450 on your SAT.
Job too.
Any big co is in desperate need of minorities to look diverse, and even avoid govt discrimination lawsuits.

Having white parents (100) (who have on avg 15 IQ pts higher than black parents: 85) they would be smarter/give you a different outlook (if not raise your IQ), and likely have better incomes).
Not mention if you had white parents there would likely be TWO instead of one. Having a father around is a very good thing.

School spending is now about equalized pretty much everywhere as Blacks students like in big cities like NYC etc who spend the same on every student and more than white students in Nebraska.

However the SAT Gap remains no matter what, tho income somewhat raise it, if not the IQ gap.

When sorted for IQ (ie, 120) life outcomes are remarkably equal.

Utter BS.

Jack can get an education in a lucrative trade, begin earning good dollars right out of class (roughly 18 months), and be making as much as any gender studies graduate (that's right, I said graduate) and will likely be able to pay for college if that is his desire without having to go underwater in debt.

Whereas little Jonny is a fuck up and will remain a fuck up his whole life and will never reach his father's level of success unless he gets his act together.

Either way, equal opportunity exists for everyone in this nation. If someone, regardless of race, fails to take advantage of t that, you can lay blame on that person and maybe their loser of a parent(s).
Horseshit. It begins in elementary school. In Charlotte, the inner city kids get textbooks that are fifteen years old. But those living in First Ward get handed their very own laptop. High Schools are no different. Myer's Park has Latin. Then there is Garinger, mostly black, no Latin, only Spanish, and the conditions are horrendous. As a parent you have no job more important than picking the High School your kids attend. Second, come hell or high water you better have high-speed internet.

Look, I was Johnny. My kids were Jack. Among the six there are two doctors, a business owner, a sales rep, a Marine officer, and a disabled individual. Every single one of them, except the disabled one, pays more in taxes than I made in a year when they were growing up. Statistically, the odds of that happening are less than the odds of winning the powerball lottery. And the only reason that happened is because, well I was Johnny. Pop might have cut my sorry ass off, but I knew what it took to raise successful kids A stay at home Mom, good schools, and involved parents, both of us. Something I never had. Equal opportunity does not exist, it is a damn myth, and damn passed time we made it a reality. Because I can promise you, China, India, they do provide equal opportunity. Fuck the trade wars, if we want to stay ahead we had better utilize all the resources we have, our children being first and foremost.
Horseshit. It begins in elementary school. In Charlotte, the inner city kids get textbooks that are fifteen years old. But those living in First Ward get handed their very own laptop. High Schools are no different. Myer's Park has Latin. Then there is Garinger, mostly black, no Latin, only Spanish, and the conditions are horrendous. As a parent you have no job more important than picking the High School your kids attend. Second, come hell or high water you better have high-speed internet.

Look, I was Johnny. My kids were Jack. Among the six there are two doctors, a business owner, a sales rep, a Marine officer, and a disabled individual. Every single one of them, except the disabled one, pays more in taxes than I made in a year when they were growing up. Statistically, the odds of that happening are less than the odds of winning the powerball lottery. And the only reason that happened is because, well I was Johnny. Pop might have cut my sorry ass off, but I knew what it took to raise successful kids A stay at home Mom, good schools, and involved parents, both of us. Something I never had. Equal opportunity does not exist, it is a damn myth, and damn passed time we made it a reality. Because I can promise you, China, India, they do provide equal opportunity. Fuck the trade wars, if we want to stay ahead we had better utilize all the resources we have, our children being first and foremost.
Why do you keep begging illegals to invade? Are they increasing Johnny's odds?
wuhan wang.jpg

One has slipped into woodpile.
Somehow mom and dad are okay with this.

What advantages would you have?

1. You'd be from a better zip code and employers wouldn't throw out your job application just because it was from a bad zip code.

2. Your parents would have enough money to help you through college.

3. Your parents would have contacts to get you a job. There's nothing like nepotism.

4. Your school would be better because property taxes are higher and school zone can afford better teachers and equipment.

What else?

You could dance real well but you'd feel guilty about it.

You'd only steal loaves of Hostess white bread and Kraft Macaroni and Cheese when you shoplifted.

You could run for President and everyone would marvel that we finally had a "Black" president.

That's all I have for now.
Somehow mom and dad are okay with this.

What advantages would you have?

1. You'd be from a better zip code and employers wouldn't throw out your job application just because it was from a bad zip code.

2. Your parents would have enough money to help you through college.

3. Your parents would have contacts to get you a job. There's nothing like nepotism.

4. Your school would be better because property taxes are higher and school zone can afford better teachers and equipment.

What else?
I think you are seriously underestimating how many poor white people there are.
Yea but still. I grew up "poor" but in my neighborhood were foremen at Ford and GM and they could get us jobs at Ford and GM because they knew the plant managers.

They also say that white moms teach their kids a lot more words than black moms do. Black moms don't use a very big vocabulary. In fact a lot of times they don't even pronounce the words right. Let me ax you a question.
Well gawddamn - so my black neighbors have a different zip code than I do? :eek:

Because dey white, and all whites be rich.

Really? I'm going to sue my parents for never getting me a job..

Racist fuck is stupid - but what racist isn't stupid?

Many of us whites get our first big break, or our first good break, from a friend or family member. I did. This goes along with the fact that whites have a lot more economic opportunities around them than do blacks.

Even blacks who live in white neighborhoods have better economic opportunities than their poor black brothers and sisters who live in ghettos.

And even if the guy who hired you isn't your family member or a friend of a friend. Chances are, he's a white racist who favors you over black candidates. He will say you are more qualified but the fact is we hire people who we see ourselves working with. And usually that means people like us.
WTF? why do you assume all WHITE families can afford to send their kids to school and have vast business contacts? And why you assume all white people live in good zip codes?
You need to make an amendment to your O.P. and become more factual. try looking up actual facts.
How many millions of poor white people do you think live in the U.S.?

"SOMEHOW MOM AND DAD ARE OK WITH THIS"..... lol... wtf is that supposed to even mean?
Were your parents ok with dropping you on your head when you were born? Is that the explanation for this O.P.??

please advise.
We were poor. My dad scraped his way out of poverty. But eventually, his son, my brother, got a masters at MSU and eventually became VP of a fortune 500 company. Interesting story. The day he first got his first big job at Ford, my dad's best man was working at Ford. He heard my brother was working there so he went and showed my brother around and who knows how else he may have helped my brother.

A lot of you whites won't admit the help you got along the way because it doesn't jive with your story that you were born in the log cabin you built with your own two hands.
We were poor. My dad scraped his way out of poverty. But eventually, his son, my brother, got a masters at MSU and eventually became VP of a fortune 500 company. Interesting story. The day he first got his first big job at Ford, my dad's best man was working at Ford. He heard my brother was working there so he went and showed my brother around and who knows how else he may have helped my brother.

A lot of you whites won't admit the help you got along the way because it doesn't jive with your story that you were born in the log cabin you built with your own two hands.

The OP was asserting that if ONLY one lived in a WHITE family... you would be rich and have contacts. thats ludicrous. At least he should have differentiated between richh and poor.
Your right though.. if I have family members who work with good standing within a company.... i stand a lot better shot at getting a job. Often as the saying goes, its who you know. But that works for other people besides Whites as well. The OP is still a twisted joke

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