Scalia Blows Creationist Dog-Whistle

See this is my problem with this, scientist lie and don't know everything and religions lie and don't know everything.

They are equal in my book.
Well, Scalia did sort of try to be inclusive by incorporating by the creationist walks with dinosaurs time frame as well as the more sane time frame.
See this is my problem with this, scientist lie and don't know everything and religions lie and don't know everything.

They are equal in my book.

You are entitled to your own opinion but that is all.

Religions don't "lie"! Instead they promote their superstition and mythology and they have a Constitutional right to do so.

Scientists don't lie because they are peer reviewed. If they lie about their results and no one else can replicate them they are exposed as frauds.

Furthermore it is disingenuous to allege that "both lie and don't know everything". That just makes you look superficial.
Well, Scalia did sort of try to be inclusive by incorporating by the creationist walks with dinosaurs time frame as well as the more sane time frame.

Fat Tony Scalia is only harming his own credibility when he utters this drivel.
Well, Scalia did sort of try to be inclusive by incorporating by the creationist walks with dinosaurs time frame as well as the more sane time frame.

Fat Tony Scalia is only harming his own credibility when he utters this drivel.
There are aspects of Scalia's theories of law that I disagree with. But, he was giving a speech, and he was inclusive of the religious beliefs of everyone. That's hardly a bad thing.

And ps, he is a lion in terms of protecting individual 4th amend rights.
Liberals hate Scalia because he was appointed by a Republican president, and is conservative.

That's all liberals need to know to hate ANYONE.

Lately, liberals have been posting avatars of various Republicans with clown faces.

That is what liberals do, they mindlessly hate Republicans and conservatives. There are no logical restraints on this hatred, so there is no reasoning with them, or talking them down.
See this is my problem with this, scientist lie and don't know everything and religions lie and don't know everything.

They are equal in my book.
Well, scientist are paid to arrive at the paid for conclusion or lose their grants and religious leaders interpret the bible to suite their needs .. but there are exceptions and critical thought is a requirement.

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