Scalia Warns: Mass Internment Of Americans Could Happen Again

The best irony here is how the same RWnuts love to trash FDR over the Japanese internment. Now they're climbing onboard, one by one.

What US citizens they planing on locking up????????

News to me, do you have a link or are you just confused again?

The link dumbass is the title of this thread, Scalia saying it could happen again.

We already have Trump calling for step one, singling out Muslims for identification and tagging.
The Return of Korematsu

Seventy years after the mass internment of Japanese Americans was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, the ugly ideas at the core of its decision are resurfacing.

“A Korematsu-type classification…will never again survive scrutiny,” Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg declared in a 1998 dissent. Justice Stephen Breyer wrote in a recent book that the decision was “thoroughly discredited.” Justice Antonin Scalia, who previously compared it to Dred Scott, said during a speech last year that Korematsu was unequivocally “wrong.” But he also warned about repeating the same mistake in the future.

“But you are kidding yourself if you think the same thing will not happen again,” he said.

He used a Latin expression to explain why. “Inter arma enim silent leges … In times of war, the laws fall silent.”

“That’s what was going on—the panic about the war and the invasion of the Pacific and whatnot,” Scalia said. “That’s what happens. It was wrong, but I would not be surprised to see it happen again—in time of war. It’s no justification but it is the reality.”​

Expelling all Japanese Americans from the Pacific Coast would have seemed unthinkable in 1940. Then came the fear and paranoia that pervaded cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco after Pearl Harbor. Frenzied reports of Japanese submarines off Oregon and saboteurs in California fueled a climate in which extreme constitutional violations towards an unpopular few seemed reasonable to a fearful many.

Korematsu is a reminder that, in times of crisis, there will always be an unpopular minority to fear and opportunistic demagogues to demonize them. But central to the Bill of Rights’ purpose is the protection of the few from the cruelty of the many, no matter who that few or many may be.

Much More: The Return of Korematsu - The Atlantic

Islamic State’s Goal: “Eliminating the Grayzone” of Coexistence Between Muslims and the West

My fellow Americans - is this who we are? Is this what we have become?
You fucking idiots can't see the difference between not letting some people into the country and rounding up those that are already here and throwing them in camps can you
It's sadly funny to hear and see the ancestors of immigrants become so afraid and selfish.


It's sadly funny to hear and see the ancestors of immigrants become so afraid and selfish.


Hey Moron we weren't refugees we were invaders when it came to Native Americans

Really? So the Pilgrims were at war when they landed on Native American soil? Sounds like you even forget your distorted Thanksgiving history.
It's sadly funny to hear and see the ancestors of immigrants become so afraid and selfish.


Hey Moron we weren't refugees we were invaders when it came to Native Americans

Really? So the Pilgrims were at war when they landed on Native American soil? Sounds like you even forget your distorted Thanksgiving history.

So you are mixing your metaphors

You are equating the Pilgrims with the Indian struggles in the west during the country's westward expansion

AND you are forgetting that the US didn't exist when the Pilgrims landed
How many believe the internment of Japanese-Americans was wrong?
FDR sent hundreds of thousands of japanese families to internment camps and they weren't even hell bent on strapping bombs to their kids to blow up innocent people.

Are you suggesting that the refugees are?

No, they're all sweet people. No muslim refugees have ever blown stuff up. You really do need help.

The killers in Paris were local boys.

Enjoy your stupidity.

That's a lie and you know it. The leader was from Belgium, one was proven to be a refugee who arrived in Oct, fingerprints proved it.
You have to love the lefties with their globalism one world efforts. People who live half way around the world, don't speak English, and have no relatives here are suddenly being conferred with the rights of American citizens. Another straw man deflecting from the failures of our petulant child in chief.

I suggest you read the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Why, it has nothing to do with refugees?

I have to say, it's a beautiful thing when people identifying as Christians actually follow the tenants and teachings of Christ. It seems so rare these days...

"“Of course we want to keep terrorists out of our country, but let’s not punish the victims of ISIS for the sins of ISIS,” said Leith Anderson, NAE president."

Well said, NAE President.

Americans embracing the ideals in our Constitution -- nice to see.
Wow. Tony the Toad agrees with Uncle George Takei...cats and dogs living together...
The best irony here is how the same RWnuts love to trash FDR over the Japanese internment. Now they're climbing onboard, one by one.

What US citizens they planing on locking up????????

News to me, do you have a link or are you just confused again?

The link dumbass is the title of this thread, Scalia saying it could happen again.

We already have Trump calling for step one, singling out Muslims for identification and tagging.

More regressivecrat lies.
The Return of Korematsu

Seventy years after the mass internment of Japanese Americans was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, the ugly ideas at the core of its decision are resurfacing.

“A Korematsu-type classification…will never again survive scrutiny,” Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg declared in a 1998 dissent. Justice Stephen Breyer wrote in a recent book that the decision was “thoroughly discredited.” Justice Antonin Scalia, who previously compared it to Dred Scott, said during a speech last year that Korematsu was unequivocally “wrong.” But he also warned about repeating the same mistake in the future.

“But you are kidding yourself if you think the same thing will not happen again,” he said.

He used a Latin expression to explain why. “Inter arma enim silent leges … In times of war, the laws fall silent.”

“That’s what was going on—the panic about the war and the invasion of the Pacific and whatnot,” Scalia said. “That’s what happens. It was wrong, but I would not be surprised to see it happen again—in time of war. It’s no justification but it is the reality.”​

Expelling all Japanese Americans from the Pacific Coast would have seemed unthinkable in 1940. Then came the fear and paranoia that pervaded cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco after Pearl Harbor. Frenzied reports of Japanese submarines off Oregon and saboteurs in California fueled a climate in which extreme constitutional violations towards an unpopular few seemed reasonable to a fearful many.

Korematsu is a reminder that, in times of crisis, there will always be an unpopular minority to fear and opportunistic demagogues to demonize them. But central to the Bill of Rights’ purpose is the protection of the few from the cruelty of the many, no matter who that few or many may be.

Much More: The Return of Korematsu - The Atlantic

Islamic State’s Goal: “Eliminating the Grayzone” of Coexistence Between Muslims and the West

My fellow Americans - is this who we are? Is this what we have become?

Wow, you fuckwad Communists are spinning out of orbit.

You're right to panic. 2016 will be a disaster for you - and you may never recover from the damage you're doing to the party right now. Americans are questioning which side democrats are on - I don't , I know you are the enemy of the Constitutional Republic - but the rest of the nation is waking up to what you traitors are all about. Jihadi Barry is fucking your brand image beyond repair.
The best irony here is how the same RWnuts love to trash FDR over the Japanese internment. Now they're climbing onboard, one by one.

What US citizens they planing on locking up????????

News to me, do you have a link or are you just confused again?

The link dumbass is the title of this thread, Scalia saying it could happen again.

We already have Trump calling for step one, singling out Muslims for identification and tagging.

I read the link again where does it say American citizens?
Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger.

Da Comrade! The only thing you filthy democrats have to fear is the containment of terrorism.

You THOUGHT you were going to put an end to that damned Constitution that keeps getting in your way.

You thought wrong.

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