Scalise: "I'm a David Duke Republican"

LOL, using Stormfront as a reference when it suits you.
ROTFLMBAO @ denouncing Storm Front when it suits you.


I would denounce Stormfront at the drop of a hat. That page is for ACTUAL racists, not the "racists" you see lurking in every post.

That you would even consider using them as any form of reliable reference shows your complete lack of moral fiber.
Scalise spoke at a David Duke event, EURO, where David Duke was one of the speakers, along with other speakers.

Are you telling me that Scalise didn't know he was speaking to a Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist, Klan gathering? He didn't hear any other the other speakers? He was in a hermetically sealed bag or something?

Plus he's been caught in another lie: he says that he was there to talk about a specific tax plan, that he named. Turns out that tax plan wasn't in existence yet.

Just a little research, folks, turns up all kinds of dirt.

Has anyone ever claimed that Conservatives are smart enough to realize this?

Has anyone ever claimed that progressives have the balls to admit one of their stories is worthless?

Oh wait, they don't. They mutter something about narrative, fake but accurate, and that the message is important long after the facts have been shown to be against them.

Whether he actually said it or not, the usual suspects have gotten what they want out of this.

All that is needed is an accusation, a rumor.

It's okay for them to make racial tensions worse if there's some political advantage in it for them.


Oh, you mean like racist Teabaggers calling Obama a kenyan muslim? You mean those kind of accusations, right?

Only, those accusations were not founded.

These ARE. Scalise is a racist just like David Duke. Just wait, a number of other shoes are going to fall. It ain't gonna be pretty.

So you have proof he said it.

Great, I'd love to see that.

You'll be waiting until hell freezes over.
There is no proof Scalise is a racist. It is a faux-scandal. We've had like 2 weeks and no one can produce a single racist statement Scalise ever said, public or private. Racists, like Harry Reid, usually make their opinions known so the fact that no one has produced a single racist statement by Scalise tells you it's false.
In any case, with the new Congress in session and the GOP fucking up at the start this is off the news pages.

Whether he actually said it or not, the usual suspects have gotten what they want out of this.

All that is needed is an accusation, a rumor.

It's okay for them to make racial tensions worse if there's some political advantage in it for them.


Oh, you mean like racist Teabaggers calling Obama a kenyan muslim? You mean those kind of accusations, right?

Only, those accusations were not founded.

These ARE. Scalise is a racist just like David Duke. Just wait, a number of other shoes are going to fall. It ain't gonna be pretty.

So you're OK with Obama ... as long as you view him as partially white and a Christian? You should address your own bigotry before you worry about anyone else.

Still not sure why you think blacks can't handle less government than whites can. What is your view they need to be better taken care of based on exactly? What rakes you think blacks are less equipped to take care of themselves than whites are?
The Rachel Maddow Show on msnbc

I'd suggest anyone in doubt tune in to a rerun of Rachel's show or check it out on her website when tonight's show is added.
It contains stunning revelations about David Duke, Scalise and others on the Right.

Just DVR'd the 4AM show. Will watch in when I wake up in the morning, God's willing.

I'm watching last night's Maddow now. Apparently the quote is substantiated on "Storm Front" from the early 2000's.

There was also a "Roll Call" article substantiating it.

Moreover, Duke has now gone on CNN, promising to release names of other Republicans AND Democrats that has sought out and/or had his support in the past IF Congress continues to "crucify" Scalise.

Now if there was ever any doubt about Scalise before, that last move by Duke HIMSELF should ERADICATE all doubt as to whether he knew Duke or knowingly sought out the notorious racist's support.

As Rachel said on her show, this story is not over, not by a long-shot.

And when an anti-semitic racist asshole, a known anti-semitic racist asshole like David Duke is willing to go this far to protect Scalise, either they are butt-buddies (which is not completely out of the realm of the possible) or Scalise is one of Duke's sheeples, one he really, really likes.

This story just gets better and better and when all is said and done, I will be cramming lots of humble pie down the fake Rabbi's throat, for months on end.

Oh, and by the way, fake Rabbi, how's that Ebola thing working out for the GOP?
You havent succeeded in any thread you've started. Your statement that Palin sunk McCain's boat was so stupid you had to walk it back immediately and claim instead that his defeat was worse because of Palin. You supported that with a bunch of post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy, as though Sarah Palin's appearances were the only news of the election.
And here you are retailing stale old news and threatneing me with...nothing. Because there is nothing to this story.
You are a sad angry and insecure poseur.
The Rachel Maddow Show on msnbc

I'd suggest anyone in doubt tune in to a rerun of Rachel's show or check it out on her website when tonight's show is added.
It contains stunning revelations about David Duke, Scalise and others on the Right.

Just DVR'd the 4AM show. Will watch in when I wake up in the morning, God's willing.

I'm watching last night's Maddow now. Apparently the quote is substantiated on "Storm Front" from the early 2000's.

There was also a "Roll Call" article substantiating it.

Moreover, Duke has now gone on CNN, promising to release names of other Republicans AND Democrats that has sought out and/or had his support in the past IF Congress continues to "crucify" Scalise.

Now if there was ever any doubt about Scalise before, that last move by Duke HIMSELF should ERADICATE all doubt as to whether he knew Duke or knowingly sought out the notorious racist's support.

As Rachel said on her show, this story is not over, not by a long-shot.

And when an anti-semitic racist asshole, a known anti-semitic racist asshole like David Duke is willing to go this far to protect Scalise, either they are butt-buddies (which is not completely out of the realm of the possible) or Scalise is one of Duke's sheeples, one he really, really likes.

This story just gets better and better and when all is said and done, I will be cramming lots of humble pie down the fake Rabbi's throat, for months on end.

Oh, and by the way, fake Rabbi, how's that Ebola thing working out for the GOP?
You havent succeeded in any thread you've started. Your statement that Palin sunk McCain's boat was so stupid you had to walk it back immediately and claim instead that his defeat was worse because of Palin. You supported that with a bunch of post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy, as though Sarah Palin's appearances were the only news of the election.
And here you are retailing stale old news and threatneing me with...nothing. Because there is nothing to this story.
You are a sad angry and insecure poseur.

Yes, Palin increased the Republican turnout. I always like the liberal view that if liberals who aren't going to vote for you anyway don't like you even more then that somehow affects your electability. Hmm...
Supposedly he was at another speaking event prior to the EURO event, held in the same hotel. but you just ignore that little tidbit because it doesn't fit your narrative.
He claimed that he was there talking about a tax plan that didn't even exist yet.

But you ignore that tidbit because it doesn't fit your narrative.
I don't know why you Leftists feign surprise when one of your own fellow Leftists shows up at a Klan meeting. You people have a long, traditional relationship to the Klan, including Robert KKK Byrd. This is a bear shitting in the woods, nothing remarkable at all.
Do you despise the Confederate flag?
I despise Leftists whether they be Democrat or Republican.
Leftists came up with Jim Crow laws?

You're too stupid to be on this forum, and that's a pretty low fucking bar.

So you have a cite to source for the first hand account then, yeah?
Yes. Haven't you been reading the thread?
Where's the proof, asshole?
Already posted, dope.
Bullshit, asshole.
Post proof Scalise said he was a "David Duke Republican" or shut the fuck up and apologize to the board.

You seem angry and out of control.
That's because he loses every single debate.
A racist who is not known nationally as a racist.

Something like the late Senator Robert Byrd...DEMOCRAT...West Virginia? Oh, never mind. Everybody nationally knew that old sonofabitch was a grand kleagel in the KKK.
^^^ the desperation of the wingnuts - Byrd left the KKK 70 years ago.

That's 70

Hmm...sort of like how you guys dug up something Mitt Romney did in 1965? Once again, you guys set the precedent.
The Rachel Maddow Show on msnbc

I'd suggest anyone in doubt tune in to a rerun of Rachel's show or check it out on her website when tonight's show is added.
It contains stunning revelations about David Duke, Scalise and others on the Right.

Stunning revelation:

Rachel Maddow may be a Rhodes scholar, but she is not a reliable source of information.

Go on being the sheep that you are.
Yes. Haven't you been reading the thread?
Where's the proof, asshole?
Already posted, dope.
Bullshit, asshole.
Post proof Scalise said he was a "David Duke Republican" or shut the fuck up and apologize to the board.

You seem angry and out of control.
That's because he loses every single debate.
Says the guy who can't back up his statement about a "David Duke Republican.:
Dont you ever get embarassed?
There is no proof Scalise is a racist.
No one has accused him of being a racist, dumbass.
Post #8.
Holy shit! Are you reallly this stupid AND dishonest? Can't you for once come clean about anuything? Can't you just tell people, I hate Republicans so much there is no lie I will not tell, no rumor I will not repeat, no falsehood I will not make up to make them look bad? I mean, it would at least be honest.
Supposedly he was at another speaking event prior to the EURO event, held in the same hotel. but you just ignore that little tidbit because it doesn't fit your narrative.
He claimed that he was there talking about a tax plan that didn't even exist yet.

But you ignore that tidbit because it doesn't fit your narrative.
I don't know why you Leftists feign surprise when one of your own fellow Leftists shows up at a Klan meeting. You people have a long, traditional relationship to the Klan, including Robert KKK Byrd. This is a bear shitting in the woods, nothing remarkable at all.
Do you despise the Confederate flag?
I despise Leftists whether they be Democrat or Republican.
Leftists came up with Jim Crow laws?

You're too stupid to be on this forum, and that's a pretty low fucking bar.

You don't even know what Jim Crow was, or where it began. I'll give you a wasn't in the 1950's.

It began in some of the most Leftist states in this country.

And it began before the War of Northern Aggression.

Know what you're talking about, or STFU.
He claimed that he was there talking about a tax plan that didn't even exist yet.

But you ignore that tidbit because it doesn't fit your narrative.
I don't know why you Leftists feign surprise when one of your own fellow Leftists shows up at a Klan meeting. You people have a long, traditional relationship to the Klan, including Robert KKK Byrd. This is a bear shitting in the woods, nothing remarkable at all.
Do you despise the Confederate flag?
I despise Leftists whether they be Democrat or Republican.
Leftists came up with Jim Crow laws?

You're too stupid to be on this forum, and that's a pretty low fucking bar.

You don't even know what Jim Crow was, or where it began. I'll give you a wasn't in the 1950's.

It began in some of the most Leftist states in this country.

And it began before the War of Northern Aggression.

Know what you're talking about, or STFU.
They weren't "Leftist states", they were Right Wing Democratic states in the South. You must know this by now or you're stupid.
I don't know why you Leftists feign surprise when one of your own fellow Leftists shows up at a Klan meeting. You people have a long, traditional relationship to the Klan, including Robert KKK Byrd. This is a bear shitting in the woods, nothing remarkable at all.
Do you despise the Confederate flag?
I despise Leftists whether they be Democrat or Republican.
Leftists came up with Jim Crow laws?

You're too stupid to be on this forum, and that's a pretty low fucking bar.

You don't even know what Jim Crow was, or where it began. I'll give you a wasn't in the 1950's.

It began in some of the most Leftist states in this country.

And it began before the War of Northern Aggression.

Know what you're talking about, or STFU.
They weren't "Leftist states", they were Right Wing Democratic states in the South. You must know this by now or you're stupid.
How do you know they were right wing? That's an idiotic assertion.
I don't know why you Leftists feign surprise when one of your own fellow Leftists shows up at a Klan meeting. You people have a long, traditional relationship to the Klan, including Robert KKK Byrd. This is a bear shitting in the woods, nothing remarkable at all.
Do you despise the Confederate flag?
I despise Leftists whether they be Democrat or Republican.
Leftists came up with Jim Crow laws?

You're too stupid to be on this forum, and that's a pretty low fucking bar.

You don't even know what Jim Crow was, or where it began. I'll give you a wasn't in the 1950's.

It began in some of the most Leftist states in this country.

And it began before the War of Northern Aggression.

Know what you're talking about, or STFU.
They weren't "Leftist states", they were Right Wing Democratic states in the South. You must know this by now or you're stupid.

Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. Know what you're talking about, or STFU.
Do you despise the Confederate flag?
I despise Leftists whether they be Democrat or Republican.
Leftists came up with Jim Crow laws?

You're too stupid to be on this forum, and that's a pretty low fucking bar.

You don't even know what Jim Crow was, or where it began. I'll give you a wasn't in the 1950's.

It began in some of the most Leftist states in this country.

And it began before the War of Northern Aggression.

Know what you're talking about, or STFU.
They weren't "Leftist states", they were Right Wing Democratic states in the South. You must know this by now or you're stupid.
How do you know they were right wing? That's an idiotic assertion.
Well,,,,idiotic and left wing libtard is synonymous.

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