Scalise: "I'm a David Duke Republican"

If the black community keeps murdering 10 times per capita as many whites each year. If the black community doesn't wish to live around us...Really, what's so wrong with mr.dukes beliefs??? I don't really want to live with such violent people myself.
If the black community keeps murdering 10 times per capita as many whites each year. If the black community doesn't wish to live around us...Really, what's so wrong with mr.dukes beliefs??? I don't really want to live with such violent people myself.
Doesn't matter...if violence ever breaks out, you are screwed...being a gimp and all. I can understand your can't defend yourself.
Name a time when Maddow got it completely wrong.

I won't hold my breath (except for this bong hit).
I don;t know...but she is on the same level as her RW take what they say with a grain of salt.

I will say, though, she provided a lot of evidence though...all one needs to do is visit Duke's website.
What YOU consider evidence and what a normal person considers evidence are most likely two different things.
When you ignore valid arguments by your opposition, it only weakens your argument.
Sure, when you're discussing policies or philosophies, but when you're accusing someone of something, you'd better have more than a "valid argument". When you (or Rachel) have some fucking proof, let us know.
I on't regurgitate or look for evience as to what she said. Why is it impossible for your type to objectively listen to the opposition. Sometimes they make good can either adjust your argument to counter that point or divert. It seems like a good strategy, but people aren't as stupid as you think.
I know you don't. That's because she's saying what you want to hear. I guarantee you would be demanding proof if she was accusing a black person of making racist statements without proof. You know it too.
White House Scalise as No. 3 Says a Lot About Who GOP Is - ABC News

The White House on Monday waded into a controversy over revelations that the House's No. 3 Republican spoke to a white supremacist group 12 years ago, saying who the GOP has in leadership "says a lot about who they are."

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest repeatedly said Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise once described himself as "David Duke without the baggage." A reporter for the New Orleans Advocate newspaper said Scalise made the remark to her as he was starting out in the Louisiana Legislature nearly 20 years ago. Scalise's office did not immediately respond to calls for comment.

Earnest said it's up to Republicans to decide whether he retains his position. "There is no arguing that who Republicans decide to elevate into a leadership position says a lot about what the conference's priorities and values are," Earnest said.

"We've also heard a lot from Republicans particularly over the last few years, including the chairman of the Republican Party, about how Republicans need to broaden their appeal to young people and to women, to gays and to minorities, that the success of their party will depend on their ability to broaden that outreach," Earnest said. "So it ultimately will be up to individual Republicans in Congress to decide whether or not elevating Mr. Scalise into leadership will effectively reinforce that strategy."

The Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee also issued statements Monday attacking Scalise as Democrats sought to fan the controversy a day before Republicans formally assumed control of Congress. "As the new Congress begins, nothing discredits Republican claims of outreach and bringing people together more than their decision to keep Steve Scalise at the top tier of the elected leadership of their caucus," said DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
White House Scalise as No. 3 Says a Lot About Who GOP Is - ABC News

The White House on Monday waded into a controversy over revelations that the House's No. 3 Republican spoke to a white supremacist group 12 years ago, saying who the GOP has in leadership "says a lot about who they are."

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest repeatedly said Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise once described himself as "David Duke without the baggage." A reporter for the New Orleans Advocate newspaper said Scalise made the remark to her as he was starting out in the Louisiana Legislature nearly 20 years ago. Scalise's office did not immediately respond to calls for comment.

Earnest said it's up to Republicans to decide whether he retains his position. "There is no arguing that who Republicans decide to elevate into a leadership position says a lot about what the conference's priorities and values are," Earnest said.

"We've also heard a lot from Republicans particularly over the last few years, including the chairman of the Republican Party, about how Republicans need to broaden their appeal to young people and to women, to gays and to minorities, that the success of their party will depend on their ability to broaden that outreach," Earnest said. "So it ultimately will be up to individual Republicans in Congress to decide whether or not elevating Mr. Scalise into leadership will effectively reinforce that strategy."

The Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee also issued statements Monday attacking Scalise as Democrats sought to fan the controversy a day before Republicans formally assumed control of Congress. "As the new Congress begins, nothing discredits Republican claims of outreach and bringing people together more than their decision to keep Steve Scalise at the top tier of the elected leadership of their caucus," said DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
So, do you have something besides heresay from liberal hacks? I mean, something like a video or an audio, or an admission from Scalise? Yeah, I didn't think so.
Gee is there a link here somewhere or do we just take the word of a known liar like Assoholic that another known liar like Rachel Maddow is telling us the truth?
Google “David Duke without the baggage", you dumbass motherfucker.

Earnest noted that Scalise had reportedly described himself as “David Duke without the baggage,” and that Republicans had placed a priority on outreach to minority groups.

OK, so the 20 year old hearsay claim from a reporter No first hand account, no nothing. Then the White House has the hypocritical gull to actually try to shun someone over associating with racists and extremists?


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