Scalise: "I'm a David Duke Republican"

Did she play an audio or video of Scalise saying it or are we supposed to just take her word for it?
She makes a pretty valid argument. If half is right...Scalise is just as bad as a racist as you.
"IF" is the operative word here. And I'm sure if she is half right, or even ALL right, Scalise still isn't as bad a racist as you.
Name a time when Maddow got it completely wrong.

I won't hold my breath (except for this bong hit).
That's a cop out. Where's the proof? Pages and pages and nothing but "Well it was on Maddow so it must be true."
When did Scalise say he was a David Duke Republican? Post proof or shut the fuck up.
Is it true a long list of Republicans are calling for him to step down immediately? The growing list is rumored to include Teabagger superstar Sarah Palin and FOX pundit Greta Van Susteren.
Oh wow, Greta Van Susteren. Well, once you've lost Greta Van Susteren you've lost the American people.

Are we actually supposed to believe any of that?
There is no proof. Scalise never said he was a David Duke Republican. Assoholic once again shows himself to be a gullible lying poster who deflects when asked for proof.
Hell, I dont even know what a "David Duke Republican" is supposed to be, much less a "David Duke without the baggage."
Nine pages of wasted time on a lie.
Hope & Change is reduced to this. What a difference years makes.
It's still Hope and Change.

They "HOPE" no one notices what a piss poor job Democrats have done in power.
When it's pointed out they "CHANGE" the subject to 12 year old unfounded allegations.
Obviously Scalise is not a Nazi or a racist or a member of the Klan, nor does the GOP as a whole endorse racism.

But this is yet another example of how republicans can't have it both ways: they can't on the one hand claim that they're advocates of diversity and inclusion on the National level while on the other attempt to take political advantage of the racism that exists on the local.

Republicans must find the courage to denounce the racism that finds refuge among their ranks, even if that costs them votes.
Obviously Scalise is not a Nazi or a racist or a member of the Klan, nor does the GOP as a whole endorse racism.

But this is yet another example of how republicans can't have it both ways: they can't on the one hand claim that they're advocates of diversity and inclusion on the National level while on the other attempt to take political advantage of the racism that exists on the local.

Republicans must find the courage to denounce the racism that finds refuge among their ranks, even if that costs them votes.
Have you checked out the incoming GOP Congress, including the first black Republican from SC? Please show me any Republican supporting racism. It doesnt exist. Legitimate racism exists only among Democrats.
Obviously Scalise is not a Nazi or a racist or a member of the Klan, nor does the GOP as a whole endorse racism.

But this is yet another example of how republicans can't have it both ways: they can't on the one hand claim that they're advocates of diversity and inclusion on the National level while on the other attempt to take political advantage of the racism that exists on the local.

Republicans must find the courage to denounce the racism that finds refuge among their ranks, even if that costs them votes.

But this is yet another example of how Democrats can't have it both ways: they can't on the one hand claim they're advocates of diversity and inclusion on the national level while on the other take advantage of racism, and be the biggest bigots in existence.

Democrats must find the courage to denounce the racism that finds refuge in every orifice of their party and among their ranks, even if it costs them their entire platform politically.
Generally whatever Democrats say about republicans is true. But it's true about Democrats, not Republicans. Democrats really do hate women, really do want blacks stuck in ghettos with their kids in failing schools, really do think blacks are inferior and incapable of any achievement, etc etc.
Him and Boehner have to step down
I'm a little shocked, Frank.

Nope. They need to step down

  1. Scalise is unfit for Congress
  2. Neither of them are conservative enough for you.
Because conservatives are not racists. We loathe and despise what the statists in both parties have done to create a permanent underclass, its vile, inhumane and totakly unamerican. We have to start drawing sharp clear line between ourselves and the statists regardless of party. So yes neither Scalise nor boehner are conservative enough
the Ops threads should not be taken seriously. Especially with those TITLES.

and we are taking the words of Racheal Maddcow? paid to smear any and all Republicans
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Him and Boehner have to step down
I'm a little shocked, Frank.

Nope. They need to step down

  1. Scalise is unfit for Congress
  2. Neither of them are conservative enough for you.

You judging someone unfit for Congress is a joke. Let us know when you judge ONE Democrat unfit for Congress. You didn't find Obama unfit after it was shown he associated with Domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, attended a racist church of the Rev Right who preached Black Liberation by blaming everything wrong with black people is because of the White're a joke

So he didn't say what the title says?

If he did, that would about do it. If he didn't, he's still a problem for the GOP.


I don't care if they get rid him but not on the words of Rachel Maddcow. But if we are going to start this guilt by association of 10-20 years ago then it better go for Democrats too

So he didn't say what the title says?

If he did, that would about do it. If he didn't, he's still a problem for the GOP.


I don't care if they get rid him but not on the words of Rachel Maddcow

Well, a couple of "ifs" here...

IF she said that he said that, and IF he didn't say that, then she would be guilty of a pretty heinous act.

Of course, politicians, pundits and politicos are heinous in general, but...


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