Scalise: "I'm a David Duke Republican"


So he didn't say what the title says?

If he did, that would about do it. If he didn't, he's still a problem for the GOP.


it's simple - the only evidence we have that Scalise said that is a claim from a reporter recalling from 20 years ago. The only problem the GOP has with Scalise is the same problem the GOP seems to face on a monumental level these days - the lies that get massive attention in the media by liberals/democrats.

This non-story is so pervasive if one was out of tune to the tone of today's world, they'd believe they entered the twilight zone.

So he didn't say what the title says?

If he did, that would about do it. If he didn't, he's still a problem for the GOP.


it's simple - the only evidence we have that Scalise said that is a claim from a reporter recalling from 20 years ago. The only problem the GOP has with Scalise is the same problem the GOP seems to face on a monumental level these days - the lies that get massive attention in the media by liberals/democrats.

This non-story is so pervasive if one was out of tune to the tone of today's world, they'd believe they entered the twilight zone.

So this second-hand claim was enough for Maddow? Did she actually quote it?


So he didn't say what the title says?

If he did, that would about do it. If he didn't, he's still a problem for the GOP.


it's simple - the only evidence we have that Scalise said that is a claim from a reporter recalling from 20 years ago. The only problem the GOP has with Scalise is the same problem the GOP seems to face on a monumental level these days - the lies that get massive attention in the media by liberals/democrats.

This non-story is so pervasive if one was out of tune to the tone of today's world, they'd believe they entered the twilight zone.

So this second-hand claim was enough for Maddow? Did she actually quote it?


A lot of pundits and journalists have quoted this claim. They are latching on with all claws in on a claim that can not be vetted in any way.
A lot of pundits and journalists have quoted this claim. They are latching on with all claws in on a claim that can not be vetted in any way.

Anyone who would repeat such a claim without substantiation in the current environment has no interest in improving things, none.

Anyone who would believe and circulate the claim without substantiation is part of the problem.

These people are not trying to improve anything.

Is it true a long list of Republicans are calling for him to step down immediately? The growing list is rumored to include Teabagger superstar Sarah Palin and FOX pundit Greta Van Susteren.
Oh wow, Greta Van Susteren. Well, once you've lost Greta Van Susteren you've lost the American people.

Are we actually supposed to believe any of that?
The list and attention to the story is growing, and you have very conveniently left out Sarah Palin. Add Krauthhammer and Mark Levin to the list.
Holy shit - Rachel Maddow has uncovered interviews from the late 1990s and early 2000s, where Scalise declares that he's a "David Duke Republican" and that he's "David Duke, without the baggage".

So let's guess how long before he is forced to resign as Majority Whip, or even resigns from Congress.

I say 2 weeks for the first. Not sure what the Republican tolerance for racists is these days, so he may survive as a Member.

I will post the video tomorrow, but you will all be familiar with it by then.

Once in a while the left are useful idiots. You did take out Trent Lott, an abomination to liberty. Now you're going for it again? You go girl, I'm on board totally, run their sorry asses out.
I'm sure Republicans like Avatar feel conservatives like David Dukes freed the slaves. Imagine, getting rid of the ONLY Jew Republican in either house and replacing him with a David Dukes wanna be.

Have you noticed how it used to be Southern Conservatives who kept fighting the civil war. Now they are all dead, and liberals have replaced them. You are an idiot, dean. On the other hand... Hmm. Sorry, that's all I've got...
Holy shit - Rachel Maddow has uncovered interviews from the late 1990s and early 2000s, where Scalise declares that he's a "David Duke Republican" and that he's "David Duke, without the baggage".

So let's guess how long before he is forced to resign as Majority Whip, or even resigns from Congress.

I say 2 weeks for the first. Not sure what the Republican tolerance for racists is these days, so he may survive as a Member.

I will post the video tomorrow, but you will all be familiar with it by then.

Once in a while the left are useful idiots. You did take out Trent Lott, an abomination to liberty. Now you're going for it again? You go girl, I'm on board totally, run their sorry asses out.

The problem with that is they leave all their elected idiots intact
Holy shit - Rachel Maddow has uncovered interviews from the late 1990s and early 2000s, where Scalise declares that he's a "David Duke Republican" and that he's "David Duke, without the baggage".

So let's guess how long before he is forced to resign as Majority Whip, or even resigns from Congress.

I say 2 weeks for the first. Not sure what the Republican tolerance for racists is these days, so he may survive as a Member.

I will post the video tomorrow, but you will all be familiar with it by then.

Once in a while the left are useful idiots. You did take out Trent Lott, an abomination to liberty. Now you're going for it again? You go girl, I'm on board totally, run their sorry asses out.

The problem with that is they leave all their elected idiots intact

That's why I said "once in a while." Getting rid of Trent Lott was a thing of beauty. The left did that. Sure it was flagrant hypocrisy, but Lott sucked. Getting rid of the current Republican House leadership would be just as sweet.
The Rachel Maddow Show on msnbc

I'd suggest anyone in doubt tune in to a rerun of Rachel's show or check it out on her website when tonight's show is added.
It contains stunning revelations about David Duke, Scalise and others on the Right.

Just DVR'd the 4AM show. Will watch in when I wake up in the morning, God's willing.

I'm watching last night's Maddow now. Apparently the quote is substantiated on "Storm Front" from the early 2000's.

There was also a "Roll Call" article substantiating it.

Moreover, Duke has now gone on CNN, promising to release names of other Republicans AND Democrats that has sought out and/or had his support in the past IF Congress continues to "crucify" Scalise.

Now if there was ever any doubt about Scalise before, that last move by Duke HIMSELF should ERADICATE all doubt as to whether he knew Duke or knowingly sought out the notorious racist's support.

As Rachel said on her show, this story is not over, not by a long-shot.
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The Rachel Maddow Show on msnbc

I'd suggest anyone in doubt tune in to a rerun of Rachel's show or check it out on her website when tonight's show is added.
It contains stunning revelations about David Duke, Scalise and others on the Right.

Just DVR'd the 4AM show. Will watch in when I wake up in the morning, God's willing.

I'm watching last night's Maddow now. Apparently the quote is substantiated on Storm Front from the early 2000's.

There was also a Roll Call article substantiating it.

Moreover, Duke has now gone on CNN, promising to release names of other Republicans AND Democrats that has sought out and/or had his support in the past IF Congress continues to "crucify" Scalise.

Now if there was ever any doubt about Scalise before, that last move by Duke HIMSELF should ERADICATE all doubt as to whether he knew Duke or knowingly sought out the notorious racist's support.

As Rachel said on her show, this story is not over, not by a long-shot.

LOL, using Stormfront as a reference when it suits you.
Have you checked out the incoming GOP Congress, including the first black Republican from SC? Please show me any Republican supporting racism. It doesnt exist. Legitimate racism exists only among Democrats.
That's the key word here folks. "Legitimate."

In the minds of hardcore RWers like this one, there is NEVER any "legitimate" racism, certainly not in the Republican Party, therefore the Republicans are NOT racist.

That's their logic and/or strategy at least.

It only works on the hacks and the low-information mooks & palookas.
Is it true a long list of Republicans are calling for him to step down immediately? The growing list is rumored to include Teabagger superstar Sarah Palin and FOX pundit Greta Van Susteren.
Oh wow, Greta Van Susteren. Well, once you've lost Greta Van Susteren you've lost the American people.

Are we actually supposed to believe any of that?
The list and attention to the story is growing, and you have very conveniently left out Sarah Palin. Add Krauthhammer and Mark Levin to the list.
Wow, Mark Levin! Really! Yeah those are some influential Republicans you cite right there. When does Lew Rockwell weigh in on this? We cant wait.
LOL, using Stormfront as a reference when it suits you.
ROTFLMBAO @ denouncing Storm Front when it suits you.


I would denounce Stormfront at the drop of a hat. That page is for ACTUAL racists, not the "racists" you see lurking in every post.

That you would even consider using them as any form of reliable reference shows your complete lack of moral fiber.

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