Scaramucci is Great.

The Mooch is a good re-assuring Trump yes man. and handsome.


“Walls don't work. Never have never will. The Berlin Wall 1961-1989 don't fall for it,” he tweeted in 2015.
Anthony The Mooch Scarmuci is like when a TV drama brings on a ridiculous character right before it's cancelled
Tweets by Scaramucci:

"It is a fight within Islam, overwhelming majority see Islam as a religion of peace, want to live in multiracial/ethnic/faith democracies"

"I am not a partisan. For Gay Marriage, against the death penalty, and Pro Choice. I am for social inclusion, fiscal responsibility"

"We (the USA) has 5% of the world's population but 50% of the world's guns. Enough is enough. It is just common sense it apply more controls.

"I don't support that legislation, never had, I have always been for strong gun control laws."

"Big number for @JebBush people just need to get to know him. Will make a great President."

On Trump: "“He's a hack politician. … I'll tell you who he's going to be president of — you can tell Donald I said this — the Queens County bullies association."

Donald Trump: “I Support the Ban on Assault Weapons”

"I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun. With today’s internet technology we should be able to tell within 72 hours if a potential gun owner has a record."

Anthony The Mooch Scaramucci deletes personal tweets -> Libs lose their minds.

Crooked Hillary deletes 30k emails on an illegal server -> Libs nominate her for POTUS.
awesome out of the gate.

the first thing i notice is chuck todd and jake tapper don't run the presser anymore as with gibbs and carney. nice addition.

don't ever go against the family.

what's great about him? that he lies like a trooper?

yeah, you guys love that.

here's what he really thinks about the orange sociopath when he isn't lying

the the President know about this ?.... heh, i think he mentioned this yesterday. but i heard presidential nominees say much worse, the weekly standard crowd etc. it supports the idea he's doing what he thinks is good for the country. i like that he's that way.

and? your orange sociopath and his cabal are still disgusting. there is nothing "great" about the sexual predator sociopath and the loons who lie for him.

As you just put up the left's lies and spins.

no... you just aren't bright enough to assess actual fact. but keep listening to the orange sociopath.

your ignorance explains so much.

I am far from ignorant, you on the other hand;
You really should watch some c-span, then you would be able to tell the spins and lies. :) That also includes fox news as all the others.
I bet you haven't got a clue to what has passed for bills since Jan. 2017 or his executive orders.
awesome out of the gate.

the first thing i notice is chuck todd and jake tapper don't run the presser anymore as with gibbs and carney. nice addition.

don't ever go against the family.

what's great about him? that he lies like a trooper?

yeah, you guys love that.

here's what he really thinks about the orange sociopath when he isn't lying

the the President know about this ?.... heh, i think he mentioned this yesterday. but i heard presidential nominees say much worse, the weekly standard crowd etc. it supports the idea he's doing what he thinks is good for the country. i like that he's that way.

and? your orange sociopath and his cabal are still disgusting. there is nothing "great" about the sexual predator sociopath and the loons who lie for him.

As you just put up the left's lies and spins.

no... you just aren't bright enough to assess actual fact. but keep listening to the orange sociopath.

your ignorance explains so much.

Just how many clinical psychology books have you read to assess that Trump is a sociopath?
I have read plenty, because I was around psychology grad students and many professors who do have PhD's in psychology. My ex is a clinical psychologist
You're just parroting the word.
Poor LWNJ's, they have the worst case of "Derangement Syndrome" the world has ever seen.

I thought that many of the more rabid right wingers were deranged after Obama was elected....but honestly, this is WAY WORSE. You people are pathetic!! triggered!! unhinged!!

You believe everything your being fed, It's amazing to witness the ease at which you are manipulated. Poor fools...

We don't know if Scaramucci "is great". You almost ask yourself what all the fuss is about when nobody knew or cared who Barry Hussein's communications secretary was.
We don't know if Scaramucci "is great". You almost ask yourself what all the fuss is about when nobody knew or cared who Barry Hussein's communications secretary was.
gibbs (sweaty mcghee) carney, earnest, i care.
Anthony The Mooch Scaramucci deletes personal tweets -> Libs lose their minds.

Crooked Hillary deletes 30k emails on an illegal server -> Libs nominate her for POTUS.
hillary burns 33,00 government email(s), not a peep from the left. Scaramucci is pretty great.

of course i disdain the corrupt media so i'm going to be a little biased.
Here's what I love about The Mooch: Not involved in the D.C. Swamp, outsider. And a man who vows to end the leaks.
"Anthony The Mooch Scaramucci is an Italian Bulldog! He is just what the White House needs to shake things up! Congratulations!" - Trump
Anthony The Mooch Scaramucci to Fake Jake Tapper: "Trump's gonna win again in 2016. I'll bring a box of CNN"
"Anthony The Mooch Scaramucci is an Italian Bulldog! He is just what the White House needs to shake things up! Congratulations!" - Trump

In an interview Scaramucci said if the russians had hacked the american election, they were good enough that we never would have discovered who did it. When asked for his source, he said he got it from President Trump.

Where did Trump get that the Russians could hack the US undetected. Where else, Trump got his intel from Putin.

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