Scaramucci is Great.

"Anthony The Mooch Scaramucci is an Italian Bulldog! He is just what the White House needs to shake things up! Congratulations!" - Trump

In an interview Scaramucci said if the russians had hacked the american election, they were good enough that we never would have discovered who did it. When asked for his source, he said he got it from President Trump.

Where did Trump get that the Russians could hack the US undetected. Where else, Trump got his intel from Putin.
i will transmit this information to vladimir. does hillary know about this ?
Anthony The Mooch Scaramucci told the press he has seen Trump "throw a dead spiral through a tire. He is a winner, were going to do alot of winning"
Anthony Scaramucci quotes anonymous source on Russian hacking, then admits Trump was the source

President Trump reportedly thinks Russia wasn't behind 2016 election hacking because if they did, he thinks they wouldn't have gotten caught.

President Donald Trump's new communications director, Anthony Scaramucci, told CNN host Jake Tapper Sunday that Trump is not convinced that the Russians hacked into the Democratic National Committee last year because if they did, they wouldn't have gotten caught.

"Somebody said to me yesterday that if the Russians actually hacked this situation, and spilled out those emails, you would've never seen it, you would've never had any evidence of that," Scaramucci said in an interview on "State of the Union."

"They're super confident in their deception skills and hacking."

Scaramucci then revealed that the theory came from Trump, who Scaramucci said called him from Air Force One on Saturday and "basically said to me, 'Hey, you know, maybe they did do it, maybe they didn't do it.'"

Many cybersecurity and Russia experts share the view that the Russian hacking and disinformation campaign throughout the election was highly conspicuous.

Digital footprints were left on the Democratic National Committee and John Podesta hacks, which were sloppy and easy to link back to the Kremlin, as state-sponsored Russian news agencies like Russia Today and Sputnik openly backed Donald Trump.

American eavesdroppers, meanwhile, reportedly intercepted calls between foreign nationals and Russian officials discussing the presidential campaign — and between Michael Flynn and Russian ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak discussing sanctions — a similarly sloppy move, given the open secret that intelligence agencies routinely spy on one another.

Automated Twitter accounts — many of them linked to Russia and aided by professional trolls being paid by the Kremlin — flooded Twitter with pro-Trump rhetoric and made-up news throughout the campaign and especially in the days leading up to the election.

The bots favored Trump by five to one, according to Sam Woolley of the Oxford Internet Institute's computational propaganda research team.
Most delusional: Anthony The Mooch Scaramucci cites the Berlin Wall, 1961-1989, as a wall that didn't "work." Check w/ the East Germans on that.
LOL, Scaramucci said this to the BBC at Davos in 2016:


Davos: Rich 'should intervene' in politics - financier - BBC News
Is this his memorial thread? Pleasant thoughts and good memories only?
awesome out of the gate.

the first thing i notice is chuck todd and jake tapper don't run the presser anymore as with gibbs and carney. nice addition.

don't ever go against the family.

what's great about him? that he lies like a trooper?

yeah, you guys love that.

here's what he really thinks about the orange sociopath when he isn't lying

Yeah, yeah, the only liar in your post is YOU!!
It took the Lord 7 days to create the universe. It took Scaramucci 11 days to Make America Great Again. Pretty close!

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