Scaramucci is Great.

awesome out of the gate.

the first thing i notice is chuck todd and jake tapper don't run the presser anymore as with gibbs and carney. nice addition.

don't ever go against the family.

Ten days, this has to be a record.
this is all kabuki folks... you know who has the story, katie pavlich.

when you come to the magic show, expect to be tricked....
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Is this his memorial thread? Pleasant thoughts and good memories only?

Tell us how great Scaramucci is.
First getting divorced from his wife,
and now getting divorced from his job.
Winner !!!!!
jack and robert kennedy slept with marilyn monroe. as president and attorney general.
clinton cheated on hillary then lied about it... Chappaquiddick

Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.

Fear is stupid. So are regrets.

It's better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with someone - so far. MM
Excellent thread bump :clap:
well they were waiting for the apprentice to be fired...

hook line and sinker. heh

i think miss ivanka will make a lovely coms op. then chief of staff for second term.
glass ceilings and all.
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"Wow was Lyin Ted Cruz disloyal to his very capable director of communication. He used him as a scape goat...fired like a dog! Lyin Ted panicked." - Hypocritical Trump in Feb 2016
The guy is SO great, that an hour ago you never heard of him.
he's the new WH Comms guy.
it's on the internet and TV. Spicer is dating melissa mccarthy.

Spicey got tired of lying for trump.

And guess what?

Scaramucci is BFFs with Jared and Ivanka.

Welcome to the Un-United States of Banana Republic. forgotten the obama years already, gibbs, carney, tax cheat timothy geithner (wall street)....
a secretary of state in busness for themslves (clinton foundation)... four dead in benghazi, ensuing coverup to win the reelection...

remember Trump is already rich coming into the office, democrats get rich because of coming into office.
awesome out of the gate.

the first thing i notice is chuck todd and jake tapper don't run the presser anymore as with gibbs and carney. nice addition.

don't ever go against the family.

what's great about him? that he lies like a trooper?

yeah, you guys love that.

here's what he really thinks about the orange sociopath when he isn't lying

Scaramucci will last a month or two, just like everyone else in this administration. Then if Trump is still around another fuzzball will take his place for the few weeks he can put up with Trump.

You were off by about 20 days. :rofl:
Is this his memorial thread? Pleasant thoughts and good memories only?

I am looking to see all of the Trumpsters who applauded his appointment 10 days ago as the second coming of Christ to now be calling him the anti-christ.

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