Scary that Republicans believe Russia over ALL of our US Intelligence Agencies.

The Scary thing is that we are about to lose a bunch of intelligence analysts and foriegn policy experts who will simply refuse to work for agencies who will now be required to tell the president exactly what he wants to hear rather than the reality of threats we face.
That's different from today how?
We are about to lose the greatest collection of intelligence analysts this country has ever seen to political jury-rigging, bound to be some negative fallout from that. There is a very good chance we are going to be blindsided if Trump puts blinders on national intelligence.
You need some pain relievers,
I need nothing more than you people to wise up. If someone had once told me that conservatives would one day trust the dictator of Russia over the CIA I would have laughed in their face, it's just too ridiculous to ever happen.

Yes indeed Little Nut. We are the dumb ones. You lost the election idiot, not us.
Putin said that Hillary sought to start WWIII with Russia. It is apparent that even though she lost yet another election, her spin jockeys are still wanting to see her war come to fruition.
Not to worry. Trump will create so many jobs these hacks will be able to get jobs as security guards.
No he's not, the terrorists of the world are probably already planning to take full advantage of the chaos Trump is about to unleash on an intelligence community that has shielded us from major attacks since 9/11. Nothing like convenient terrorist attacks to distract from a failed domestic agenda.

Who's failed domestic agenda? Certainly not Trump's because he is not even the President yet. Are you saying someone will launch domestic terrorist attacks in order to distract from Obama and the Democrat's failed domestic policies?
I am saying that someone will launch attacks because Trump is going to attack the intelligence agencies. They have been successful in their mission to prevent large scale attacks by foriegn agents on our soil yet your man has a grudge against them and will make them dangerously useless when he tries to reshape them into an obedient echo chamber. After 9/11 Bush and the republicans took full advantage of their intelligence failures to implement dangerous domestic policy and to distract from flat economic growth and declines in jobs/wages/benefits for American workers. When I see your man lining up the exact same kind of people I cannot help but think we are about to see history repeat itself. I seriously hope I am mistaken but the Trump administration will be even more an MIC puppet than Bushco was.
You're whining that Trump is going to do exactly what Obama has done. That's typical for leftwing douche bags.

As for Bush's so-called "intelligence failures," there were no domestic terror attacks in the USA after 9/11. That isn't using weasel words that Obama uses like "no MAJOR terror attacks." I think 50 people getting slaughtered in Obama is pretty major.

If 9/11 happened under a Democrat, you frauds would be screaming that they were traitors to America.

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That post makes no sense.
The scary part is that The CIA is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Democrat Party.

Just like the (former) KGB was a sing of The Communist Party.

Note the "former" and look six weeks into America's future......
Do you think the CIA is going to be better when it no longer has an effective Russia operation?
The scary part is that The CIA is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Democrat Party.

Just like the (former) KGB was a sing of The Communist Party.

Note the "former" and look six weeks into America's future......
Do you think the CIA is going to be better when it no longer has an effective Russia operation?

Why would it no longer have an effective Russia operation?
Everyone indulges in speculation about the future like the way you were certain that Obama was going to seize power, take away your guns and impose some weird kind of Black Sharia socialism on America and have all the white people picking cotton.

Like I said, you refuse to take responsibility for your own gibberish.
Gibberish? Explain yourself Trumpbot, if you cannot argue policy for your man then it is time to find something else to do with your time. He has expressed deeply troubling opinions of our intelligence agencies and inexplicably favorable opinions of Russia. That shit might somehow make sense to you but to those who actually care about policy there are endless ways that attitude in a President could hurt us badly.

Look Nut, if the Department of Homeland Security does not have the expertise to hack into these State voter agencies without leaving a footprint, then the Russians must be a whole lots better at it than our own government is.
All hacks leave evidence, if you care to go looking for it. Your man is never going to look for it.

More unqualified predictions from the Left Wing Nut.
In light of the way he has defended Putin against the CIA's reports it is the safest bet ever that Putin knows he can easily deceive your man.
Trump is now known as an easy mark, the con artists here and abroad have never had a greater gift.
Like I said, you refuse to take responsibility for your own gibberish.
Gibberish? Explain yourself Trumpbot, if you cannot argue policy for your man then it is time to find something else to do with your time. He has expressed deeply troubling opinions of our intelligence agencies and inexplicably favorable opinions of Russia. That shit might somehow make sense to you but to those who actually care about policy there are endless ways that attitude in a President could hurt us badly.

Look Nut, if the Department of Homeland Security does not have the expertise to hack into these State voter agencies without leaving a footprint, then the Russians must be a whole lots better at it than our own government is.
All hacks leave evidence, if you care to go looking for it. Your man is never going to look for it.

More unqualified predictions from the Left Wing Nut.
In light of the way he has defended Putin against the CIA's reports it is the safest bet ever that Putin knows he can easily deceive your man.
Trump is now known as an easy mark, the con artists here and abroad have never had a greater gift.

This one is especially for your consumption:

Like I said, you refuse to take responsibility for your own gibberish.
Gibberish? Explain yourself Trumpbot, if you cannot argue policy for your man then it is time to find something else to do with your time. He has expressed deeply troubling opinions of our intelligence agencies and inexplicably favorable opinions of Russia. That shit might somehow make sense to you but to those who actually care about policy there are endless ways that attitude in a President could hurt us badly.

Look Nut, if the Department of Homeland Security does not have the expertise to hack into these State voter agencies without leaving a footprint, then the Russians must be a whole lots better at it than our own government is.
All hacks leave evidence, if you care to go looking for it. Your man is never going to look for it.

More unqualified predictions from the Left Wing Nut.
In light of the way he has defended Putin against the CIA's reports it is the safest bet ever that Putin knows he can easily deceive your man.
Trump is now known as an easy mark, the con artists here and abroad have never had a greater gift.

Well Nut, the CIA has certainly refused to defend their own conclusions.
Gibberish? Explain yourself Trumpbot, if you cannot argue policy for your man then it is time to find something else to do with your time. He has expressed deeply troubling opinions of our intelligence agencies and inexplicably favorable opinions of Russia. That shit might somehow make sense to you but to those who actually care about policy there are endless ways that attitude in a President could hurt us badly.

Look Nut, if the Department of Homeland Security does not have the expertise to hack into these State voter agencies without leaving a footprint, then the Russians must be a whole lots better at it than our own government is.
All hacks leave evidence, if you care to go looking for it. Your man is never going to look for it.

More unqualified predictions from the Left Wing Nut.
In light of the way he has defended Putin against the CIA's reports it is the safest bet ever that Putin knows he can easily deceive your man.
Trump is now known as an easy mark, the con artists here and abroad have never had a greater gift.

Well Nut, the CIA has certainly refused to defend their own conclusions.
They should not have to, no publicly available CIA report has ever disclosed sources and methods, yet in this case you seem to require it before you will give it any credence. You want the CIA to tell the Russians how we know what we know about their espionage operations. All your opinions seem to work out favorably for the Russians in the end, why are you working in their interests against your own government?
Look Nut, if the Department of Homeland Security does not have the expertise to hack into these State voter agencies without leaving a footprint, then the Russians must be a whole lots better at it than our own government is.
All hacks leave evidence, if you care to go looking for it. Your man is never going to look for it.

More unqualified predictions from the Left Wing Nut.
In light of the way he has defended Putin against the CIA's reports it is the safest bet ever that Putin knows he can easily deceive your man.
Trump is now known as an easy mark, the con artists here and abroad have never had a greater gift.

Well Nut, the CIA has certainly refused to defend their own conclusions.
They should not have to, no publicly available CIA report has ever disclosed sources and methods, yet in this case you seem to require it before you will give it any credence. You want the CIA to tell the Russians how we know what we know about their espionage operations. All your opinions seem to work out favorably for the Russians in the end, why are you working in their interests against your own government?

I'm not, but I don't take the word of the partisan head of any government agency without some proof. Why won't you address the hacking done by Obama's Department of Homeland Security on State voter servers? Even the NSA has been accused of hacking the DNC. Why not address these concerns?
What would Liberals do without words such as "if", "may", "might", "suppose"?
Everyone indulges in speculation about the future like the way you were certain that Obama was going to seize power, take away your guns and impose some weird kind of Black Sharia socialism on America and have all the white people picking cotton.

Like I said, you refuse to take responsibility for your own gibberish.
Gibberish? Explain yourself Trumpbot, if you cannot argue policy for your man then it is time to find something else to do with your time. He has expressed deeply troubling opinions of our intelligence agencies and inexplicably favorable opinions of Russia. That shit might somehow make sense to you but to those who actually care about policy there are endless ways that attitude in a President could hurt us badly.

Look Nut, if the Department of Homeland Security does not have the expertise to hack into these State voter agencies without leaving a footprint, then the Russians must be a whole lots better at it than our own government is.
All hacks leave evidence, if you care to go looking for it. Your man is never going to look for it.
It was your guy at the helm bunba, you're confused bigly
Russia told them to put up or shut up.....have you noticed they haven't put up?

Are you this stupid^^^? Take this question as rhetorical, of course you are.

Only a fool would give up the sources used to determine the conclusion of our intelligence sources, and fools like you voted for the fool who may do so.
I think they want to help Russia against the US. Trump has turned half the nation against this country and believing Russia is their "friend". What fools.
Russia told them to put up or shut up.....have you noticed they haven't put up?

Are you this stupid^^^? Take this question as rhetorical, of course you are.

Only a fool would give up the sources used to determine the conclusion of our intelligence sources, and fools like you voted for the fool who may do so.
I think they want to help Russia against the US. Trump has turned half the nation against this country and believing Russia is their "friend". What fools.
Russia told them to put up or shut up.....have you noticed they haven't put up?
Because you want Russians to know how they were discovered so they can be more insidious in the future, right?

Why Republicans want Obama to release the evidence Russia hacked.

From news reports, the Russians are already aware of being accused and are highly pissed about the unfounded accusations. They have told the CIA to either put up their proof or shut up about it. Are you advocating launching a nuclear strike without any proof of anything?
Russia told them to put up or shut up.....have you noticed they haven't put up?
Because you want Russians to know how they were discovered so they can be more insidious in the future, right?

Why Republicans want Obama to release the evidence Russia hacked.

Gawd you're stupid
That's your defence? Why not admit you are pro Russia and anti US?

But you really are STUPID.

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